Extension of Date – BSNL GHIS

BSNL Should Expedite the Process to Issue Long Due Promotions in AGM (Telecom) and other Grades – DOPT issued direction on the matter of Reservation in Promotions…

The recent order of the DOPT dated 12th April’2022 on the matter of Reservation in Promotion in the light of the judgment by the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgment dated 28th Jan’2022 in Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011) has given an opening for issuing of promotion by all Departments of the Central Government. The Promotion in AGM, CAO, AO and other grades was halted in BSNL also owing to the matte of Reservation in Promotion being challenged in the Court of Law. Now the deck is clear for the issuance of the promotion after the DOPT Order.

It is extremely painful to note that SDEs are waiting for their next promotions in the grade of AGM from Vacancy Years 2001-02 to 2009-10 onwards despite completing their residency period and working in SDE cadre since last 8-18 years despite possessing the qualifying service and availability of the vacancies. AIGETOA demands immediate issuance of the promotion in the AGM (T) and other grades in view of the long suffering by the Executives as well as acute requirement by the organisation, which is struggling due to shortage of officers on the AGM/CAO grades. All Circles are requested to ensure completion of the online updating of APAR grading of offline period as instructed by the corporate Office in December’2021 and issuance of the certificate by the GM(HR) of the Circle in this regard.

Click here for DOPT Order

Click here for SC Judgment

Transfer of Circle Collections to Corporate Account on 31st March 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Last day of the financial year 2021-22 is going on; it is hereby requested to one and all to give their all efforts to ensure maximization of the collection to have the best figures in the kitty of the organisation. As a member of BSNL Family, we all have to make efforts shoulder to shoulder for betterment of the organisation which will lead to the betterment of employees also. So, let us give a last minute push and make efforts to ensure implementation of the appeal made by the Director (Finance) in the enclosed letter. We do hope that management will also revert back with same yardstick towards the benefits of the Employees.

Restoration of pride of BSNL – ALTTC is back

The matter raised by AIGETOA at DoT and MoC has been taken into cognizance and the voice raised by AIGETOA has finally worked. Today Team AIGETOA with Ravi Shil Verma, Wasi Ahmad, Badri Mehta, Sunil Gautam and Vivek Kumar Singh met senior officers at DOT and precipitated the issue. It was informed to us the detailed submissions by AIGETOA with regard to ALTTC issue has been appreciated and acknowledged at the highest level. The protest through Twitter Campaign and by the AIGETOA ALLTC Circle Team has also been noticed by all concerned which has helped in quick resolution of the issue.

Thereafter we met Dir HR and CMD BSNL also where the matter was discussed at length. It was informed that the corrective action is underway.

The issue has been resolved and the letter directing BSNL and NTIPRIT to maintain status quo was received during the meeting itself.

We extend our heartiest thanks to the CMD BSNL and Director HR for immediate intervention on the issue at the highest level.

Congratulations to one and all for the support both organizationally as well as on Twitter. The united effort resulted into success. Still some issues are there which will be resolved in due course of time.

Click here for the directions to maintain status quo