Update on EPF Pension Case – Team AIGETOA Efforts Finally Paid

Update on EPF Pension Case – Team AIGETOA Efforts Finally Paid

Flash News :

Efforts of TEAM AIGETOA finally paid it’s dividend with Honble Supreme Court upholding the verdict of Honble Kerala HC for full pension eligibility. The case of members from Kerala was also tagged in the main case and finally the efforts lead by CS AIGETOA Shri Shaheer and ACS AIGETOA Shri Ansal and his team members have got huge benefit for all the BSNL Recruits. Now all the BRs will have the option to exercise full pension option.

The options as per clause 11(4) will have to be called within four month’s. The average of 12 months Basic + DA is not accepted which is kept as average of 60 months

Kudos to Team AIGETOA Kerala for the marvellous feat.

Notice for Circle Conference & Annual General Meet of AIGETOA, Kerala Telecom Circle

Notification for holding of VIth Circle Conference and Annual General Meet of AIGETOA Kerala is hereby issued as per provisions in the constitution of AIGETOA. The conference is scheduled to be held on 17th December, 2022 at The PGS Vedanta, Lissie Junction, Ernakulam.

Online nominations will be called for New Circle Governing Body of AIGETOA Kerala from 10th to 24th November 2022 through google form as made available in website www.aigetoakerala.org. Any valid member of the association and member of AIGETOA Kerala Circle can file nomination. The schedule of the election shall be decided by the returning officer in consultation with present collegiums at the venue.

Click here for the notification

Team AIGETOA Shimoga TD, Karnataka met Shri Manish Sinha Ji Member (Finance) on 1st Nov 2022 at Shimoga during his field visit to Sagar Block Saturation

A detailed discussion on the matter of E2-E3 was held with the Hon’ble Member (Finance). Team AIGETOA at Karnataka Circle has submitted various inputs and justifications with respect to the proposal of E2 scales for JTO/JAO/Equivalent and E3 scales for SDE/AO/Equivalent to Member (Finance) and seeks his help to settle the long matter, which is to be approved by the DOT.

Member (Finance) has listened to the AIGETOA viewpoint very carefully & assured the AIGETOA team to help in the resolution of the matter.

The Team AIGETOA was led by Shri Kunal Kumar, ACS Karnataka who is also a member of the AIGETOA Pay Scale committee.

Click here for Memorandum Submitted

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

AIGETOA writes to the Dir HR BSNL for immediate intervention in the matter of Ludhiana Punjab

AIGETOA has reached out to Dir HR BSNL demanding his immediate intervention to reinstate our District Secretary on previous position and recall of the BA Head Ludhiana to bring peace, growth and prosperity to BSNL in the Unit. We have further highlighted the high handiness of the BA Head and demanded suitable direction to CGM Punjab to ensure sanctity and professionalism in the BA.

Click here for the letter

IDA Freezing Case at Hon’ble High Court, Guwahati

The case filed on revoking the freezing of IDA of dated 01.10.2020, 01.01.2021 and 01.04.2021 vide DPE Order dated 19.11.2020 at Hon’ble High Court, Guwahati will come up for hearing today. AIGETOA is intervener in the case filed by NCOA at Hon’ble High Court Guwahati. Although DPE has submitted that the increase has been subsumed in the increased IDA Rate of 170.5% w.e.f 01.07.2021 from the previous freezed rate of 150.9% standing on 01.07.2020. The association is pressing that the lost IDA of the intervening period is a permanent loss and hence the DPE order dated 19.11.2020 should be revoked to revise the IDA of slated period as the situation has improved considerably after Covid and Hon’ble High Court Ernakulam has also directed BSNL to extend the benefits of Dearness Allowance Revision to the Non Executives of BSNL.

The case at Guwahati is listed for today.