Alternate day working pattern in view of the exponential increase in COVID cases across country

Final Rates & Benefits of Group Health Insurance Scheme Proposed By AIGETOA (BSNL) For PAN India:

The Group Mediclaim Policy to be launched by AIGETOA has been finalized. We were under discussion for the best possible quote causing delay by few days but now negotiation has been completed and Letter of Intent has been issued by the Insurer for a five Lakh Mediclaim Policy.

The exclusive premium will be Rs 6100/- plus 18% GST (i.e. Rs 7198/-) uniformly across all age brackets for one Family comprising of self, spouse plus Kids. The quotes for Family with single parent coverage is at 9000+GST@18%, The quotes for Family with both parents coverage is 9600+GST@18%.

Room Rent has been enhanced from earlier 1 percent of SI to 2 percent ie Rs 10,000 per day. ICU expenditure has been enhanced to actual expenses without any capping against earlier quote of 2 percent of SI.

Though Corporate Buffer is available at some minimum extra premium but we have opted for Top Up benefits of 5 lacs and 10 lacs additional to ensure parity amongst all. However, to get this coverage, minimum 20 percent will have to opt for ToP Up..the rates of ToPUP will be dependent upon the number of persons opting for the top up for which we will have another 15 days window. We will try to keep the rates for ToP UP also as minimum as possible through negotiation once the final figure on the same is arrived.

The Customized Terms & Conditions of the policy along with premium for family with parents is enclosed for your ready reference as provided by the insurer, New India assurance.

We will be opening the window to start collection of premium very soon, once payment gateway for the purpose is readied by the bank. The family details will be again captured while making the payment for the said group policy. We once again thank you all for showing patience and it will definitely yield fruitful result when the policy will come into effect in this month for Pan India basis with all coverage from day-1.

Click here for the final rates and benefits of Group Mediclaim Policy

AIGETOA served notice for One Day Organisational Program on 22.04.2021 to apply leave and observe it as “PROTEST DAY”

AIGETOA served notice for One Day Organisational Program on 22.04.2021 to apply leave and observe it as “PROTEST DAY”.

Let’s make it a movement and give a thumping success by maximum participation of the executives above the association line to give a strong message to the management that the people can’t be ignored for long else they will retaliate strongly. It’s a high time that BSNL management should correct its recourse and start resolving outstanding issues of executives else more intensified struggle will be launched.

Together We Will…

Click here for Notice

Timely Disbursement of Salary

Dear Friends,

We are thankful to the CMD and Board of Directors, BSNL to listen our voice for timely disbursement of salary to some extent in this month. We have always demanded to ensure payment of salary on last working day of the month and nullify the 20-22 days delay continuing since more than a year and March was the best occasion to meet it. Although, the association was pressing for payment of salary on last working day of the month i.e. 31.03.2021 but it is being made in first week of April, is also a respite from previous position. We thank our Circle Secretaries for taking up the issue of salary payment with respective CGMT from across the BSNL simultaneously when our CHQ was taking up the issue with CMD and Board of Directors, BSNL citing the sufficient grounds. We have always advocated that it is the best opportunity to regularize the salary and infuse positivity among employees as well as restore their social grace, which somewhat got hurted due to regular delay in recent times. We do hope that management will ensure timely disbursement of salary here onwards, which is also the fundamental right of an employee.


Click here for the letter

Click here for the media news

Group Health Insurance Scheme Proposed By AIGETOA for PAN India:

We are in receipt of queries regarding our proposed Group Health Insurance Scheme, which was scheduled to be launched from First April-2021. In this regard, it is apprised to all concerned that the collection of premium for the said policy has not been started in March due to end of financial year and certain compliance related issues especially the issue pertaining to claiming income tax exemption etc.

It has been decided to launch the scheme by 10th April, 2021 and the final policy documents and link for the premium payment will be opened accordingly.

We further extend our heartiest thanks for showing faith in our endeavor. We once again clarify that though we have started our policy on self contributory method owing to requirements of current times but finally association is committed to move towards implementation of this policy by BSNL and we ensure that in future, it is BSNL which will pay the premium and not the employees. We have already initiated discussion in this regard with the management and held extensive deliberation on the topic with the Director (HR), BSNL Board in our meeting on 22.03.2021.

AIGETOA efforts at DoT yielded positive result for BSNL:

The fund of 25K rural WiFi Hotspot Project was pending at DoT since long time even after submission of requisite documents by the BSNL to the concerned section of the DoT. After getting information of the issue, Team AIGETOA of CHQ and Delhi Circle under AIP and GS raised the matter of pending approval and payment of CAPEX and OPEX subsidies of 25K rural WiFi Hotspot Project to the concerned authority in the DoT and also met Ms Anshuli Arya, Administrator USOF at DoT for the matter and continuously followed up the issue since Feb-2021.

