AIGETOA seeks Online Facility for “Tax Regime Option” in ESS Portal – GS Writes to Director (Finance) Shri Rajiv Kumar :

AIGETOA seeks Online Facility for “Tax Regime Option” in ESS Portal – GS Writes to Director (Finance) Shri Rajiv Kumar :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director (Finance) Shri Rajiv Kumar with request for the creation of an online facility in the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal for employees to choose their preferred “Tax Regime Option” for the financial year 2024-25.

Click here for letter

Every year, BSNL employees are required to manually submit tax declaration forms, which is a time-consuming and inefficient process. In letter dated April 5, 2024, the BSNL management instructed employees to furnish their declarations using Form 12BB to the concerned DDOS/AO(Pay/HCM/Cash) by April 20, 2024.

To streamline this process, the association urge the Director (Finance) to incorporate a feature in the ESS module of the ERP portal, which would allow employees to select their preferred tax regime (Old or New under section 115BAC) and save their particulars electronically.

The introduction of an online facility offers several advantages, including eliminating the need for manual submission, reducing errors, streamlining data management, and enhancing efficiency in tax administration.

AIGETOA believes that implementing this proposal will not only alleviate the burden on employees and administrative staff but also contribute to overall operational efficiency within BSNL.

GS AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management conveying the Strong resentment amongst Executives against Special Privileges Granted to Management Trainees :

GS AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management conveying the Strong resentment amongst Executives against Special Privileges Granted to Management Trainees – breaking seniority hierarchy, posting MTs as OA head and direct reporting to BA Head – A Complete violation of BSNL hierarchy structure, extending additional privileges going beyond the existing rules while the same benevolence is invisible while dealing with the cadre issues of Executives belonging to Telecom, Finance and other streams.

Click here for the letter

Permission for “On-Duty” travel & timely relieving along with exemption from election-related duties/works for Internal Exam (LICE) aspirants – Letter to Director HR, BSNL by GS AIGETOA :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR for permission for “On-Duty” travel & timely relieving along with exemption from election-related duties/works for Internal Exam (LICE) aspirants.

Click here for letter to Director HR

Thousands of employees have submitted their candidature for the said exam working across nook and corner of BSNL and many of employees are stationed at locations that are quite distant from the designated examination centres. This geographical dispersion poses significant logistical challenges when it comes to reach the examination centres.

Given the extended duration of the exams, which goes up till 8 pm, it is becoming increasingly challenging for employees to return on the same day after traveling long distances. Therefore, AIGETOA raise consideration in granting “on-duty” travel permissions to all eligible employees, enabling them to participate smoothly while ensuring minimal disruption to their routine work responsibilities.

Additionally, AIGETOA highlights the fact that the internal exams coincide with the forthcoming parliamentary elections, slated to begin from April 19th. The convergence of these two critical events might potentially lead to conflicts in terms of scheduling and prioritization. Keeping this in mind, GS AIGETOA requested Director HR to exempt all eligible executives involved in preparing for these internal exams from any election-related duties or works until the completion of the examinations on April 18th. By doing so, we believe that they can concentrate wholeheartedly on their preparation and performance during the assessment period.

GS AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji to address neglect of BSNL Executives’ Career Progression, Calls for Scrapping Lateral Recruitment Policy :

GS AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji on the Consistent neglect of inner talent pool of BSNL executives and management’s undue focus on making lateral recruitment on higher posts persons with the same qualifications and no experience, creating two level of intake with similar qualifications, conduct of theoretical examinations at each level instead of providing a comprehensive promotion policy to the executives of BSNL and totally closing the promotional avenues of executives of BSNL by one or another reasons – Urgent SOS call to protect the career progression aspects of BSNL Executives and directing BSNL management to ensure the promotions for all eligible executives at least up to AGM level in a time bound manner. In the letter, GS AIGETOA seeks the benign attention of MoC on the discussions held in various meetings and the assurance to scrap the lateral recruitment policy of BSNL.

