Nomination of Shri Ravi Shil Verma as Chairman AIGETOA in the special GBM held on 15th
April’2022 through online mode

Nomination of Shri Ravi Shil Verma as Chairman AIGETOA in the special GBM held on 15th
April’2022 through online mode

Dear Friends,

New CHQ Team of AIGETOA has been endorsed by the BSNL Corporate Office for all purpose in line with the election held at Bhopal on 14th March 2022. This Team is a mix of previous body OBs and new entrants i.e. a combination of experience and youthfulness under the leadership of our vibrant General Secretary Shri Wasi Ahmad and Young All India President Shri Veerbhadra Rao. In a Special General Body Meeting held though online on 15.04.2022, our most respected and tallest leader Shri Ravi Shil Verma has also been unanimously nominated as Chairman of AIGETOA. The new team has swung into action immediately towards various outstanding issues of the Executives as well as the policies for revival and survival of BSNL. In recent times, the Team has held several meetings at different level of authorities in BSNL, DoT and DoPT. At the same time, CHQ has attended various meetings of the combined platform of AUAB as well as our ally association SEWA also. In between, OBs of New CHQ has also succeeded in meeting various Hon’ble Members of Parliament as well as Member of Parliamentary Committee on Communication and Information Technology, Govt of India to further precipitate and resolve our issues. We have set our agenda very clearly to ensure resolution of long pending issue of Standard Pay Scale E2-E3, Pay loss issue of JTO/JAO, Issuance of long awaited promotion in AGM/CAO/EE, SDE/AO/AE and other grades and settlement of Reversal Issue, full 30 percent Superannuation Benefits (SAB), Creation of mechanism for the Fast Track Promotion Channel through MS RR, Cashless MRS facility and Group Health Insurance Policy by BSNL, Revision of Allowances, Restoration of LTC, 3rd PRC in BSNL etc.

Despite getting the Majority Representative Association tag in the most difficult phase of BSNL as well as mankind, we have been able to clinch long pending issue of promotions from JTO to SDE and other equivalent grades, the transparent and unform transfer Policy, clinching maximum posts in the middle level management despite surrender of almost 14000 post due to VRS, streamling and clearing of Rule 8 cases, incorporation of stagnation criteria through personal upgradation in RRs, incorporation of fast track promotion policy in various RRs, notification for LICE for JE to JTO, deposit of arrears of SAB fund, Up to date deposit of EPF contribution, timely payment of medical bills, maintenance expenditure are to name a few. Today we have created an echo system where no executive is dependent upon anybody for processing of his Requests down to the SSA level. In the most critical period of Covid, we extended a health policy at such rates that many thousand employees of BSNL were able to have a health cover and they got the benefits of almost 20 crores as claim settlement, we have been able to get created BSNL Covid Fund for the families of all our brothers who left us due to Covid. The achievements are many but at the same time there has been certain setbacks also for which we are fighting hard and will ensure that justice prevails for all. We will claim our successes and at the same time we will not hesitate in accepting our failures also and will strive to overcome those failures and convert them to success. Executives voted for change and change is visible.

This changed scenario was not possible without the ardent support of the OBs, Members and Executive Fraternity. Still some association play the game of number and try to deceive management on various occasions though SAP Count. Now, a time has come to give a full support in terms of numbers also to cement the position of the association for a harder and efficient way for resolution of issues. So, we request all of you to please come forward and extend a hand of support for a better future in BSNL. Following is the Team of AIGETOA CHQ for your service at all time.

Click here for CHQ Body

Click here for letter of endorsement

Click here for letter of Chairman Nomination

AIGETOA Extend Warm Wishes to Sh Sushil Mishra, Director (CM), BSNL on his Superannuation

Respected Sushil Mishra Sir,

On behalf of AIGETOA and BSNL Employees, we extend our warm wishes for a very healthy and prosperous life after superannuation from the post of Hon’ble Director (CM), BSNL on 31.03.2022. We are fortunate to get such exemplary personality in the BSNL Board of Director to head a very important vertical of the organisation. Your simplicity and dedication will always inspire us to work with greater honesty and greater commitment in the life. We extend our heartiest thanks for your endeavor in architecting the purchase order for the 4G equipment before retirement, a landmark and historic day for BSNL. It was one amongst the most challenging jobs assigned to you as Director (CM) under the leadership of the Hon’ble CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar and you have successfully achieved it for BSNL. BSNL passed through one of the most difficult times and you handled the CM Vertical smoothly and efficiently during this turbulent Period. We once again pay our deepest gratitude to you for your selfless service to the BSNL.

