Urgent & Kind attention to All employees who desires to give EPF Higher Pension Option :

Urgent & Kind attention to All employees who desires to give EPF Higher Pension Option :

All employees who desires to give EPF higher Pension Option are requested to submit the 26(6) option form filled up with Name, UAN, Date of joining and duly signed immediately to BA HQ so as to reach the same to Circle Office DDO within Two days . The filled up forms will have to taken to Circle office by person by hand/ early courier and the same after signing by Employer (Circle DDO) need to be submitted to EPF Office and One copy back to employee to submit it in the online link.

Click here for the Joint Declaration under para 26(6)

Employees are also requested to write their mobile number and email id at the back side of each form so that the signed and scanned copy by the employer can be sent to each employee which will help to minimise the delay.

Being the recognized association Team AIGETOA is doing the Co-ordination work. For any clarification please contact concerned District/ Circle team.

Advisory details for filling up the online link of higher pension – Kind Attention :

Kind Attention/advisory details for filling up the online link of Higher Pension,

Documents required / To be made ready for EPF Higher Pension Option

  • EPF Passbook PDF copy <250 kb (atleast first and last page) showing Name, UAN, EPF Account and PF Account Balance. The balance shown at Employee EPF and Employer EPF ( without present EPS portion) need to be summed up for total PF Balance.

If any one have more than One EPF account linked with UAN and where the balance is not transferred, both the EPF balance can be summed and can be entered by alongwith merged passbook pages.

  • Download the 26(6) compliance certificate from ESS portal and merge it with the scanned copy of 26(6) request signed by employee and employer.
  • Scanned PDF copy of signed undertaking by employee for accepting differential contribution.

Alongwith, the following information may be made ready while going to fill up the online link.

  • UAN
  • Aadhar Number
  • Aadhar linked mobile number
  • EPF linked bank A/c Number
  • IFSC code of bank
  • Service history details

Kindly note down the acknowledgement number after successful submission.

EPF Undertaking to deposit the contribution along with the Interest due till the last day of payment through last employer (when PF Account has no/insufficient balance) :

AIGETOA Team has prepared a performa to be submitted by all willing to opt for pension option on full wages for those having insufficient balance in their EPF account. All are requested to go through and prepare the same on similar lines.

Click here for the Performa

Further instructions with regard to the Joint undertaking performa for 26(6) by employee and employer is also under process and instructions in this regard shall be issued by BSNL CO for urgent action by all the circles.

Copy of this joint declaration along with the declaration by BSNL available at ESS portal shall be submitted by employee at EPF Portal.

Further there is a confusion with regard to submission of formalities by employer side like uploading the month wise details on the portal from employee. BSNL CO is deliberating on the methodology to be adopted which shall be circulated to field units once finalised.

AIGETOA Team is also preparing a step by step procedure and the same shall be circulated once BSNL CO issues instructions with regard to the Joint undertaking 26(6). We request all to wait till tomorrow for uploading their options on the portal.

Updates on EPF Higher Pension Option:

Shri Veerabhadra Rao AIP AIGETOA, Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIC AIGETOA met PGM (CA), BSNL CO in the morning hour itself and apprised him about the latest developments on the EPF Higher pension issue. We apprised him about the latest circular of EPFO which mandates receipt of joint undertaking Form 26(6) from employee and employer. We requested him to issue the directions to circle in this regard and also instruct them to furnish a copy to the employee who can further submit the same at EPFO Portal. PGM CA appreciated the concern and immediately directed his team to issue the instructions by today itself.

Certificate under Para 26(6) for exercising option for higher pension under EPF in ESS Portal :

BSNL CO issued instructions to all circle heads regarding furnishing of the certificate under Para 26(6) for exercising option for higher pension under EPF.

Click here for letter

The process of certificate generation is as below :

Employees who were members of EPF before 01.09.2014 and are presently working:

The certificate shall be auto generated by the employee himself/herself through ESS login of the employees using TAB” EPFO Certificate”.

