Updates of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Director HR on 18.11.2020:

Updates of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Director HR on 18.11.2020:

AIP AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS AIGETOA Shri Wasi Ahmad and VP AIGETOA Shri Badri Kumar Mehta met Director HR again on 18.11.2020 and discussed upon the pending issues. A review of all the pending issues and commitment as extended in the agenda meeting on the important points was done.

JTO to SDE DPC: It was informed to Director HR that data from almost all the Circles have been received and minor pending data shall be reaching corporate office by this weekend. We requested Director HR to ensure that DPC is done and promotions orders are issued by next week as committed by him. Director HR assured that his team is on job and shall try to get this completed as early as possible. We categorically informed Director HR that we have exercised enough patience and accordingly we will be constrained to adopt the path of organization actions if orders are not issued by next week end.

Pay loss Issue: (22820, E1 plus five advance increments and TTA to JTO DR pay fixation): We told Director HR that we have submitted our inputs in October itself and despite passing of one month, the matter has not been referred to any committee for examination. We requested for an early action on the issue. Director HR assured to look into the matter and will decide to get it examined by forming a committee, however he was still non committal. We shall be pressing it further and told that in absence of any positive action, we shall be adopting the path of organization action. We also apprised Director HR that association has raised the pay scale issue before DoT also in its brief meeting last week and we are expecting and agenda based meeting very soon.

SDE to DE and AO to CAO promotions: We requested for exploring an acceptable solution to all groups. Director HR told that PGM Pers is working on the issue and a solution is being tried to be found out. We said that how BSNL does it is not the matter. We told that how fast BSNL does it is the matter and hence BSNL should try to expedite the solution as early as possible by taking all groups into confidence.

Finalisation of SDE Seniority List for VY 2006-7 and publications of SDE Provisional Seniority List for 2007-8 VY onwards: It was informed that personal wing is examining the matter and decision on the same shall be taken very soon.

Settlement of SDE 2007 Reversal issue: Director HR once again assured to look into the matter and resolve the issue at the earliest as decided earlier.

Rule 8 and Rule 9 cases in JTO/JAO cadre: We apprised Director HR about the pending cases of various circles for request transfer under Rule-9 and Rule-8. We requested Director HR to consider genuine Rule-9 cases and start issuing the order. Director HR told us that he will discuss with Sr GM Estt and very soon will take decision in this regard.

Lifting of ban on forwarding of deputation cases to other organisations: The matter will be examined by HR team.

Friends, though outcome of today’s meeting is also assurances only, however keeping in view the volatile situation in which our organization is placed in, we have decided to wait till this month. If there are no postive solution to the issues as committed in the agenda meeting, association will not hesitate in starting the organisational action programs. By the end of this month, if issues so not move towards settlement, then we will be left with no options but to start intensive struggle for ensuring our basic rights. Accordingly, all CSs and CHQ OBs are requested to remain in ready state and start mobilising their Members. AIGETOA is firm on its decision to go to any extent for this.

Further with regard to the nasty updates on the lie machine of one of the proclaimed corners, we request all to not to pay any heed to their gimmics. They themselves are exposing themselves in their writeup. They say that they have opposed post reduction and in the same update they are trying to justify the stand of management which shows their double speak.

They say that they have removed those responsible for the court cases but at the same time they have rewarded the master minds with plum posts in CHQ.

However, we will not waste our time on replying to their nasty updates. Our reply will be in the form of results not words.


If they have shown true intent and not ditched us, then those recruited by BSNL in JTO would have been working in DGM grade instead of struggling for first promotion of SDE. But their ideology kept us denied all our rights and when we are trying to set the things right, they are out to detail it but we assure that they will not succeed.

We however still suggest and request this negative minded person to come to the terms of reality and try to strengthen the hands of unity and extend their support to AIGETOA in ensuring the resolution of long pending issues. However, we know that they will not mend their ways and hence the best thing which we can tell all is to ignore their gimmics and concentrate on the right path.

Derailment Champions are at their notorious best but AIGETOA will not allow them to succeed:

The group which is primarily involved in the derailment of all issues especially with respect to promotional aspects of BSNL Recruits is now at their notorious best. It seems Promotions of BSNL Recruits is not at all acceptable to them. For last many years, they have been doing their best to stop BSNL Recruits and Competitive Quota people from getting the benefits of Promotions like stopping JTO to SDE DPC citing unnecessary Training Center Marks Confusion, Stopping execution of List 8 for their own set of members in the name of financial loss in the form of one increment, opposing VY based Seniority for List 9 and the list is endless. In fact they are planning to reach to DoT for stopping VY based Seniority to List 9 executives. Such is their vendetta against BSNL Recruits and Competitive Quota People.

