Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24 Sept – 25 Sept 2022 at New Delhi

Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24 Sept – 25 Sept 2022 at New Delhi

The Annual General Meeting of AIGETOA conducted in a grand manner at Hotel Grand Shobha, New Delhi from 24.09.2022 to 25.09.2022. Around 125 delegates from different parts of India participated in the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The day one was inaugurated by All India President Sh Veerbhadra Rao & GS Sh Wasi Ahmad by lighting the Lamp, hosting of AIGETOA flag followed by opening Prayer “Itni Shakti ham-e-dena data”.

The Meeting was presided over by the All India Chairman Sh Ravi Shil Verma, All India President CHQ Sh Veerbhadra Rao and all mandatory provisions of the association for the financial year 2021-22 were taken up for discussion and approval of the House. After detailed discussion, Annual Working Report, and Financial Report of the financial year 2021-22 of the association was passed by the house unanimously.

Details will be uploaded soon.

Click here for the glimpses of AGM

Team AIGETOA Meeting with GM Pers on 21.09.2022:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIC, Shri Pavan Akhand AGS-1, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS-2, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS-6 and Shri Wasi Ahmad GS held meeting with GM Pers and his team and had a detailed deliberation on the implementation of recent order of Hon’ble CAT Kolkata, Issuance of SDE to AGM Promotion, MS RR, Declaration of some stations of Uttarakhand as Hard Tenure, Declaration of some stations of Karnataka as Soft Tenure, Release of new GATE JTOS from J&K and other tenure stations, Transfer & Posting.

We extend out thank to GM Pers for holding the meeting and listen the arguments of the association with open mind. Association side apprised all details related to fixation of seniority of SDE from vacancy year 2006-07 onwards and the injustice meted out to LDCE Qualified SDEs with all facts and figures supported by the documents. A detailed document of 300 pages was submitted to him along with updating the sequence of events from the beginning including submission of legal opinion by the Retd Justice of the Hon’ble Supreme Court by the association and assurance of management on account of the direction by the Hon’ble Court.

We apprised that without going into the details of Court Case, the Association is of the firm view that the direction given by Kolkata Bench of Hon’ble CAT for amendment of SDE Seniority List 9 by incorporating SDETs promoted through both modes i.e. SQ and CQ for the vacancy year 2006-07 and publishing of seniority from the lis-9 to list-13 afresh in the light of the DoPT OM Dated 13.08.2021 should be issued and accordingly an speaking order may also be issued. Arguments and counter arguments were exchanged between two sides and the association insisted to implement the DoPT OM dated 13.08.2021 in true sense. Finally, it was agreed by the GM Pers that the matter will be re-examined and discussed at higher level also. We emphasize that management has got an opportunity to undo the injustice meted out to the LDCE qualified SDEs of 2006-07 onwards and this shouldn’t be allowed to slip from the hand.

On SDE to AGM Promotion, it was firmly told by that the Kolkata bench order has not touched the SDE seniority list 8 and only speaks about the revision on SDE Seniority list 9 to list 13 on the basis of DoPT OM dated 13.08.2021. Although the language of the order restraining for issuance of SDE to AGM Promotion is not clear but if read in totality, it is limited to only list 9 to list 13 i.e. the Promotion of the SDEs from list 9 to list 13 should be carried out after revision of these list in the light of DoPT OM 13.08.2021 only. Hence the Hon’ble Court at Kolkata has not restrained the SDE to AGM Promotion of SDE Seniority List 8 and it can be released once cleared by the Jabalpur Bench.

MS RR revision which incorporates stagnation clause for SDE to AGM and Fast Track Mechanism for AGM/DGM grades is in process of final discussion at the highest level and the revised draft of MS RR will be shared once the final meeting takes place at the of CMD BSNL.

