Preparation of AIEL No 06 of JTO (T)

AIGETOA Strongly Opposes 12 Years Stagnation Criteria & Dilution of Pay Scale in SDE RRs

Contrary to the updates shared by one association and the crocodile tears shed, it is informed to one and all that AIGETOA is consistently following the SDE RR issue and has placed it’s firm objection on 12 years stagnation criteria and have Categorically informed management that 12 years as stagnation criteria is not at all acceptable to AIGETOA and if management moves ahead unilaterally, we will come back on organizational action path. However, it will be equally pertinent to mention that management is considerate towards our submission and the same is under discussion with AIGETOA representatives continuously since last 3-4 days. The scale issue is also being suitably addressed in SDE RR in the light of the demand of AIGETOA for extending E2 for JTO/JAO equivalent grades and E3 for SDE/AO Equivalent grades.

We find it worth to appraise one and all that for settlement of any issue, you need to be on discussion table and enter into firm discussions with management. AIGETOA is not like other association, which believes in symbolism for election gains and does nothing except lip syncing. We know what other association is doing except symbolism, which is not being noticed or taken into cognizance by even their own members, a fact which is proved by non participation of their own members in the programs from Delhi and across the India. It is equally sad to note that the same association didn’t even approached management once for protecting the Cadre issue in the RR and are preaching sermons for others. Had they been sincere in their approach, they could have discussed and placed the things vociferously & firmly before management but they know they have nothing to lose because their peers are not affected at all by these RRs. The loss will be of the Cadre, Youngsters and New Recruits. This is why AIGETOA is worried and is executing the actions instead of doing gimmicks and preaching sermons on website.

AIGETOA Team lead by General Secretary, Shri Wasi Ahmad already had detailed meetings with CMD BSNL, All Board of Directors including Dir HR and PGM Pers in last one week on the proposed SDE RR and had apprised our concerns on Pay Scale and Stagnation Criteria and the Strong Resentment prevailing in the field units. The Management has understood our points and will desist from taking unilateral decisions. CMD BSNL has also assured to look into the issues afresh as raised by the AIGETOA once again. Pay Scale issue is being addressed in the proposed SDE RR and Stagnation Criteria will be also revisited, as assured. Friends, we are not simply watching from the shore but continuously meeting, pressing and highlighting the necessity of the Cadre w.r.t. to SDE RR to each and every BSNL Board Members and CMD BSNL before the proposed BSNL Board Meeting on 28.03.2022 to protect the interest of the Cadre, where as some people are preaching sermons through their website. We are strictly monitoring the developments and prepared to react in a very short notice in case the things are not settled to our satisfaction. If management doesn’t listen to our arguments and moves ahead, we will definitely retaliate strongly through full-fledged organizational actions to protect the JTO/JAO Cadre but at the same time we wish to inform that, management is considerate and will not ignore the genuine aspirations of executives raised through association, as assured to us in the last meeting.

We once again assure one and all that all necessary action is being and shall be taken to protect the interests of the executives. AIGETOA believes in actions and our actions speak for the cadre and we don’t need an irrelevant court order to prove our sincerity. Our leaders also do not need shelter in the form of an irrelevant symbolic protest to win internal elections. We believe in action and we will act accordingly as and when needed.

6th All India Conference of AIGETOA CHQ held On 12-14 March, 2022 at City of Lakes Bhopal (MP)

Day-1 of All India Conference (AIC) 12th March 2022 :

The 6th All India Conference of AIGETOA Conducted in a Grand Manner at City of Lakes Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) from 12.03.2022 to 14.03.2022. Around 200 delegates from different parts of India participated in the all-India Conference. The open session was graced by the Chief Guest, Shri P K Purwar ji Hon’ble CMD, BSNL, CGM MP Sh Satyanand Rajhans Ji, Senior Officers of MP Circle, President/SNEA, GS/NFTE, AGS/BSNLEU, OS/SEWA, GS/BTEU, GS/SNATTA and other dignitaries from different corners of the country.

The day one of 6th AIC was inaugurated by All India President Sh Ravi Shil Verma, Chairman Sh Laxman Banoth, GS Sh Wasi Ahmad by lighting the Lamp, followed by opening Prayer “Itni Shakti ham-e-dena data”.

AIGETOA flag hoisting was done by the All India President Sh Ravi Shil Verma in the presence of Chairman Sh Laxman Banoth, & GS Sh Wasi Ahmad, FS CHQ Sh Yogendra Jharwal, AGS CHQ Sh Pavan Akhand, CP MP Sh Manish Kumar Soni CS MP Sh Devendra Saini, & hundreds of comrades, amid slogan shouting AIGETOA Zindabad, BSNL Zindabad, Executive Unity Zindabad.

