Sad demise of Shri Vengadeswaran R, JTO-STR due to COVID-19

Sad demise of our colleague Shri Vengadeswaran R JTO/STR on 23.08.20 due to COVID-19:

Our colleague Shri Vengadeswaran R (JTO STR/Virudunagar of LICE Batch 2016) a committed AIGETOAian passed away on 23.08.2020 due to COVID-19. We convey our deepest sorrow on the untimely death, which snatched away a wonderful person from us. He was a kind hearted human being. Though he was attached with STR OFC outdoor (Virudhunagar) unit, he use to extend help for cable protection and splicing work of nearby Tamilnadu SSA.

Whole BSNL family firmly stands besides the grieved family in this moment of grave sorrow and pray god to give them courage to face this very unfortunate situation

The untimely demise of our colleague due to this Pandemic has once again vindicated our earlier demand to CMD BSNL for the provision of Rs 10 Lakh compensation to the dependent of deceased employees from COVID-19 along with Insurance coverage of Rs 50 Lakh in line with Medical & Postal staff.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA demands for immediate compensation to the grieved family and implementation of the scheme for all employees of BSNL, who are putting their life and family at risk to maintain the services.


Dear Colleagues,

Finally the process of 2nd MV has been completed and AIGETOA has emerged as the Recognized Majority Representative Association in BSNL. We congratulate all executives for their esteemed participation in the process and extend our heartfelt thanks for their overwhelming support to AIGETOA. We are satisfied with this performance as we have stood the test of time and worked tirelessly keeping faith on our beliefs. We remain composed and reiterate our commitment to work tirelessly and dedicate ourselves for building a more vibrant and inclusive BSNL 2.0.

Friends, winning the Membership Verification are not our destination but a step to move forward in the direction to make BSNL better and to make its executives feel that BSNL is a better place to work. It has given us an opportunity to serve you better with higher authority in front of management for the cause of BSNL and its executives and a step forward in settlement of long awaited issues related to BSNL and its executives.

All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA) has entered into this election fray not for coining itself as the “only Recognized Association in BSNL”. The intent for entering into this election fray was the resolution of all the long pending issues of all executives including the long pending issues of PPP pertaining to BSNL Recruits which has been kept pending for years now.

Henceforth, winning the MV and getting elected as Majority Recognized Association should not be considered as Victory, the actual win of AIGETOA will be the day when BSNL will be in profit, when its executives will get their long awaited dues related to Pay, Promotion and Pension. Accordingly, AIGETOA will celebrate its win only when our issues will start getting resolved, when our beloved company BSNL will again start flourishing, when we will be able to succeed in resolving the long pending promotions for all executives. YES AIGETOA WILL CELEBRATE! When our young friends will not face any pay loss and we will accomplish our 30% SAB in totality.

We once again extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every executive of BSNL, Members of AIGETOA, Each and Every CHQ, Circle and Districts Office Bearers of AIGETOA. We extend our heartiest thanks to SEWA BSNL across the country specially Shri N D Ram ji GS, Shri V K Paswanji NP, Shri P N Perumal NCA and all OBs to extend the active support and cooperation in favour of AIGETOA. We once again assure that AIGETOA is fully committed to protect the constitutional provisions and rights of SC/ST executives of BSNL. We further expect that AIGETOA and SEWA BSNL will work together to streamline all promotions in all grades and to clear all the roadblocks. We also extend thanks to Shri Rajesh Gupta GS, Shri G P Patel President and ABLE Team across BSNL for their support to AIGETOA.

We appeal that Just keep making the bonds of this unity stronger every day. We once again take this opportunity to call each and every executive to unite together. We reaffirm our commitment to work without any bias, to work without any prejudice, to work as an inclusive group for all.

We extend our sincere gratitude to management also for conducting the MV process in a free and fair manner and we want to assure that AIGETOA will act with constructive and cooperative approach on the steps taken by management for the betterment of BSNL and its executives. However, AIGETOA will not remain mute also to the actions, which will be in contravention to the interests of BSNL and BSNL executives, and those shall be firmly opposed. We assure our cooperation on all steps taken for betterment of company and expect the same from management’s approach towards executives to strengthen the bonds of mutual trust between employer and employees.

Last but not the least, we seek constructive alignment of designated support association SNEA and other sister associations to whom we have made appeal to come along with us for resolution of all pending issues and we want to reaffirm that AIGETOA will move forward with constructive approach without any one-up-man-ship. We understand and agree that ultimate aim of all associations should be the betterment of BSNL along with protecting the interests of BSNL executives and accordingly we are committed to work with an inclusive approach.

