AIBSNLOBCEWA & BSNLOBCEWA (Both the OBC Associations of BSNL) Extended Support to AIGETOA & have appealed to their fraternity to Vote for AIGETOA :

AIBSNLOBCEWA & BSNLOBCEWA (Both the OBC Associations of BSNL) Extended Support to AIGETOA & have appealed to their fraternity to Vote for AIGETOA :

Dear Friends,

As You all are aware that AIGETOA has reached to all associations like AIBSNLEA, SEWA, AITEEA, ABLE, AIBSNLOA, BBOA, BEA including the welfare associations like JAI BHIM SEWA, BSNLOBCEWA, AIBSNLOBCEWA and DEWAB. We have tried to reach to all rank and file of BSNL so as to have an inclusive approach with support and cooperation from all likeminded groups who want a strong and united voice for resolution of the long pending HR issues. We take pleasure in informing all that we have received a positive gesture from all except few. Three Major Groups have extended support to AIGETOA showing confidence in the endeavours of AIGETOA which has been taken for welfare of the Executive Fraternity.

Both the OBC associations of BSNL i.e. AIBSNLOBCEWA and BSNLOBCEWA have extended support to AIGETOA and have appealed to their fraternity to Vote for AIGETOA. The CHQ Team of Both the associations were welcomed by GS AIGETOA and CHQ Team of AIGETOA. We vowed to move together with firmness and unity to further the interests of the executives at large and also for extending support and cooperation in resolving and protecting the constitutional rights extended by Government of India to the OBC Executives.

Click here for the Letter of Support from AIBSNLOBCEWA

Click here for the glimpses of Joint Meeting with AIBSNLOBCEWA

Click here for the Letter of Support from BSNLOBCEWA

Click here for the glimpses of Joint Meeting with BSNLOBCEWA

AIGETOA Appeal for Support in upcoming Membership Verification – Letter by GS AIGETOA

GS AIGETOA writes to General Secretaries of all Serving & Welfare Association with request for extending the support to AIGETOA in the best interest of Executive Fraternity and for ensuring the resolution of the issues which are still pending to be resolved.

Letter to Welfare Associations :

Divyangjan Employees Welfare Association of BSNL (DEWAB)

Request Letter for the Support of DEWAB to AIGETOA

All India BSNL Other Backward Class Employees Welfare Association (AI BSNL OBCEWA)

Request Letter for the Support of AI BSNL OBCEWA to AIGETOA

BSNL Other Backward Employees Welfare Association (BSNL OBCEWA)

Request Letter for the Support of BSNL OBCEWA to AIGETOA

JAI BHIM SC-ST Employees Welfare Association of BSNL (JAI BHIM SEWA)

Request Letter for the Support of JAI BHIM SEWA of BSNL to AIGETOA

Letter to Serving Associations :

All India BSNL Executives Association (AIBSNLEA)

Request Letter for the Support of AIBSNLEA to AIGETOA

Bahujan Executives Association of BSNL (BEA)

Request Letter for the Support of BEA to AIGETOA

All India BSNL Officers Association (AIBSNLOA)

Request Letter for the Support of AIBSNLOA to AIGETOA

Bhartiya BSNL Officers Association (BBOA)

Request Letter for the Support of BBOA to AIGETOA

All India Telecom Executive & Engineers Association (AITEEA)

Request Letter for the Support of AITEEA to AIGETOA

All India BSNL LDCE Executives (ABLE)

Request Letter for the Support of ABLE to AIGETOA

BSNL CO issued letter regarding rescheduling of trainings during MV process:

BSNL CO issued letter regarding rescheduling of trainings during MV process.

Click here for letter

1] All training schedules that are falling on the polling date i.e. are hereby cancelled/rescheduled. Rescheduled training dates will be available in due of course of time.

2] All candidates who have been nominated for the trainings that are falling on the polling date i.e. 12.09.2023, are requested to check CMTS training portal for updates. In case of any query, candidates are requested to contact the concerned training centres directly.

Vote for AIGETOA at Serial No 3 – Empowering Your Voice with BMS Affiliation !!!

Dear Esteemed BSNL Executives,

AIGETOA’s journey towards resolving financial concerns has taken a dynamic turn through our affiliation with BMS, the world’s largest trade union umbrella. This partnership has elevated our pursuit for solutions to new heights, as BMS holds the power to convey our needs to the highest levels of Government and political circles.

Strength in Unity:

With AIGETOA and BMS working in harmony, we now possess a resounding voice that resonates across corridors of power. Our affiliation has already borne fruit – within just a month, GS BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji championed the causes of Pay Scale, Pay Loss, 30% SAB, Promotions, Revision in Allowances and Perks, and the pivotal 3rd PRC for BSNL employees. He conveyed our concerns directly to the esteemed Minister Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji and ensured us of their unwavering support. A breakthrough is on the horizon – but we need your support!

Embrace the Momentum:

By voting for AIGETOA at No 3, you contribute to our momentum and journey towards a financially secure future. We’re committed to amplifying your voice, safeguarding your interests, and securing your well-deserved benefits.

Your Vote, Your Power:

Cast your vote with purpose. Choose AIGETOA at No 3 and be part of a collective force that stands for progress, fairness, and the betterment of BSNL employees.

Vote for AIGETOA at No 3 Empower Your Voice Secure Your Future

3rd Membership Verification – A14 Notification

It is proposed to hold 3rd membership verification of executive employees associations in BSNL by way of secret ballot under auspices of the Ministry of Labour for identification of majority representative association and grant of recognition in accordance with the provisions of BSNL (Recognition of Executives’ Association) Rules 2014, with date of poling 12.09.2023.

Click here for Notification

The schedule of elections through secret ballot will be as under :

Date of Polling : 12th Sept 2023

Date of counting of votes by AROs in BA/OA Headquarters : 14th Sept 2023

Declaration of result by CRO : 14th Sept 2023