Thank You Sir for all your best endeavors for BSNL.

Wasi Ahmad, GS-AIGETOA

AIGETOA demanded to clear the outstanding SAB Pension Fund immediately as assured to deposit by March’2022:

GS AIGETOA has reached out to the CMD BSNL and demanded to honour the commitment given to deposit Pending SAB Pension Fund Amount of the period Sep’2020 to March’2022 and make the Fund up-to-date latest by March’2022. In his communication, he reminded that Employees are continuously playing their part by exploring all possible means to maximize the collection despite of all constraints with the association constructive role and accordingly we are getting news of good collection in this month. But now it’s the turn of BSNL Management to look into one of our most sensitive demands dealing with the Social Security of 40000 plus BSNL Recruited Employees (Executives and Non-Executives) and their dependent Families. We also demanded to recoup the interest of lost period to compensate the losses.

Click here for the letter

Height of Chest Thumping by one Association:

In the recent updates on their website, it seems that SA has lost even the power of visualizing anything. In fact it appears that now they are even unable to comprehend the developments.

The SA after spoiling the Pay and Careers of thousands & thousands of young executives are shedding crocodile tears. In fact they have updated their website without even confirming the outcome of the board meetings. This shows their ignorance and hollowness towards the issues pertaining to young executives. We are surprised that they are blaming MA for silence while the fact is just the opposite. While they are playing gimmicks through a non relevant court order as well as a non serious symbolic protest, AIGETOA is busy in putting their untiring efforts in all directions to bring back the career prospects on right track. If one remembers, when erstwhile MA left office in August-2020, the JTO(T) of even first batch i.e. 2001 recruited in BSNL was stagnating since almost 20 Years but AIGETOA succeeded in breaking the deadlock and ensuring their promotion in SDET Grade despite of SA best efforts to derail it. As of now only JTO(T)s with 7 Years or less residency period (barring few cases) are remaining to be promoted to SDE(T) Grade and we want to assure that their cases will also be settled in coming days. Similar efforts are also on the way for other streams and grades. While they are unreasonably preaching others from a distant end without any interaction with the management, AIGETOA is busy is pursuing for a new HR Policy where each and every executive especially the younger ones can aspire to reach to senior position of GM/CGM in future through a Fast Track Promotion Mechanism, which is under discussion by AIGETOA with the BSNL Management.

We would like to suggest SA that before reporting blatant lies on their website, they should verify and check the facts. As far as actions of AIGETOA are concerned, they should not be worried. The result of our actions shall be visible in next few days. And Yes, we wish to inform that SDE RR has been taken up in the last board meeting and we will update the outcome appropriately once complete details will be available as we are not in a hurry to rush on website for election gains. All we can say now that our voice has reached to the management and they have tried to address the concerns raised by AIGETOA, details shall be updated in due course. However, we once again affirm that AIGETOA will not let loose anything and are fully prepared for any uncalled for moves-either of management or of the support association. Executives should not be perturbed by the unnecessary fear psychosis being created by SA.

We request all the Executives to ignore the untrue updates of the website of SA. They are devoid of facts as well as merits. It is simply clear from the fact that the said association (current SA), derailed the implementation of E2 Scale for JTO/JAO equivalent grades on three distinct occasions i.e. first at the time of inception of BSNL when they agreed for E1A instead of E2, Second at the time of implementation of PRC in BSNL i.e. 2009 when 30% fitment was given to all employees but E2 was not extended to JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO equivalent grades and Thirdly at the time of formation of JTO RR 2014 by mingling with management and inserted E1 for JTO in the Recruitment Rule. Any sensible person can understand that the period was most favourable to get E2 Scale for JTO/JAO but the opportunity was lost by the present SA for acquiring favourable orders for their peers ignoring the BSNL Recruits Cadre, else E2 for JTO/JAO would also be a reality in BSNL since its inception like MTNL……

But our persuasion and struggle through different routes to acquire E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO Equivalent Grades will continue till we achieve it.

