Venue for AGM of AIGETOA and Constitution of new Central Collegium of AIGETOA will be held on 27th & 28th Sept 2024 at Faridabad (NCR):

Venue for AGM of AIGETOA and Constitution of new Central Collegium of AIGETOA will be held on 27th & 28th Sept 2024 at Faridabad (NCR):

As per the notification issued on dated 27th Aug 2024, Annual General Meeting (AGM) of AIGETOA and constitution of new Central Collegium of AIGETOA will be held on 27th & 28th Sept 2024 at Faridabad, Haryana (NCR Region).

Click here for Notification

It is informed that the venue for the Annual General Meeting is as below:

Kisan Bhawan,

Sector-16, Faridabad,

Haryana -121001

The meeting as well as accommodation arrangements is at Kisan Bhawan only.

The nearest Metro Station is Old Faridabad Metro Station.

Click here for the route map to reach the location

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Member of Parliament Lok Sabha, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur Ji on 20th September 2024 at New Delhi.

Team AIGETOA had the privilege of meeting Hon’ble Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, a five-time elected Member of Parliament from Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, representing BJP. Shri Thakur is a distinguished leader who has held various portfolios, including Minister for Information & Broadcasting and Youth Affairs & Sports. He is also the recipient of prestigious awards such as the Best Young Parliamentarian Award (2011) and the Sansad Ratna Award (2019).

Discussion on BSNL’s HR Issues:

The meeting focused on long-pending HR issues within BSNL. Team AIGETOA apprised the Hon’ble MP of the following key concerns:

  • Non-Implementation of 3rd PRC: BSNL employees have not received the pay revision (3rd PRC) due since 2017, despite the company achieving operational profits for the last four consecutive years.
  • Implementation of Standard Pay Scales: The demand for E2 pay scales for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO, along with addressing pay loss for executives recruited on E1A, was emphasized. These changes have minimal financial implications but remain unresolved.
  • Promotion Issues: BSNL employees have received only one promotion in 22-23 years of service since 2007, which is a matter of serious concern.
  • Residuals of 2nd PRC: We highlighted the need for full 30% Superannuation Benefits (SAB) and the formation of a PRMB trust for BSNL recruits.
  • TA/DA Revision: The need for revising TA/DA rates, which have remained unchanged since 1996, was emphasized.

A Bouquet and a Memorandum outlining these issues were presented to Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, requesting his intervention and recommendations to forward these concerns to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication.

Shri Thakur graciously agreed to advocate for BSNL employees and assured Team AIGETOA that he would take up the matter with the Ministry of Communication at the earliest possible time.

On behalf of AIGETOA and BMS, Team AIGETOA expressed sincere gratitude to Shri Anurag Singh Thakur for his valuable time, patient listening, and positive assurances.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister Chhattisgarh Sh Om Prakash Chaudhary Ji :

On 15th Sept 2024, Team AIGETOA had the privilege of meeting with Hon’ble Finance Minister Chhattisgarh Government, Shri Om Prakash Chaudhary Ji, representing Raigarh constituency, Chhattisgarh, BJP. The meeting focused on critical issues related to BSNL and long pending HR issues.

We apprised the Hon’ble Minister about current developments within BSNL and emphasized the need for his intervention to resolve long-pending HR issues. Despite minimal financial implications, promotional issues have been ignored, with employees receiving only one promotion over a service span of 22-23 years. Since 2007, there has been no pay revision (3rd PRC) for BSNL employees, which was due in 2017. We also discussed the need for the implementation of standard pay scales (E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO). We strongly urged Shri O P Chudhary Ji to take up these HR issues with the honorable Minister Of Communication at the earliest possible.

During the meeting, we presented the Minister CG Govt with a Memorandum for forwarding to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication with his strong RECOMMENDATION.

Shri O P Chaudhary Ji graciously agreed to take up the matter with the Ministry of Communication (MoC).

The Hon’ble Minister also promised his continued support for AIGETOA and BMS and promised to advocate for our issues with the Hon’ble Minister of Communication.

On behalf of AIGETOA – BMS, we extend our heartful thanks for Hon’ble Minister for sparing his valuable time and for patient listening and also positive assurances in the above issues even if it is on Sunday.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Formal Meeting with Management on People Analytical Mobile (PAM) App:

After the issuance of letter on People Analytical Mobile App, the issue was taken up with management today by AIGETOA.