The AIC started with the Welcome address of CS MP Sh Devendra Saini on day 1. Then All India President CHQ AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma addressed the August gathering with his opening remarks.

In his address AIP CHQ informed the house that, AIGETOA has reached at this height due to the effort of all of us and now it is our duty to work unitedly to take AIGETOA to next greater height. “Together we have, Together we can, Together we will” take AIGETOA to greater heights for the resolution of HR Issues and to restore the pristine glory of beloved Organization BSNL. He said that association and its members should never deviate from the set Path and should work together to remove obstacles for achieving the goal. He further emphasized that AIGETOA was formed for the resolution P (Pay), Promotion (P) & Pension (P) issues of BR fraternity, we should not stop till all the three P’sare achieved in totality. All India Presidents also congratulated MP Circle Team for the fantabulous arrangements made for the AIC. He also thanked all the leaders including ex leaders who worked hard for the formation of AIGETOA and to build a strong platform for BR fraternity represent PPP issues of BR Executives.

Chairman AIGETOA CHQ Sh Laxman Banoth in his address congratulated all the members present in the house for their hard work and dedication to make AIGETOA as No1 executive association in BSNL. He also thanked AIGETOA MP Circle team for the wonderful arrangement for the 6th AIC. If you want to work for the BR fraternity, you are always free even if you are not a post holder. Finally Chairman informed that, team AIGETOA will work unitedlly for the resolution of HR issues.

GS AIGETOA CHQ Sh Wasi Ahmad once again welcomed all the leaders present in the house to 6th All India Conference at Bhopal (MP) and thanked all for getting act together to bring AIGETOA to such position. Also thanked AIGETOA MP Team for a wonderful arrangement & for making this program successful. Due to Covid 19 pandemic, things could not be achieved as per our expectation, but definitely the ice has been broken and the tone has been set to reach our goal and to reach the destined path. Our main focus is survival of our beloved organization BSNL, Promotion to all the eligible executives, resolution pay scale & pay loss issue, Pension related issues of BR executives in totality.

The Meeting was presided over by the All India President CHQ Sh Ravi Shil Verma and all mandatory provisions of the association for the financial year 2020-21 were taken up for discussion and approval of the House. After detailed discussion, Annual Working Report, and Financial Report of the financial year 2020-2021 of the association was passed by the house unanimously. The Circle Secretaries also presented their reports and vies on the first day and second day of the function.

Day-2 of All India Conference (AIC) 13th March 2022 :

Open Session of 6th AIC of AIGETOA CHQ was conducted at Bhopal in Grand Manner. The open Session of 6th AIC was inaugurated by Shri P K Purwar ji Hon’ble CMD, BSNL, at Hotel Radisson Bhopal (MP). About 500 Members attended the open session and more than 1500 executives watched the program live through our website Theme of the Open Session was “Regaining the Pristine Glory of BSNL – “The Roadmap Ahead”.

Shri Ravi Verma ji (All India President), In his opening remarks, welcomed all the dignitaries, CHQ and Circle office bearers, collegiums members of the association and all the executives. He thanked the organizing team of MP Circle for the magnificent arrangement. He hoped that discussion on the topic – Regaining the Pristine Glory of BSNL – The Roadmap Ahead” will give enough insight to all the attendees for having a firsthand knowledge about the view of the management with respect to the roadmap ahead to carry forward BSNL. He recalled the initial formation period of BSNL, when BSNL was No.1 public choice and how public were disparate to get a BSNL SIM after the launch of Mobile Service in BSNL. Slowly things started changing due to change in policies and unfavorable ecosystem and slowly BSNL was pushed to a tough condition where even its survival was a big question. However, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. This was proved by BSNL and its employees and they deserve a big appreciation for not losing the grip in the most difficult circumstances. After joining of Shri P K Purwar ji as Hon’ble CMD, BSNL, things again started moving in positive direction and there is great hope that in the coming days BSNL is sure to reach its Pristine Glory. He thanked management and all the employees who proved that during tough time only tough people survives. In his address he encouraged the august gathering that BSNL was, BSNL is and BSNL will be remain in forefront always. He emphasized that Confidence to move forward in the most difficult circumstances is the only road map to regain the Pristine Glory of BSNL. In his concluding remarks, he cautioned all that while AIGETOA will support all the endeavors which is taken for the betterment of BSNL, at the same time will firmly stand against those who will deviate BSNL from its path and will ensure that roadmap to achieving the pristine glory of BSNL never loses its focus and path. Shri Verma further informed management that while each and every executive is committed for fulfilling his roles and responsibilities, at the same time management should also ensure the rightful dues of employees with respect to Pay, Pension and Promotion for which the employee has joined BSNL. The rightful dues of employees should not be negated under any circumstances.