With these dedicated efforts of the Team AIGETOA, USOF has now sanctioned and released CAPEX subsidy of Rs 47.98 Cr on 30.03.3021 and OPEX subsidy of Rs 13.74 Cr have been released on 23.03.2021 towards Add on Wifi Core Opex charges.

Click here for the letter by AIGETOA for USOF in Feb-2021

AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL on 26.03.2021:

Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh OS met CMD BSNL and discussed issues of the departmental importance as well as executives long pending cadre related issues on 26th March, 2021.

The team took up the issue of timely payment of salary i.e. on last working day and availability of the fund for the field units for the electricity payment, IP sites payment, clearance of temporary advance of the executives and other liabilities. The CMD BSNL informed that he has cleared many long pending liabilities in the current month and will be providing further support to smoothen the field services. On the timely salary, he was non-committal inspite of our stress to ensure regularisation of the salary on last working days, which is continuing since more than a year. We raised the matter of 4G roll out as viability of the BSNL is not possible without early rollout of the services. He apprised that the management is determined for it and he will be further updating on the issue after a week. In the meantime, we have come to know that some positive movement is going on the 4G roll out at DoT.

On restructuring and promotional issues, he once again emphasized that the JTO to SDE Promotion has no obstacle from management side and it will be released, once the clearance is received from Hon’ble Jabalpur CAT. He once again told that other promotions will be explored only after the restructuring figure is locked, which is still incomplete. We reminded that he has assured to complete the exercise by March in the last meeting and the executives are completely frustrated and enraged due to complete deadlock on HR front and so the exercise should be completed immediately. The CMD BSNL asked to wait up to second week of April for final picture, another timeline assurance.

Earlier in the last week, we have a detailed discussion with the Director(HR) for more than two hours on 22.03.2021 and thereafter separate meeting with PGM(Pers), Sr GM(A), Sr GM(SR), Sr GM(Estab) and apprised each and every issues pertaining to them i.e. Promotions, Settlement of LDCE 2007 SDE Reversion issue, List-9 finalisation and circulation of subsequent lists, Restructuring, Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 persuasion to the DoT, formation of Committee of Pay Loss of 22820/- & E1+5 increment, Removal of discriminatory clause of Rule-8 applicable to only GATE JTOs, Revision of Bond Period and Bond Amount, Preparation of JAO gradation List, Settlement of Rule-8 and Rule-9 transfer Cases and capturing of request through online mechanism, Group Health Insurance Scheme by BSNL, Opening of deputation Channel for all executives and holding of the 2nd Formal Agenda Meeting with AIGETOA.


Although, association tried its best to resolve the issues through dialogue and persuasion in an amicable manner as we kept in mind the delicate situation in which BSNL is placed and organisation unrest should have been the last thing which BSNL could have afforded. But it is equally true that dissatisfaction level of all the executives has reached its limit and settlement of the long pending issues will actually take our beloved organisation BSNL towards prosperity. The time has come to raise the voice for our legitimate rights through any means including organisational action in the best interest of our beloved BSNL also as continued neglect of hr issues is denting the morale of employees, which will ultimately harm BSNL. So, in the best interest of the organization as well as the executives, AIGETOA has decided to initiate organizational action program and notice to this effect shall be served in the first week itself.


Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Director (HR) on 22.03.2021:

Team AIGETOA under General Secretary had a meeting with Director HR in presence of PGM Pers, GM Restg, SR GM(Admin), GM(Rect) on 22.03.2021 in the chamber of Dir(HR). We categorically expressed our view point that today we have not come to seek assurances or discuss on the issues. Today we have come to apprise management of the prevailing unrest amongst the rank and file of all executives due to sidelining of all HR issues. If management do not act immediately on the resolution of issues and start confidence building measures by honouring the promises made in agenda meeting with visible progress on ground in the form of outcome, association shall be constrained to start organisational program from April and the responsibility of industrial unrest will solely lie on the management.

However, detailed discussion took place thereafter on HR issues including the issue of regularization of Salary as well as problems faced by executives in day to day operations and maintenance. We also highlighted the certain business decisions like launching of plans where commission to the franchisee is more than the voucher itself.. disconnecting the media connectivity of Power grid without any proper alternative in place etc. We said on one side HR issues are not being settled and on the other side such questionable decisions are demotivating the morale of the executives.

