Resolutions taken in the Central Executive Committee (CEC) Meet cum CWC of AIGETOA of Central Headquarter held on 25th & 26th Nov 2022 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Today Team AIGETOA discussed with Sr GM (CA) and earlier with PGM Estt and requested for issuance of letter for calling of options for higher pension from EPF account holders of BSNL. We explained the need for keeping everything ready as window given by EPFO shall be very small and that should not be missed under any circumstances.
Management agreed with our view and shall start the process expeditiously.
As per schedule & notification, the Central Executive Committee (CEC) Meet cum CWC of AIGETOA of Central Headquarter held on 25th & 26th Nov 2022 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The discussion held on various agenda points as per the notification.
The deliberations, decisions and resolutions taken in the meeting will be updated soon.
Glimpses of CHQ Meeting. Click here
AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management for issuing the supplementary promotion orders of candidates affected by SDE-2007 reversal issue by one time resolution of the issue as assured to this association from time to time at various platforms.
AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management for re-opening of APAR window for YR 2020-21 as some number of employees have reported to have missed their APAR during CoVID period i.e. Year 2020-21 due to various reasons related to the Pandemic. Hence, as discussed, APAR window needs to be opened for Year 2020-21, as well, so that equal opportunity could be made available to all such executives.
AIGETOA writes to BSNL Management with regard to the incorrect interpretation of Hon’ble Kolkata CAT orders dated 13.09.2022, subsequently reiterated again vide order dated 11.11.2022 by BSNL & Restoration of Seniority of LDCE-2012 qualified executives wrt VY / ROTA-QUOTA allotment in terms with the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement in the matter of K Meghachandra Singh and promoting all eligible SDEs to the AGM grade before moving on to the Amended MSRR regime. Since management has preferred to move ahead to promote Junior Executives as per Rota Quota rule, AIGETOA has requested to promote all eligible SDEs before moving onto ammended MSRR regime to ensure equitable justice for all. The same can be easily accommodated within the ambit of current structure itself and BBNL Merger with BSNL and management must consider promoting all eligible SDEs to the grade of AGMs.
Further the seniority list also must be ammended in line with the Kolkata CAT directions.
AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding seeking comments from Majority association with regard to Proposed New MSRR draft – the exercise appears to be a mere formality keeping in view the time lines offered to seek comments from associations and we firmly reject this one sided approach.
Expecting a firm and positive consideration of our request in the best interest of employees and organization.
AIGETOA writes to Director HR for calling nominations from all eligible executives across various cadres for filling up the encadred post of DGM (Legal). All executives fulfilling the eligibility criteria i.e. having law degree should aspire for the post instead of restricting it to select few is the vision of AIGETOA. Accordingly we have raised this matter with management to call nominations from all the candidates.
Meeting of Team AIGETOA consisting of Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand, AIC Shri Ravi Shil Verma, AGSs Shri Sunil Gautam and Shri Yogendra Kumar with GM Pers on settlement of SDE 2007 reversal issue and status on promotions in AGM grade for PWD candidates:
SDE Reversal Case :
Team AIGETOA reminded GM Pers about the discussion with Director HR wherein Hon’ble Director HR has categorically directed to settle the SDE 2007 reversal issue without any further delay. We firmly told GM Pers that he should realize the agony of the affected candidates and should not delay the action anymore. We requested GM Pers to call for committee Meeting and resolve the issue by next week as these candidates have already faced enough hardships and this mental torture and agony must end now. GM Pers assured that he will do the needful and speak to Hon’ble Director HR in this regard. We also informed GM Pers that all Candidates are open to out of court settlement and legal tangles in various courts will not be any issue provided management takes firm initiative to end the dispute and reinstate the Seniority of these candidates. As far as the current status is concerned, their names were in DPC and seats are kept reserved for them. Team AIGETOA shall be taking this matter further with Director HR early next week.
Promotion in PWD Quota
With regard to promotions in PWD quota, it was informed that action for DPC has been taken in line with the Directions of Hon’ble PCAT and further necessary action shall be taken after getting directions from Hon’ble PCAT in next hearing.
Promotion for all eligible SDEs to AGM & AO to CAO
Earlier with CMD BSNL and Director HR, Team AIGETOA raised the issue of promotions for the all eligible SDEs to AGM grade, AO to CAO promotions and also the left out JTOs for the SDE promotions. It was informed that management remains open to the promotion within the ambit of rules and structure. We told Hon’ble CMD that within the ambit of current structure only, the promotions of all eligible SDEs are possible, the need is to recognise the injustice met out to competitive quota candidates belonging to list 12 and 13. There are enough precedence in the organization both recently as well as earlier which can ensure much awaited promotion to all eligible SDEs to AGM grade.
Promotion of left out JTOs to SDEs
Similarly now it’s high time that promotion to the remaining left out JTOs to SDE Cadre is executed immediately to avoid perpetual losses in their careers. We also requested CMD BSNL for AO to CAO promotions and informed him that now with both sides willing to sort out the issue with consensus amicably, management must not miss the opportunity to ensure Promotions in AO to CAO cadre.
While meeting Director HR also, we raised the same issues. Director HR assured to take our submissions into consideration.
Friends, A lot of apprehensions are going on in the minds of all executives. We firmly and non ambiguously affirm that we will ensure the promotions to all eligible before moving on to the amended MS RRs.
We would like to convey that while we don’t hesitate in applauding the good efforts of our management, in the same manner we don’t hesitate in standing tough and tall against the actions which are contrary to the interests of the fraternity as well as organisation.
We request one and all to remain united and lend their firm support in our endeavors to ensure the best for our executive cadre.
Together we will achieve everything.
Congratulations to all the Executives, who are promoted to the AGM !!!
As informed earlier, promotion orders from SDE(T) to AGM issued issued today. Total 1891 executives have been promoted.
Click here for Promotion Order & List
We are thankful to the CMD, Dir(HR), GM Pers, GM Recruitment, Members of DPC Team, Pers DPC Team, DGMs of Pers Team and his Team for the release of the order. We are also thankful to all others who are involved in this mammoth exercise.
This is the result of firm perseverance, determination and grit shown by our AIGETOA team that we have been able to achieve the impossible task of arranging the VCs in just one day. Without collective efforts and support of all, it was not possible. We once again congratulate all those who have been promoted to the AGM grade.
Further AIGETOA is taking all necessary efforts to ensure promotions of the other left out SDEs also and we will not leave any stone unturned to achieve the goal. We have already intiated the actions
Further, Team AIGETOA already initiated all necessary efforts to ensure the promotions for other left out SDEs and we are very sure that with same grit, same determination and same perseverance, we will be able to accomplish this task well in time. We are very much aware of our next responsibility to ensure the promotion of all eligible SDEs to AGM grade and promotions of all eligible AOs to CAO grade. Also clearance of left out JTOs for SDE promotions.
Friends, this success is incomplete without achieving the other left out SDEs promotions and we Firmly affirm we will not leave group, executive or grade in lurch. We stand firmly for progress and we mean it.
Together We CAN, Together We Have and Together We Will Definitely Achieve Success.