Thereafter, both the associations AIGETOA and SNEA were called for formal discussions with PGM Restg.

It was informed that there is no negative intent behind this app and the same has been developed to capture the employee feedback on the works as well as any special the employee or any special accomplishments by the employee.

We categorically told that this is an unilateral decision taken by management without consulting with associations on the merit and demerits associated. One side management is projecting that it has got no negative intents and on the other side, it is being made mandatory for marking the attendance. We said this practice itself is against the basic principles of REA and against the spirit of good employee employer relationship.

We informed PGM Restg that we don’t agree to the proposal and we shall be submitting our formal objections on the proposal in black and white.

Later GS AIGETOA and GS SNEA sat together and decided to give a joint letter to management on the proposed app.

Update on Team AIGETOA Meeting with Management on 6th September 2024:

Team AIGETOA earlier took up the matters related to Promotions with Director HR who then guided us to meet PGM Pers for a detailed discussion:

Reversal Issue:

The issue was discussed at length. All the individual representations received from the sufferer executives were submitted in person along with AIGETOA letter. We strongly highlighted that the matter is unduly delayed and it’s high time that BSNL should take a decisive step instead of dragging the matter further in courts. We highlighted when BSNL issued show cause notices, BSNL did it for all and not for individual applicants. Now when the reinstatements are being done, instead of executing the court orders for individual applicants, BSNL should uniformly implement the Court orders and issue promotion orders for all the SDE 2007 reversal affected executives. It was assured to examine the matter in the backdrop of uniformity, national litigation policy and inputs submitted by AIGETOA. The discussion was positive and we sincerely hope that management will extend justice to all the SDE 2007 affected executives. AIGETOA is following up the matter and will not let any further injustice happen.

Issue Related to 147 :

We discussed the matter at length and once again explained the whole matter and requested management to look into the matter in totality instead of reading the judgement in bits and pieces. Management assured to look into the matter and examine the submissions given by AIGETOA.

SDE to AGM LICE Court Cases:

AIGETOA team explained the current situation and gave its suggestions for resolving the issue expeditiously. Management assured for its actions to end the stalemate soon.

JTO to SDE LICE and DPC Court Cases:

Current status was discussed and association requested for pushing the cases aggressively in court so that promotions can be extended in an expeditious manner.

SDE to AGM (T) Promotions:

Fresh Discussion on the issue started. Hopefully we will succeed.

AGM to DGM (CSS) Promotions:

We expressed our resentment on the undue delay and requested to issue the promotion orders. We said the promotions are unnecessarily being dragged and the same should be avoided.

Due to urgency, the meeting was concluded halfway and discussion on the same and promotions related to Finance and others cadres will continue.

Team AIGETOA Chennai Felicitates Outgoing CGM Chennai, Shri Sudhakara Rao Papa, ITS

On September 4, 2024, AIGETOA had the privilege of organizing a grand felicitation ceremony in honor of the outgoing CGM Chennai, Shri Sudhakara Rao Papa, ITS, recognizing his exemplary leadership, vision, and dedication during his tenure. The event was a fitting tribute to his remarkable contributions to the circle’s growth, modernization, and employee welfare initiatives.

Under his guidance, Chennai Telephones witnessed significant stride forward towards growth and achieved milestones, including the expansion of FTTH networks, enhancement of customer experience, and implementation of innovative solutions and inauguration 4g project. His leadership fostered a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and transparency, inspiring a team of dedicated professionals to strive for excellence.

The Circle President, Finance Secretary, Chairman, Dy. Chairman, ACS, Women’s Welfare Secretary, CHQ Office Bearers, CWC, Organizing Secretary, and other esteemed members gathered to express their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for his tireless efforts. The ceremony featured presentations, speeches, and a token of appreciation, highlighting his achievements and commitment to the organization.

During his tenure, Shri Sudhakara Rao Papa spearheaded numerous initiatives, including:

  • Upgradation of network infrastructure, resulting in improved service quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Ongoing Implementation of 4g saturation project and vast expansion of FTTH networks.
  • Introduction of employee-centric programs, including training, development, and wellness initiatives.
  • Fostered a culture of innovation, encouraging experimentation and calculated risk-taking.