The matter of conversion of soft tenure of Almora, Srinagar(Gwl) & New Tehri OAs of Uttrakhand Circle to Two Year Hard Tenure Stations was discussed in detailed and we reminded about earlier submission as well as CGM Uttarakhand recommendation. The matter of declaring five OAs of Karnataka viz. Madikeri, Karwar, Bidar, Chickmagalur & Shimoga as soft tenure stations was also discussed and hardship faced by the Circle for shortage of officers was discussed. GM Pers appraised that both the matter have been discussed with the Director HR and a final decision has to be taken. We requested to expedite the decision considering the situation of these Circles.

The matter of release GATE JTOS under Rule-8 from J&K Circle and NE Circles were also discussed. We apprised that at one side many GATE JTOs are waiting to return to their HOME STATE after completion of five years in these Circles and other side many SDES are waiting for their hard tenure posting at these locations in want of vacancies. As per restructuring, JTO and SDE are interchangeable and so a mechanism can be framed to release the GATE JTOs on Rule-8 for their home Circle after completing five years of service and equal numbers of SDEs can be posted from the waiting list to fill the gap. It will serve the purpose of both sides and address the issue in best possible way. We apprise that one meeting with PGM Establishment has already been done by the association on the subject. GM Pers agrees to look into the possibilities and examine the matter in consultation with the PGM Establishment.

The matter of retention, modification and OTP Transfer Cases also discussed in the meeting and cases handed over also.

The meeting ended on a positive note.

Notification of Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA to be held on 24-25th Sept, 2022:

The Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA CHQ is notified to held on 24th & 25th Sept 2022 as per the provisions of the constitution. The annual general meet of the association will be conducted at Delhi-NCR. All Collegium Members are requested to attend the meeting. The details for the meeting are as below :

Schedule of Annual General Meeting:

Date and Time of the meeting : 24th to 25th Sept 2022 from 10:00 to 21:00 Hrs.

Place : Delhi-NCR.

Venue of meeting : Exact Venue will be informed later.

Discussion and Deliberation : 24th to 25th Sept 2022 (Sat & Sun).

Click here for the Notice of AGM

Click here for the Corrigendum for AGM Notice

Team AIGETOA meeting Dr. Mahesh Shukla, Hon’ble Member(Services) on Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO Equivalent Grades:

Today on 26.08.2022, Team AIGETOA under the leadership of General Secretary, Shri Wasi Ahmad had a detailed meeting with Member (Services), DoT at Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi and had elaborate discussions on the Standard Pay Scale, E2 and E3. Members of the Standard Pay Scale Committee Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIC, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS and Shri Sunil Gautam AGS were part of the meeting and deliberated the matter in detail. Shri Devendra Saini CS-MP and Shri Vinit Singh CFS-MP were also present in the meeting.

First, Team AIGETOA welcomed Member Services on his new assignment and presented flower bouquet and shawl to him. Member Services praised the association for its contribution and assured all possible help in Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 as well as any other legitimate issues if required his intervention.

Team AIGETOA submitted a letter to the Hon’ble Member Services on the matter and apprised all facts on the Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 in detail including its previous aspects right from 2009 onwards and various communications held between BSNL, DoT and DPE in this regard. It was told to him that BSNL has asked replacement of E1A with E2 for JTO/JAO equivalent grades and E2A with E3 for SDE/AO equivalent grades as DPE denied the continuance of intermediary scales E1A and E2A on various occasions as intimated by DoT vide letter number 61-02/2014-SU dated 24.01.2011 of Section Officer(SU), DoT, New Delhi and subsequently. It was further apprised to him that BSNL has categorically denied any cascading of other scales and CMD BSNL through his DO letter dated 01.05.2017 has further explained this aspect attached with all justification.

Member Services stated the point of view of DoT officials on the standard pay scale and some queries, which was very well countered by our Team and further nitty-gritty’s of the issue was also explained to him. Member Services was kind enough and assured for his intervention and told us that another meeting will be held on the issue on which his team will be there as well as he will call AIGETOA Team also so that well informed deliberation can take place. Member Services told that the issue of standard pay scale is very genuine issue and assured of his intervention to take the issue towards resolution. The steps of Food Corporation, Govt of India of India was also apprised to him that how FCI resolved this non standard pay scale issue by adopting next higher standard pay scale and the order copy was also shared.

