Flash News – Update on Notional Promotions:

Flash News – Update on Notional Promotions:

As intimated earlier that after consistent follow up by Team AIGETOA with management regarding notional promotion from 2018 for the AGM’s whose DPC was completed in June 2018 but promotion orders were issued in November 2022, VC was called. Now VC of all those AGMs have been received in the vigilance Section. AIGETOA is pursuing hard to get the orders issued as early as possible and we are likely to achieve the same by next week.

Dear Friends, with issuance of this Notional Promotions, decks will be cleared for regularization of provisional promotions held in 2018 and their seniority finalization. Almost all the roadblocks in the regularization of these AGMs are clear now. Once these promotions held in 2018 are regularised, the posts available in DGM grade can be used for further promotions. This will open the doors of many more promotions from AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM and JTO to SDE, as per the methodology proposed by AIGETOA. The AIGETOA CHQ Team is working hard to achieve the desired results of promoting all eligible executives across various streams and grades.

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for settling the pending bottlenecks in promotions, considering the promotions of all eligible executives who have completed their residency period to settle the unrest and demotivation amongst all the executives:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji with request for settling the pending bottlenecks in promotions, considering the promotions of all eligible executives who have completed their residency period to settle the unrest and demotivation amongst all the executives.

Click here for letter

Methodology proposed by AIGETOA and agreed earlier by management to consider as stated below:

First step is to consider the notional promotions of the AGMs whose DPC has been done in June 2018 (Around 55-60 in number) and issue their promotion orders wef June 2018 and finalize their seniority positions. The VC of these executives have already been called and it is requested to issue the orders without any further delay.

With BSNL taking the firm decision on the issue of Own Merit – On Merit in line with the opinion given by DoP&T and executing the promotions in various grades as per the Hon’ble Supreme Court Decision and the DoP&T guidelines dated 12.04.2022, the dispute in the seniority is now settled with BSNL/DoP&T taking the decision at the highest level. The DoP&T guidelines dated 12.04.2022 is taking care of all such disputes and the only need was to issue a final seniority list of these executives. This was agreed by the management during discussions with AIGETOA and we request for a very expeditious action on the same on war footing basis now.

Settlement of the provisional promotions to regular promotions will result in counting the residency period of the AGMs promoted in 2018 to regular and all these executives will be eligible to occupy the posts of DGMs having served more than the requisite residency period.

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding resolution of the long pending issue of reversal of LDCE 2007 passed SDEs by restoring and extending them their original seniority position:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding resolution of the long pending issue of reversal of LDCE 2007 passed SDEs by restoring and extending them their original seniority position.

We have time and again been highlighting this issue that whatever may be the circumstances, these executives were not at fault and its only because of the lapse on the part of officers dealing with the matter, this unfortunate situation has occurred. With the latest observation of Hon’ble CAT Madras on the applicability of the Clause 5 of SDE RR 2002 on the matter, we find its opportune time for the management to settle the issue as per the commitment made earlier and execute the promotions subject to the outcome of the court.

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GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding long pending issue of Pay Loss of Executives Recruited Post 01.01.2007 in the Pre-Revised E1A Scales and extending the initial basic of 22820 to these executives:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding long pending issue of Pay Loss of Executives Recruited Post 01.01.2007 in the Pre-Revised E1A Scales and extending the initial basic of 22820 to these executives.

The immediate settlement of the issue is imminent need of the hour as the issue of 3rd PRC to BSNL employees is under discussion and these residual issues of 2nd PRC is needed to be resolved before the implementation of 3rd PRC to avoid a cumulative loss to the executives affected out of pay loss.

AIGETOA has represented the matter many a times at all levels and to the committee also along with all supporting documents and judgements for consideration and speedy resolution.

Click here for letter

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding extension of E1 plus 5 increments as interim measure to the executives recruited post 01.01.2007 in E1 Grade:

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji regarding extension of E1 plus 5 increments as interim measure to the executives recruited post 01.01.2007 in E1 Grade.

The immediate settlement of the issue is imminent need of the hour as the issue of 3rd PRC to BSNL employees is under discussion and these residual issues of 2nd PRC is needed to be resolved before the implementation of 3rd PRC to avoid a cumulative loss to the executives affected out of pay loss.

Click here for letter

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji for resolution of the long pending issue of Pay Loss of the JEs recruited between 01.01.2007 to 07.05.2010 who are now promoted in the executive grade :

GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Purwar Ji for resolution of the long pending issue of Pay Loss of the JEs recruited between 01.01.2007 to 07.05.2010 who are now promoted in the executive grade.