Management said that in another 2-3 weeks, they will try to resolve some issues but we have firmly conveyed to management that if visible progress is not seen by 31.03.2021 and if suitable confidence building measures are not in place, by that time, we will have no other choice but to resort on the strong protest.

We had requested for immediate formation of Committee on Pay Loss of 22820/- and E1+5 increments, issuance of promotions for JTO to SDE , initiation of preparatory exercise for promotions in SDE to AGM and AO to CAO, Permanent settlement of SDE 2007 reversal issue, issuance of clarification with respect to Discriminatory Rule 8 non applicability clause for GATE JTOs, Consideration of Rule 9 cases, opening of deputation, committee formation for streamlining of Bond Period and Bond Amount for GATE JTOs and newly recruited JAOs, Finalization of List 9 on VY basis and Publication of List 10 for next VY, preparation of JAO gradation list etc without any further delay and preparatory for their promotion. We also conveyed our firm stand that we will not accept anything less than as submitted by AIGETOA in the sanctioned strength of SDE, AGM, DGM, AO, CAO and DGM (Fin) in our meeting with restructuring committee under chairmanship of Dir (HR).

The Director HR has assured for firm action in the time frame. We shall be definitely keeping our fingers crossed till that time.

However we call upon all OBs, members and executives to prepare themselves for a long and sustained struggle from April 2021 for the resolution of long pending HR issues related to Pay, Pension and Promotion, regularization of Salary and fulfillment of maintenance requirements of field units and other viability related issues of BSNL. Friends, we have given enough opportunities to the management and hence the onus is now on the management for any industrial unrest and so start mobilization for the struggle.

Together We Can and Together We Will.


Highlights of Group Health Insurance Policy by AIGETOA

AIGETOA Launches Group Health Insurance Policy for w.e.f. 01.04.2021 in tie up with New India Assurance (NIA)

Thanks for showing overwhelming response for the proposed Group Health Insurance Policy being launched by AIGETOA. After receiving the actual data from all circles and after having extensive discussions with various agencies and getting Feedback from various corners, AIGETOA has finally decided to opt for the New India Assurance Health Insurance Scheme. We have finally sealed the proposal for around 4000 executives and their dependents group. The Final Premium price arrived is Rs. 6630 plus GST @ 18 percent for the coverage of Rs 5 Lakh for one family (Employee+Spouse+ Kids) with facilities from Day-1. Income Tax Benefit for individual optees under section 80 D will also be applicable. The number of Kids allowable as on date is three in the policy, however, in case of third kid born (Except Twins) after start of the policy, coverage for third child will not be applicable. The Policy is aimed to be started from 01.04.2021 and the payment will be started collecting by next week.

The salient features are as follows:

  • The annual health coverage will be Rs 5 Lakh for the family.
  • The Annual Premium will be 6630/- per family (Self with Spouse and Kids including 3rd child as on date).
  • Zone wise Policy so Best TPA In A Particular Zone Can Be Selected.
  • The Premium will be uniform across all age groups. However, it is worth to mention that premium amount of the policy envisaged by AIGETOA is less for even the age group of 21-25 years vis-à-vis other similar policies.
  • Instead of opting for a corporate buffer, additional Top-Up of Rs 5 Lakh will be available at a nominal premium amount for those interested to opt it to enhance the coverage.
  • The coverage of Parents can also be included in the Policy by paying additional amount.
  • Policy starts without any formalities except some basic details of the family and payment of premium amount.
  • Domiciliary treatment applicable as per norms
  • Psychiatric treatment and congenital diseases treatment covered as per norms.
  • The facilities will be covered from Day-1 of start of the policy.
  • Standard Policy document will be shared at the time of payment of Premium from next week.
  • Those having individual policy as on date can also be added in the policy either on Pro Rata basis where the policy will be applicable from the date of cessation of previous policy or they can opt for new parallel policy from the day one as additional coverage. The copy of previous policy shall be required to opt for this policy.
  • Facility to claim reimbursement of the balance amount not paid by BSNL subject to fulfillment of documentary requirements.
  • Softcopy of the original policy document along with list of applicants and their payments details shall be provided by the Insurance Agency for claiming Income Tax deduction under section 80D.
  • All Pre-Existing diseases covered from day one.
  • 1st, 2nd ,3rd and 4th Year waived off and no waiting period.
  • Aayush Hospitalization Expenses covered up to the extent of 25% of the sum assured as per norms of the standard policy.
  • In case of single employee, their spouses will be covered without any extra premium in case of marriage during the policy enforcement period. Mid Term inclusion of newly born kid also applicable without any extra premium during policy enforcement period.
  • Room Rent – 1 percent Sum Assured.
  • ICU Rent- 2 percent Sum Assured.
  • All benefits of the continuance shall be extended to the willing employees opting for individual policies post retirement/resignation from BSNL provided they are covered under the policy for the minimum stipulated period to be eligible for exemptions. We are also trying to include the policy in the name of nominee in the case of some misfortune occurs to the opted executive (Matter under deliberation with the agency).
  • Dental Treatment Covered in case of injury due to accident.
  • Covid-19 Hospitalization Treatment Covered.
  • Pre-Hospitalization and Post Hospitalization expenses covered as per standard policy.
  • In case of Non-Network Hospitals, Reimbursement allowed provided treatment is taken in a minimum 15 bedded hospital.
  • Advance medical treatment covered along with their sub limits as defined in the policy.
  • Day care procedures(pre-defined).
  • Cataract limit of 50K or the actual bill whichever is lower per eye, per policy year.
  • Hernia – ₹ 1,00,000/- , or the actual bill, whichever is lower.
  • Hysterectomy – ₹ 1,00,000/- or the actual bill, whichever is lower
  • Maternity benefit scheme not Covered under the policy.
  • Ambulance charges 1% of sum insured subject to maximum 2500/- provided patient is admitted to emergency ward.