GS, Shri Wasi Ahmad in his key note address first extended thanks to the CMD BSNL to grace the occasion and CGM MP Sh Satyanand Rajhans JI for accepting & gracing function as Special Guest and other senior officers and leaders of Unions & Association for the gracing the AIC of AIGETOA CHQ. He thanked CMD BSNL for the issuance of promotion order from JTO to SDE, as per his commitment and considering AIGETOA submission during restructuring activities. In his address he raised the necessity of Compensatory Ground Appointment for the dependent of deceased employees, who met unfortunate demises in the Covid, Complete extension of Superannuation Benefits (SAB) to BSNL Recruited Employees, Standard Pay Scale of E2 for JAO/JTO & E3 for AO/SDE, Pay loss issue of JTO/JTO, Promotions in the AGM/CAO Grade, Provisions for Fast Track Promotion to young JTOs/JAOs for higher responsibilities of DGM/GM/CGM, SDE Reversal Issue, 3rd PRC, Sound Health Policy for Employees, Revision of Transport Allowances, TA/DA etc. He emphasized to acknowledge that Human Resources are the nerve centers and architects of growth of any commercial enterprise. Non-resolution of critical and long pending basic HR issues is adversely impacting the morale and is distracting the focus of the Executives in a big way. Management needs to exercise a serious thought process and commitment to get the issues resolved in totality and within specified timelines. Earlier he has spoken in length about the views of association on the BSNL Revival measures, its shortcomings and new requisite from the government for a healthy BSNL.

Click here for the GS Key Note Address

Thereafter, CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar ji in his address apprised the august gathering about the current status of the company, the challenges ahead, the financial crunch which company is facing, Governments Mission and Vision for the timely launch of 4G services, merging of MTNL & BBNL and also about the need for working together and keep the heads high to ensure that BSNL sails through this tough situation and launch of 4G services as per time line fixed by Govt of India.

He said, though position of the company has improved vis-à-vis the situation in which it was placed in previous year. He stressed upon the need for increasing the market share at least to 15% to remain in the market/for survival of BSNL and to achieve 25% market share to flourish as Telecom Operator. Govt of India is ready to extend necessary support not only to turn around BSNL but also make the services competitive for which we need to work together to reach the expectation of Govt.

Glimpses of CMD’s speech at 6th AIC of AIGETOA at Bhopal

  • Thanked VRS optees for their support for the survival of the Organization. He praised the working employees who worked day and night to maintain the services even after implementation of VRS scheme.
  • Govt’s clear message is not only to save BSNL but to make its services competitive in telecom market.
  • Govt of India has agreed in the proposal for the retention of 2G &4G spectrum without any cost to BSNL.
  • Govt has approved about 45000 Cr in the budget for the BSNL and further discussion are going on.
  • Launch of 4G Services: Govt has taken a policy decision to lunch 4G on Atmnirbhar Bharat (Indigenous) technology by 15th of August 2022. Clear message is there from Govt to uplift BSNL and make it competitive in the market.
  • 4G testing is at end of the line, by march end POC will be completed.
  • BBNL & MTNL will be merge shortly, all the works of BBNL will be carried out by BSNL.
  • Managements action plan for N/W upgrdation for the launch of 4G Services.
  • Tender floated for the procurement of 24000 Kms of OFC cable.
  • 600 Cr reserved for fiber Maintenance and rehabilitation work.
  • To increase OTN capacity by 40%, 75 Cr tender already floated.
  • Procurement of CPAN 10G/1G STM1, equipment to upgrade 1 lakh BTS to act as fiber POP.
  • Up Gradation of billing system & Improvement in CSC & Call Center services.
  • To enhance the growth of FTTH services 236 BNG has been ordered.
  • Finally Management is ready to invest in resource up gradation for the efficient work force.
  • He has emphasized that, Role of Management is to bring right kind of policy but to run the services, to sell our product, to satisfy customer and to maintain network uptime is the responsibility of the employees.
  • Goals assignment to work force. A) Pl plan your N/W, where we can generate good revenue B) Maintain N/W uptime @99.9% C) Extend better customer service, which is very important aspect for customer retention & popularization of Mobile services.
  • To achieve all these, HR policies should promote meritocracy and performance and Management is working in that direction: 1) To recognize the meritorious employees for higher responsibility 2) shouldn’t leave anyone (Promotion on seniority cum fitness) &3) motivate under performers to perform better.He said pending HR issues are in priority zone of management and action in this regard shall be visible very soon.

