Listen to Sh. Ravi Shil Verma, GS AIGETOA who without any bias has explained the significance of association in BSNL. These two videos of 5 minutes and 1 minute contain certain questions which every executive must ask from himself. Your answer to these 6 minutes will decide future of executives in BSNL. We request all executives to go through this video and answer the following questions.
Congratulations to all !!!
Now the DPC has been held for AIEL-1 & AIEL-2 and a total of 3697 working executives promoted in this DPC against the vacancies up to December, 2018 on āas in where is basisā as assured by AIGETOA.
Click here for the Promotion Order
Click here for the Promotion List
We congratulate all those who have been promoted and we again reiterate that those who couldn’t make it to this list should not feel left out. We are taking care of all and pursuing for convening the second DPC very soon and we promise that at the end of Tunnel, there will be a light for all.
We advise all to exercise patience. All efforts shall be taken by CHQ team to ensure the benefit to all legitimate ones. We humbly request all, not to indulge into any sort of adventure at Courts under the advice of some over knowledgeable people. We have already seen the result of such adventures. Today current process is also delayed by nine months and those who got into adventure are also delayed by Nine months. We promise to them also that their interest will also be taken care of once this current process is completed.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Honāble CMD BSNL for taking the decision in right perspective, Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar for Pushing the whole process with firmness, and Shri R K Goyal, PGM Pers for taking things to conclusion and keeping this issue moving in perfect direction despite all the odds and obstacles. We are also grateful to the Sr GM SR, CLO and DPC Team for ensuring the process to be completed in a targeted time despite of several inherent challenges. The efforts undertaken by each and every officer of the Pers Cell, who was associated with the DPC related work, is really commendable and we are indebted for their extraordinary efforts through day and nights to complete the vast works associated with the process. We sincerely hope that Management will very soon take care of all the remaining executives, who are due for promotions despite availability of vacancies. We once again extend our gratitude to all those involved in process.
Defying all the confusions and malafide campaign that promotions through DPC is not possible in BSNL, finally the path for DPC Promotions opened up for BSNL recruited employees also. The reasons for the delay are well known to all but the commitment, perseverance and determination of Team AIGETOA finally made the day. Even though these promotions were supposed to happen in the initial months of AIGETOA becoming recognized representative association, the same got delayed due to a court case at Jabalpur. AIGETOA Team virtually worked day and night to get the thing’s on track. Even after Jabalpur verdict from 1st July to 7th July many issues cropped up in between. Due to the court case at Jabalpur, the vacancies and submissions of BSNL in court, vacancies of 2019 Calendar year could not be accommodated in current DPC process and accordingly BSNL was constrained to reduce some numbers. Things were really gloomy in the beginning and numbers were very less and beyond our expectations. Thereafter, the team pursued the matter and highlighted certain issues which appeared reasonable to management and they took care to consider these issues and we could accomplish the current numbers.
The update would not be complete without mentioning the names who in addition to CHQ AIGETOA worked to achieve this result. AIGETOA MP team lead by Shri Devendra Saini – CS and Manish Soni – CP with never tiring efforts of Shri Ram Narayan Bhilodiya – ACS and his Team, Kerala Team for having settled the seniority dispute forever, Shri Rajeev Meena CS Delhi and BSNL CO Team for following up the things so meticulously.
Letās Grow Together! Letās Move Together!! Letās Make AIGETOA Strong Together!!!
The formal agenda meeting held between the Majority Recognised Representative Association AIGETOA and BSNL management held on 15th Sep, 2020 under the chairmanship of respected Director(HR), Shri Arvind Vadnerker ji released yesterday. Although the points discussed have been captured in the minutes but the time line discussed has not been elaborated. We are quite hopeful that under the esteem leadership of Shri Arvind Vadnerker ji, Director (HR) we will succeed to remove all bottlenecks in a phased manner as assured by him in the meeting and the new belief will be created.