Thanking You all Once Again.

With Profound Regards


AIGETOA extend our heartfelt thanks to all the Executives in participating the 2nd MV today

Good Evening,

We, on behalf of AIGETOA extend our heartfelt thanks to all the Executives in participating the 2nd Membership Verification today and exercise their right to vote. We sincerely hope that the most deserving one will win.

We also extend our deep gratitude to our Respected CMD BSNL, ‘Respected Director HR, Hon’ble CRO, Sr. GM SR, SR Cell Corporate Office, all CGMs and Circle Administrations for smoothly conducting the voting process of the Membership Verification Process.

We FURTHER Extend OUR thanks to all our AIGETOA office bearers of CHQ, Circles, Districts and Members for extensively working for the AIGETOA.

WE ALSO EXTEND OUR THANKS to the General Secretary, President, Chief Advisor, CHQ, Circle and District Office Bearers of SEWA BSNL for supporting AIGETOA in its endeavour. We further EXTEND OUR gratitude to GS, PRESIDENT AND office bearers of ABLE for their support.

We extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to one and all.


VOTE POSITIVELY – An Appeal to all Executives of BSNL

This membership verification is the path maker & destiny maker of all Executives in BSNL. The elected team will be guiding the destiny of the BSNL for next coming years.

By casting your vote today on 18th Aug 2020, you are sowing the seeds for the creation of a prosperous BSNL, A Happy BSNL, A Safe BSNL, and above all A Secure BSNL.

The right to vote is a sacred right and an onerous responsibility that you owe to the BSNL.

We Solemnly pledges in Safeguarding the “Four P’s” – PAY, PENSION, PROMOTION & PROFITABILITY of BSNL.

Dear Executives, the dawn of beautiful BSNL is in your mind and then in your deeds. The deed for the day of the election for you is to cast your vote and be aproud contributor to the success the spirit of democracy.

We appeal earnestly to Vote for Serial Number 3 to Envisage a Glorious BSNL 2.0 and to Ensure better Career Prospect to entire Executive Fraternity.

Dear All, we appeal to all of you to go ahead and exercise your fundamental right to vote.

Vote for 3, Vote for Change, Vote for 3

Flash news: Update of Pay Parity Case to secure 22820 initial basic for post 1.1.2007 JTOs/JAOs recruited in pre-revised scales of E1A:

The Pay Parity case filed by Team AIGETOA with respect to getting 22820 as initial basic for Post 1.1.2007 executives recruited in Pre-Revised E1A scales is listed for hearing on 15.09.2020. In this Pay Parity case, respondent BSNL’s reply has already been received. The first judicial hearing was scheduled to be held on 14/04/2020 but that was postponed due to Covid-19. Now the Pay Loss case has been LISTED ON 15.9.2020. The loss of Equal Work Equal Pay court case and Unreasonable demand by the ex-majority association has been one of the main causes of derailing this issue in committee constituted for looking into this matter. This case was left unattended by the earlier team handling the court cases. AIGETOA has now succeeded in getting this case re-opned at PCAT.

Fact Check on adverse action of Proclaimed SENA which derailed the issues of Standard Payscale, 30% SAB, Promotion Avenue & Non Eligibility of Diploma Holders JTO for AGM Level Post :

Facts check on Missed Chances of E2/E3 Pay Scales and the role of proclaimed SENA in denying the E2 scales for JTOs/JAOs

Dear Friends , Request Your patient reading/ hearing on the actual matters on the justied demand for E2/E3 standard Pay scales of BSNL Executives.

Decide Yourself Who are the Villains Behind the curtains. Click here

Fact Check on LICE Residency period reduction and MSRR clause which discriminated BSNL Diploma holder JEs who became JTO through LICE

Dear Colleagues, Please spare few minutes to hear some facts about some facts on LICE Residency period reduction and MSRR clause which discriminated BSNL Diploma holder JEs who became JTO through LICE.

Decide Yourself Who are the Villains Behind the scenes. Click here

Fact check on how legacy associations denied 30% SAB for BSNL Recruits

Dear Colleagues, Please spare few minutes to hear some facts about actual status of SAB for BSNL recruits. A sheet with factual Documents also shared along with an excel calculator to findout the loss of each JE/JTO/JAO from their date of Joining and wef 01-01-2007 separately (Open in MS excel enable macros & input your cadre/date of joining)

SAB Document. Click here

SAB Loss Calculator. Click here

Fact check on who has eaten away your promotional avenues with false hope of implementing CPSU hierarchy Policy:

Proclaimed SENA is giving false impression that all is well with CPSU but the fact remains that BSNL itself has submitted in an affidavit in court that CPSU is still in proposal stage and has not yet been finalised for implementation. One side they ate away posts in the name of CPSU policy and on the other side policy itself is not final.