He emphasized that the way Govt ready to extend support, BSNL will definitely flourishand will regain its lost glory and hence the work force need to gear up to fulfill the expectation of Govt & to achieve 25% market share in next 3-5 years time. On HR Issue, the CMD apprised the decisions taken by the management and lauded the efforts of the AIGETOA for raising the genuine voice of the executives and sharp approach of the association. He categorically appraised the role of the association during restructuring and recently concluded JTO to SDE Promotions. He apprised the audience that the management has responded positively about one of the major demand of the association and Executives for Faster Promotion and creating path for the executives to reach higher echelon in the department. This methodology will be brought through modified MS RR and association inputs will be taken into consideration to inbuilt the provisions for faster career growth of the internal executives. He assure the gathering that management is concerned for their issues and they are in a process to meet them in a phased manner and assured for a better BSNL in the days to come.

GS SNATTA Sh Suresh Kumar ji conveyed his best wishes for the successful 6th AIC of AIGETOA. In his speech he deliberated that, as an employee, we are ready to work 24X7 for the survival of the company but at the same time management also take care employee grievance in right prospective and open promotional channel for the JEs of the Organization. He emphasized on the need to revisit the sanctioned strength in JTO/JAO cadre. With the slogan of Bharat Mata Ki Jai, GS BTEU Sh R C Pandey ji thanked AIGETOA CHQ for invitation and wished for the grand success of 6th AIC of AIGETOA CHQ. He pointed out that, the way CMD BSNL shown the road map for the survival of BSNL, in the same way management should also prepare road map for the settlement of HR policies & to open path for the promotion of JEs. He assured his all cooperation to AIGETOA in its quest for settlement of pending issues of Executives.

OS Central SEWA Sh P N Ahirwar Ji emphasized that, unity among the employees of this organization is the need of the hour for the settlement of long pending HR issues. Also in his address he pointed out that, management should take care the reservation issues of the employees and also take care of the back log vacancy during finalization of Recruitment Rule of different cadre. With best wishes to AIGETOA, he concluded his speech.

AIP SNEA Sh A A Khan Ji, in his address informed the house that, how management is very conservative in the settlement of HR issues, it is the failure of management for not preparing the management team to the lead the organization, which is the need of the hour. He said that though SNEA was trying for the promotion of all executives’ up to AGM Cadre in a time bound manner but criticized management for its reluctancy for the same. He however acknowledged the recent change in thought process of management where it has started planning to push the inhouse talent to higher levels and creating a roadmap where the meritorious and performing executives can aspire to become GMs/CGMs and higher posts. He also informed that, unity among the executives is the need of the hour for the settlement of Long HR Issues. With the best wishes for the grand success of 6th AIC of AIGETOA CHQ he concluded his speech.

GS NFTE Sh Chandreswar Singh ji, with the best wishes to AIGETOA for the success of 6th AIC at Bhopal MP, informed the august gathering that VRS always leads to privatization and to save our beloved organization & to save our family, unity among the employees of the organization is the key for the survival of the organization. Yes last month all employees received the salary in the last day of the month, which could be possible due to the joint struggle under AUAB platform. He also requested management to open promotional path for the employees, particularly for the JE cadre where promotional posts are reduced in the recent restructuring.

AGS BSNLEU Shri Parakash Sharma Ji, conveyed his best wishes for the grand success of 6th AIC of AIGETOA at Bhopal MP. In his address he pointed out that, Fair Excellence meet performance, & AIGETOA emblem and theme line Together We have Together we can Together indicates the road map for “Regaining the Pristine Glory of BSNL”. He thanked MP AIGETOA team for such wonderful arrangement for 6th AIC at Bhopal (MP). For the prosperity of the company, employees force needs to be motivated. To motivate work force, only mantra is keep your employees happy by settling their HR issues, if employees are motivated they will contribute with full dedication for the growth of the company. In his concluding remarks, he intimated that, Our Self belief is one of the important aspects, for the survival of BSNL, we should always confidence on that.

CGM MP Sh Satyanand Rajhans Ji in his address, conveyed his best wishes for the grand success of 6th AIC of AIGETOA at Bhopal & thanked AIGETOA CHQ for considering Bhopal as venue to conduct such a grand function of AIGETOA.He assured that he will definitely try to present all the HR issues addressed by GS AIGETOA in his key note address to DIR HR, who is the Zonal director of central Zone. He thanked all the employees of MP Circle for their dedicated effort for the growth of BSNL MP Telecom Circle. Due to which MP circle is within top five circles in all the segments. With special thanks to AIGETOA MP for such wonderful arrangement, he concluded his speech.