However, with AIGETOA, coming in picture as majority association, the malicious designs of the Proclaimed groups were exposed and we were able to get the rightful dues of BSNL RECRUITS and the competitive quota people in motion. Now when DPC for JTO to SDE is on the cards and we wanted to extend happy Deepawali wishes along with Promotion Orders, these Proclaimed Corners have again started their dirty techniques. In fact they are so perturbed with the developments that their chief executive went to the extent of threatening one of our office bearers that he will see how management issues the Promotions Orders.

As usual, whenever DPC is in sight, these people don’t forget to serve notice for implementation of the half baked CPSU Hierarchy, while all these times they prefer to keep mum on the half baked policy. They know that their notice is not going to have much impact on the DPC Process, so now through their activists, they are trying to get stay on the ongoing DPC for JTO to SDE Promotions from court of law. As many as four cases have already been filed out of which three attempts have already been foiled by AIGETOA team but they have partially succeeded in getting the DPC derailed from the fourth. But they will not succeed; it’s AIGETOA’s firm assurance.

Similarly, another set of their activist tried to stay the operation of List 9 from court of Law which was again foiled by the Alert eyes of AIGETOA. We really wonder why BSNL Recruits and affected competitive quota members still continue to be their members. We hope good sense will prevail and they will stop watering the plants of these Proclaimed corners as their own money is being used against them.

Anyways, purpose of our message is not to indulge into blame game. From the recent stay order in a case filed by the Executives who are mostly their activists, a lot of panic and sense of negativity has cropped into the minds of our BSNL Recruits who were due for Promotions. We want to assure them AIGETOA team is on job and we will not let this process be derailed because of malicious designs of few persons. We will ensure JTO to SDE Promotions at all costs and under any circumstances. Please don’t panic and instead try to inculcate a sense of sanity in those executives who are trying to derail the process. Despite, AIGETOA getting the process initiated for the next batches, these people have preferred to try to stop the ongoing process. We do understand that some people under the misguidance of over ambitious leaders are getting trapped in their scheme of things. Surprisingly, name of those over smart persons/leaders are not figuring in the list of applicants. However, it is their call but in general; executives should not forget that delaying the ongoing process will delay the next process also. So the best approach should be to live and let live others and do away with the crab culture. Let’s all reach out to each other in a constructive manner so that none is left behind and all get their rightful dues. AIGETOA CHQ would like to inform that the Process of LDCE for next Vacancy Years have also been initiated and very soon development will be on that part also which will take care of all eligible batches upto current year in a very short period of time.

Just have faith and patience. We will take care of all of you and we would like to assure once again that don’t panic. We are on course to get the Promotions Orders issued at the earliest. Further, we would like to warn those negative minded persons also. Don’t worries, Karma will take care of you!

And Finally, We would like to tell management also that if they make unnecessary delay now and allow all such unnecessary court cases to prevail, association will be left with no other options than to resort to organizational actions and come to streets against the continued injustice.

Updates of Meeting with Director (HR)

AIGETOA CHQ Team consisting of All India President Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Vice President Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar met Director HR on 22nd October 2020 and had a review of the pending issues and it’s status. The issues discussed were as below:


The progress on JTO to SDE DPC was discussed. The sailent points of this discussion are:

The Provisional AIEL upto RY 2008 has been published and errors and omissions have been called for. BSNL CO is in receipt of around 150 representations on list 1 and around 450 on the second. The data from circle is awaited. The circles are being pursued for expeditious sending of representations by Pers Section. These representations shall be examined and all efforts are being taken to ensure a happy festive season for all. The finalisation of AIEL will not take much time as most of the data is available at BSNL CO. The AIEL particulars for RY upto 2012 has been called for to take care of filling up the remaining vacancies also. The process of preparatory work for DPC is also being initiated in parallel.

The matter of restructuring has also been discussed. There is no dearth of vacancies as of now as reported by some groups and AIGETOA has taken a firm stand that any exercise to reduce the vacancies beyond the guidelines is not acceptable to us and shall be strictly opposed. Further, it was surprising to note that one association instead of pushing management towards promotion are trying to raise confusion and fears in the HR group for court cases. However, AIGETOA is firmly stopping all such derailing exercises and confusions created by them was again cleared by our team. We would like to inform all that AIGETOA is on job and will ensure JTO to SDE DPC on the earliest possible time.