The felicitation ceremony was a testament to his remarkable contributions, and AIGETOA is grateful for his support, collaboration, and mentorship. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors and hope that his legacy continues to inspire and motivate us to strive for excellence.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Notice for Constitution of New Central Collegium of AIGETOA and holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27th Sept & 28th Sept 2024 :

As per the provision of constitution of AIGETOA and discussion held in the Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting, AIGETOA CHQ notify the date for constitution of new Central Collegium of AIGETOA and holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) of AIGETOA on 27th & 28th Sept 2024 at New Delhi or NCR region.

Click here for Notification

Click here for Format for Collegium Nomination

Agenda of the Meeting:

1. Constitution of the New Central Collegiums for the next three years tenure.

2. Deliberation and discussion on various HR, organizational issues and importance of the BSNL.

3. Discussion on the preparatory exercise of the all India Conference.

4. Discussion on any issue or agenda items as opinioned by the house under permission of Chair.

5. Adoption of the resolutions by the house.

Schedule of AGM and Constitution of New Central Collegiums of AIGETOA:

Date and Time of the meeting: 27th Sept, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 20:00 PM.

Venue of Meeting & Constitution of Central Collegium: Exact venue will be notified later through the CHQ website

Returning officer & Asst Returning officer for conducting of election:

Returning Officer: Shri Sailash Kumar

Asst Returning Officer: Shri Gaurav Garg

Schedule of constitution of New Central Collegiums: 28th Sept, 2024 at 10:00 Hours.

Declaration of the New Central Collegiums: 28th Sept, 2024, at 17:00 Hours.

Schedule and Instructions for Constitution of New Central Collegiums of AIGETOA:

1. Circle will send their nominations strictly in the enclosed format for Central Collegiums after following due process as defined in AIGETOA Constitution to the returning officer on mail ID: by 18th September, 2024. (CSs are requested to share copy of CEC Minutes in which Circle Collegiums’ members are elected as per their defined strength, without valid signed minutes copy collegiums list will not be considered).

2. Verification of the nomination received will be done by the returning officer in consultation with the concerned Circle Secretary from 19th Sept to 20th Sept, 2024.

3. Provisional list of the nomination received will be displayed on CHQ website on 21st Sept, 2024.

4. The nomination can be withdrawn between 22nd to 23rd Sept, 2024 on written request to the returning officer by submitting written request in paper or through electronic media like email at

5. Final list of nomination received will be displayed on 24th Sept, 2024 on CHQ website.

6. Any objections on the final list shall be decided by the returning officer in consultation with the officer bearer of the society. However, the decision of the returning officer shall be final in the event of any difference of opinion.

7. Final elected list of the Central Collegium of AIGETOA will be displayed on the AIGETOA CHQ website by 28th Sept, 2024 for public information.

AIGETOA Bids Farewell to Outgoing PGM Pers Shri Adhir Singhal, Welcomes New PGM Pers Shri Dinesh Mahur :

Team AIGETOA met with Shri Adhir Singhal Ji, the outgoing PGM Pers, who will be superannuating on August 31st, 2024. The team expressed their heartfelt gratitude for his dedication, guidance, and tireless efforts during his tenure as PGM Pers.

The team wished Shri Singhal Ji a happy, healthy, and peaceful life post superannuation, hoping that this new chapter brings him relaxation, travel, and quality time with his loved ones.

Thereafter, the team welcomed Shri Dinesh Mahur Ji, the new PGM Pers, and discussed the issues in transition and future plans. AIGETOA is optimistic about the new leadership and vision of Shri Dinesh Mahur Ji, and is confident that his guidance will bring positive changes and growth to the cadre.

As a token of appreciation and respect, the team presented both Shri Adhir Singhal ji and Shri Dinesh Mahur Ji with a flower bouquet and a shawl.