Shri B Laxman also addressed the gathering and extended gratitude to the CMD BSNL and other dignitaries for presenting their views on the most relevant topic for BSNL in current scenario.

The open session was concluded with the vote of thanks from CP AIGETOA MP Circle Sh Manish Soni.

Day 3 of All India Conference (AIC) 14th March 2022 :

The day three of 6th AIC was started with the presentation of memento by AIGETOA CHQ to outstanding performers of AIGETOA particular for the implementation of GHI and successful twitter campaigning and other association activities.

With the dissolution of existing CHQ Governing Body by AIP CHQ Sh Ravi Shil Verma, the election process on new Central Governing body of AIGETOA CHQ was carried out by the Returning Officer Shri Sailash Yadav & Asst Returning Officer Shri Gaurav Garg. The whole proceeding was carried out in accordance with provisions of the constitution and bylaws of the AIGETOA and new Central Governing body of AIGETOA CHQ for the tenure 2022-2025 were elected in a highly democratic way & as per the constitution of AIGETOA. Shri Veer Bhadra Rao as All India President, Shri Wasi Ahmad as General Secretary and Shri Badri Kumar Mehta as Finance Secretary of the New Governing Body.

Click here for the New Governing Body

Glimpses of Open Session of AIl India Conference. Click here

Glimpses of All India Conference – Pre AIC. Click here

Glimpses of Memorable Moments of AIC. Click here

Online Nominations for New Governing Body of AIGETOA CHQ (20th Feb 2022 to 25th Feb 2022)

As per the provision of constitution of AIGETOA and resolutions of CEC, AGM of the association notified to be held on 12th, 13th & 14th March 2022 at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

Online nomination are called for New Governing Body of AIGETOA CHQ from 20th Feb 2022 to 25th Feb 2022. Any valid member of the association can file his nomination. Any person filing nomination for one post is eligible to contest for all the posts provided he is not elected till that time for any other post. The schedule of the election shall be decided by the returning officer.

Online Nominations will be open from 20th Feb, 2022 to 25th Feb, 2022.

Click here for Online Nomination Form for New CHQ

JTO to SDET Promotion Order issued in continuation of 31.12.2021:

Congratulations to all the Executives, who are promoted to the SDE !!!

As informed earlier, promotion orders from JTO(T) to SDE(T) issued for the unfilled vacancies in ST Quota issued today. Total 127 executives have been promoted. These were the cases left out in the SDET Order dated 30.12.2021 and the matter was immediately raised by us on 31st Dec, 2021 and it was apprised that this couldn’t be issued due to some wanting in the documents. AIGETOA has also written on 24.01.2022 for immediate issuance of the order.

We are thankful to the CMD, Dir(HR), PGM Pers and his Team for the release of the order. Further AIGETOA is taking all necessary efforts to ensure promotions of the other left out JTOs also and we will leave any stone unturned to achieve the goal. 

Click here for letter

Payment of GTI Executives & Non-Executives

Dear all

Total 55 cases payment of GTI for Executives and 10 Non executives have been approved by LIC and fund has been transferred to BSNL account. Bsnl HQ has credited the same into nominee account through concerned circle finance team.

Apart from it 19 cases of executives and 26 cases of non executives are pending at LIC end. LIC will provide the fund corresponding to them in coming days.


Guidelines for Processing cases of SPS for BSNL DRs

Ever since VRS took place, AIGETOA consistently endeavoured for streamlining the SAB pension process and making the funds up to date. Finally, with our consistent pursuance and follow up, AIGETOA has been able to put the whole process on track and the pension mechanism has been defined now. A major part of outstanding contribution has also been credited to the fund and remaining balance has been assured to be cleared by March 2022.

We are pursuing to convince management to deposit 30% SAB and the date of effect be made from the start once there is some improvement in financial conditions. BSNL is also moving on right path and we are very sure that day is not very far when we will be able to achieve the full resolution of Pay and Pension issues.

Let’s move together to strengthen AIGETOA to achieve our long pending HR issues related to Pay, Pension and Promotions.

Click here for the letter issued by BSNL CO with respect to streamlining of SAB pension process

AIGETOA believes in working selflessly and let the results do the talking instead of writing misleading updates on website.

We are very sure, change must have been visible to all, after we took over as Majority Association. Despite the most unfavorable conditions and pandemic situation, we have been able to make much inroads on all the major issues Slowly and steadily, we assure you that we will take all issues to resolution.