BSNL CO issued promotion of JTO (Arch) to SDE (Arch) in BSNL against 67% seniority cum fitness quota.
Today on 25th August 2023, Team AIGETOA consisting of Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, Sh Vivek Kumar Singh, AGS AIGETOA, Sh Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS AIGETOA, Sh Yogendra Kumar, AGS AIGETOA, met Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs at his Residence cum Office at South Avenue, New Delhi. The Delegation of AIGETOA met Hon’ble Minister at a Pre-Scheduled exclusive time slot and discussed upon the issues of Residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss and Affordability clause waiver in respect of implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, extension of one time option for Pension under CCS rules for those whose recruitment process was notified by DoT before formation of BSNL. Delegation requested the Hon’ble Minister for his kind blessing on extending the much awaited relief to BSNL employees in the form of resolution of long pending issues of BSNL Executives.
The Delegation also presented a Memorandum to the Hon’ble Minister. Hon’ble Minister assured us that he shall be taking up the issues mentioned in the Memorandum with Hon’ble MoC also. He was appreciative of the efforts taken by the BSNL employees to revive the company after the extension of revival packages to BSNL.
Click here for the forwarding letter by Hon’ble MoS for Housing and Urban Development Affairs
Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

An Interactive Session with GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma on Zoom 6th Aug 2023 at 11.00am on discussion and Roadmap with respect to the Efforts for obtaining GOI pension scheme for those BSNL employees who were recruited with DoT/GOI notification before formation of BSNL
Meeting ID : 814 7461 0300 Password : 233610

Oceans are always Shallow and give salty water. Rivers flow and take u to destination. Rivers give drinkable water. AIGETOA is a river which will take all to destination
The three days Annual General Meeting (AGM) & One day CS-CP-CHQ Meeting was held at Hotel Grand Shobha, New Delhi from 20th to 23rd May 2023.
Day-1 & Day-2 of AGM 20th & 21st May 2023 at Hotel Grand Shobha New Delhi :
The meeting was presided over by All India president Shri G Veerbhadra Rao. All India Chairman Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India Convener Shri P N Sharma, All CHQ leaders, Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents and Central Collegiums Members of AIGETOA CHQ attended the Annual General Meet cum CWC Meet and also CEC meeting of CHQ – AIGETOA. President checked for the Quorum and it was found that the quorum was sufficient for carrying forward the meeting. In addition to the agenda notified, certain other points were also added up in the agenda as per request of various collegiums members with the permission of the chair.

Thereafter, the session started as per the schedule and Audited Financial Account for the financial year 2022-23 was presented by Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and house unanimously adopted the Audited Report for the financial year 2022-23 of the association for further submission to Registrar of the Society and other needful action in this regard.
GS (IC) Shri Pavan Akhand has presented the annual working report of the association for the financial year 2022-23 in the House. House unanimously approved & adopted the annual working report of the association for the year 2022-23.
The various agenda points were discussed in length in the house and the deliberation held extensively on AIGETOA Organization issues, Pension related, PRC related, Standard Pay Scale & Pay Loss related, Restructuring & Promotion.
The day-2 of the AGM continued further with the agenda points, the Updation (addition/deletion) of Collegiums Members of the association, which the house unanimously approved & adopted the updated collegiums members of All India Central Working Committee of AIGETOA.

Filling of vacant position in AIGETOA after resignation of Sh Wasi Ahmad as GS was taken up in the house. After marathon discussions and with mutual consensus amongst all the collegium members present in the house, Sh Pavan Akhand Dy. GS who was discharging the duties of General Secretary proposed the name of Sh Ravi Shil Verma for filling up the post of General Secretary which was seconded by Sh P N Sharma, Convener. Thereafter, the collegium members present in the house unanimously chose Sh Ravi Shil Verma as General Secretary for the balance tenure of the existing governing body valid up to 13-03-2025.
Later on in second half of Day-2 a joint session was held with the CHQ & Circle Office Bearers of TOA & AIGETOA. Sh. Anil Kumar Tiwari Chairman TOA, Sh. T S Prasad President TOA, Sh. R K Upadhyay GS TOA, Sh. Sanjay Tyagi Finance Secretary along with other CHQ & Circle OBs were present in the meeting. GS BTEU Sh. R C Pandey was also present in the meeting. Our Sister association TOA has also decided to Join AIGETOA to strengthen it further and ensure speedy resolution of the pending HR issues and also issues related to BSNL. It was decided that all the members of TOA will Join AIGETOA in next membership change window while few have already taken offline membership of AIGETOA.
Click here for Glimpses of Day-1 & Day-2 of AGM

