Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA under chairmanship of Director(HR)

Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA under chairmanship of Director(HR)

The 3rd formal agenda meeting of AIGETOA was held in physical mode on 09.02.2022 at Conference Hall, BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Director(HR) and participated by PGM Pers, Sr GM Estt, Sr GM SR, GM Admin, GM Restg, GM Rectt, Sr GM CA and other officers of BSNL Corporate Office New Delhi. The association side was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS and Shri Rajendra Singh Exe Member.

The meeting started with welcome address by Sr GM SR and opening remarks by the All India President and General Secretary, AIGETOA CHQ. The meeting lasted for more than 3.5 hrs and constructive discussion was held on each agenda items. The interest and aspirations of executives were put forth strongly in the meeting by the association and management came up with complete plan and several commitments on the range of issues discussed. Details will be issued through minutes of the meeting by the SR Cell. In the meantime, the highlights of the meeting are as stated below:

Click here for the details

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

AIGETOA second agenda meeting with the management under chairmanship of Hon’ble Director(HR)

An agenda Meeting was held today at 4 pm which went up to around 8:15 pm. The meeting was attended by President Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS Shri Wasi Ahmad, Vice President Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, Dy GS Shri Deepak Shahoo and OS Shri Vivek Kumar Singh. The meeting was chaired by Director HR and was attended by PGM Pers, Sr GM Estt, Sr GM SR, Sr GM Admin, Sr GM (CA), GM Restg, GM Rectt, GM Trg, GM (WS&I) and other officers from HR wing. The agenda meeting was fully video recorded by Management and placed on record. All the points in the agenda Meeting were discussed threadbare and resolution are seen in sight on many issues.

The meeting held positively including some heated moments, when the association has to emphasize and remind failure of the management to act decisively to resolve basic issues of Pay and Promotion of executives which was firmly committed on multiple occasions. It is nothing but testing the patience of executives, who are restraining and extending nonstop cooperation despite of all odds in a hope that the next morning will be brighter in lieu of the BSNL Revival Package and full BSNL Board is in place after a long time but the darkness of stand stillness in almost all HR Issues still continues and challenging times in the absence of any proper support of MMM are not coming to an end. This situation can’t be allowed indefinitely and wordings of the association leaders may not be sounding well for the management in today’s meeting but it’s a harsh reality of the frustration growing sharply in each and every mind of the employees. If management couldn’t sense this anger in time, the resurrection of help up organizational protest is bound to happen, which will be detrimental for the organisation but the responsibilities will purely lie on the shoulder of management including HR Vertical. We are putting these facts straight to caution the management about the ground realities and employees should not be blamed for any such repercussion.

Discussion Abstract:

A major breakthrough has been achieved in pay related issues with management agreeing to send a revised proposal to DoT with highlighting of situation post VRS and almost NIL implications on Pension Part which was a major hitch in DoT for accepting the E2 scales. We have discussed the matter with senior officers at DoT also and we hope that positive breakthrough can be achieved. On the Pay loss related issues of 22820, E1 plus Five increments and TTA recruited as JTO in outsider quota, Director HR has directed to constitute a committee and examine all the new inputs given by AIGETOA. It was also agreed to extend the ambit of E1 plus Five Increments to all batches including the newly recruited GATE JTOs and JAOs. A reminder will be sent to DoT for expeditious submission of report by HR Committee. On promotion front, management informed that orders from court are expected soon. We requested management to issue the orders immediately on which management affirmed their commitment to execute the same expeditiously. List 9 and JAO gradation list will be issued within June 2021. The preparatory exercise for SDE to DE and AO to CAO will be started soon after the list 9 is finalized in June2021.

On increasing the SAB, management was non-committal, on health insurance, Committee will examine the financial implications and submit the report. Bond issues will be revisited and Rule 8 process shall be streamlined and made online. Rule 9 policy to be issued within June and genuine pending cases to be considered. The discriminatory Rule 8 clause for GATE JTOs to be removed and new guidelines on Rule 8 will be issued to circles in June. FTTH connection shall be allowed on service connections also. With respect to restructuring, AIGETOA will be called within one week for discussion on submissions given earlier. LICE for JE to JTO will be notified within one month. For maintenance and 4G issues, a separate agenda meeting will take place with Directors of other verticals and association has to submit the agenda points. CGA and extending BCF fund to all deaths in the current pandemic time was also discussed.

Click here for the agenda points, management’s stand and Association’s stand on the issues along with the final conclusion on the issue

Friends, all the above discussions are video recorded and hence there is no scope for any ambiguity or chest thumping. We don’t Claim we have achieved moon but we have moved the steps further and progress is clearly visible. We won’t like to make tall claims and would like to submit with all humility that Association is taking all necessary steps for getting the issues resolved. But this fact can’t be ignored that the current situation in country because of Covid has affected the working everywhere including BSNL CO. Many officers dealing the issues were Covid Positive and slowly things have started to regain normalcy and we are back on Job. This is one of the major causes of delay in resolution, which we need to appreciate but it doesn’t mean that we are going to give any relaxation to the management for failure to address these issues which are long pending.

On a lighter note, even Hon’ble supreme Court has exempted this pandemic time from the limitation criteria and accordingly we request all executives also to understand the practical difficulties and situation while citing our timelines in Shapath Patra. We once again reaffirm our commitment to ensure resolution for the issues as per commitment and request you all to understand the practical difficulties in pursuing the things keeping current situation in mind.

Some people, under the influence of those opposed to AIGETOA are on propaganda spree and we don’t mind that either because some people are basically born to criticize, and this criticism is an essential part of any System. Hence, we leave it onto people to judge the truthfulness, honesty and commitment of our leadership for resolving the issues.

Finally You May Love Us, You May Hate Us but We remain committed to spread positivity, hope and affection across the organisation even to those who don’t leave a single second go waste in criticising AIGETOA and its leadership.

Together We Will…Definitely

Collection of Suggestions and response of Members & Executives for AIGETOA 2nd Agenda meeting with the BSNL Management

Dear Colleagues,

AIGETOA proposed second agenda meeting with the management under chairmanship of Director (HR), BSNL Board is schedule to be held on either of 10th, 11th or 12th June, 2021 as informed by the Sr GM SR. The agenda points have already been submitted to the management and attached for your reference. The meeting is happening on a long gap and after little respite in the Covid-19 Pandemic, which was one of the worst nightmares for the whole country including BSNL, where more than 200 precious lives of our fellow employees of the organisation met unfortunate end.

So, we invite your concerns and suggestion with specific points (if any) to be raised in the meeting other than the submitted agenda points. You may submit your observation and suggestions in the Google sheet enclosed. We are looking for constructive feedback in this regard.

Click here of the Google sheet to capture the response

Here, we would like to assure that any delay tactics from the management side will not be accepted as enough is enough. Any denial or delayed response will be met with strong organizational action from association side.

Click here for the submitted agenda points

2nd Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA with BSNL Management:

2nd Formal Agenda Meeting of AIGETOA with BSNL Management:

As per BSNL REA Rule-2014 the formal agenda meeting of Recognized Representative Executive Association has to be carried out once in a quarter to take the issues of the executives and policy decision with the BSNL Management. As the AIGETOA is the representative association and last meeting held on 15-09-2020 and four months have passed and so the association has written to the BSNL Management to hold the 2nd meeting immediately.

Click here for letter

Click here for Agenda Points