SR cell to issue corrigendum on Daily Diary App :

SR cell to issue corrigendum on Daily Diary App :

As intimated in the morning after going through the letter of AIGETOA, Director HR called GS AIGETOA and discussed on the daily diary app.

He appreciated the concerns raised by AIGETOA and told that he shall be issuing a clarification to all CGMs about the apprehensions raised by the association. He told that this app will work as a feedback mechanism only. He said he is open to making necessary changes in the APP also to rename it as “BSNL Samvad App”.

More discussions followed in the afternoon when PGM SR called the General Secretary of AIGETOA and SNEA. Thereafter based on the inputs suggested by Association, a draft was finalized and agreed.

Now the App is delinked from APAR and made optional with no linkage to APAR and targets anymore. The daily dairy is an optional thing now. The feedback system is incorporated. The KPI entry is categorically mentioned as optional. Edit option is given. Furthermore no weightage in APAR for diary update.

Thereafter both GSs had brief meeting with CMD BSNL and he categorically mentioned that intent is constructive and intended towards getting the actual feedback from employees. He assured that this app is not at all for linking performance and salary or APAR.

Accordingly Restructuring Cell shall be issuing a modification on the above lines.

We extend our thanks to Hon’ble CMD BSNL, Hon’ble Director HR and Hon’ble PGM SR.

Click here for letter

Relaxation request for the Guidelines on Tenure Areas in BSNL – Counting of Circle tenure under BSNL Transfer Policy – executives serving in BSNLCO, CNTX-N, QA&I, BBNW, ALTTC, INMARSAT, UP(W), HR Circle and Delhi-NCR :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR addressing concerns with the recent amendments to the BSNL Transfer Policy, specifically clause 6(d) introduced in the BSNLCO-PERS/15(11)/6/2020-PERS1 order dated 19th September 2023. The clause impacts executives serving in the BSNLCO, CNTX-N, QA&I, BBNW, ALTTC, INMARSAT, UP(W), HR Circle and Delhi-NCR, including areas such as Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, Greater Noida, and Ghaziabad, by treating them as a composite unit with Delhi/BSNL CO for tenure counting purposes.

Click here for Letter

Key Concerns Raised by AIGETOA:

1] Geographical Disparity:

Combining vastly different areas under one tenure unit fails to account for the challenges posed by geographical differences. The combined area of 6979 sq. km includes diverse regions with varying commute times, infrastructure, and operational conditions.

2] Unfair Assumption of Advantage:

Executives working in NCR regions face significant travel and logistical difficulties, yet receive minimal transport allowances, insufficient to cover actual expenses.

3] Impact on Employee Welfare and Family Life:

The policy imposes undue pressure on employees to manage family and professional life while fulfilling their official duties, similar to employees in other parts of India.

4] Inconsistencies in Categorization:

Executives serving in Delhi-NCR are subject to both intra-circle and inter-circle transfers under BSNL’s longer-stay policies, causing confusion and inconsistent categorization.

5] Cost Savings and Employee Satisfaction:

Facilitating own-cost transfers and allowing employees more autonomy in managing work-life balance will not only increase satisfaction but also reduce BSNL’s expenses on TA/DA.

6] Preferential Postings for Lady Officers:

We highlighted the need to support women executives by granting preferential postings near their families, improving work-life balance and ensuring safety.

AIGETOA requests the removal of clause 6(d) and seeks amendments to the policy to ensure that the Delhi-NCR region is treated with fairness, aligning it with the policies applicable to similar areas across India. This revision would support BSNL’s objectives while safeguarding the welfare of its employees.

AIGETOA Strong Objection on recent Launch of People’s Analytical App by Management and request for putting the orders on hold and instead replace the People’s Analytical App with बीएसएनएल कर्मचारी संवाद (BSNL Karmachari Samvad) App to capture the actual feedback from employees :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL citing strong objection on recent Launch of People’s Analytical App by Management and request for putting the orders on hold and instead replace the People’s Analytical App with बीएसएनएल कर्मचारी संवाद (BSNL Karmachari Samvad) App to capture the actual feedback from employees on the day to day problems which they face while executing their roles and responsibilities assigned.

Click here for Letter

AIGETOA expressed deep concern over the recent directives from BSNL HQ regarding the People Analytics Mobile App. We strongly believe that this initiative unfairly shifts the responsibility for unmet organizational objectives onto the workforce, instead of addressing critical planning and project management issues.

