
GS-AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL to roll back the order of curtailment in ceiling of with voucher outdoor medical reimbursement and start of without-voucher facility with 12.5 days pay (Basic+DA) along with MEDICLAIM POLICY for indoor treatment for executives working in the company and start of PRMB Fund for BSNL Recruited executives immediately. He also cautioned the management to keep the interests of working executives on priority while framing
policies instead of retired employees as the working class are the real warriors, who is earning for the company even in this pandemic of COVID-19. He demanded to implement the following immediately.

Immediate restoration of the outdoor medical facility with-voucher ceiling to 23 days of pay (Basic+DA) as existing earlier for the working employees of BSNL. Immediate start of outdoor medical facility without-voucher with 12.5 days of pay (Basic+DA) as existing earlier for the working employees of BSNL. Start of Mediclaim Policy for Indoor Treatment for working Executives. It is important to note that the average age of executives has reduced significantly after VRS in BSNL. Hence EMI for mediclaim policy of Rs 10 Lakhs will be significantly low and in fact a better option for both executives as well as the department. It will also reduced engagement of man power on this account which has already depleted in post VRS. Hence, the mediclaim policy should be implemented at the earliest for executives at least. Immediate start of Post Retirement Medical Benefit (PRMB) fund for BSNL Recruited Executives in line with the 2nd PRC Recommendations implemented in BSNL. The matter has been discussed time and again and management has assured on many occasions to start the PRMB Fund but the same has not been started till date. Hence, it must be started w.e.f 01.01.2007 for the BSNL recruited executives with suitable institutions to ensure proper coverage of medical expenses on post retirement for BSNL recruited executives also. Immediate payment of all outstanding dues of medical bills for working employees of BSNL.
Click here for letter


The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2020: Theme of the year is Sustainable development growth using ICT solutions by 2030. ICT for Economic, Environmental & Social Sustainability.

On the World Telecommunication Day, AIGETOA express its heartfelt thanks to all the Employees of BSNL for providing uninterrupted telecom services, amid the Covid-19 pandemic, it has playing the most significant role in every aspects.


GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding allegation of corruption in NOFN work and irregularities in electrical/civil works in Jorhat SSA (Assam Circle) during tenure of Shri H S Pawar, Ex GMTD Jorhat and thereafter suspected tampering of evidence/records as alleged – Request for fair investigation by external agency i.e. CBI to unfurl alleged corruption at Jorhat SSA.
Click here for letter


One more blow to the working Employees of the organization especially BSNL Recruits who are already at marginal end in the company through ill conceived downward revision in Outdoor Medical Policy – Another gift of the Majority and Support Association in their tenure to the employees of BSNL:

AIGETOA strongly protest against the office order issued by BSNL for Outdoor Medical Claims reducing the ceiling from existing 23 days to 15 days of pay (Basic+DA) for employees of BSNL. All Executives in general and BSNL Recruits in particular are already facing a huge financial loss and career stagnation due to No Promotion, No 3rd PRC, No Standard Pay Scale, No full SAB, No PRMB, No other allowances, No timely Salary Payment, No Medical Payment etc. Instead of ensuring timely payment of salary, clearing of medical dues pending for last one year, clearing of due amount spent by our executives to maintain the network, settling of pay loss issues for executives recruited after 2K7, settling of long pending standard pay scale issue of E2-E3, issuing long awaited promotion of JTO to SDE & SDE to AGM, settlement of SDE reversion/other HR issues and above all extending the benefits of 3rd PRC to executives, who are working in life threatening condition of COVID-19; the management came with another anti employee order of downward revision of the ceiling of Outdoor Medical Claim. AIGETOA strongly oppose it and demand followings for our working executives: 
Restore existing ceiling of 23 days pay (Basic+DA) in cases of with-vouchers outdoor medical claim.
Start additional option of without-voucher outdoor medical claim as 12.5 days of pay (Basic+DA).  Start of option of Mediclaim policy Indoor treatment. It may not be out of place to appraise you that:

Now motto of extending facilities to majority and support association beyond the  recognition period is getting reflected. These associations who are nowadays working hand-in-glove to each other and write firing lines on their websites for DGM promotion etc are surprisingly silent on such vital matter which gives enough hint of their concurrence. But we just want to convey the management that we were avoiding confrontation in the larger interest of the organization for success of revival measures initiated by the government considering our longest shell life in BSNL but we can’t be a mute spectator when the interest of BSNL Recruits are at stake through one after other orders keeping silence on the
resolution of long pending HR issues. This can’t be tolerated anymore and now we call our leaders/members to start preparing for another battle in near future to snatch the due rights.