For Employees retired before 01.09.2014 & For Employees who were members of EPF before 01.09.2014 and retired on or after 01.09.2014:

In order to facilitate timely settlement of higher pension cases, any DDOs i.e. The SSA Payadmins or Circle Payadmins may generate the Certificates in SAP using T Code “ZHR_EPFP_CERTIFICATE” and inputting the pernr of the retired employee whose certificate is required to be generated. The retired employee may get the same from nearest BSNL office.

Furnishing of Certificate under para 26(6) for Higher Pension under EPF Retired before/after 01.09.2014 dtd 19.04.2023

In line with the suggestions of AIGETOA in the online meeting which was represented by Shri Ansal Mohmmad who is one of the pioneers in the EPF case along with Shri Saheer and other AIGETOA Kerala members and subsequently conveyed by our letter dated 17th April 2023, CA section of BSNL CO has issued guidelines to Circles for issuance of Joint Undertaking and a certificate in lieu of PARA 26(6) OF EPF Scheme WHICH HAS TO BE USED BY the employees of BSNL while opting higher pension in EPFO website. BSNL is stating that deductions have been made and deposited on full Basic and DA to EPFO. This will ensure that willing persons can fill up the higher pension option at EPFO Portal.

Earlier AIGETOA CHQ Team and BSNL Officials also visited EPFO and held discussions on the methodology to be adopted. Thereafter this letter has been issued by BSNL CO to circles.

This has come out in persuasion to KERALA HIGH COURT JUDGEMENT DATED 12th April 2023 wherein AIGETOA is a petitioner and is result of continuous persuasion by Team AIGETOA with management and concerned section.

We are thankful to BSNL Management and PGM CA for taking necessary action in timely manner in the interest of BSNL executives.

Click here for letter by BSNL to all circles and format of the certificate to be furnished for Employees Retired on or after 01.09.2014

Click here for letter by BSNL to all circles and format of the certificate to be furnished for Employees Retired before 01.09.2014

Click here for the letter by AIGETOA

Meeting with Dir HR on EPF Higher Pension Option :

A meeting was held by BSNL Management with all unions and associations today at 16:00 Hrs wrt submission of EPF Higher Pension. On behalf AIGETOA, the meeting was attended by Sh Ansal Mohammed along with President AIGETOA Sh Veerabhadra Rao.

In line with our earlier discussions, it is informed that BSNL will be giving a certificate stating the compliance of para 26(6) and the contributions made there of to each employee so as to enable the aspirants to upload along with the enhanced pension option online link. The certificate and undertaking will be made available through ESS portal within a week. It is also a matter of pride that Dir HR has mentioned about recent judgement by Hon’ble HC Kerala and its relevance which was fought by AIGETOA and it’s OBs. We have also submitted the clearance on EPF act -1952 (where para 26(6) is applicable) and EPS-1995 scheme where the 11(3)/11(4) enhanced pension option is envisaged and in line with Hon’ble SC Judgement dated 4/11/2022. Association submitted that to make full proof on the 26(6) matter, the joint option signed by employee and employer also may be submitted to respective RPFCs and a copy of the same may be made available for employee to submit along with the higher option along with the certificate by BSNL. This can be done as per Hon’ble HC Kerala judgement on WP(c) 13120/2015 and connected cases where BSNL employees are also parties, directed to EPFO that the options on 26(6) need to processed without insistence on a date.

Important Update on EPF Option Submission :

It’s a great pleasure for AIGETOA to inform you all that, Now all EPF/EPS enrolled Employees can exercise their joint option under para 11(3) and 11(4)of EPS -1995 for full pension in the online link.

EPFO made the changes as per verdict of Hon. High Court of Kerala Judgment on Saheer S V Union Of India WPC (C) 8979/2023, and AIGETOA the recognised executive association (through WPC 11554/2023) to modify the online mechanism pertain to 26(6) approval with in 10 days from the order else collect the of physical options. Accordingly EPFO now modified earlier mandatory field of approval of 26(6) made as non mandatory, so that all interested eligible EPS-1995 enrolled persons can submit their option successfully.

It is a pride moment for AIGETOA and employees in BSNL that, we the employees of BSNL made it possible to overcome the hindrance created by EPFO.

AIGETOA soon will be calling General Meeting for all to explain the modalities for submission and till then all are advised to get ready EPF option documents/dates and don’t Submit the option and may just Save the same in the option link if needed.