AIGETOA’s Suggestions for BSNL Improvement:

1] Focus on revenue growth, service improvement, and adoption of industry best practices.

2] Prioritize addressing manpower shortages, lack of basic resources, and safety concerns faced by field-level executives, especially in rural areas.

3] Implement the 3rd PRC, revise pay scales for JTOs and JAOs (E2, E3), and resolve longstanding issues like the 22820 Pay Loss and JE Period Pay Loss.

4] Ensure timely promotions, extend SAB benefits, and provide cashless indoor treatment for employees.

We urge BSNL management to reconsider the implementation of the People Analytics App, which is causing unrest, and instead, focus on fostering a positive and empowering work culture through dialogue and engagement with employee associations.

Final List of Nominations for the Constitution of Central Collegium of AIGETOA as on 24.09.2024

As per the CHQ notification dated 27th Aug 2024 regarding constitution of central collegium, after the verification of the nominations by the returning officer in consultation with the concerned Circle Secretary from 19th Sept to 20th Sept, 2024 and display of provisional list on 21.09.2024.

The Final List of Nominations received from all circles as on 24.09.2024 for the Central Collegium of AIGETOA is as attached.

Click here for List

Venue for AGM of AIGETOA and Constitution of new Central Collegium of AIGETOA will be held on 27th & 28th Sept 2024 at Faridabad (NCR):

As per the notification issued on dated 27th Aug 2024, Annual General Meeting (AGM) of AIGETOA and constitution of new Central Collegium of AIGETOA will be held on 27th & 28th Sept 2024 at Faridabad, Haryana (NCR Region).

Click here for Notification

It is informed that the venue for the Annual General Meeting is as below:

Kisan Bhawan,

Sector-16, Faridabad,

Haryana -121001

The meeting as well as accommodation arrangements is at Kisan Bhawan only.

The nearest Metro Station is Old Faridabad Metro Station.

Click here for the route map to reach the location

AIGETOA Urges BSNL to Restore Outdoor Medical Reimbursement Ceiling for Employees and Retirees

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL Shri A. Robert J Ravi, urging the immediate restoration of the outdoor medical reimbursement ceiling for BSNL employees and retirees. The association highlighted the significant hardship employees and retirees have faced since the reduction in the ceiling, which was implemented to economize medical expenditure in light of BSNL’s financial situation.

Click here for Letter

Reimbursement ceiling was originally one month’s basic pay plus DA. However, this limit was reduced to 23 days in 2018 and further curtailed to 15 days in 2020, causing hardship for employees, especially those requiring regular medical treatment.

AIGETOA emphasized the rising healthcare costs and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which aggravated the situation for employees and retirees. The association requested that the reimbursement ceiling be restored to its original level to alleviate the financial burden and ensure access to necessary medical services.

Provisional List of Nominations received from all Circles for the Central Collegium of AIGETOA

As per the CHQ notification dated 27th Aug 2024 regarding constitution of central collegium, verification of the nominations received done by the returning officer in consultation with the concerned Circle Secretary from 19th Sept to 20th Sept, 2024.

The Provisional List of Nominations received from all circles as on 21.09.2024 for the Central Collegium of AIGETOA.

Click here for Provisional List

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Member of Parliament Lok Sabha, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur Ji on 20th September 2024 at New Delhi.

Team AIGETOA had the privilege of meeting Hon’ble Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, a five-time elected Member of Parliament from Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, representing BJP. Shri Thakur is a distinguished leader who has held various portfolios, including Minister for Information & Broadcasting and Youth Affairs & Sports. He is also the recipient of prestigious awards such as the Best Young Parliamentarian Award (2011) and the Sansad Ratna Award (2019).

Discussion on BSNL’s HR Issues:

The meeting focused on long-pending HR issues within BSNL. Team AIGETOA apprised the Hon’ble MP of the following key concerns:

  • Non-Implementation of 3rd PRC: BSNL employees have not received the pay revision (3rd PRC) due since 2017, despite the company achieving operational profits for the last four consecutive years.
  • Implementation of Standard Pay Scales: The demand for E2 pay scales for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO, along with addressing pay loss for executives recruited on E1A, was emphasized. These changes have minimal financial implications but remain unresolved.
  • Promotion Issues: BSNL employees have received only one promotion in 22-23 years of service since 2007, which is a matter of serious concern.
  • Residuals of 2nd PRC: We highlighted the need for full 30% Superannuation Benefits (SAB) and the formation of a PRMB trust for BSNL recruits.
  • TA/DA Revision: The need for revising TA/DA rates, which have remained unchanged since 1996, was emphasized.