House also approved the nomination of following Members to the CHQ nominated committees:
- Shri Sanjay Tyagi, BSNL CO, New Delhi
- Shri Raj Kumar Upadhyay, UP (West)
- Shri T.S. Prasad Kumar, Kerala
- Shri Sanjay Kumar, BSNL Electrical Wing , New Delhi
- Shri B D Rawat, UP (West)
- Shri Vipin Sharma, Punjab
Day-3, 22nd May 2023 Open Session at NDMC Palika Kendra, New Delhi :
The third day of AGM begun with the open session held at NDMC convention Centre, Palika Kendra, New Delhi which was attended by General Secretary and other office bearers of BMS (Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh) and BSNL Management, Office bearers of sister associations and General Body and General Members of AIGETOA. HR issues and other BSNL related issues were discussed and a seminar was held on the topic India@100 – Role of Telecom Sector in attaining this divine objective on which dignitaries share their views.
The session was started by lighting of lamp and thereafter the vandana “Itni Shakti Hame Dena Data…” was recited by the gathering to infuse positive energy. All the guests and dignitaries were welcomed with beautiful flower bouquet and presentation of shawls & mementos. The welcome address was given by Vice-President Shri D K Sahoo who gave his thoughts on the topic of the session and invited all the speakers to deliberate on the theme of the open session. The Session was attended by GS BMS Sh Ravindra Himte, Director (HR) Sh Arvind Vadnerkar, GM Pers Sh S N Gupta and other dignitaries.
GS Sh Ravishil Verma in his key note address first extended thanks to all the dignitaries for accepting & gracing the OPEN SESSION of the AGM of AIGETOA CHQ as Special Guest. In his address he raised the complete extension of Superannuation Benefits (SAB) to BSNL Recruited Employees, Standard Pay Scale of E2 for JAO/JTO & E3 for AO/SDE, Pay loss issue of JTO/JAO, Promotions in the AGM/CAO Grade, SDE Reversal Issue, 3rd PRC, Group Health Insurance Policy by BSNL for all Employees, Revision of Transport Allowances, TA/DA etc. He emphasized to acknowledge that Human Resources are the nerve centres and architects of growth of any commercial enterprise. Non-resolution of critical and long pending basic HR issues is adversely impacting the morale and is distracting the focus of the Executives in a big way. Management needs to exercise a serious thought process and commitment to get the issues resolved in totality and within specified timelines. He further reaffirmed to ensure the resolution of long pending HR issues and committed that if things will not be resolved through discussion and persuasion, AIGETOA will not hesitate in launching organizational actions program also. Role of Association is to keep a close watch on all the activities in organization to ensure that actions which are contrary to the interest of BSNL and its employees must be opposed tooth and nail.
The open session was concluded with the vote of thanks by President Sh G Veerabhadhra Rao. He extended its thanks to the Organising Team and all those who contributed to the successful organisation of the event. The program of open session was meticulously anchored by our CFS RJ Sh Praveen Sharma.
Click here for the Glimpses of Open Session
Day-4, 23rd May 2023 Meeting of CS-CP-CHQ Office Bearers at Hotel Grand Shobha, New Delhi :
The fourth day session was mostly comprised of extensive discussion on various measures on organizational aspects of AIGETOA and further course of action with respect to holding of 3rd Membership Verification in BSNL. Various deliberation and discussion on service-related matter of BSNL held.
Click here for the resolutions and decisions taken in the AGM of AIGETOA
General Secretary BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji writes to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji forwarding the Memorandum of AIGETOA and seeking his intervention in settling the long pending HR issues viz Standard Pay Scales, 30 Percent SAB, 3rd PRC to BSNL, Promotions issues, Issue of Seniority for the LDCE qualified Executives, Reversal issue, Revision in perks and allowances etc. GS BMS has also requested Hon’ble MoC for sitting together for a thread ware discussion over the issues raised in Memorandum by AIGETOA, so that a solution is found for the betterment of the work force which would ultimately make BSNL stronger.
AIGETOA extends its heartfelt thanks to the General Secretary BMS for taking up the issues of BSNL Executives before Hon’ble MoC.
Dear friends, this is a firm step towards resolution of our issues and with intervention at the highest level, we can definitely expect our PPP issues to be resolved in the near future.
BSNL CO extended the last date for submission of self-appraisal of executives and Non executives (NE9 && above) through ESS portal is hereby extended upto 22.05.2023. AIl other timelines related to APAR reporting/reviewing etc. already conveyed vide letters under reference shall remain unchanged.
All executives and non-executives of BSNL are hereby advised to comply with the timelines for processing of e- APARs.
Kind Attention/advisory details for filling up the online link of Higher Pension,
Documents required / To be made ready for EPF Higher Pension Option
- EPF Passbook PDF copy <250 kb (atleast first and last page) showing Name, UAN, EPF Account and PF Account Balance. The balance shown at Employee EPF and Employer EPF ( without present EPS portion) need to be summed up for total PF Balance.
If any one have more than One EPF account linked with UAN and where the balance is not transferred, both the EPF balance can be summed and can be entered by alongwith merged passbook pages.
- Download the 26(6) compliance certificate from ESS portal and merge it with the scanned copy of 26(6) request signed by employee and employer.
- Scanned PDF copy of signed undertaking by employee for accepting differential contribution.
Alongwith, the following information may be made ready while going to fill up the online link.
- Aadhar Number
- Aadhar linked mobile number
- EPF linked bank A/c Number
- IFSC code of bank
- Service history details
Kindly note down the acknowledgement number after successful submission.
Today (10th April 23) further detailed arguments held at Hon’ble High Court, Kerala on the writ petitions filed by Shri Saheer &, Ors, AIGETOA Vs GOI, EPFO & BSNL on the need of 26(6) approval alongwith the online enhanced pension option processor. The heated arguments lasted about 1hr 20 minutes where Sr. Counsels from employees side (represented by Shri Saheer & Ors, AIGETOA & Ors ) and EPFO side were present. Our advocates placed all the relevant documents and the deliberations gone through all the nitty gritty part of HonSC Judgement dated 4/11/22, RC Gupta judgement, Sasikumar Judgement etc . Our legal team had placed various circulars from EPFO and strong arguments in support of employees due rights. The point matter on Unexempted organizations ( BSNL ) also referred specifically.
Hon’ble Bench (this was the 4th sitting on the matter) was very much concerned about the employees right to submit the options and made comments against on EPFOs stand on 26(6) approval submission.After strong arguments from our counsels Hon’ble Bench posted the case for orders on 12/04/2023. Final concluding remarks to EPFO was that they can submit suggestion if any on positive side , so that how to allow employees to submit the option under 11(4) without obstructions. Let’s hope for the positive outcome. AIGETOA and its team is a firm believer in appropriate action at the appropriate point of time and accordingly, we went through the actual process to be followed through legal way.