So see and decide who ate away your promotions.

Click here for the affidavit and relevant portion of RTI document

Analysis of Answers by Proclaimed SENA

Question – Is it true that the committee considered your submission for rejecting the 22820 benefit to the JTOs and JAOs of the 2007, 2008 and 2010 batch? Why U derailed the whole issue and never came back to management for the same. Was it planned?

Do you have any moral right to talk about 22820? You had accepted 22820 only for the 2005 batch JTOs in the meeting held on 25.02.2010 and the minutes issued on 09.03.2010? You accepted E1 pay scale for the post 2007 rects. Refresh your memory by reading the minutes of your meeting held on 25.02.2010.

Question – Why at the time of formation of BSNL, you legacy associations agreed to demote the cadre by accepting non-standard pay scale of E1A (9850-250-14600) instead of E2 (10750-300-16750) for JTO/JAO equivalent grade when MTNL Adopted Higher Pay Scale ?

Question – What is your stand on DPC for JTO to SDE? Why are You not pursuing it despite availability of sufficient vacancies. Why You did not pursue for implementation of CPSU Hierarchy all these two years and you sing this song only when JTO to SDE DPC is on track. Why have you not written a single letter for expediting the DPC process for JTO to SDE DPCs? Do you consider DPCs as illegal? What happened to your agitation notice for CPSU which you served in November 2019. What was the settlement that you never initiated this process ever again.

Why You ditched AIGETOA in 2017 also as well as earlier in 2007 when you agreed for Financial upgradations instead of Time Bound Functional Promotions.

Question – Why Your Association Left BSNL Executives in Lurch by compromising on provisional E1 & E2 as provisional scales instead of standard pay scales of E2 for JTOs/JAOs equivalent & E3 for SDE/AO/Equivalent at the time of implementation of second PRC ? Why Your Association did not even think of Superannuation Benefits for BSNL Recruits which was an essential Recommendation of 2nd PRC despite the fact that BSNL was in profit at that time ? Why did you spoil the future and Social Security of BSNL Recruits ?

Question – Why you never seriously persuaded or when it got negated, filed a case for Standard Pay Scales and 30% SAB ? Is it because you have given in written that you are OK with E1 as scales for JTOs (A fact Reiterated by you a few days back) ? Is it Because You have submitted to HLC, that pensionary benefits of BSNL Recruits are more than DoT absorbees ?

Question – What is your stand on PRMB for BSNL Recruits ? Whether You agree that PRMB should be in place in BSNL ? If Yes, why are you saying that BRs are getting 3.3 percent PRMB ? Are You aware of the difference between Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution ? Can U write a single letter for PRMB ? Can U Tell us, whether 5% SAB is pending to be implemented and or 7% ?

Question – You are saying that after winning Elections with 50 percent majority, you will ensure all promotions within 3 months. What stopped you from getting these promotions executed in all these 3.5 years? What magic stick you are having which stopped promotions for all these 3.5 years and which will ensure promotions in 3 months. Are you not aware of the rules of recognised and support association in REA-14 rules? And being in the recognised tag, what makes you to accept that you were a complete failure to meet BSNL recruits aspirations especially?

Question – Why pension benefits to BSNL Recruits were denied when Legacy Association didn’t take up the proposal of Gazette notification of Pension Rule-37A right from the day of inception of BSNL ? It was clearly written that “BSNL shall devise its own pension scheme and make arrangements for funding and disbursing pensionary benefits.” But since these legacy Associations were only concerned for the DoT absorbed employees and hence they fought for their government pension under Rule-37A but didn’t care for the pension of BRs, which was part of the same order, else we could have also had our pension scheme since inception of BSNL.

Question – Why are you confusing & bluffing the people in the name of a single association after enjoying the facility for two decades & that to after notification of MV..? One side you were asking for unity and on the other side you were writing nasty about the same associations on the website. What were the compulsive reasons for this double speak?

Question – Why did BSNL go to huge losses under your rule for the last 2 decades..? You failed to act on BSNL viability…if you claim yourself to be saviours of BSNL. Why U called off your so called valiant strikes even after achieving nothing. BSNL Conditions are still not improved.