A Bouquet and a Memorandum outlining these issues were presented to Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, requesting his intervention and recommendations to forward these concerns to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication.

Shri Thakur graciously agreed to advocate for BSNL employees and assured Team AIGETOA that he would take up the matter with the Ministry of Communication at the earliest possible time.

On behalf of AIGETOA and BMS, Team AIGETOA expressed sincere gratitude to Shri Anurag Singh Thakur for his valuable time, patient listening, and positive assurances.

AIGETOA Opposes the People Analytics App:

After extensive discussions with office bearers of AIGETOA and careful consideration of the feedback received from our members across the nation, AIGETOA has decided to stand against the implementation of the People Analytics App, particularly the diary-writing feature.

While we appreciate that management has partially addressed our concerns by delinking the diary-writing requirement from attendance marking, we believe this is not enough. We urge the management to completely put this initiative on hold. The app, contrary to what was initially communicated, does not serve as a simple feedback mechanism. Rather, it appears to be more focused on tracking daily tasks and linking them to APAR (Annual Performance Appraisal Report) achievements. If the management is genuinely interested in understanding employee concerns, we believe the right approach would be to engage in meaningful and constructive dialogue with Associations.

The complete segment of employee workforce do not perceive this app as industry’s best practice as conveyed by management in circulated instructions , but instead they feel that such apps will become a tool of oppressive and suffocating work culture in the organization which reflects in employee actions like mass exodus in recent past . And as an association we truly endorse the perception of the employee workforce. The Immediate priority for BSNL should be to focus on increasing the revenue and growth of BSNL and improving the quality of services by adopting the best practices from industry. The employee of BSNL has always remained committed to the well being of BSNL and to assess this commitment, such type of apps are not needed instead the need is to recognise and endorse the work of employees which has never been done by management anywhere. It was the same BSNL employee work force which kept the company moving in its toughest time by even spending money from their own pockets

If analytical apps are to be deployed, they should be aimed at assessing the performance and output of the critical projects, particularly the ones being executed by external vendors. This would provide more actionable insights than focusing on the daily routines of BSNL employees. Moreover, we believe it is far more essential for BSNL to implement best HR practices that motivate and empower its workforce, rather than burdening employees with yet another task of documenting their daily work.

In light of these concerns, AIGETOA CHQ has resolved that it will not participate in filling out the daily diary. We intend to formally register our protest in due course. Our stance is clear: we would have welcomed this, provided management had first fulfilled its responsibilities toward the workforce. These include, but are not limited to:

1] Proper support in the form of improved resources for day-to-day work.

2] The establishment of a robust mobile and FTTH network.

3] Implementation of the 3rd PRC.

4] Standard pay scales of E2 and E3 for JTOs and JAOs.

5] Resolution of 22820 Pay Loss Issues (22820, E1+5 increments, JE Period)

6] Resolution of JE Period Pay Loss Issues

7] Extension of E1 plus five increments to all the executives recruited/Promoted Post 1.1.2007 as an interim measure

8] 30% Superannuation Benefit (SAB) to all the BSNL recruited and Formation of PRMB trust for BSNL Recruits immediately.

9] Promotions for all eligible employees.

10] Resolution of SDE Reversal Issue

11] Revision of old TA/DA rates immediately.

12] Resolution of 147 Reversal issue.

13] Providing cashless Indoor Treatment to all employees across all circles.

14] Addressing all other long-pending HR concerns.

Until these demands are met, AIGETOA will not endorse or support the use of the People Analytics App.

As an initial step, AIGETOA CHQ has decided not to fill up the daily diary requirement, and we request all employees to stand united and support us in this cause.

Eid Milad-Un-Nabi Greetings from AIGETOA to all BSNL Employees

🌙 “The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) brought light to the world, and his teachings continue to inspire millions. May his message of peace, love, and kindness guide us always.” 🌙

On the auspicious occasion of Eid Milad-Un-Nabi, we extend our heartfelt greetings to you and your families. As we celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), let us reflect on the values of compassion, unity, and service to humanity.

🌟 “May the light of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) teachings illuminate your path always.” 🌟

Let this occasion inspire us to continue serving our society with sincerity and dedication, as we work together to build a stronger, more connected nation.

Wishing you all a blessed and peaceful Eid Milad-Un-Nabi! 🌙