Member Services informed during the meeting that he has earlier initiated the pension revision of the retired employees and the proposal in process to be sent to the DoPPW, Govt of India for further consideration. He assured that he will look into the issue of pay scale equally and try to ensure that it should reach positive conclusion. Our Team will be continuing the dialogue process and follow up the issue of Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 with the Member Services for approval by the DoT. We are hopeful that his intervention will be very useful to break the deadlock on the matter of E2-E3 Scale approval by the DoT.

Click here for the letter

Team AIGETOA meeting with BSNL Management on 24.08.2022:

GS AIGETOA along with other CHQ Team members of AIGETOA met various authorities of the management including Hon’ble CMD, Hon’ble Dir(HR), GM(Pers) and GM(Admin) at BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi.

Meeting with Hon’ble CMD:

A late evening meeting with Hon’ble CMD BSNL was held and brief discussion took place. Team apprised CMD BSNL that delay happening in the issuance of AGM Promotion despite the clearance by DoPT is causing serious anxiety and demotivation. The process is in discussion since last four months and now even one day is difficult to digest. We apprised that we have already requested to maximize the promotion by utilizing complete strength of AGM/DGM grade to ensure maximum promotions. CMD BSNL echoed our concern but stated that delay has happened due to existing litigations and he himself is keen for ensuring promotion and hence has personally intervened and got some direction from the DoPT. After the recent revival package and new business requirements, series of reviews and meetings are being held on daily basis at Ministry and DoT level and due to these pre-occupancies, he was not able to go through the exact details pertaining to AGM(Telecom) Promotions and that is the reason for delay. However he assured that a decision by the management will be taken within this week and a final nod on the process and SDE to AGM(T) Promotion will be issued paving the way for promotion orders immediately thereafter. We requested Hon’ble CMD to ensure the issuance of orders within this week itself. We also raised the matter of vacancies and SDE Reversal on which he assured that He is aware of the things and will discuss with his team once he gets free from his preoccupied schedule. On CAO Promotions and DGM Regular promotions and other issues, it was assured to be discussed in next meeting. A brief status on 4G roll out and fund allocated under revival package for clearance of outstanding/resources for the services were also raised by us and he briefed on them and apprised that he is fully dedicating his time for the speedy processing of the things and told us that discussion on the first batch of 4G with TCS is final stage and other arms of Revival Package are also well on track and the effect will start to be visible very soon. He has assured to hold a detailed agenda meeting with the association very soon on all pending matters of HR as well as organization.

Meeting with Hon’ble Dir(HR):

A meeting with Director (HR) was also held in the evening on AGM(T) Promotion and associated matters. Director (HR) apprised that clarification has been received and HR Team is working with full zeal comprising of all associated works to complete the task at the earliest once the final nod given for the DPC of AGM(T) Promotion. He apprised that the matter has been well deliberated and now only one final meeting at the level of CMD is slated to be held in this week before moving ahead on the Promotion. We raised the matter of SDE Reversal candidates and told that his firm assurance for consideration of the issue as one time measure settlement on various occasions should now be made a finality. We requested to consider them also in the ongoing process for AGM Promotion else it will be a great injustice for these candidates. He agreed with the views expressed but told that before taking a decision on the matter, we can’t move ahead. The HR committee is working on the issue and assured look for speedy disposal in line with the assurance given earlier. On the matter of enhancement of vacancies, he appraised that only DPC quota of vacancies of AGM grade will be utilized in first instance as stated time and again. The matter of qualification was also discussed in line with our submissions earlier. However he was non committal on the same. The issue of AO to CAO Promotions, DGM Regular promotions and other HR Matters were raised but it was apprised that the discussion will be held subsequently after issuance of AGM(T) Promotion.