Click here for the letter

GS AIGETOA submits the inputs of AIGETOA to DoT & BSNL on Extending the standard pay scales of E2 to JTO/JAO/equivalent grades and E3 to SDE/AO/Equivalent grades in reference to tripartite meeting :

As per discussions held in Agenda Meeting dated 9th February 2024 and in the tripartite meeting held subsequently on 16th February 2024, GS AIGETOA submits the inputs of AIGETOA on Extending the standard pay scales of E2 to JTO/JAO/equivalent grades and E3 to SDE/AO/Equivalent grades. The objection raised by DoT on the five time bound up-gradations can be easily overcome by ending the discrimination in grant of JAG Selection Grade Pay Scale as E7 to absorbed Group ‘B’ Executives in accordance with DOT letter dated 26.08.2008 and DPE OM dated 24.12.2012 and inclusion of the same in EPP – It will impart great motivation to the Young Executives necessary in view of recent revival package and vast business by the Govt to resurrect the BSNL. In the Tripartite meeting held on 16th February 2024, GS AIGETOA was asked to submit the reasoned representation against the contentions raised by DoT for negating the replacement of E1A and E2 A pay Scales by E2 and E3. In the representation, AIGETOA has submitted the counter reply to the contentions raised by DoT and how the Scales can be replaced without cascading and not disturbing the five Time bound upgradations as per EPP.

Click here for the Letter to Member Services

Click here for the Letter to Director HR

GS AIGETOA raises concerns over unfair cancellation of Punjab Circle LICE, Urges Director HR to address disparity and initiate training for JE to JTO Promotions – Letter to Dir HR:

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR BSNL Board regarding unfair cancellation of Punjab Circle Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for VY’s 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18 in JTO (T) Cadre. GS AIGETOA submits its strong objection to the differential treatment given to different groups under similarly placed circumstances and requests to initiate the training for JE to JTO promotions.

Click here for the letter

Calling Off the Lunch Hour Demonstration on the appeal of BSNL Management :

Dear Members,

We are pleased to inform you that following a series of productive discussions and meetings, the recent organizational action notice issued by AIGETOA CHQ has been withdrawn. We would like to extend our gratitude to all members for their patience, cooperation, and support throughout this process.

A brief overview of the developments leading to the withdrawal of the action notice is as follows:

Re-conciliatory Meeting with Management:

A meeting chaired by the Director HR, with the presence of PGM (Pers) and PGM (SR), was held on 2nd February 2024. Management acknowledged the concerns raised by AIGETOA and assured prompt and appropriate action on the demands raised, particularly demand number 1.

Assurance on Provisioning of adequate resources and Revision of various Allowances:

Management committed to revisiting the issues related to resource allocation, revision of TA/DA, accommodation, mobile reimbursement limit, Pan India Laptop Policy and other allowances. These matters were slated for detailed discussion in the agenda meeting scheduled for 9th February 2024.

Thereafter an appeal was issued by management for withdrawal of the organisational action program. However, we expressed our unwillingness on the withdrawal in the absence of firm actions from management especially on the issue number 1.

Click here for the Appeal by Management

Meeting with UP (West) Circle Management: Following the issuance of an appeal by management, another meeting was held on 02.02.2024 wherein it was informed that UP West Circle has been directed to investigate and act urgently on the matter. The UP (West) circle management thereafter convened a meeting with AIGETOA at Ghaziabad which was attended by the BA head of Ghaziabad, Representatives of UP West administration, Representatives of Ghaziabad BA admin and District/ Circle office bearers of AIGETOA and CHQ nominees from AIGETOA.

Click here for the Meeting Notice

In the bilateral discussion, the issue was discussed in detail and was resolved to the satisfaction of both the sides.

Follow-up Meeting with BSNL Corporate Office:

Subsequent to the bilateral meeting held at Ghaziabad BA, the report of the UP West Circle was forwarded to BSNL CO along with the minutes. Thereafter the CHQ officers of AIGETOA along with GS had another meeting with Director (HR), PGM (Pers), BSNL CO and PGM (SR), BSNL CO on dated 05.02.2024. The updates of the action taken by UP (West) circle administration and also the issue of lack of resources were discussed and the assurances given on 2nd February 2024 were reaffirmed.

Click here for the Minutes of the Meeting

Withdrawal of Organizational Action Notice:

In light of the positive developments and reaffirmed commitments from management, AIGETOA CHQ has decided to withdraw the organizational action notice. We remain hopeful for further positive outcomes, including the consideration of the revision of TA/DA/Allowances in the upcoming agenda meeting on 9th February 2024.

