Online Transfer Portal – Next window w.e.f from 16th July

BSNL CO formed Committee on Pay Loss Issue on request of AIGETOA

BSNL Corporate Office constituted a Committee to examine demand of AIGETOA for resolution of the pay loss issue of Executives recruited in E1A scale. The committee has been given a timeline to submit its report by 31.07.2021.

Click here for the committee letter

For E1 plus Five increments, management has agreed to extend the proposal to all remaining batches, which is referred by BSNL Board for vetting by DoT HR committee, as detailed in the minute. A reminder letter will be issued in this regard. For E2 Scale, a reminder letter to the DoT for approval of E2 Scale to JAO/JTOs is in process and it will be issued soon.

Restructuring in BSNL – Circulation of proposed Manpower Norms and sanction strength in BSNL

The Restructuring proposal of BSNL corporate office gives an impression that BSNL management is least bother for its executives and employees and they want to stagnant executives at one post for 15-20 years, an era worst than DoT period. The suggestion given by the recognized association of executives in Feb, 2021 has hardly been considered despite of the fact that meeting was chaired by the Director (HR). It means management is moving ahead with its partisan plan irrespective of the future career prospect, who joined BSNL with much hope and desire after acquiring professional qualification and leaving other jobs. Other side BSNL management has completely failed to honour genuine aspiration and fundamental requirement of the executives.

We strongly reject this move of the management and caution that any reduction in the promotional opportunity will not be accepted by the association. This association has already served an organizational notice on various HR issues and will further review the program to intensify the call if management will not shun the practice to derail Career Prospect of executives. All the Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to mobilize the members for the strong organizations actions. The association is also discussing the matter with our representative across the BSNL as well as all section of executives and will revert back with suitable reply and next course of action.

Click here for BSNL proposal

Restructuring of Training centers-Migration into zonal training centers: Working Modalities

The six training center (ALTTC, Jabalpur, Pune, Mysore, Kalyani & Guwahati) to work Zonal Centers w.e.f 1st July 2021 with reporting directly to CGM ALTTC Ghaziabad as per the following.

S.NoZonal Training CenterZoneBSNL Circle attached for BSNL trainings
1ALTTC  GhaziabadNorthJ&K, HP, UK, HR, PB, UP(E), UP(W)
2JabalpurWestMP, CG, RJ, GJ
3GuwahatiNE All NE states
4PuneCentralMH, AP, TL
5KalyaniEastOR, WB, BR, JH
6MysoreSouthKTK, KR, TN

Closure of eight RTTC (Rajpura, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, and ARTTC Ranchi) immediately & closer of its training operations by 30.06.2021.

Click here for BSNL CO Order

BSNL COVID Fund (BCF) Policy Notified by Corporate Office, New Delhi:

AIGETOA welcome the notification of BSNL COVID Fund Policy on 20.05.2021. Definitely, the policy is not completely as per our suggestion and expectation, what we submitted to the management with the name of BSNL Benevolent Fund and covering all untimely demises of our fellow BSNL colleagues instead of only COVID in the notified policy. So, the initiation of the policy should be welcomed by all and we assure that AIGETOA will keep on striving for further improvement in the policy as suggested by us earlier.

The current notification in a time bound manner has given some respite to the families, whose bread winner has lost the life due to COVID and now it’s our duty to ensure that the benefits should be extended to the families without any further delay. Teams AIGETOA at district and circle level are requested to expedite the process at OA/BA/Circle Level with personal persuasion and ensure that no case left unattended.

AIGETOA has already taken up the matter of inclusion of all untimely death of BSNL working employees in the Policy with the CMD and Dir(HR) BSNL Board, at least from here onwards, to give the much required support to the families of deceased employees, as death is a death, which devastate the entire family irrespective of its cause. So, BSNL should be more sensitive towards its employees and must include all death cases, which is already implemented in many organizations with much higher amount. Further the fund should be kept always operational instead of running it for a specific period to keep the coverage intact for all time. We will ensure that our suggestions are incorporated in the BCF policy by the management to ensure benefits to all who meet untimely death due to any reasons.

Click here for the BCF Policy