SDE 2007 Reversal Issue:

The matter was discussed and it was agreed that it needs a final solution instead of interim solution. Accordingly it was decided that a meeting of Pers Team and AIGETOA will be held to decide the final resolution of this issue.

Preparation of next list for VY 2007-08 :

The legal opinion is still awaited. Pers Team to pursue for expeditious receipt of opinion from senior advocate. The issue to be discussed in first week of November.

SDE to DE Promotions and AO to CAO Promotions:

The issue is taking time because of the reservation issue. PGM pers told that his team is working on the possibility of workable solution and they are in discussion with various groups to arrive at an acceptable solution for all. Matter to be discussed subsequently with pers section. The Promotions in other cadres are also being taken care of.

22820, TTA to DR JTO Pay fixation issue and E1 plus five increments:

The perspective of management is against the issue as of now, however detailed discussion took place on submissions of AIGETOA. We categorically told that this is our right and we will not have any compromise on this. Our Executives are facing pay loss and if this is not settled, it will result in huge unrest. Discussion on this issue shall continue further. We would like to assure one and all that association is fully determined to take these issues to finality and is prepared to go to any extent for its resolution.

Proposed CPSU Policy :

The proposed CPSU policy was also discussed. AIGETOA categorically informed that we are not against CPSU policy in general but we are aware that the policy is not going to take shape in its current form unless until statutory flaws of the policy is removed. We also told that one association is showing mirage to all and want everybody to run for it despite knowing fully well that it is not going to come. But we know the reality and that is the reason, our emphasis is on streamlining existing mechanism. We requested management to firmly convey it’s stand in black and white to alleviate the confusion amongst Executives.

Restg, promotional avenues and meeting with CMD BSNL :

The meeting is decided to be held in the first or second week of November based on the availability of Honble CMD BSNL.

From the meeting, it was also clear that one particular group is trying to create confusion both in management sides as well as within executives. Today they are shedding crocodile tears on everything and trying to dissuade all with non-existent fears. Having failed in their attempts, now they have invoked restructuring issue and are shamelessly requesting management to reduce the number of posts. The duty of association should be to protect the interests of fraternity but they are completely working against the welfare of Executives. Their website itself shows their true intention where they are saying only DE to DGM Promotions are possible and all other Promotions are impossible. Today they are crying on SC ST issues and trying to instigate all so that by any means Promotions can be stopped. But now executives are understanding their ulterior motives and they will not fall in their traps. No body has forgotten the fact that same association did not allowed ST quota Promotions to be executed in June 2018. Now their only motive behind spreading rumour is to instigate people to weaken the strong bond between AIGETOA and SEWA. We would like to advise these mischief mongers that foundation stone of SEWA and AIGETOA is belief and faith in each other and we do not believe in backstabbing others like them.

Finally we would like to tell all that there is no derailment as of now and AIGETOA team is on vigilant mode and any such step shall be strongly opposed by us and overcome.

Updates on Meeting with Director HR on 13.10.2020

AIP AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Vice President Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and AGS Shri Yogendra Kumar met Director HR on 13.10.2020 and discussed the following issues:

AIEL for promotion to JTO to SDE : We thanked Director HR for the publishing of AIEL upto RY 2008. We requested Director HR to direct the concerned cell for expeditious actions to ensure that promotion orders are issued at the earliest. Director HR assured that his team is working on the promotions and all necessary steps shall be taken to expedite the promotions.

We also requested him for issuance of instructions for starting the preparatory work for further batches. Director HR assured us for the same. The letter calling for eligibility particulars of next batches shall be issued in 1-2 days so that process for filling up the remaining vacancies can also be started without any delay. We also informed Director HR that some over enthusiastic persons are trying to misguide executives to file court cases and henceforth BSNL should take all necessary actions to ensure that unmindful court cases by some executives should not derail the whole process. Director HR assured us that necessary directions shall be issued to circles to ensure that such type of derailment do not occur.

SDE 2007 Reversal issue : The SDE 2007 reversal issue was also discussed in detail. We informed Director HR that the letter issued for reinstatement of reverted SDEs has not addressed the issue in totality. Director HR agreed to our view and said that the issue will be resolved in totality. Another detailed meeting on this issue shall be held with Director HR in presence of PGM Pers. We reassure all affected executives that this issue will be dealt in totality and all the underlying apprehensions in this case shall be taken care of.