Click here for the AIGETOA Letter with respect to the withdrawal of lunch hour demonstration

Friends, it’s the matter of fact and record that AIGETOA is never hesitant in raising the issues of genuine concern and we once again re-affirm that whenever the need arises, we will be there standing firmly with the executives on the genuine issues. However, at the same time we believe that the approach should be pragmatic and result oriented and give all possible chances to amicable resolution with pointed discussions across the table.

We sincerely appreciate the efforts of all involved parties in resolving these issues amicably. We express our gratitude to Hon’ble Director (HR), PGM (Pers), PGM (SR) and CGM (UP–West) for their active involvement in resolving the issue to the satisfaction of all concerned. We also express our appreciation for our CHQ nominees Shri A A Khan and Shri Vaibhav Goyal, Circle AIGETOA Team of UP (West) under the leadership of Shri V K Yadav CP AIGETOA, Shri Nageendra Pratap Yadava, CS AIGETOA and the District Team of AIGETOA Aligarh Shri Vikas Kumar for handling the issue in perfection. We also express our gratitude to the leaders of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) for their active support, guidance and involvement in the matter.

Let us continue to work together towards the betterment of our beloved organization BSNL and the welfare of all members.

AIGETOA servs notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration at BSNL CO, Circle Headquarters and BA Headquarters by all the executives on 6th February 2024 :

AIGETOA served notice for countrywide Lunch Hour Demonstration at BSNL CO, all Circle Headquarters and BA Headquarters by executives on 6th February 2024 highlighting the critical issues impacting the working environment and resource allocation within the organization.

Click here for the notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration

AIGETOA highlighted the below issues:

1] Alleged abusive behavior by one of the BA Heads and targeting the executives with use of unparliamentarily, threatening and intimidating verbatim.

2] Forcing Executives to perform official works without provisioning of sufficient resources by BSNL.


1] Immediate action as per the applicable Conduct Rules and Law of Land concerning the Ghaziabad BA incidence.

2] Provisioning of sufficient resources to enable executives to execute their day to day official duties. Till that time, executives should not be compelled to use Smartphone and other resources for day to day works of BSNL by spending money from their own pockets. Such use must be made voluntary.

3] Revising the TA/DA/Accommodation rates to “at Par market rates” so as to avoid financial loss to executives while performing the field and outstation duties. In this regard a committee may immediately be constituted with members from management and association side to arrive at mutually agreeable solution.


Lunch Hour Demonstration at BSNL CO, Circle Headquarters and BA Headquarters by executives on 6th February 2024.

We appeal to all executives irrespective of their association affiliations to come together and raise the voice against the violation of rights of executives. This program is being observed as a call attention program with a hope that management will seize the opportunity and address the genuine concerns raised in the notice.

If the situation continues like this, AIGETOA will not hesitate in escalating the programs further and will take the issues at all levels.

AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with request for Implementation of PwBD Reservation in Promotions, Urgent Release of SDE to AGM Promotion Orders :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with a request to implement Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and issue the promotion orders in respect of SDE to AGM immediately. The DPCs for all the eligible candidates have already been completed and there is no point in keeping the promotions orders on hold any more in view of the recent DOP&T orders and decision from Hon’ble Supreme Court. GS extends an earnest request for issuance of promotion orders with copy to Hon’ble Secretary DoT and Director HR. Earlier CHQ team has discussed the matters at DOT with concerned officers and Member Services and extended the request for endorsement of the DoP&T orders by Department of Communications so as to direct all the administrative ministries and department under DoT to implement the DOP&T OM dated 28.12.2023 w.r.t PWD reservation guidelines.

Click here for the letter

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Urgent Appeal for Immediate Promotion of AGM to Regular DGM Grade in CSS Cadre and Waiver of Delayed Period for Eligibility Consideration

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with request for immediate Promotion of AGM to Regular DGM Grade in CSS cadre and waiver of delayed period while considering the eligibility of promotion in next higher grade for all the affected employees belonging to the different grades and streams.

Click here for the letter to CMD BSNL