Circulation of Provisional SDE(T) Seniority List No 10, 11, 12 & 13

Circle Conference of AIGETOA Jammu & Kashmir held on 9th Nov 2021

The Circle Conference cum Annual General Body Meeting of AIGETOA J&K was conducted successfully as per the schedule on 9th Nov 2021.

The election of the new governing body of J&K carried out as per the provisions in presence of CHQ Observer AGS Shri Sunil Gautam. The following Circle Body was elected for the next three years tenure of AIGETOA J&K Shri Pushkar Sharma, Shri Amrik Singh and Shri Ravinder Singh was elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Finance Secretary respectively.

Click here for newly elected body of AIGETOA J&K

Click here for Glimpses of Conference

AIGETOA CHQ congratulates the newly elected J&K Circle Governing body.

J&K Circle Conference to be held on 9th Nov, 2021 at Jammu:

The Circle Conference of AIGETOA Jammu & Kashmir Circle is scheduled to hold on 9th November, 2021 at Jammu. The Circle Conference is being held in physical mode and the venue of the conference is “Country Inn, Opposite Bahu Plaza, Jammu”. The delegates from across the regions comprising of Jammu, Srinagar and Laddakh are attending the conference. The Chief Guest of the function will be the Hon’ble Chief General Manager, J&K Circle. The election for next tenure will be held in the afternoon of the same day. AIGETOA CHQ extend its good wishes for the function.

AIGETOA Meeting with CMD and Board of Directors:

All India President Shri Ravi Shil Verma, VP Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, AGSs Shri Yogendra Kumar and Shri Sunil Gautam, OS HQ Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, CS Delhi Shri Rajeev Meena and ACS Delhi Shri Mukesh Kumar while extending Diwali Greetings on behalf of AIGETOA had a brief discussion on the promotional aspects post finalisation of HR Plan. CMD BSNL told us that now after finalisation of HR Plan, the next step is to work on promotional avenues and management is keen to ensure that no executive under any stream stagnates in a grade. He further told us that discussion on promotional aspects will be taken up from 15th November as next week after Diwali meetings of Audit Committee, Board Meetings of BSNL as well as MTNL are scheduled. He once again reassured that it will be ensured that stagnation is taken care of and executives do not suffer on this account.

Thereafter Team met Director HR and other Directors of BSNL Board and extended Diwali Wishes. Team also met PGM Pers and had a brief discussion on JTO to SDE Promotions, Publishing of Subsequent SDE Seniority Lists, Next course of action with regard to SDE to DE and AO to CAO promotions and also of other streams. PGM Pers told that there is no reason to panic and all necessary actions shall be taken to ensure that no executive suffers on the part of promotions. He told that slowly and steadily, things are being streamlined and step by step we are moving forward. He also told that preparatory action with regard to further DPC in JTO to SDE has already been initiated and similarly they will move forward in other grades and streams. He told that promotion in AGM cadre is linked to outcome of SLP while we told to ensure that covering all eligible by any means will resolve the reservation issue and the same needs to be explored expeditiously. Action on publishing the subsequent SDE Seniority list is underway and JAO Final Seniority list is also being published. Further discussion on promotional avenues will take place from 15th onwards and we will take all necessary actions to bring all the stakeholders on board and move ahead jointly with consensus.

We once again reaffirm that AIGETOA is fully committed to ensure that promotion happens in a time bound manner and shall take all necessary action to ensure this. AIGETOA as well as Forum of Executive Association has already committed and decided that ensuring promotions in a time bound manner is our priority and we will take all necessary action to ensure this.

The association is closely pursuing the issue and awaiting the actual content of board minutes and management response on ground about execution of promotion in various grades and streams. We are restraining ourselves to give ample chance to the management for execution of long awaited promotion and working in tandem with Forum of Executive Associations in this regard. But we want to apprise the management that the executives are loosing patience and faith due to inordinate delay in issuing of promotions. An early action in this regard from the management is highly required to maintain industrial peace.

Appointment of Independent Members of BSNL Board of Directors:

The Government of India has issued letter for appointment of four Independent Members of BSNL Board of Directors for three year tenure. With this appointment, the BSNL Board reached to its full strength.

Click for letter

The BSNL Board comprises of 12 Directors, of which 6 [including the CMD] are whole time Directors, 2 Government Nominee Directors and 4 Independent Directors as under:

  • Chairman & Managing Director – Sh Pravin Kumar Purwar
  • Director – Consumer Fixed Access (CFA) – Sh Vivek Banzal
  • Director – Consumer Mobility (CM) – Sh Sushil Kumar Mishra
  • Director – (Enterprise) – Sh V. Ramesh
  • Director – (HRD) – Sh Arvind Vadnerkar
  • Director – Finance – Smt Yojana Das
  • Govt. Director – Sh Navneet Gupta Joint Secretary(Admn.) DoT
  • Govt. Director – Sh Abhay Kumar Singh DDG (E&T) DOT
  • Independent Director – Ms Trupti Kamlesh Patel
  • Independent Director – Adv. Ravindra Ramdas Boravke
  • Independent Director – Sh Manoj Chaudhary
  • Independent Director – Sh Shikhojam Kipgen

Settlement Status of BSNL Covid Fund Claim:

It is learnt that still many BSNL Covid Fund Claims have not been settled due to various reasons. Tentative figures of the claim registered are as follows:

BCF Sheet

Total Cases Registered under the Policy 246
Cases approved by the BSNL CO New Delhi216
Payment made to the nominee146
Payment not disbursed despite approval70
Cases Not Received from Circle 30

It is to inform that after accord of the approval, the Circle has to request for the fund from BSNL CO New Delhi and make payment to the nominee of the deceased employee. All Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to take efforts to ensure the payment as well as pursue for sending pending cases by completing all the formalities and correction sought by the BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. It is to reiterate that a sum of Rs 10 Lakh is paid to the nominee of deceased employee under the Policy. The above figure is varying with each passing day and not replicate absolute one.

Election of New governing Body of BSNL CO circle, Delhi AIGETOA on 29th Oct 2021

As per schedule, an election for the new Governing body for BSNL Corporate Office Circle, Delhi was held on 29th October,2021 at Sabhaagar in the presence of CHQ observer Shri Badri Kumar and AIP Shri Ravi Shil Verma.

The election of the new governing body of BSNL CO Delhi was carried out as per the provisions. The following Circle Body was elected for the next three years tenure of AIGETOA BSNL CO Delhi. Shri Sharad Pal Singh, Shri Rajeev Meena and Shri Subrat Kumar Mohakud was elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Finance Secretary respectively.

Click here for newly elected body of AIGETOA BSNL CO Delhi