SDE to DE promotions and AO to CAO promotions: We requested to initiate discussions with all stake holders and contending parties to arrive at a acceptable solution for all. We apprised Director HR that if this issue is tagged with SLP in Honble Supreme Court, no body will get promotions for many years. We also suggested some legal mechanisms based on our discussions with advocates. Director HR said he is looking for all possible solutions and wants to ensure that SDE to DE Promotions and AO to CAO promotions also happen very soon. We shall be pursuing the issue on day to day basis and keep everybody informed.

LDCE notification : We requested for notification of next LDCEs. We requested for simultaneous notification of examination along with LDCE calender for different vacancy Years. We suggested the legal remedy with regard to this based on discussion with advocates. Director HR assured for an early action on this. We expect notification for LDCE also very soon.

Issue of HQ shift of QA and Inspection Circle to Bangaluru : We submitted our strong objection on the process and requested Director HR for rollback of this decision. We said such decisions which are solely based on whims and fancies of individual officers should not be entertained. We also told that if HQ was to be shifted, why the same was not done earlier when restructuring/merger of Inspection QA took place twice. We also told that presence of testing labs at Bangalore can not be a reason for HQ shift because CGM Level officer is not involved in such testing. Director HR said that decision has been taken based on definite justification and not on wishes of an individual officer. He guided us to have a detailed discussion with Restg Cell on the issue and thereafter meet him again. The discussion on same will continue with Director HR after holding the discussions with GM Restg.

The same team also met PGM Pers also and thanked him for the publishing of AIEL. All the above issues along with preparation of seniority list was discussed. The discussions shall continue next week also.

It has come to our notice that some over enthusiastic executives are trying to scuttle the JTO to SDE DPC process by exploring the legal options. By doing this they will be killing their own cause as we are working for ensuring promotions to all eligible batches and no body should feel himself as left out. It is responsibility of our association to protect the interests of all executives irrespective of batch, mode of recruitment and membership. AIGETOA understands it’s responsibility as representative association and there is no reason for anybody to be worried. We request all executives to not to fall prey to individual aspirations of few persons who were surprisingly silent when unjustified promotions were held in June 2018. Anyways let’s hope that good sense prevails.

AIEL Published

Congratulations !! As assured to AIGETOA, the AIEL has been published. The AIEL upto RY 2008 has been prepared and placed in Intranet for omissions and corrections. There were many hurdles and hurdle creators for the process but finally the truth has won. The court case which was being touted by some as reasons for delay has enabled to take the issue to this level by sorting out the ambiguities in the whole process.

Click here for AIEL-1 Click here for AIEL-2

Click here for AIEL in Excel

Now the preparatory process for DPC will start to fill up the available vacancies and AIGETOAs endeavour will be to get this process completed as early as possible. In the meanwhile, we has pursued and convinced HR section for starting the preparatory process for the further batches also. The letter for calling the eligibility particulars for further batches is also being issued.

We are also pursuing for notification of next LDCEs also. We hope for early resolution of the LDCE issue also. We are on work for promotions in other cadres also. AIGETOA also requests all to have patience and not to fall into the trap for those spreading mis-information and confusion. AIGETOA assures that interest of every executive shall be protected no body should feel that they will be left out.

SDE LDCE 2007 reversion Orders Kept in abeyance

Congratulations !!! With the strong and continuous persuasion of AIGETOA, BSNL CO issued reinstatement orders for 39 SDE Grade Executives who were reverted back to the grade of JTO (T) vide order dated 06-09-2019. The order dated 06-09-2019 has now been kept under abeyance.

However, the work is only half done. Still issues are there which needs to be sorted out and AIGETOA team is on job for that.

Click here for Order

Minutes of formal agenda meeting held on 15th Sept between Majority Recognised Representative Association and BSNL Management issued

The formal agenda meeting held between the Majority Recognised Representative Association AIGETOA and BSNL management held on 15th Sep, 2020 under the chairmanship of respected Director(HR), Shri Arvind Vadnerker ji released yesterday. Although the points discussed have been captured in the minutes but the time line discussed has not been elaborated. We are quite hopeful that under the esteem leadership of Shri Arvind Vadnerker ji, Director (HR) we will succeed to remove all bottlenecks in a phased manner as assured by him in the meeting and the new belief will be created.

