Online Application form for joint options – Joint options under erstwhile para 11 (3) and para 11 (4) of EPS 1995 for employees who were in service prior to 1st September 2014 and continued to the in service on or after 01.09.2014 but could not exercise joint option under erstwhile provision to para 11 (3) of EPS 1995 to be exercised on or before 3rd May 2023.
As committed in our agenda meeting held on 22.02.2023, BSNL CO issued instructions in compliance of orders contained in Para 44 (iii) & (iv) read with Para (v) of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 04.11.2022 in the matter of Special Leave Petition (C) Nos. 8658-8659 of 2019.
BSNL CO issued instructions to the all field units for correction in employee data in EPFO portal. Refer to the FAQ as in Annexure-A & B.
Team AIGETOA consisting of Chairman Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, GS Shri Pavan Akhand and FS Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and JS Central Shri R N Mishra met Sr GM CA BSNL CO and requested for immediate endorsement of the order. BSNL CO has not only endorsed the order to circles but also has written to RPFC for immediate guidelines and clarification with respect to the process required to capture the same. We extend our sincere thanks to Sr GM CA Shri Surajit Mandol for his immediate action on the matter.
As informed by AIGETOA CHQ during update of its last interaction at Central Provident Fund Commissioner office, today EPFO issued circular for exercising higher pension options. All Circle office Bearers and District office Bearers must take note of this and ensure that Joint options are submitted immediately without any delay. We are pursuing at BSNL CO to get the order endorsed by BSNL immediately.
CHQ team shall be visiting to the CPFC office, New Delhi for further clarification and details on the process.
BSNL CO extended the last date for submission of joint option form by employee w.r.t higher EPF pension from 10.02.2023 to 15.02.2023.
AIGETOA-CTD, the Kolkata chapter of AIGETOA had arranged a live interactive session on its YouTube channel over EPS’95 HIGHER PENSION SCHEME. The session was held on 03.02.2023 from 07:00 pm to 09:30 pm. The event was open for all, irrespective of any association/union affiliation.
The session was organized by team AIGETOA-CTD and conducted by Shri Manish Sood and Shri Saikat Das. The whole team has replied each and every query asked by the viewers during the session.
An overwhelming response was received during the live session from a huge number of BSNL employees from different parts of the country.
AIGETOA CHQ conveys its heartfelt thanks to the Kolkata team and all the participants in that event.
Further queries, if any, may be sent to for suitable reply.
The YouTube video link of that session is as follows.
AIGETOA CTD is going to arrange an online and live interactive session on EPF Higher Pension on 03.02.2023 at 7.00 pm onwards through its YouTube channel.
The event will be conducted by Shri Manish Sood, SDE/EB CTD and Shri Saikat Das, AGM/Legal CTD.
Viewers can place their queries by putting comments in the comment box, and the same will be addressed in that session.
You are earnestly requested to inform all the BSNL employees who are EPF subscribers, irrespective of association/union affiliation.
The link in this regard is as follows,
Please SUBSCRIBE THE CHANNEL for smooth functioning. The live streaming link will be shared tomorrow in due course of time.
BSNL CO issued the instructions & guidelines for exercising the EPF higher pension option. As the Hon’ble Supreme Court has given timeline of 4 months for submitting the option form and in anticipation of further affirmative guidelines from EPFO, the following instructions are hereby issued :
A] For employees who have retired before 01.09.2014
1] An indicative list of BSNL recruited employees(from SAP/ERP) who have retired before 01.09.2014 is attached. The eligible employees have to visit the EPFO portal for necessary validation https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.govin/memberinterface/.
2] The eligible employees have to give explicit consent in the application form for adjustment from Provident Fund to Pension Fund and if any, to re deposit the amount to the pension fund.
3] The following documents are to be provided for processing of the case:
(a) Proof of Joint option under Para 26(6) of the EPF scheme duly verified by the employer; and
(b) Proof of Joint Option under the proviso to erstwhile Para 11(3) duly verified by the employer; and
(c) Proof of remittance in Provident Fund on higher wages exceeding the prevalent wage ceiling of Rs. 5000/Rs.6500; and
(d) Proof of remittance in Pension Fund on higher wages exceeding the prevalent wage ceiling of Rs. 5000/Rs.. 6500, if any; and
(e) Written refusal of APFC or any other higher authority of EPFO to such requests/remittance.
B] As regards employees who have retired after 01.09.2014 or are still working
1] In anticipation of affirmative guidelines in a manner similar to the employees retired before 01.09.2014 and in keeping with Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment in CA nos. 8658-8659, all eligible serving employees/Retired employees are requested to submit the option for higher pension scheme in the form annexed to this letter.
2] The following points are to be noted by the employees :
(a) The option form in triplicate duly signed in original (hard copies) shall be submitted to the Payroll DDOs of the Concerned BAs.
(b) The joint option form shall be subject to acceptance by EPFO, as per rules.
(c) Every employee/ex-employee who had joined BSNL from any other organization in which he/she was member of EPS’ 1995 should provide complete details for each previous organization. These employees who had joined BSNL from any other organization in which he/she was member of EPS’ 1995 should add their service, in previous organization in current EPS number by filling Form 13.
(d) The option once accepted by EPFO is irrevocable at later date and no change of option will be entertained under any circumstances.
(e) The joint option form duly filled in every manner should be submitted by concerned employee/ex-employees latest by 10th February, 2023.
(f) These instructions are subject to directions/instructions of EPFO and/or decision of any court of law issued from time to time in this regard.
(g) The necessary Employer Declaration will follow.
(h) The Employees shall submit the joint option forms at the earliest without waiting for its availability in ESS. The same will be notified.
Click here for Joint Option Form along with the instructions/guidelines
Flash News:
EPF option module now available in ERP ESS module – As per request of AIGETOA, the module for exercising the options for EPF Higher pension has been made available on ESS Portal also.