AIGETOA denounces the intolerable statement of Shri Anant Kumar Hegde, Member of Parliament against BSNL Employees as reported in media. These incomprehensible statements have brought disgrace to the BSNL and its employees. AIGETOA strongly objects to such statement and demands for restoration of the pride of the employees, which has been deeply hurt by these public outburst. AIGETOA demands for intervention of CMD BSNL and seek corrective action to protect the pride of employees of the BSNL.
#Mera_Bharat_Mera Abhiman
#Mera BSNL_Mera Abhiman
Dear Friends , One of our colleague member of AIGETOA has called us for a talk show for answering questions and doubts of executives etc . We appreciate his effort for clarifying the doubts of executives and knowing the stand of AIGETOA with respect to all the issues related to BSNL and its executives which is very much needed when you are going to vote. We have accepted their invitation and accordingly All India President and General Secretary of AIGETOA will appear in a live program “TALK SHOW” on 12-August between 2-3 pm hosted by Shri Vinit Sinha, a Sanchar Ratna Awardee. Any audience can join the show through the link as given in program and interact and raised queries with the guests of the program.

SEWA extends its support to AIGETOA in its quest for resolution of pending issues of executives. In a combined gathering of CHQ and Circle Office Bearers of AIGETOA and SEWA on 10.08.2020, Shri N D Ram Ji, GS SEWA told that he has firm belief on the thought process of Younger Brothers and sisters of AIGETOA and he believes that AIGETOA is the association which can carry forward and resolve the pending issues of executives in a non-partisan manner. He said that he believes that AIGETOA will also take care of BSNL revival issues. Shri N D Ram ji Further said that he has seen 20 years of earlier regime and he feels that its high time that chance should be given to younger brother and sisters of AIGETOA. He said accordingly SEWA and its members from executive fraternity has decided to support and vote for AIGETOA in the forth coming MV for making ALL INDIA GRADUATE ENGINEERS & TELECOM OFFICERS ASSOCIATION as the number One Representative Association for executives. Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President AIGETOA extended his thanks to GS SEWA, CHQ & Circle office Bearers of SEWA, it’s members and assured that AIGETOA will work with an inclusive approach without any discrimination towards any group and AIGETOA stands committed for protecting the rights of SC/ST executives in BSNL. He extended his gratitude to SEWA Team Members for sowing the seeds for the unparalleled unity which will become a stepping stone towards resolution of all pending issues of executives in BSNL and will also help in regaining the same pristine glory of BSNL with which BSNL was born on 01.10.2000. Shri B K Mehta, AIVP extended the vote of thanks.

Friends , This unity between AIGETOA and SEWA will be a big stepping stone towards creating a new era in BSNL where each and every group of employee will get its due rights in terms of Pay, Pension and Promotion along with Profitability of BSNL. The four pillars ( 4 Ps) of a new vibrant BSNL.
We once again extend our sincere thanks to Shri V K Paswan Ji, National President SEWA, Shri N D Ram Ji, GS SEWA, Shri P N Perumal Ji, National Chief Advisor, the CHQ team of SEWA, all the circle office Bearers of SEWA and members of SEWA for showing their belief in thought process of AIGETOA.
AIGETOA is committed for the revival of BSNL in true letter and spirit and hence time and reached out to the DoT and Hon’ble MoC & IT, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Ji for the complete and timely implementation of the all the measures approved by the Union Cabinet on 23.10.2019. Our GS has welcomed the revival plan in an interview to NDTV in Oct, 2019.
But even after passage of more than nine months of the approval of the BSNL/MTNL Revival Plan, none of the arms of the plan has reached to its conclusion except implementation of VRS. The utmost important aspect of launching of the 4G services has been derailed by the various lobbying by getting the 4G tender cancelled just before one week of opening. Now, the initiations of the process afresh have pushed the project a year back further. We have already suggested the DoT and BSNL management to immediately start rollout of the 4G service by upgrading existing 3G/2G nodes though the existing OEMs of the phase VII and phase VIII.4 tender till a regular tender is not put in place.
BSNL/MTNL Revival Package Facts at Glance:
- Implementation of VRS in BSNL/MTNL funded by GoI – Implemented
- Rollout of 4G Service by BSNL against allotment of 4G spectrum- Awaited
- Issuance of bond to raise fund of Rs 15000 Cr by BSNL/MTNL- Awaited
- Raising of Rs 38000 Cr through monetization of land by BSNL/ MTNL-Awaited
- Proposed merger of MTNL into BSNL by addressing the issues –Awaited
GS AIGETOA once again took up the matter of excess delay in the rollout of the 4G services, an important aspect of the BSNL Revival Package approved by the Government of India in Oct-2019. He emphasized the need of the high speed wireless internet through 4G and its fallout on the customer base and revenue of the BSNL. He appraised that how BSNL planned the roll out of 4G services through following means:
- Procurement of 50K 4G sites (28 million lines) with associate equipment for Pan India basis through Phase IX Tender with costing of about Rs 8000 Cr.
- Up gradation of existing up-gradable 2G/3G nodes to 4G by addition of minimal incremental hardware and software, being proprietary in nature through add on order.
But due to various groups working against the interest of BSNL, 4G tender for 50K lines got canceled. As the re-tendering process will take long time, BSNL can explore its second option to rollout 4G service on pan India basis through up-gradation of the existing 2G/3G network, while tendering works may also continue. He further focused for readiness and preparedness by BSNL for the 5G service in time.