Meeting with GM(Pers):

We met GM(Pers) on the matter of Promotion and pending transfer order of retention/modification and issuance of OTP Orders. A detail discussion on the AGM Promotion was held with him including SDE Reversal issue. The detail preparation done by Pers Cell was appraised by him and his readiness for the work once the final direction is received. We apprised about the detail of SDEs put under arena of reversal category was apprised to him and requested to include their name also. He apprised that the case is subjudice and so we are holding back the decision till a final call is not taken on the matter. We appraised our previous discussion with Director HR and his firm commitment and various written assurances given from time to time on the subject. He assured to look into and speak on the matter with Director HR further. He assured that management is very much keen to issue the promotion but some time is being taken due to pre-occupancy of our senior officers in review meetings at various levels in the government.

Meeting with GM(Admin):

We met GM(Admin) on the matter of assurance given to AIGETOA by Hon’ble CMD regarding starting of DRF/GTI for BSNL Employees by the organization to extend needful hand of support to the families of our employees in case of their sad demises. We apprised that on our regular raising the matter of plight of many families in case of death, especially the families of BSNL Recruited Employees has to suffer a lot due to absence of proper social security and no government pension. On our insistence to increase the SAB quantum to provide proper social security, CMD BSNL has agreed that currently he will devise some mechanism of immediate support through DRF/GTI and later we will look into SAB quantum part once the financial position improves. We apprised this matter to the GM(Admin) and requested him to start discussion on this matter of DRF/GTI to frame policy of the same at the earliest. He was kind enough and appreciated the efforts and assured to put his full efforts in the direction after discussing the matter with higher authorities very soon. Other matter of tuition fees, book award and other matters were also discussed and requested to review the amount given under the head and make it at least at par with other organizations. The matter of IDA freezing as 01.04.2020 for Medical Outdoor limit was also raised and demanded that the matter should immediately be taken up to make it as on 1st April of current year as existing. He assured to discuss the matter with senior authorities.

Meeting of AIGETOA with CMD BSNL:

The meeting with CMD BSNL was held on 02.08.2022. It was the first meeting after deferment of our call and one step forward towards resolution of outstanding issues. We discussed all eight issues in detail and shared our requirements, concerns and prevailing resentment in field, which resulted in such a high scale flare up in ground. CMD BSNL gave a patient hearing and apprised his side of view and told that he is not at all averse to the genuine issues of executives raised by the association but he needs some time to address in a phased manner.

On financial matters including Pay Scale, Pay Loss issues of 22820/- & E1+5 and enhancement of SAB Quantum, he said that with extention of second revival package, the revenue of BSNL is envisaged to grow up. His opinion was that once the recently approved revival package is rolled out practically on ground, the financials of organisation is bound to improve and results shall be visible within next six months. He said, at the end of financial year, he will review the whole situation and stated that with increased revenue, the increase in SAB quantum and Pay Loss issues shall be definitely considered with a positive thought process. This is first time, there is categorical, clear and unambiguous statement from Apex of this organisation that with increased revenue, the issue of pay loss and increase in SAB Quantum benefits shall also be considered. It is also understood, that at the end of Financial Year, Revenue is bound to increase.

However, we will keep pursuing to achieve the settlement much before the end of Financial Year. The pending contribution for SAB shall be made up-to-date with receipt of first trench of money as part of revival package, expectedly within next 3-4 months.

On Promotion issue, he echoed that he is willing to issue promotion in all grades starting with AGM grades, which still requires a little bit more time as HR Team is working with DoPT in close coordination. He said that first trench of promotions shall be issued by second week of August 2022.

