AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding urgent Physical Submission of 26(6) forms in respect of BSNL recruited employees to respective RPFCs.
A meeting was held by BSNL Management with all unions and associations today at 16:00 Hrs wrt submission of EPF Higher Pension. On behalf AIGETOA, the meeting was attended by Sh Ansal Mohammed along with President AIGETOA Sh Veerabhadra Rao.
In line with our earlier discussions, it is informed that BSNL will be giving a certificate stating the compliance of para 26(6) and the contributions made there of to each employee so as to enable the aspirants to upload along with the enhanced pension option online link. The certificate and undertaking will be made available through ESS portal within a week. It is also a matter of pride that Dir HR has mentioned about recent judgement by Hon’ble HC Kerala and its relevance which was fought by AIGETOA and it’s OBs. We have also submitted the clearance on EPF act -1952 (where para 26(6) is applicable) and EPS-1995 scheme where the 11(3)/11(4) enhanced pension option is envisaged and in line with Hon’ble SC Judgement dated 4/11/2022. Association submitted that to make full proof on the 26(6) matter, the joint option signed by employee and employer also may be submitted to respective RPFCs and a copy of the same may be made available for employee to submit along with the higher option along with the certificate by BSNL. This can be done as per Hon’ble HC Kerala judgement on WP(c) 13120/2015 and connected cases where BSNL employees are also parties, directed to EPFO that the options on 26(6) need to processed without insistence on a date.
It’s a great pleasure for AIGETOA to inform you all that, Now all EPF/EPS enrolled Employees can exercise their joint option under para 11(3) and 11(4)of EPS -1995 for full pension in the online link.
EPFO made the changes as per verdict of Hon. High Court of Kerala Judgment on Saheer S V Union Of India WPC (C) 8979/2023, and AIGETOA the recognised executive association (through WPC 11554/2023) to modify the online mechanism pertain to 26(6) approval with in 10 days from the order else collect the of physical options. Accordingly EPFO now modified earlier mandatory field of approval of 26(6) made as non mandatory, so that all interested eligible EPS-1995 enrolled persons can submit their option successfully.
It is a pride moment for AIGETOA and employees in BSNL that, we the employees of BSNL made it possible to overcome the hindrance created by EPFO.
AIGETOA soon will be calling General Meeting for all to explain the modalities for submission and till then all are advised to get ready EPF option documents/dates and don’t Submit the option and may just Save the same in the option link if needed.
We thank entire AIEGTOA Kerala Team for Favorable decision in EPF Higher Pension Case. AIGETOA as representative association of BSNL is direct party in the case vide connected matter 11554/2023. Hence these landmark order which will pave the way for opting higher pension in EPF for all BSNL Recruits. The order is applicable to all the BSNL employees.

In the cases filed by Shri Saheer & Ors, AIGETOA – Hon’ble HC Kerala made Interim direction to EPFO to make arrangements for acceptance of Higher Pension Options without insistence on 26(6) approval through Online Or to accept the physical forms ( incase online form modification not possible) within 10 (Ten) Days from today.
This landmark Interim direction will help all the employees who are working/ eligible as per Hon’ble SC , Judgement to submit the higher pension option as envisaged.
Now it’s upon to BSNL management to facilitate the modalities for submission of physical forms at the earliest. Once again it’s proved that AIGETOA and it’s office bearers are the people who are the real fighters for the benefit of BSNL & employees.
AIGETOA is a direct party in the case.
AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding one more irregularity observed in the MT Recruitment Process adding one more chapter in a series of irregularities already highlighted earlier by this association. The GD and PI for MT have been called by ignoring the defined procedure adopted by BSNL after consultation with DoP&T with regard to the issue of own merit/on merit in extending the reservation for SC/ST executives in the Recruitment process adopted by BSNL.
Today (10th April 23) further detailed arguments held at Hon’ble High Court, Kerala on the writ petitions filed by Shri Saheer &, Ors, AIGETOA Vs GOI, EPFO & BSNL on the need of 26(6) approval alongwith the online enhanced pension option processor. The heated arguments lasted about 1hr 20 minutes where Sr. Counsels from employees side (represented by Shri Saheer & Ors, AIGETOA & Ors ) and EPFO side were present. Our advocates placed all the relevant documents and the deliberations gone through all the nitty gritty part of HonSC Judgement dated 4/11/22, RC Gupta judgement, Sasikumar Judgement etc . Our legal team had placed various circulars from EPFO and strong arguments in support of employees due rights. The point matter on Unexempted organizations ( BSNL ) also referred specifically.
Hon’ble Bench (this was the 4th sitting on the matter) was very much concerned about the employees right to submit the options and made comments against on EPFOs stand on 26(6) approval submission.After strong arguments from our counsels Hon’ble Bench posted the case for orders on 12/04/2023. Final concluding remarks to EPFO was that they can submit suggestion if any on positive side , so that how to allow employees to submit the option under 11(4) without obstructions. Let’s hope for the positive outcome. AIGETOA and its team is a firm believer in appropriate action at the appropriate point of time and accordingly, we went through the actual process to be followed through legal way.
AIGETOA writes to Director HR for avoiding violation of transfer policy and creation of distinct window for Inter Circle and Intra Circle Transfers as rotational Transfer within the Non-Territorial Circles resulting into Inter Circle Transfer of executives who are not in long stay list for Inter Circle Transfer which is violation of approved transfer policy and simultaneous processing of Inter Circle and Intra Circle Transfers resulting into huge pandemonium in field units.
we demand BSNL CO to issue guidelines to circles that Intra Circle Transfers should be considered only when Inter Circle Long Stay is completed by BSNL CO, New Delhi. Further executives should be given one more option to opt for Inter Circle Transfers by opening the OTP window again so that unnecessary Pandemonium, Panic and double transfer of executives can be avoided. Opening of special window will also result in meeting the shortage of many circles by willing executives and this whole process of transfers will be smoothened.
AIGETOA writes to GM (Admin) BSNL CO, New Delhi for incorporating the suggestion/Agenda for BSNL Sports & Cultural Board Meeting.
BSNL Co issued clarification on Intra-Circle transfers of Executives working in Non-territorial Circles.