Click here for the minutes

Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA held with BSNL Management on 15-09-2020

The formal agenda meeting of the Recognised Representative Association, AIGETOA held with the BSNL Management on 15-09-2020 as per schedule at Conferences Hall, 9th Floor, BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Director HR and management side was represented by the PGM Pers, Sr GM Establishment, Sr GM SR, GM Administration, GM Recruitment, DGM Pers, DGM SR and other senior officers. The Association side was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS.

Sr GM SR welcomed AIGETOA in the first formal meeting as recognised Representative Association and assured all cooperation. The Director HR in his opening remarks welcomed AIGETOA and all participants of the meeting. He assured all cooperation from management to the Recognised Representative Association for betterment of BSNL and entire employees of BSNL. The Director HR emphasised that management is concerned about present status and is very much inclined to improve the status of each executives and resolve the long pending issues of BSNL Executives.

GS AIGETOA Shri Wasi Ahmad in his opening remarks welcomed Director HR and all senior officers of BSNL and emphasised on the need to show the goodwill in terms of firm decisions now instead of words and assurances. He said that since last 20 years, the executives have suffered a lot and now it’s time that management should convert the words into action and end the injustices for ever. He appreciated the concern of the Director HR for the executive fraternity and hoped that now with changed Regime both in management as well as recognised association side, things will be move towards resolution with positive mindset. He underlined the fact that People are still suffering in terms of Promotion, Pay loss and other anomalies even after twenty years of formation of BSNL and AIGETOA has been elected with a great hope from all corners to bring positivity into the existing system. GS AIGETOA also affirmed the firm commitment that BSNL Stands First and Association assures it’s firm support on the issues related to viability of BSNL but at the same time expects that management will take all care of its internal customers i.e. employees of BSNL by resolving the issues in a time-bound manner.

AIP, Shri Ravi Shil Verma in his remarks emphasised about the need for change in perception by management with regard to HR issues. He said that it’s high time that management should understand that HR is also a resource and it requires investment in terms of money to get a proper output associated from the human capital. He conveyed the cooperation of executives with the decisions taken for betterment of BSNL and its employees. He further said that management should also understand the fact that any decision which has an adverse impact on our Pay, Promotion, Pension and Profitability of BSNL shall not be accepted by Association and instead shall be firmly opposed. He said that there is eminence of positive vibes from management side as of now and hoped that same will continue in future also to maintain a best employee and employer relationship. He said association is committed to build a healthy and wealthy BSNL.

Then the meeting started formally as per the agenda submitted by the association and continued from 10:00 Hrs to 15:30 Hrs. All issues were discussed in detail and many firm decisions were arrived in the meeting. The highlights of the decisions and deliberations held in the meeting is as stated below:

Implementation of BSNL REA in true letter and spirit :

Association emphasised that any division/deviation in the name of existence of multiplicity of association should not happen and REA guidelines should be followed in true letter and spirit. These guidelines are very clear on how to deal on policy matters with majority association and management should abide by that. At the same time, Association side also firmly assured that as majority recognised association, AIGETOA will work as representative of all the Executives and not merely as representative of its members only.


It was informed by PGM Pers that the judgement of review petition has been vetted by senior advocate and management is moving ahead with JTO to SDE DPC without any further delay. The provisional list shall be published soon followed by issuance of promotions after DPC. All things are on track, Association requested for completion of the process in shortest possible time and the same has been agreed to.

SDE 2007 Reversal issue :

The issue was discussed at length and finally management side agreed to resolve the issue immediately without any further delay. The committee has been asked to submit the report immediately.

Pay Loss issues (22820, TTA outsider and pay loss in TTA LICE) and E1 plus five increments to new batches :

Association has been asked to submit a detailed consolidated note on the pay loss issues and on extending E1 plus five increments . Director HR agreed to get the same examined and a committee shall be constituted based on our representation to examine and consider the issue. We shall be submitting the note in next few days.

Seniority Lists of VY 2007-8 onwards :

Input to be taken from senior advocate on the issue and then decision be taken. We have given our submission that under any circumstances, any change in VY based seniority is not acceptable to us as it violates RRs. Management has shown a positive approach and assured that issue will be settled in next few days

Medical Insurance :

we have been asked to submit detailed proposal in this regard which should be in the best interest of employees. Association shall be doing the same.