Click here for revised Outdoor Medical Claim Order


GS-AIGETOA writes to the CMD for delay in salary:

GS-AIGETOA writes the CMD BSNL for delay in disbursement of the salary for the
month of April, 2020 again in this pandemic situation creating severe hardships
to the employees. The payment of medical and other expenses are already due from
long time and delay in salary is further aggravating the problems to the

Click here for letter


GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding strict implementations of
safety measures announced by the Government of India and BSNL Corporate Office
for preventing the spread of COVID-19 and ensure strict disciplinary actions
against officers found to be flouting & ignoring such norms. Initiation of
provision of Rs 10 Lakhs compensation to the dependant of deceased employees
from COVID-19 along with Insurance coverage of Rs 50 Lakh in line with Medical &
Postal staff.

Click here for letter


Update on AIGETOA CHQ meeting held on 06/05/2020: CHQ meeting could not take place for long due to COVID 19 outbreak & Lock down in India since 22nd March 2020, and also considering present scenario it will not be possible for the next three months to conduct regular CHQ/CEC meeting. Hence it was decided to conduct meetings through available online video conferencing app till situation becomes normal. As per the constitution of AIGETOA, CHQ meeting was held on 06/05/2020 through online app in the chairmanship of All India President Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Shri B Laxman  and almost all the CHQ members were participated in the meeting. GS AIGETOA Shri Wasi Ahmad updated the participant about the status of all the pending issues and then discussion held on further course of action for the settlement of these pending issues as per the agenda meeting held with DIR HR on 24/25th Feb 2020 taking into account present COVID-19 pandemic in India.

Summary of discussion held with Director HR on major pending issues:

1) JTO to SDE Promotion through DPC /LDCE: GS discussed the matter with Director HR on phone and highlighted severe resentment among the executives for non issuance of promotion of JTO to SDE. The Director HR told GS about the developments which has happened in line with our 24-Feb meeting but also told that the issue couldn’t move to conclusive end due to Covid-19. GS raised the serious concern on delay and requested to immediately restart the works where it was left before lockdown. The Director assured to direct Personal Section to resume the left out works pending as per discussions so that the process of DPC could be realised. GS highlighted that the LDCE notification is also pending despite instructions by the director to do so. Director HR assured for earliest necessary action in this regard.

2) SDE reversion case: GS raised the matter strongly with the Director and remind him about our last meeting discussion. It was decided in the meeting to settle it as a one time measure but still the order is awaited to this affect. The Director HR informed that works are going in the same line and he assured to get it done by the end of current month. The GS also apprised about hardships faced by the those got reverted as well as those issued notices without their fault. It’s extreme
injustice to these officers who are being suffering due to high handness of the
department since more than a decade of legitimate promotion. He requested the
Director to instruct the section to ensure adherence of the time line and ensure
its final resolution in this month.

3) Preparation of List 9:  Team will pursue to initiate the process for the Preparation of List 9 as per discussion held with DIR HR.

4) Promotion in SDE to AGM cadre and AO to CAO cadre: Also effort will be given to expedite promotion process in the other cadre ie JAO to AO, AO to CAO, SDE to DE/AGM cadre. GS has categorically stated that any drastic reduction in the name of restructuring will result in stagnation of all cadres and will be strongly opposed by association. GS also told that AIGETOA will take all efforts to end the stalemate w.r.t on merit and own merit issue so that a win win situation for all occur. GS said that now it?? high time that pending promotions of all eligible executives may be given in all cadres. CHQ team reviewed the status of the issues and decided to pursue the issues with a fixed time line of three months. As it is not possible at present for GS and other CHQ office bearer to travel to BSNL HQ New Delhi, it was unanimously decided that CHQ team available at BSNL CO will act in full force to expedite the persuasion process in the guidance of All India President for the settlement of long pending HR issues as per agenda meeting held with DIR HR on 24/25th Feb 2020. It was also decided that All India President Shri Ravi Shil Verma and AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar is authorised to pursue the issues and meet/communicate with the management on behalf of GS during this period and a formal communication shall be made to management in this regard.

5) CHQ team also reviewed the status of other important issues like Standard pay scale /Pay Loss issues/ 30 percent SAB etc. : For Standard Pay Scale issue, CHQ will reinitiate the discussion with DoT and press for early resolution. With regard to Pay Loss issue, the court case filed by AIGETOA members will be pursued along with simultaneous negotiations with management in this regard. For rule 8 and pending transfer cases, discussions  have been held and the same shall be pursued with.