We also insisted to issue promotion by utilizing complete strength of AGM/DGM to maximize the promotions at first go. But despite our repeated persistence, he agreed to issue the promotions utilizing complete strength in two parts only. We reminded BBNL merger approval which will require people in these positions to carry out enormous works is also expected in coming time. He persisted with his position but agreed to discuss it further. Association shall continue its persuasion in this regard. On CAO and other streams promotion, it was apprised that after AGM promotion in Telecom Grades, other equivalent grades promotion will be expedited including clearing of legal issues at Chandigarh. The issue of relaxation in cut off date for determining eligibility for CAO and DGM grade promotions shall also be given consideration after clearance of legal hurdle, was the view of management.

CMD BSNL was keen on fast track promotion and we extended our support on Internal Fast track but we also stated unambiguously that any type of parachute landing will not be accepted by the association. AIGETOA has always supported the idea that talented and meritorious executives must to reach highest positions by virtue of fast track promotion in every grade and fulfillment of minimum career aspirations of other executives who can not reach to top. However any lateral fresh entry and any Promotion mechanism containing provision of jumping of cadres shall be opposed tooth and nail by association. Hence management succession plan should be based on idea of Fast Track Internal promotion policy at all grades including that for reaching to the post of GMs. CMD BSNL asked for fresh formal inputs from association on this.

It was apprised to us that on 29th July 2022, HR Team has been directed to immediately start working on finalizing the revised MS RR draft. He further told that after initial meeting of committee, AIGETOA shall be called for discussion and formal inputs. He appreciated our concern and assured that fast track and stagnation criteria shall be taken care of during finalization of revised MS RRs. The notification of revised SDE RRs shall also take place once the input is received from DoT. Management is pursuing with DoT for early receipt of concurrence. The SDE 2007 reversal issue is also being considered actively by management.

CMD BSNL reiterated that he acknowledges the concern raised by the association about the condition of families and dependents after the unfortunate demise of the earning employee. He apprised that BSNL is ready to extend support to the family of deceased employees and immediately directed his officials to work out a mechanism and assured that either GTI shall be funded by BSNL or a new Death Relief Fund shall be put in place for the family and dependents of deceased employees.

Friends, this meeting was first after the deferment of our call. It was also agreed that regular follow up meetings will be held with HR Team to see the progress of issues and a detailed meeting under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL will be held after 15th August, considering his pre-occupancy in HoCC and immediate revival measures. We are hopeful that management will definitely siege the opportunity of dialogue to settle outstanding issues, so that employees can concentrate on their work.

Let’s Hope For A Better Time Ahead….

Together We Will Achieve Everything

AIGETOA Meeting held with Hon’ble Director HR on E2-E3 issue on 18.07.2022:

A meeting of AIGETOA held with Director HR on the issue of Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 in line with previous discussion of 14-July. The meeting was attended by Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIC, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS from association side and management side was represented by Sri Saurabh Tyagi PGM Estab and AGM Estab in the presence of Hon’ble Director HR, who presided over the complete one and half hour discussion.

A comprehensive discussion was held to settle the demand of the association for approval of E2 scale for JTO/JAO and E3 Scale for SDE/AO equivalent. The whole discussion centered on the recent communication of the DoT stating that approval of E2 will invariably lead to cascading of all scales. Management wanted to discuss the issue with the association to find a probable solution of the long pending issue especially in the light of cascading point raised by the DoT.

Association shared it’s roadmap for achieving the replacement of initial two scales without cascading and the solution which can be implemented. Other side establishment cell shared its apprehensions on the points raised by DoT. After detailed deliberation, some probable solutions as suggested by the association were listed for further analysis and its possible applicability. Finally, Director HR in consultation with association decided to form an informal committee with 2-3 persons from association side and two persons from establishment section, who will jointly study the impact of all the options, both financially as well as on EPP (impact on EPP is the main concern of DoT) and submit the analysis within 7 days.

Association has decided that Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Gautam will contribute from the association side considering their exposure on the issue and they will work with Establishment Team as decided. Once the committee will present possible solutions with its impact on EPP and financial outgo, one of the most appropriate solution will be chosen and taken up with the DoT as a way for final solution towards settlement of E2-E3 Scale.

