BSNL CO issues directions to circles for empanelment of hospitals in cashless basis. As per assurance given to AIGETOA and vigorous pursuasion of AIGETOA thereafter, finally BSNL Management issues instructions for empanelment of reputed hospitals at BA Levels on cashless/credit basis with an instruction to process the bills within 3 months. Compliance to be given to Director HR in this regard within 30 days. The matter was taken up yesterday also by CHQ Team. One more assurance extended to AIGETOA in agenda meeting full filled.
BSNL CO writes to all PCEs/Sr. CEs/CEs Electrical for updation of educational qualifications of SDE Electrical in ERP Data as per Recruitment Rules of BSNL Management Services in Electrical stream (MSRRs – Electrical 2023).
Click here for Covering Letter
List of the SDE Electrical with Educational qualifications as on 19.04.2023.
BSNL CO writes to all head of circles regarding submission for verification of Service Books of BSNL employees on completion of 18 years of service or before five years of superannuation retirement & updating of entries in service books by BSNL Units.
BSNL CO issues revised guidelines wrt policy for allotment of residential accommodation to Unions and Associations. AIGETOA had earlier vociferously resisted charging on CROP rates for unions and associations and instead that the payment should be on license fee basis. Finally Management accepted our demand and issued revised guidelines in this regard.
The letter for mapping of Rajasthan Circle to ALTTC Ghaziabad instead of RTTC Jabalpur has been issued by Restructuring Cell, BSNL CO, New Delhi.
The issue was strongly taken up by AIGETOA after receipt of requests from executives of Rajasthan.
BSNL CO issued instructions for all Circle Heads for processing of e-APAR of employees of BSNL, online through ESS-Portal for year 2022-23.
BSNL CO issued final reminders for preparation of All India Eligibility List No 05 of JTO (T) – Correction of data in Combined Residency period (if any) as per the clarification issued by BSNL CO – Establishment Section.
Final Reminder to Gujarat Circle
BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads for updation of digital E-directory of all India BSNL senior officers upto DGM level.
BSNL CO writes to all Circle Heads for assigning KPIs in IPMS/GPMS w.r.t PG, MIS and RTI for year 2023-24.
SR Cell extended to date of entry in SAP portal for the facility of immunity from the transfer to the recognized Associations/Unions and support Associations.
Previously the last date for entry was 15.03.2023 which is further extended to 31.03.2023.