Decision on next LDCE is to be taken in 15 days, Next DPC process initiation to be considered after the completion of promotion process. AIGETOA also raised the issue of calculation mismatch in Vacancies carried forward to different quota and requested management to re-verify the vacancies in LDCE Quota especially with respect to LDCE 2015, Decision on LDCE for other cadres like CSS is also to be taken in 15 days. DPC of other streams like Civil, Electrical, Architecture to be explored expeditiously

Restructuring and Cadre Review :

Formal discussions with AIGETOA to start on Restg and cadre review and BA structure. It is noted that many except 6 CGMs have not given any observation on the proposed BA structure which means that structure is more or less acceptable by them. So CSs may also discuss with the respective CGMs in this regard and request them to send their feedback to restg cell. We have categorically stated a big No to reduction of posts beyond stipulated guidelines and any dent to promotional avenues in the name of restructuring process.

SDE to DE and AO to CAO promotions :

Things are really complex because of CAT judgement of Chandigarh. We have been asked to explore the options with regard to judgement and submit proposal. We shall be getting in touch with the senior advocates and also all contending groups to arrive at a solution.

Rule 8, Rule 9 and Transfer requests :

Management agreed to our demand and accepted that they will develop a portal for request transfer cases where every aspect will be transparently maintained.

For Rule 8 provisions shall be made in ESS portal and SOP shall be issued to make it transparent. Estt cell to examine our input and coordinate with circles for clearance of rule 8 cases. Non applicability of Rule 8 clause of GATE JTOs to be revisited and clarification shall be issued from CO to end this discrimination.

GATE-JTO Service Agreement Bond Issue :

The issue related to the service agreement bond of GATE-JTO was discussed in length and it was agreed upon by the Establishment Cell to examine and AIGETOA shall be consulted on same.

Discussion on new promotion policy :

Director HR has gone through the proposal submitted by AIGETOA with respect to new promotion policy and appreciated the points. Discussion on same shall be initiated after receipt of input from DoT. SEWA will also be consulted on new promotion policy to ensure and smooth and acceptable policy for all stakeholders.

Change in designation of JTO/JAO to be examined and considered. AIGETOA has been asked to submit proposal in this regard.

Positive discussion on SAB and PRMB. In view PF Financial constraints, it may take some time but discussion ended on positive note and Director HR agreed to revert on the same after discussions with CMD BSNL.

Another important aspects was that there was some confusion with regard to admissibility of BSNLMRS facilities to dependents of deceased BSNL Recruits as many of the families were not getting the medical benefit after untimely death of a BSNL Recruit employee. Management agreed that this is applicable to BSNL Recruits also and a clarification shall be issued to all circles. Discussion on modified promotion policy also to be initiated.

Dear friends, above is just brief outcome of the discussions. Things have ended in good note and some issues which could not be taken due to time constraints shall be taken up in subsequent meetings. AIGETOA once again re-emphasizes it’s commitment for resolution of burning HR issues of all executives groups and none will be left behind. Minutes of this meeting will be issued soon by SR cell. But we need to keep the momentum and pressure on for a best outcome Let’s hope for the best.

Together We have Together We Will…

20 Years of Misrule and Misguidance AIGETOA will end this once for all.

20 Yearsof Misrule and Misguidance AIGETOA will end this once for all Your support will make All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association as Majority Association Lie No. 1 of Proclaimed SENA Exposed Go through the below fact File to check who is Pro ITS

One Association who somedays before were accusing AIGETOA for Pro ITS approach are the ones who actually defended them when Secretary DoT repatriated them back to DoT. All the executives are requested to go through the attached letter and decide who is anti and who is pro. The letter is self-explanatory to expose their Lie no. 1 Click here for Letter – https://www.aigetoachq.org/downloads/Resolution%20Union-Associations%202005.pdf

When Government was ready to repatriate ITS, then the so called proclaimed corners agreed to stop this and helped them to be here. This letter is one of the foremost causes that all the BSNL Recruited issues were ignored and the proclaimed SENA continued to find favours.

Till date, by doing such type of compromises and backstabbing, these legacy associations have been derailing the issues of BSNL Recruits and extracting maximum for themselves. It was AIGETOA which created and raised voice of BSNL Recruits against this discrimination. The proclaimed SENA is trying to divide BSNL recruits just for their benefits. Proclaimed SENA’s only Mantra is to Do Everything for their peers and do nothing for BSNL Recruits and finally blame it on AIGETOA.

If they are accepting that AIGETOA is so strong and they are very weak for issues of BSNL Recruits, then also they should simply accept their defeat and leave the issues for AIGETOA. We will resolve all our issues.

All BSNL Recruits are going to teach the proclaimed SENA a lesson for their misdeeds of 20 years by choosing All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association as their representative by voting at Number 3.