After the meeting on E2-E3, it was pointed out by us that MT process which has yet not been stopped and no action initiated by the management for stopping and scrapping the process. It was informed that they are not moving ahead, on which we said action needs to be done in black and white with firmness. We categorically told that without stopping MT, we are not going to budge an inch. We told that the discussion on issues can only be fruitful if management stop the current process and initiate action for scrapping the RRs and replace with fast track promotion mechanism in MSRR as stated and decided. We apprised that the resentment in the executives is running very high and management can’t ignore it else it may bring detoriation in the peaceful atmosphere of the organisation. Director HR told that he will speak on the matter with CMD BSNL, who is completely busy in the ongoing revival package meetings, and will revert back after speaking to him. We informed that the organizational call starts from next week, where thousands of executives will reach Delhi from 25-July for indefinite Dharna. Hence management has very less time to act if they are interested in amicable resolution of the issues served through the notice.

Team AIGETOA meeting with Dir HR and PGM SR:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Veerabhadra Rao AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Mehta FS and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS held meeting with Dir HR and PGM SR on 05.07.2022.

The matter of reminder letter for E2-E3 Scale to DoT, AGM Promotion, harassment of Executives and Members by Ludhiana BA Head (Punjab), Opening of deputation was discussed in length. The issuance of the promotion order by the DOP&T in CSS and cadres was brought to the knowledge and copy of order was shared. It was apprised that executives are feeling frustrated and working in extreme anger due to the stalemate created by management for signature of welfare association for executing promotion. The issue of promotion order by the DOPT once again embolden our belief that management is unnecessarily bringing SEWA BSNL in picture on the matter of reservation in promotion . Whatever the guidelines and directions of DoPT available should be implemented and promotion should be executed instead of waiting for certificate from the association. We warned that failure to issue the promotion order soon will create serious turmoil in the organization and hence it must be addressed without further wastage of time. Director HR echoed our concern and assured to look into the matter afresh in the light of the issuance of promotion order by DOPT and he will take up with CMD BSNL.

The reminder letter of E2-E3 to DoT in view of the disagreeing letter by the department of Telecom was also highlighted and demanded to send the letter to reiterate our stand on standard pay scale. Our meeting in DoT last week has asked for such letter. So, we requested to immediately sending of the letter to the DoT. The opening of deputation was also discussed in view of the recent opening in TRAI and the matter of harassment of executives and members of AIGETOA in Ludhiana by the BA head were brought in the notice and details were apprised. It was told that selective targeting of employees by GMTD and using his office for pity politics is highly condemnable and the situation at the station is very pathetic and volatile. So, we requested immediate intervention of the Director HR. A formal letter of complaint on Ludhiana issue was also handed over. We finally reminded that the association will not keep waiting endlessly and if the promotion is not issued, E2-E3 follow up not made to the DoT and management didn’t heed on various HR issues of the employees, the association will be forced to give a call of organizational action after 15-July.

It was assured to us that issues will be looked into and necessary action will be taken for solution. The deputation issue will need further deliberation as a policy matter.

Central Executive Committee Meet of AIGETOA CHQ held on 22nd June 2022

The Central Executive Committee meet of All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA) was held on 22th June-2022 at Conference Hall, Western Court New Delhi. Shri Ravi Shil Verma Chairman, Shri Veer Bhadhra Rao AIP and Shri Wasi Ahmad General Secretary attended the meeting along with other Central Governing Body Members attended the meeting, which was held first time in physical mode after the recently concluded All India Conference. The meeting was held in the backdrop of the burning issue of the Standard Pay Scale E2-E3 and recent communication of DoT on the matter of scale and association efforts in the direction, Pay Loss Issue, Promotions in view of the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court/DOP&T Order on the matter of Reservation in Promotion, Long awaited SDE Reversal Issue, SDE Seniority Issue, Superannuation Benefits pendency, Rule-8/Rule-9, Organizational matters, OTP Cases etc.