All Circle Secretaries and OBs are requested to start awareness campaign about the policy which is a best priced group health policy for the capped amount with PAN India Roll Out. It’s voluntarily in nature but opting of the policy by more and more people will strengthen our claim to force the BSNL Management to extend this facility by employer to its employees. We once again reemphasize that this is a welfare measure taken based on the popular request and the difficulties faced by employees during this critical time.

Group Health Insurance Scheme for BSNL Executives/Employees proposed by AIGETOA CHQ for PAN India level

Dear All,

Though, it is our considerate thought that providing Health Insurance is the duty of employer and we are already into discussion with BSNL Management for improving the medical coverage and facilities. However, CHQ is in receipt of request from many circles for AIGETOA entering into negotiation for a group health insurance for the executives. Based on the request received from many circles, AIGETOA CHQ has decided to get into tie up with Insurance Agency on PAN India Basis in order to ensure best possible quotes as many employees want to get individual health insurance and are facing many difficulties in getting the insurance due to riders associated with the individual policies. As a welfare activity for the BSNL Executives/Employees, AIGETOA is in negotiation with New India Assurance Company Ltd (A central PSU) and Star Health Insurance (The leading Health Insurance Provider in private sector) for a group Health Insurance Scheme.

Salient Features of the proposed Group Medical Health Insurance Policy by AIGETOA.

  1. Best policy conditions with most competitive Premium rates under direct tie up with the company, not through any agent.
  2. All Executives/Employees of BSNL working PAN India is eligible to join. Income Tax rebate will be applicable for the premium.
  3. The policy will be distributed into zones so best TPA in a particular zone can be selected. In case of star health, it will be handled directly by the company. The treatment will be cashless. BSNL is spread throughout the country. At few places cash less treatment may not be available,in that case treatment has to be taken in hospital with 15 or more beds, which will be reimbursed.
  4. Medical Coverage for parents/In-laws can also be added as optional benefits with some extra premium.
  5. Sum Assured i.e. claimable amount for the insurer employees family will be Rs Five Lakhs plus top up.
  6. The provision for extra Top Up amount shall be there in the form of either Corporate Buffer or individual family top up with nominal cost.
  7. Definition of Family shall be as per Govt of India norms.
  8. Coverage will start from day one of the commencement of the policy. No waiting period shall be there.
  9. Pre-existing diseases will also be covered including planned surgeries as added advantage.
  10. Advance Treatment is also applicable with some conditions.
  11. Hernia, Hysterectomy, Cataract etc covered from first day.

We are right now negotiating for around 5000 employees. The current premium quote is expected to be around Rs 6000-7000 annually for 5 lakhs coverage for Self, Spouse and two kids, which is being negotiated for lowering it further. The premium for covering parents shall be extra.

This tentative premium is expected to go further down to a very low premium if the number of optees for the scheme is very high. We are trying to get the policy at the as minimum rates as much as possible as there is no middleman involved and the policy is being negotiated with the company Directly.

In case of any queries and clarification one may contact our respective Circle Secretaries.

We are planning to launch the scheme in the month of March-2021 itself. Accordingly all interested persons are requested to fill up the form latest by 10.03.2021 by clicking the following link.

Click here for Group Medical Health Insurance Policy Online Form