EPFO Procedure for E-nomination Filling

EPFO Procedure for E-nomination Filling

The Employee Provident Fund Organisation has asked all subscribers to use e-nomination facility to nominate family members with Aadhaar IDs.

Facility can be availed by EPF members if their mobile number was linked with their Universal Account Number (UAN) and if Aadhaar verification was completed.

All BSNL Recruited employees (Executives as well as Non Executives) are kind requested to fill the E-nomination for EPF online. It is a very mandatory requirement for safe future of our family in terms of EPF amount and pension.

It is a very simple work, one need to have following things with him/her while filling E-nomination.

  1. Your passport size photo.
  2. Yours Nominee passport size photo.
  3. Nominee Aadhar number.
  4. Nominee Date of Birth.
  5. Nominee residential Address.
  6. Nominee Bank account Detail( A/c Number and IFSC code and branch)
  7. Your Aadhar Number.

Click here for detail procedure for E-nomination filling

EPFO likely to credit 8.5% interest rate to accounts soon: here’s how to check PF balance

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is likely to credit 8.5% Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) interest for its six crore subscribers by the end of July for the financial year 2020-21. Earlier, in March this year, the EPFO kept the interest rate unchanged at 8.5% for the current financial year as there were more withdrawals than deposits during this period.

Click here for News

EPF Full Pension Case

Hon SC bench observed to consider whether to give a conclusion or to refer the issue to a larger ( 3 ) bench and accordingly may pass the order by 24th August 2021. The Hon Court also observed that they cannot ignore or check the question of correctness of ruling by a coordinate bench. The distinction between exempted organisations and unexempted. organisations also came for discussion today.

Update on EPF Full Pension Case

The Hon’ble SC yesterday heard the arguments of EPFO against the decision of Hon HC Kerala judgement and other connected orders which quashed the EPS(amendment)-2014. Hon HC Kerala earlier set aside the EPFO amendment by judgement in 2018 and declared that all the EPF covered employees shall be entitled to exercise the higher pension option without being restricted to a particular date and allowed the 12 month average salary condition instead 5 years. In April-2019 Hon SC had dismissed the SLP by EPFO against Hon HC Kerala and later in January-2021 a three bench judge recalled the dismissal order in the review petitions filed by EPFO and posted for hearing- which is happening now along with various connected petitions across country. The final judgement arose on WPC 13120/2015 from Hon’ble HC, Kerala. AIGETOA Kerala Circle Secretary along with 504 BSNL recruits including executives and non Executives are connected with the order on WPC 13120/2015 against which the arguments are happening now.

Click here for a summary document of various Hon Court proceeds and part of order copy

This being the factual information, it is seen that some informational claims started propagation where as neither that association nor it’s member (other than those who joined the EPF case along with AIGETOA Kerala) are not even a party to this legal fight. Let’s not forget that this particular association’s negative followers were very much vocal against reaching to Hon Court when our team decided to seek legal remedies for EPF full Pension option. Anyways, we are happy to see that they have understood the need of legal fight on this matter. It is also pertinent to mention that they are masters in credit mongering especially when it comes to benefits of BSNL Recruit’s without any actual ground work. The same type of elements had mislead the SAB Pension Vs EPF till AIGETOA opened the reality i.e. both are different. If the Rule-37A Clause 23 as envisaged at time of incorporation of BSNL then SAB would have effected from date of joining of BSNL recruits, then the story would have been different. From this aspect itself it was known that they were not at all interested in realizing the due rights of BSNL recruits. Let’s hope that legal fight for EPF Full Pension and average Salary condition to 12 month’s will be upheld by Hon SC also to help the people who are not protected by the Government statutory Pension. The arguments will continue today.

EPFO to credit 8.5 % interest on provident fund for 2019-2020 by December

The EPFO has decided to uphold its decision to provide the said rate of interest during a virtual CBT meeting held in September. Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is expected to credit 8.5 per cent rate of interest in the employees’ provident fund (EPF) of about six crore subscribers for 2019-2020. This is to be done in one go by the end of this year.

Click here for letter

Fact Check on adverse action of Proclaimed SENA which derailed the issues of Standard Payscale, 30% SAB, Promotion Avenue & Non Eligibility of Diploma Holders JTO for AGM Level Post :

Facts check on Missed Chances of E2/E3 Pay Scales and the role of proclaimed SENA in denying the E2 scales for JTOs/JAOs

Dear Friends , Request Your patient reading/ hearing on the actual matters on the justied demand for E2/E3 standard Pay scales of BSNL Executives.

Decide Yourself Who are the Villains Behind the curtains. Click here

Fact Check on LICE Residency period reduction and MSRR clause which discriminated BSNL Diploma holder JEs who became JTO through LICE

Dear Colleagues, Please spare few minutes to hear some facts about some facts on LICE Residency period reduction and MSRR clause which discriminated BSNL Diploma holder JEs who became JTO through LICE.

Decide Yourself Who are the Villains Behind the scenes. Click here

Fact check on how legacy associations denied 30% SAB for BSNL Recruits

Dear Colleagues, Please spare few minutes to hear some facts about actual status of SAB for BSNL recruits. A sheet with factual Documents also shared along with an excel calculator to findout the loss of each JE/JTO/JAO from their date of Joining and wef 01-01-2007 separately (Open in MS excel enable macros & input your cadre/date of joining)

SAB Document. Click here

SAB Loss Calculator. Click here

Fact check on who has eaten away your promotional avenues with false hope of implementing CPSU hierarchy Policy:

Proclaimed SENA is giving false impression that all is well with CPSU but the fact remains that BSNL itself has submitted in an affidavit in court that CPSU is still in proposal stage and has not yet been finalised for implementation. One side they ate away posts in the name of CPSU policy and on the other side policy itself is not final.

So see and decide who ate away your promotions.

Click here for the affidavit and relevant portion of RTI document

20 Years of Misrule and Misguidance AIGETOA will end this once for all.

20 Yearsof Misrule and Misguidance AIGETOA will end this once for all Your support will make All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association as Majority Association Lie No. 1 of Proclaimed SENA Exposed Go through the below fact File to check who is Pro ITS

One Association who somedays before were accusing AIGETOA for Pro ITS approach are the ones who actually defended them when Secretary DoT repatriated them back to DoT. All the executives are requested to go through the attached letter and decide who is anti and who is pro. The letter is self-explanatory to expose their Lie no. 1 Click here for Letter – https://www.aigetoachq.org/downloads/Resolution%20Union-Associations%202005.pdf

When Government was ready to repatriate ITS, then the so called proclaimed corners agreed to stop this and helped them to be here. This letter is one of the foremost causes that all the BSNL Recruited issues were ignored and the proclaimed SENA continued to find favours.

Till date, by doing such type of compromises and backstabbing, these legacy associations have been derailing the issues of BSNL Recruits and extracting maximum for themselves. It was AIGETOA which created and raised voice of BSNL Recruits against this discrimination. The proclaimed SENA is trying to divide BSNL recruits just for their benefits. Proclaimed SENA’s only Mantra is to Do Everything for their peers and do nothing for BSNL Recruits and finally blame it on AIGETOA.

If they are accepting that AIGETOA is so strong and they are very weak for issues of BSNL Recruits, then also they should simply accept their defeat and leave the issues for AIGETOA. We will resolve all our issues.

All BSNL Recruits are going to teach the proclaimed SENA a lesson for their misdeeds of 20 years by choosing All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association as their representative by voting at Number 3.