GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma writes to Director HR BSNL Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Ji with protest & objection regarding Notification for Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for AGM/EE (E) :

GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma writes to Director HR BSNL Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Ji with protest & objection regarding Notification for Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for AGM/EE (E) :

GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma writes to Director HR BSNL Board Shri Arvind Vadnerkar Ji with protest & objection regarding Notification for Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for AGM/EE (E).

Click here for letter

The Examination Notification which pertains to the Limited Internal Competitive Examination (LICE) for promotion to the grade of AGM/EE (Elect.) for the vacancy year 2023 under the 33% Competitive Quota. AIGETOA wish to express our strong protest and objection on the unilateral action by the management in this regard.

The hidden agenda of hasty issuance is very much clear as the notification lack the clarity on the starting date of online registration, the last date of online registration, editing/modification in application data by the candidate, and the date of the online examination etc. This lack of clarity regarding essential dates creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and ambiguity on initiating such an important process where virtually the recognized executive association of executives are yet to be done as per REA rules and the MV is scheduled for 12-09-2023. The notification does not provide a concrete roadmap or timeline for the entire process, which prompts us to question the necessity of issuing this notification at this juncture.

The timing of this notification is also a matter of concern. Actions of this nature, which potentially have significant implications for the mind of BSNL executives, raises questions about the management’s intentions. This gives rise to concerns about whether the chosen timing for this notification is designed to favor or disfavor any particular association, thereby eroding trust and confidence in the membership verification process.

Team AIGETOA along with leaders of BMS Met Hon’ble Minister of Communication, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji – September 1st & 2nd, 2023 :

We are pleased to share that Team AIGETOA had a productive meeting with the Hon’ble Minister of Communication, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji, on September 2, 2023. We are deeply appreciative of the Hon’ble MoC for sparing his valuable time despite his hectic schedule. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to National Secretary BMS Shri Ramnath Ganeshe Ji and Treasurer BMS MP Circle Shri Umesh Sharma Ji for taking all efforts and ensuring the meeting for us. GS AIGETOA was on scheduled campaign Meeting at Nagpur, but upon receiving a call from the leaders in Bhopal, he promptly cancelled the Nagpur meeting to attend this crucial discussion. Due to the extremely busy schedule of Hon’ble MoC, the initial meeting on September 1, 2023, was very brief. Due to Paucity Honb’le Minister asked us to continue the meeting the next day. We were fortunate to have a detailed meeting with the Hon’ble MoC on the following day today also.

During our meeting, we discussed various issues, including the ongoing membership verification. Hon’ble MoC extended his good wishes and encouraged us to give our best in the MV. He assured us of the government’s support and emphasized their awareness of the challenges faced by BSNL executives. The Hon’ble MoC told that a detailed meeting will be held after conclusion of G20 Meeting. He told us that feedback on our Memorandum has been sought from the concerned departments.

GS of BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji is actively pursuing a Tripartite meeting involving the DoT, BSNL Management and leaders from AIGETOA and BMS. We are grateful to the Hon’ble MoC for accommodating us in his busy schedule. The issues pending in BSNL, such as the 3rd PRC, 2nd PRC pay losses, Standard pay scale issue, E1 plus Five Increments for new recruits as interim measure, uniform first time bound Upgradation, 30 percent Superannuation benefits, old pension issues of DoT-notified recruitments, rights of PWD candidates etc require the highest-level intervention which were briefly discussed today once again. We are confident that with the support of BMS leadership, these issues will be addressed effectively within very short span of time.

Shri Umesh Sharma Ji, Treasurer of BMS MP Circle also joined us during these discussions today. They have pledged their full support and assured us of their commitment to resolve long-pending issues once the MV concludes.

In conclusion, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to go to any extent and make every effort to achieve our objectives of fair pay, promotion, and pension, while also ensuring the profitability of BSNL.

We express our gratitude to the Hon’ble MoC for the government’s support through various revival packages. We emphasized that every BSNL employee is dedicated to making India a leader in telecom technologies and self-reliant in the telecom sector. We hope that the government will also consider our due benefits as we continue to contribute our best to this noble cause.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting with Hon’ble MoC

Group Health Insurance Scheme (GHIS) powered by National Insurance Company (NIC) Launched by AIGETOA CTD!

AIGETOA CTD is delighted to launch Group Health Insurance policy powered by National Insurance Company for all the executives of BSNL and their family members. The sum assured value of the policy is 5 lakhs. One can apply for the policy at AIGETOA CTD website upto 4th September 2023. The policy will be effective from 5th September 2023.

Details of the Policy :

Sum Assured: 5 lakhs.