6) Activity for the CS/CP:Circle Secretaries are requested to submit bank statement, expenditure voucher for the FY 2019-2020 to FS CHQ AIGETOA latest by 31st May 2020 to complete the CHQ audit process as per the time schedule. As it is not possible to conduct regular circle or district meeting as per the constitution of the association, Circle Secretaries are requested conduct meeting through available online video conferencing app.

7) Opening of Membership Window & Notification of MV: Management illegally extended facility twice to those associations whose tenure already completed long back without conduction of MV. CHQ already conveyed its resentment to CMD/DIR HR regarding illegal facility extension and also served letter to start agitational program, which could not be executed due to COVID 19 outbreak in India. Hence CHQ team decided that, AIGETOA will rigorously pursue with CMD/DIR HR for the immediate opening of membership window, notification for conduction of MV without any further facility extension. It was decided that pending issues as stated above will be pursued with management in a time-bound manner and if at any point of time, it is felt that things are not moving expeditiously, we will immediately start organisational action program. Hence CS/CP are requested to arrange/conduct meeting through online app and make themselves ready for protest against management in case things are not settled as per the commitment given by DIR HR.


The Cat is Out of Bag Now – The Proclaimed SENA Derailment Starts  The Cat is out of bag now and designs are clear cut and open as is evident from the recent update of the so called messiah association who leaves no stone unturned whenever there is a positive breakthrough on the issues. When the goal is in reach, this derailment sena comes forward and tries to derail the issue. However, while doing so, they have exposed themselves. The association which was playing a never ending rhetoric on their platform that it is the activists of AIGETOA who have withhold the promotions by filing court cases are now shamelessly writing that even if the Ernakullam Court Case is resolved, promotions can not be offered due to reservation issue.

SO HERE COMES THE CATCH. THIS PROCLAIMED SENA WILL NOT ALLOW BSNL RECRUITS TO BE PROMOTED AT ANY COST. AND NOW THE SECOND LIEUTENANT HAS ALSO JOINED THEM IN THEIR DESIGNS. THE SECOND LIEUTENANT WHO WAS SO AVERSE TO COMING WITH PROCLAIMED SENA FOR PAY SCALE RESOLUTION UNDER SINGLE UMBRELLA OF JOINT FORUM THAT THEY DID NOT EVEN HESITATED IN BREAKING THE ALLIANCE WITH AIGETOA ON WHICH THEY RODE TO BECOME SUPPORT ASSOCIATION. NOW TO GET A GRAB ON MORE DGM PROMOTIONS and DENY BRs THEIR RIGHTS, THEY HAVE JOINED HANDS and are into malicious designs full throttle. It is clear cut now – who is derailing the things. Last few months due to AIGETOA consistent efforts to find a solution for holding the JTO to SDE promotions, we succeeded in convincing management with our solutions and things have moved to conclusive level and the JTO to SDE promotion is clearly within the reach. GS AIGETOA had a detailed discussion over the issues with Director HR twice in last one week and  Director HR has clearly stated that he is taking all efforts to ensure the promotions happens very soon and things have been initiated in line with the discussions held with AIGETOA in the ganda meeting. Things got unfortunately slowed down due to COVID-19 pandemic. But now the HR wing is all set to reinitiate the activities with regard to various issues.

Having come to know about the developments and possible breakthrough, the so called messiahs became apprehensive and again started their derailment techniques by singing the CPSU Hierarchy song again and making management apprehensive about non existent reservation issue.

However, in their long long updates, they forget to mention the actual status of the so called half cooked policy. They forgot to tell that CPSU hierarchy proposal has been sent to DoT some one year back for  the opinion on the reservation issue and has not moved an inch thereafter. It is quite surprising that when in JTO to SDE promotions DPC, where there is no issue of on merit or own merit (BEING FIRST PROMOTION OF THESE EXECUTIVES), they are linking it to reservation, while the CPSU hierarchy which is struck up due to reservation issue, they are saying that reservation is not at all an issue. Those singing and dancing to the tunes and rhetoric’s of these messiahs may file an RTI on whole thing and take actual status and should realise now that this derailment SENA along with the second lieutenant has only one aim, don’t allow BRs to take any promotions.  Similarly, the progress is clearly visible on other issues like SDE to AGM promotions as sufficient vacancies are available in AGM Cadre to accommodate all the list 8 and list 9 candidates, but these messiahs are again derailing the whole thing. They are going to management and telling to resolve the reservation
issue which actually is a no issue at all and can easily be settled with mutual discussions amongst the parties ( AIGETOA has already started discussions with
various groups on this and we firmly believe we will convince all to sit across and find a win win solution for all). With regard to preparation of list 9, action has been initiated as per discussions held with AIGETOA in agenda meeting. 
Similar is the case with SDE reversal issue, when the things are being lined up for a positive resolution, they are going to management and confusing them with their inputs. Director HR has assured AIGETOA Leadership that management is going to resolve the issue without any further delay, but these people are going to management and creating confusion with their absurd inputs.
However we assure all the executives facing reversal and show cause notices, that we are on the road to solution and very soon we will ensure the resolution.