In the CEC meeting, a dedicated Pay Loss committee was formed under the leadership of Shri Sunil Gautam Ji to specifically take up the matter in parallel to the association efforts for the permanent solution of the decade long problem. The Committee will be dedicatedly working for the solution of the Standard Pay Scale of E2-E3 issue by exploring all possible means with the support of resources from AIGETOA CHQ including travelling/lodging/boarding of the Team for the purpose. Some leaders have been finalized and further will be inducted by inviting persons from suffering batches/streams from across the BSNL to be part of the Team and it will be finalized in consultation of General Secretary and Shri Sunil Gautam Ji.

HR Issues, BSNL development Issues and Organization matters discussed in detailed and various decisions were taken in the meeting. Other Committees were also formed under leadership of various CHQ OBs for larger outreach and raising wider range of subjects, whose details will be shared subsequently.

The matter of AGM & CAO Promotion was also discussed in detail and the participants expressed serious anguish over the approach of the BSNL Management in delaying the AGM and CAO Promotion. It is very unfortunate that despite of the judgment by Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Reservation in Promotion and subsequent Executive Instructions by the DOP&T on the subject, BSNL management is looking for excuses every next day and delaying the AGM/CAO Promotion. The executives are at extreme unrest and the approach of the matter is only adding fuel to fire. The Central Governing Body observed that the further delay may result in serious breach of peace in the organization. It was unanimously decided to convey the management that if promotions were not issued by 30th June, the association will force to seek organizational recourse. BSNL has already done extreme injustice by lowering the seniority of the LDCE Qualified Executives by placing earlier Vacancy Years LDCE Promoted SDEs below to the later Vacancy Years DPC Promoted SDEs. As the SDE Seniority list 9 to13 is already challenged in the Hon’ble Court, the only way forward to set right the injustice is to promote all SDEs to address the discrepancy in the seniority as done in 2018 by the same BSNL Management. It was categorically decided that keeping the promotion on hold due to one reason or other can’t be accepted and management must move ahead on the issue of Promotion else ready to face the resentment of the employees.

Further details of the meeting will follow….

Click here for glimpses of the meeting

Team AIGETOA meeting with CMD BSNL on 22nd June 2022:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma Chairman, Shri Veer Bhadhra Rao AIP and Shri Wasi Ahmad General Secretary, Shri Pavan Akhand Dy GS, Shri D K Sahoo VP, Shri Suresh Kumar S JS(South) and Shri R N Mishra JS(Central) met  CMD BSNL at 10.30 Hrs on 22.06.2022 before the start of the CEC Meeting.

The issue of SDE to AGM Promotion and CAO Promotion was discussed prominently to gauge the stand of the management on the issue to take further decision. The association apprised that management has hold various meeting jointly with AIGETOA, SEWA and SNEA. All the three associations has concurred methodology put forward by the management and no reluctances was shown by either one. One MoM has already been signed by all three Associations along with PGM SR and CLO (on behalf of BSNL Management) for joint meeting held on dated 12.05.2022 under the chairmanship of Director HR, BSNL Board, New Delhi.

It was apprised that standoff on the issue of Promotion due to insistence of the management for signature on new declaration is creating a new trend, which never happened in BSNL. We told that the association is least bother about the signature of any particular person or organisation but only concerned with the Promotion in the AGM and CAO Grade. Even if it is required by the management, it should made efforts in the direction but ensure the promotion at the earliest to address the serious unrest in the field. It was once again raised in the meeting, how BSNL Management reverted its own decision and lowered the seniority of the SDEs resulting senior vacancy  years LDCE Qualified SDEs going down than the later vacancy years DPS promoted SDEs. The only way forward to extend the justice is to promote all SDEs and let the subjudice seniority decide by the Hon’ble Court later.