Pay Loss Issue of JTO 2007, 2008 & JAO 2010 batches
The pay loss issue of 2007 and 2008 and 2010 JAO batches and their rightful demand of 22820 with consequential benefits shall be tried to be settled in 6-8 months with full conviction and efforts. AIGETOA will form a committee comprising of CHQ and 2007 and 2008 JTOs/JAOs exclusively to deal with this issue including suggesting the ways for settlement of this issue. AIGETOA shall also adopt organization methods for settlement of these issues. AIGETOA also welcomes like minded groups to be part of this mission for achieving this benign objective.
Immediate Extension of E1+5 Increments to E1 Recruited JTOs/JAOs
Management Committee of BSNL has already approved this interim Benefit for few batches who were recruited in E1 scales. AIGETOA will ensure that this interim benefit till finalization of E2 scales is extended to all the JTOs/JAOs who have been recruited in E1 Scales.
Settlement of pay loss issues of TTAs (JEs) who joined after 2007 in the pre-revised scales , now promoted as JTOs/JAO (Pay loss in JE grade):
AIGETOA will work towards settlement of pay loss with consequential benefits of departmental JEs appointed under LICE quota of JTOs/JAOs.
Pay loss issue of JTOs (JEs under DR quota) Recruited under departmental outsider Quota:
AIGETOA will work towards settlement of pay loss of departmental JEs with consequential benefits appointed under DR Quota as outsider candidates in JTO/JAO grade with consequential benefits.
Extension of One Increment to all Executives on every promotion:
AIGETOA has already taken up this issue in Honāble Court of law. AIGETOA will work towards achieving this objective of ensuring one increment on promotion for all those who have been denied this just because of administrative delay in promotions. This is going to benefit all the executives as almost everybodyās promotions have been delayed due to uncaring attitude of management on HR issues.
The Livelihood ā Vision to settle the Pay Scale Related Issues:
Standard Pay Scales:
Implementation of E2, E3 standard Pay Scales to all JTOs/JAOs & SDEs/AOs without cascading effect with consequential benefits and incorporation of E2 pay scale in JTORR- 2014 in line with the BSNL Board approval
AIGETOA will work for implementation of E2 scales of 20600 ā 46500 without cascading effect as the replacement scale of E1A for all JTOs/JAOs w.e.f. 01.01.2007.
AIGETOA will work for adoption of E2 pay scale in JTO/JAO Recruitment Rules in line with the BSNL Board approval to ensure that Pay Scale issue of JTOs/JAOs recruited/promoted post 1.1.2007 is settled within the ambit of BSNL as adoptions of scales in RR does not require approval from DoT. AIGETOA will also seek merger of SDE scale with non-functional Sr. SDE Scale so that the youngsters get advantage of five years to reach the posts of AGMs.
Ensure the Consequential benefits of finalization of E2 pay scales for JTOs/JAOs w.e.f 01.01.2007
AIGETOA has already got favourable directions from Honāble court that all the affected executives should be extended consequential benefits (Arrears). This direction has achieved finality and we will ensure arrears for all the executives who have been recruited post 1.1.2007 in executive capacity.
Uniform first Time Bound Financial Up gradation in 4 years in EPP:
It will be our firm endeavour to end this disparity in promotions which is a gift of Legacy Associations to BSNL Recruits. The New JTOs/JAOs are facing a double loss because of this non-uniform 1st TBP, one because of lower scale and other because of 2 years delay in 1st time bound upgradation in Pay. AIGETOA is determined to end this disparity.
Working towards resolution of specific pay issues of Notional fixation of E1A and E2A for Civil/Elec/Arch/TF/CSS/PA/PS wing executives Regularization of Salary, Perks, Medical and Temp Advances
Implementation of 3rd PRC:
AIGETOA will work towards implementing the 3rd PRC in BSNL.
Allowances & Perks and LTC Benefits (including Transportation):
AIGETOA will work towards implementing revision of perks and allowances as per the 2nd and 3rd PRC recommendations. Will also work to restore the LTC benefits and EL Encashment for all executives.