Visit by GS, AIP & AGS AIGETOA to the DOP&T at New Delhi:

Today, Team AIGETOA comprising of General Secretary Shri Wasi Ahmad, AIP Shri Veerbhadra Rao and AGS Shri Vivek Kumar Singh visited Department of Personal & Training (DOP&T), North Block, New Delhi. The visit was intended to enquire about the development in issuance of the proposed notification of the government in view of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement in January ‘2022. The preliminary meeting was held with the officials in the department. Further meetings will be held with higher authorities in the upcoming days then only more clarity will be available on the matter of issuance of direction on reservation matter as per Hon’ble SC, New Delhi.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble MP Shri Rahul Kaswan at Delhi

Team AIGETOA met with the Hon’ble Member of Parliament Shri Rahul Kaswan ji at his residence to apprise our issues related with the Pay, Promotion, Pension and Profitability of the organisation. The Team comprises of Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Mehta FS, Shri Vivek Kumar AGS, Shri Ajay Kaswan ji, Shri Rajendra Singh ji and Shri Yogesh Chauhan Ji met the Hon’ble MP and apprised the issues being faced by the Executive of BSNL. The team requested him to use his good office for appropriate intervention of the Hon’ble Minister of Communication in the matter. The Hon’ble MP listened our points patiently, suggested some measures and and also assured for the possible help. The meeting was arranged by our senior leader Shri Ajay Kaswan ji through his good channel. The meeting ended on a positive note.

AIGETOA Telangana meeting with Hon’ble MoC at Hyderabad:

Today on dated 4th Mar 2022, Team AIGETOA Telangana Circle met Hon’ble MoC Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji and had brief discussion over the issues pertaining to BSNL and future prospects of executives of BSNL with respect to Pay, Promotion and Pension issues.

He was once again invited and requested by Telangana Team to grace the Open Session of our All India Conference. Hon’ble Minister showed his positive consideration and asked us to coordinate with his OSD.

He further told that fortune of BSNL is vibrant and coming days are good and government is committed for its viability and longevity. He also apprised that government is making all efforts for the roll out of the 4G services by the BSNL on the target timeline.

On HR issue of the Executives, Hon’ble Minister apprised that he is aware of the issues raised by AIGETOA in various meetings and advised us to exercise a little bit of more patience. Hon’ble Minister assured that things are improving and every genuine issue shall be taken care. We showed our confidence in the initiatives of the government and requested him to direct the DoT and BSNL management to expedite the issues of Career Progression, Pay & Pension to motivate the employees, who are giving their best despite of all challenges.

Click here for snaps

Minute of Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA with BSNL Management Issued:

Minutes of the formal agenda meeting of AIGETOA held with BSNL Management on 09.02.2022 under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Director HR issued. The meeting was attended by the PGM/Sr. GM/GM of all Vertical Heads and chaired by the Director HR. The association side was represented by the All India President, General Secretary and Assistant General Secretaries in the meeting. Minutes covered all points as discussed in the meeting and we are hopeful that the management will abide by the assurance given in the meeting for resolution of all outstanding issues in a time bound manner.

Click here for the MoM

Update on BSNL SLP

Today on 24th Feb, 2022, the much awaited BSNL SLPs along with other separate SLPs came up for hearing before the Hon’ble Supreme Court. After hearing the matter in detail all the SLPs are listed for further arguments on 31.03.2022.

Restoration of pride of BSNL – ALTTC is back

The matter raised by AIGETOA at DoT and MoC has been taken into cognizance and the voice raised by AIGETOA has finally worked. Today Team AIGETOA with Ravi Shil Verma, Wasi Ahmad, Badri Mehta, Sunil Gautam and Vivek Kumar Singh met senior officers at DOT and precipitated the issue. It was informed to us the detailed submissions by AIGETOA with regard to ALTTC issue has been appreciated and acknowledged at the highest level. The protest through Twitter Campaign and by the AIGETOA ALLTC Circle Team has also been noticed by all concerned which has helped in quick resolution of the issue.

Thereafter we met Dir HR and CMD BSNL also where the matter was discussed at length. It was informed that the corrective action is underway.

The issue has been resolved and the letter directing BSNL and NTIPRIT to maintain status quo was received during the meeting itself.

We extend our heartiest thanks to the CMD BSNL and Director HR for immediate intervention on the issue at the highest level.

Congratulations to one and all for the support both organizationally as well as on Twitter. The united effort resulted into success. Still some issues are there which will be resolved in due course of time.

Click here for the directions to maintain status quo