Click here for the Glimpses of Meeting

Meeting between Team AIGETOA and Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary of the All India Railway Men’s Federation and Secretary of the Staff Side, National Council (JCM) on dated 23.08.2024 :

Today on dated 23rd August 2024, Meeting of Team AIGETOA comprising (All India President Shri Veerabhadhra Rao, Finance Secretary Sh Badri Mehta, Astt General Secretary Sh. Vivek Kumar Singh, Circle Secretary Delhi Sh. Rajeev Meena, Organizing Secretary Sh. Harjinder Singh, CHQ Advisor Sh. Sanjay Tyagi, ACS Delhi Circle Sh. Mukesh Kumar) held with All India Railway Men’s Federation GS Sh. Shiva Gopal Mishra Ji, who is Secretary Staff Side, National Council (JCM). Several All India Office bearers of National Council (JCM) were also present in the meeting.

As tomorrow on dated 24th Aug, there is a meeting of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India with members of staff side of National Council (JCM), Standing Committee.

Click here for the letter for Meeting with Hon’ble PM

So team AIGETOA met with General Secretary, National Council JCM in relation to this. We requested secretary staff side to help, intervene and put forward the genuine issues of All employees of BSNL to the highest level, i.e. with Hon’ble Prime Minister during their meeting, so that the long pending issues can see a light of resolution.

The meeting began with a warm welcome to Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra and the AIRF representatives by Team AIGETOA. Team AIGETOA presented flower bouquet to GS Sh. Shiva Gopal Mishra Ji. A brief introduction was provided regarding the current challenges and long-pending HR issues faced by BSNL employees.

Healthy discussions were held on long pending HR issues including issue of standard pay scales of E2-E3, 3rd PRC, Pending Promotions across all cadres, 30 Percent SAB, Revision of TA/DA/Allowances etc.

Sh. Veerabhadhra Rao, President AIGETOA, reaffirmed the commitment of all BSNL employees to the growth and development of the organization, including the expeditious rollout of 4G services. However, he emphasized that despite their dedication, employees have been deprived of their basic rights concerning Pay, Pension, and Promotions. We requested to Shri Mishra’s support in resolving these issues.

Shri Mishra acknowledged the concerns raised by Team AIGETOA and expressed his support for the BSNL employees. He assured that he would try to bring these issues to the attention of the Secretaries of Department concerned during the upcoming meetings. Shri Mishra requested a detailed submission of the issues, which was promptly provided by Team AIGETOA in the form of memorandum. He assured his intervention in resolving these long-pending HR issues at the highest level.

The meeting concluded with a positive note, with Shri Mishra assuring his full support. The assurance from Shri Mishra Ji, Secretary Staff Side, National Council (JCM) for his intervention is a positive step towards addressing our concerns.

Team AIGETOA will follow up with Shri Mishra’s Ji, post the meeting with the Hon’ble Prime Minister to track the progress on the discussed issues.

All Union Association meeting decides to take vigorous action to settle Pay Revision/Wage Revision Issue :

A meeting of the All Unions and Associations was held in AIGETOA’s office at New Delhi on 13.08.2024, to discuss about the ways and means to settle Pay Revision/Wage Revision, which is the most burning issue of the employees. This meeting was attended by BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIGETOA, SEWA BSNL, BTEU, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BSNLMS, AITEEA, ATM BSNL, TEPU and DEWAB. The discussion took place on the need for taking united efforts by all unions and associations to settle the issues of Employees of BSNL same. All the representatives participated in the discussion. AIGETOA firmly emphasized that if a broader forum is being formed then none of the crucial issues pertaining to the employees must be ignored. We expressed that the forum must take care of residual issues of 2nd PRC and the way to settlement of these issues must also be deliberated on the platform. AIGETOA also expressed that issues can be taken individually or together based on feasibility but the commitment to resolve all the pending issues must be there from all the participating unions and associations. It was decided to take up the Pay Revision / Wage Revision issue vigorously with the CMD BSNL and the Government as an initial step as per the wish of all the participating unions and associations. It was decided to write letter to the CMD BSNL on the following two points.

1] BSNL Management should write letter to the DoT, demanding expeditious action to settle the Pay Revision of the Executives.

2] As regards the Wage Revision of the Non-Executives, the Management should immediately sign agreement with the Recognised Unions, based on the pay scales already finalised through mutual agreement in the Wage Negotiating Committee meeting held on 27.07.2018.

It was decided that a letter is to be written to the CMD BSNL under the signature of the General Secretaries of all the unions and associations.

Click here for the Glimpses of Meeting

Click here for the Memorandum submitted to CMD BSNL