Friends, while writing this, we are very much clear that AIGETOA is for the
promotions and we would like to make it amply clear that if the so called
messiahs are so much serious on CPSU Hierarchy, they should inform us what they have done so far to get it implemented except for filing a court case which holds no meaning and is likely to be dismissed. In fact that court case was another attempt to derail all promotions as the intent of that case was to complicate the existing policy. We all know, that CPSU Hierarchy was half cooked and at the time of discussions AIGETOA tried to bring it at par and acceptable to all. But in their quest for stopping BRs to get promoted, they allowed CPSU
hierarchy to be formulated in half cooked form which had an inherent danger of stopping all promotions for ever. This is the reason, we want to get all eligible executives to be promoted without any experiments and in the existing policy itself. It is for all of us to understand the real designs of these messiahs. 
Their only aim is DGM Regular Promotions and they can compromise to any extent to achieve this as we have already seen with their consistent changes in the stand which is quite amply captured on their website. They have already proved this by surrendering to management in the form of MT Recruitment etc.

These Rainy Seasons frogs start singing their song, when ever we are about to reach to a destination. But this time, we assure them that nothing can stop Promotions from becoming a reality now not even their evil manipulations and confusions. We are prepared to fail their malicious designs and we are prepared to expose them like we did in their malicious EPF court case campaign. While we were ready with our organisational action plan also but due to COVID EMERGENCY SITUATION, we postponed these programs. We know that stomachs of Messiahs are full and now they trying to grab the extra pie as desert in the form of seeking relaxation for Regular DGM promotions residency period. This is their only agenda and they want all of us to stagnate in our respective cadres.
However, stating above, AIGETOA considers it as our duty to ensure promotions
for all BSNL Recruits along with resolution of all pending issues and we will take all efforts to achieve this.


During this Covid-19 situation, AIGETOA Telangana Circle Extends its helping hands to BSNL’s Casual/Temporary Workers: The value of life does not depend on your possession, but on your donation. It’s a well known fact that the payment towards the contract labour, sweepers and scavengers were not released from very long time. In addition to this, the COVID-19 Lock down made their lives more miserable and are facing tough situations to get their bread and butter. We should not forget the services of these workers which were important in maintaining BSNL services in the field and offices. Hence, AIGETOA Telangana chapter decided to extend the possible helping hand to these workers.

AIGETOA under the leadership of Chairman Shri B. Laxman, Shri Ravishil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmed GS, Shri Madhava Rao AGS, Shridhar Babu JS South, Shri R. Karunakar CP Telangana, Shri Veerabhadra Rao CS Telangana, Shri D. Munibabu CFS, Shri R. Venkataiah CHQ Advisor, CWCs, CECs, Dy. CS, ACSs, CVPs, DPS, DSs, DFSs, DECs in the CEC held on 22-04-2020 in zoom meeting, AIGETOA Telangana decided to extend the possible help to needy workers of BSNL as many are affected due to ongoing Corona pandemic situation. According to call given by Telangana Circle, Warangal, Nalgonda, Sangareddy, Khammam SSAs, Circle Office, RTTC, Cellone Units (circle office unit contributed irrespective of unions and associations) have actively responded and distributed daily essentials to the needy casual /contract workers in the banner of AIGETOA. On behalf of AIGETOA CHQ, we congratulate whole Circle, SSA & UNITs teams and the members & non-members who have initiated and responded in short time and proved humanity is always a great pleasure, and kindness is our language.

We also extend our Special thanks to Shri V. Sundar, CGM TS Circle, Shri P. Seetharama Raju, PGM SGD, Shri K V N Rao, PGM, Shri G. Ramesh Adl. GM for their personal involvement & motivation and also all the administrative officers &
their teams.

These types of acts prove that AIGETOA is not only for welfare of BRs but also acts swiftly during the needy situations required for the BSNL and the society. Long Live BSNL, Long Live AIGETOA.
Click here for Glimpses