Application Deadline: September 4th, 2023.

Policy Start-off: September 5th, 2023.

Visit AIGETOA CTD website and secure your spot. It’s super easy!

Policy Terms & Conditions. Click here

Premium Breakup Table: (18% GST applicable on total Premium). Click here

Apply here on AIGETOA CTD Website –

Stay Secure, Stay happy !!

AIGETOA Extends its Heartfelt Wishes for a Joyful Onam !!

On this auspicious Onam festival, a time that embodies unity and brotherhood, AIGETOA sends warm greetings to the dedicated BSNL executives. Just as Onam symbolizes bringing people closer, AIGETOA remains committed to fostering unity and camaraderie among BSNL executives.

With our eyes set on the upcoming membership verification, AIGETOA aspires to become the predominant recognized association within BSNL. This aspiration aligns with the Onam spirit, where people coming together form a harmonious and dynamic community. Just as the vibrant flowers in the Onam Pookalam create a beautiful pattern, let our combined endeavors shape a brighter future for every BSNL executive.

As we celebrate this Onam, let’s embrace the values of unity and solidarity that both the festival and AIGETOA represent. While pursuing our shared goals, may this festive season instill in us renewed determination and a profound sense of belonging to the BSNL family. Wishing you all a festive and prosperous Onam, where the bonds of togetherness strengthen and the path to a brighter future becomes clearer.

Happy Onam !!

Team AIGETOA Meeting with BJP State President of Andhra Pradesh (Former MoS HRD & MoS Commerce & Industry) Hon’ble Smt. Daggubati Purandeswari Ji :

On 25th August 2023, Team AIGETOA consisting of Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, AGS AIGETOA, Sh Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS AIGETOA, Sh Yogendra Kumar AGS AIGETOA, met BJP State President of Andhra Pradesh (Former MoS HRD & MoS Commerce & Industry) Hon’ble Smt Daggubati Purandeswari Ji at her residence at North Avenue, New Delhi. The Delegation of AIGETOA met Hon’ble State President at a pre-scheduled exclusive time slot and discussed upon the issues of Residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss and Affordability clause waiver in respect of implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, extension of one time option for Pension under CCS rules for those whose recruitment process was notified by DoT before formation of BSNL.

Hon’ble State President asked us to submit the Memorandum on Monday so it can forwarded through Hon’ble Finance Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman Ji.

Hon’ble State President assured us that she shall be taking up the issues mentioned in the Memorandum with Hon’ble MoC also.

Team AIGETOA Meets Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs Sh Kaushal Kishore Ji today on 25th August 2023:

Today on 25th August 2023, Team AIGETOA consisting of Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, Sh Vivek Kumar Singh, AGS AIGETOA, Sh Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS AIGETOA, Sh Yogendra Kumar, AGS AIGETOA, met Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Affairs at his Residence cum Office at South Avenue, New Delhi. The Delegation of AIGETOA met Hon’ble Minister at a Pre-Scheduled exclusive time slot and discussed upon the issues of Residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss and Affordability clause waiver in respect of implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, extension of one time option for Pension under CCS rules for those whose recruitment process was notified by DoT before formation of BSNL. Delegation requested the Hon’ble Minister for his kind blessing on extending the much awaited relief to BSNL employees in the form of resolution of long pending issues of BSNL Executives.

The Delegation also presented a Memorandum to the Hon’ble Minister. Hon’ble Minister assured us that he shall be taking up the issues mentioned in the Memorandum with Hon’ble MoC also. He was appreciative of the efforts taken by the BSNL employees to revive the company after the extension of revival packages to BSNL.

Click Here for the Memorandum Submitted to Hon’ble MoS for Housing and Urban Development Affairs shri Kaushal Kishore Ji

Click here for the forwarding letter by Hon’ble MoS for Housing and Urban Development Affairs

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Team AIGETOA meeting with Sh Kalyan Sagar Director HR (Designate) at Chennai on 24th Aug 2023 :

Team AIGETOA comprising of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Chief Patron Sh Aftab Ahmad Khan, JS (South) Sh S Suresh along with Chairman Tamil Nadu Circle Sh T Senthil, CP CHTD Sh Jai Murugan, CS CHTD Uma Chandran met Sh Kalyan Sagar Director HR (Designate) in his office at Chennai Telephones on 24th Aug 2023. During the meeting discussion on various issues was held in length.

AIGETOA conveyed best wishes to the new Director HR and assured him full support & co-operation in all the endeavors taken in the interest of BSNL and its employees.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Another Giant Leap for India !! AIGETOA joins in celebrating ISRO’s stellar triumph with the Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission :