Letter to CMD BSNL on laptop reimbursement & revision of basic amenities to BSNL Employees

AIGETOA demands creation of additional posts for maintaining newly added BBNL Network:

AIGETOA has reached out to the BSNL management for creation of additional posts for manning and maintaining the newly added BBNL Network in BSNL as part of second revival package of the Govt of India. In this regard, Team AIGETOA had a meeting with PGM (Restg) also last week and requested to engage the association in deliberation towards finalisation of new man power in view of BBNL Merger.

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AIGETOA has demanded to convert three soft tenure stations of Uttarakhand Circle to 2 Year Hard Tenure Stations to meet shortage of officers in the Circle:

GS AIGETOA has represented the plight of Uttarakhand Circle facing acute hardship due to its harsh terrains, limited basic amenities, poor connectivity, and difficult living environment resulting in the acute shortage of employees to man the positions and maintain the services in many areas. This issue has been raised on many occasions by the association with different authorities but the result is awaited. Accordingly, GS AIGETOA has reached out to the CMD BSNL and requested his kind intervention to address the long awaited issues by converting three difficult terrain OAs namely Almora, Srinagar (Gwl) & New Tehri from Soft Tenure Station to Two Year Hard Tenure Station to attract employees from other Circles to work in these areas to break their long stay Circle Tenure as they are opting for J&K, Assam, NE etc.

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AIGETOA reached out to CMD BSNL for holding Sports and Cultural Activities in BSNL in the ongoing financial year 2002-23:

GS AIGETOA has requested CMD BSNL for immediate conduction of the BSNL Sports and Cultural Board Meeting to approve the Sports Calendar and conduct 19th All India BSNL Sports and Cultural Meet. It is important to mention here that the said meet even has not been held in BSNL since last three years on account of Covid Pandemic and other administrative reasons.

Click here for the letter

GS writes to Shri P K Purwar CMD BSNL regarding consideration of restructuring proposal and cadre wise manpower planning submitted by AIGETOA and to extend one Promotion to all eligible executives before restructuring

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with copy to all Directors of BSNL Board and Secretary DoT for consideration of restructuring proposal and cadre wise manpower planning submitted by AIGETOA and to extend one Promotion to all eligible executives before restructuring.

Click here for letter

It is unambiguously informed to management that In the absence of suitable measures to address the promotional aspect of executives, it will be very difficult for the association to control the emotion and resentment of executives. Accordingly, any restructuring exercise without taking into the consideration the promotional avenues of executives will not be accepted by this association and shall be firmly opposed by AIGETOA.

AIGETOA writes to the Director (HR) for immediate settlement of SDE Reversal Case

AIGETOA has taken serious exception of the letter issued by the BSNL CO New Delhi including names of some of the LDCE 2007 passed SDEs for the process DPC under left out case. This was already categorically assured by the Director (HR) that their case will be settled as one time measure and their service in the SDE grade will remain intact since date of promotion in the cadre but the action of the management is contrarily to the decision. AIGETOA demanded immediate removal of these names and settlement of their cases immediately.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL on modification in BCF Policy and Covid-19 Death Compensation:

AIGETOA has strongly objected to discriminate between the causes of death and demanded to immediately include all death cases in BCF Policy and incorporate other measures in the notified Policy as suggested by the association earlier.

AIGETOA also demanded to declare all death cases due COVID or it’s related complications as “On Duty Death” and demanded adequate compensation for the families in line with the earlier communication dated 04.05.2021.

Click here for the letter