Click here for letter

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji at his Sanchar Bhavan office on 21.09.2023:

Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri Veerabhadra Rao, President AIGETOA, Shri V V S Satyanaranaya, President BTEU, Shri Pavan Akhand Dy GS AIGETOA, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS AIGETOA, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS AIGETOA met Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji at his office at Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi on dated 21st September 2023 and submitted our Memorandum containing the long pending HR issues of BSNL. Despite his utmost busy schedule as the Parliament Session was midway, the Hon’ble Minister was kind enough to meet us and we extended our gratitude for the same. The team had detailed but precise discussion on the issues mentioned in the memorandum viz settlement of residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss (22820 and JE Period Pay Loss), E1 plus 5 increments as an interim measure, Extension of 3rd PRC, issues pertaining to Promotions of all eligible executives in various cadres, Allowing the one time option for CCS Pension to those BSNL Executives whose Recruitment Process was notified during DoT Period, Revision of Perks and Allowances and implementing the guidelines w.r.t PWD Executives in BSNL. The team explained the issues in detail and requested the Intervention of Hon’ble Minister in settling out the issues. We also apprised the Hon’ble Minister about the 3rd MV result. We told him that though we respect the mandate of People but at the same time, the role played by the HR group through a series of retrograde orders for creating negativity against AIGETOA is definitely questionable and unfortunate.

On the issues of residual issues of 2nd PRC including Pay Scales, 30 percent SAB and Pay Loss Hon’ble Minister directed his team to seek feedback and direct the concerned departments for action. On issue of 3rd PRC, Hon’ble MoSC assured to look into it. On the Promotions aspects, he was very positive and assured of his intervention. On the issue of OPS, we have been directed to approach DOP&T also and concerned Minister, for which we shall be seeking the appointment in due course. On the issue of PWD Executives, he directed to get the feedback.

A follow up meeting will be held within the next 10- 15 days. We are also trying to Meet Hon’ble MoC in follow up of AIGETOA earlier meeting at Bhopal.

Friends, AIGETOA remains committed for resolution of all issues irrespective and undeterred by the temporary setback. The commitments which we have made are to be fulfilled in totality and we sincerely own that responsibility. We are very sure that with a consistent and perseverant approach, all our issues will see the light of the day. The glimpses of today’s meeting are not available due to protocol issues.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (T) DoT Sh Neeraj Mittal Ji on 21st Sept 2023 :

Team AIGETOA comprising Sh. Amit Roy JS (North), Sh Vikas Gupta CP, Sh Yogesh Chhabra CS, Sh Narinder Kumar ACS, Sh Vivek Asthana ACS, Sh Jaspreet Singh ACS and Sh Ajit Singh DS Nodal Center met with Hon’ble Secretary (T) DoT Sh. Neeraj Mittal ji on his maiden visit to Chandigarh to review the progress of the 4G roll out project and Bharat Udhyami Scheme. We greeted and welcomed him with a bouquet of flowers in the chamber of CGMT Sir. We also submitted the memorandum for kind consideration. It includes Residual issues of 2nd PRC related to implementation of Standard Pay scales for the initial two levels of executive grade, Implementation of 30% Superannuation benefits to the BSNL Recruited Executives, 3rd PRC, Promotion avenues of BSNL executives, Exercising option for the Old Pension scheme to the executives whose recruitment process initiated by DoT before formation of BSNL. Secretary (T) listened patiently and assured to discuss the matter with concerned. He also asked to work hard to take up BSNL to the new heights and make it profitable for consideration of financial issues.

We are thankful to Sh Ajay Kumar Kararha CGMT Punjab for arranging a meeting on a short notice.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

Updates of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with PGM (Pers) on 20th Sept 2023 :

Team AIGETOA comprising Shri Ravi Shil Verma GS, Shri A A Khan All India Convener, Shri Pavan Akhand Dy GS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam AGS met PGM Pers. The Team had elaborate discussions with respect to the recently issued Tenure policy on 20th September 2023.

We extended our thanks to PGM (Pers) for notifying the new tenure policy with clarifications but at the same time we expressed our strong concern on increasing the tenure period and omission of some tenure stations and considering the NCR region as single unit of BSNL CO which was never ever discussed and informed. We also informed PGM (Pers) about the confusions associated with certain points of Policy. We extended thanks for incorporating retention/Allotment of Pool Residential quarters and extension of other facilities but expressed that rate needs to be discounted further.

We expressed executives’ resentment on increasing the tenure period which was neither ever discussed nor it was ever informed earlier. We stated that this increase in period will defeat the essence of the tenure policy and needs to be reinstated to the original tenure period. We also told that the posting of main SDCA should also have been included in the tenure station. It will be pertinent to mention that these decisions in the circulated policy have been taken after MV process without any discussion with AIGETOA and we are not aware if the new MA has been taken into discussion or not.

We expressed that there is huge confusion with respect to applicability / date of effect of the revised tenure period. It was informed that these modified guidelines of tenure shall be applicable on the transfer orders issued after 19th September 2023. We requested for an explicit clarification on the same to avoid future complexity and confusion. PGM (Pers) assured to issue the same.

Tenure Break for working at Soft Tenure/Hard tenure is a welcome approach as executives posted in tenure should not be disturbed on long stay basis and the advantages associated with working at tenure Place must be extended to them. It was our categorical demand and the same has been accepted by Management. The circle stay break on posting to hard tenures which is clear in the case of J&K but not mentioned for Lakshadweep islands also needs to be taken care along with double tenure period mentioned for NE regions for getting circle stay break etc are needed with a uniform guidelines.

We also expressed that complexity will increase by considering the NCR station as a single station as they belong to different circles. Surprisingly, the same has been done on the demand of one welfare association. We requested PGM (Pers) to reconsider the same as it will give rise to many complexities in future. PGM Pers told us to submit the inputs/apprehensions in written for further examination by the section.