Click here for AIGETOA Manifesto (Shapath Patra – 2020)
All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA) – The Vision & Mission – The Manifesto for shaping up the future of BSNL Executives
Let’s Unite for Change * Let’s unite For Progress
Let’s Unite for Settlement of Our Long Awaited Rights of PPP.
Let’s Unite for Restoring the Pristine Glory of BSNL.
A stronger AIGETOA * A stronger BSNL Recruit * A stronger Executive * A stronger BSNL
GS AIGETOA taken once again with CMD BSNL regarding our over dependency on the vendors and their anti organisation approach on many occasions across BSNL. In one such case, one of the eminent citizen of Pune, Mr Tehseen Poonawalla has complaint about BSNL vendors advising him to take new FTTH connection from other private operators instead of BSNL at his newly shifted home in Pune. He cautioned about this business model and requested CMD to review over dependency on vendors in BSNL.
GS AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL regarding eating away of our hard earned revenue by the vendors by offering bundled VAS Services even after our serious objections as well as various Circles representation against the default service. He raised the matter that when BSNL don’t have money to pay salary to their regular employees on time, medical bills of employees are pending, medical limit has been reduced, sufficient fund is not being given to Circles for maintenance, the bills of works carried out by various petty workers/agencies are pending since many months and they are begging for the amount and disturbing our services at many locations on this account. Then, how we can afford to shed away even a single rupee, which could have been saved?
Click here for GS Letter to CMD BSNL
Hence, AIGETOA demanded following in the larger interest of BSNL:
- A white paper may be published every quarter having the details of the % increase in BSNL revenue in a particular voucher and % increase in VAS vendors billing before and after implementation of these services.
- The circles should be empowered to decide the Bundle VAS services as per their demographic situation and requirement of the circle with greater say in decision making process.
- The revenue earning must be analyzed properly before start of bundled VAS with any STV and it should be reviewed quarterly vis-à-vis revenue collected and once the STV becomes Popular, the bundles VAS services should be withdrawn immediately.
- Odisha model must be implemented on a pan India basis thereby saving more than Rs 150 Cr every year, sufficient to maintain good infrastructure for BTS maintenance.
- Default bundled services of LOKDHUN, EROS-NOW etc may be withdrawn immediately on pan India basis and allowed only through on demand subscription basis as existing earlier.
- A committee should be formed comprising of management side and representative associations side to review all existing bundled VAS services associated with various STVs. We can’t be a mute spectator when crores of rupees are being paid to the VAS vendors for no benefits to BSNL and employees are waiting for their basic due of salary and medical bills in this pandemic situation.