Glimpses of Submission of Memorandum to CGMs by all CS across the country

Memorandum to Loksabha and Rajyasabha MPs of their area mandatorily over email and if possible in Person

Dear All,

In its meeting held on 17th July 2022, CHQ has decided that Members of Parliament also. Accordingly all the Executives are requested to send the Memorandum to Loksabha and Rajyasabha MPs of their area mandatorily over email and if possible in person also. The Circle Secretaries are requested to monitor the activity and ensure submission by each executive of their circle and send the compliance to CHQ for further pursuance by CHQ.

Click here for the Memorandum

Click here for the Annexure

Click here for the Contact Details of Respected MPs of Loksabha

Click here for the Contact Details of Respected MPs of Rajyasabha

Submission of Memorandum to Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble MoC, Secretary DoT, CMD BSNL, Cabinet Secretaries & other Dignitaries (15th July 2022 to 20th July 2022)

Submission of Memorandum to Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble MoC, Secretary DoT, CMD BSNL , Cabinet Secretaries & other Dignitaries

(15th July 2022 to 20th July 2022)

Program of AIGETOA – Activity to be performed:

Memorandum to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi Ji highlighting the pathetic conditions existing in BSNL.

Click here for memorandum to PoM

Click here for the annexure

Click here for the address of MoC, DOT Sy, CMD BSNL

All ensure the submission of above memorandum to hon’ble prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi Ji with humble appeal for intervention at the highest level in the affairs of BSNL in view the severe challenges within the organization and complete neglect of Human Resource of the organisation, who have successfully managed the services after VRS-2020 in BSNL.

STEP-1 : Sending Hard Copy of Memorandum through “Speed Post”

In the first step, all the executives should submit their representation to the authorities mentioned (Hon’ble PM, Hon’ble MoC, Secretary DoT, CMD BSNL). One copy for each authority must be submitted through proper channel and the advance copy should be sent directly to their address given in the representation through “Speed Post Only”.

Step-2 Sending Memorandum through Digital Platform

1.PM India Portal (Write to PM)

The same representation must be filed as grievance to PM India Portal under Interact with PM section Write to the Prime Minister. (

Click here for Link

Click here for the direct link to register (

2. DoT CPGRAMS Portal

The same representation must be filed as grievance to CPGRAMS portal. (

Click here for CPGRAMS portal

3. BSNL PGRMS Portal

The same representation must be filed as grievance to BSNL PG portal. (

Click here for BSNL PG portal

Procedure & Step-wise Instructions for filing Grievances in various Portals

Procedure & Instruction for filing grievance in PM India Portal.

Click here for step-wise screenshot of the procedure

  1. Click on the given link of PM India Portal. (
  2. Under the heading “Interact with PM, click on “Write to the Prime Minister” Section.
  3. A new page will open, type your mobile number OR email ID and click on GET OTP. Complaint detail page will be open, fill the details.
  4. Under Communication Category, Select “Public Grievances” and in description section paste the memorandum & click on upload document and upload the PMO Memorandum in PDF and click on attach.
  5. Submit your grievances.

Procedure & Instruction for filing grievance in CPGRAMS portal.

Click here for step-wise screenshot of the procedure

  1. Click on given link of CPGRAMS portal. (
  2. Click on Sign In and register with your mobile number OR email ID.
  3. After log in, click on Lodge Public Grievance on left side.
  4. A new page will for grievance, click on box to check and submit.
  5. Again in new page under section Please select a Ministry/Department/State Government, Click on “Telecommunications”
  6. Under Telecommunications, select main category as “Employee Relate/Service Related”.
  7. Select next level category, “Issues related to Promotion”
  8. Organisation name, Select an Organisation name as “Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Corporate Office”
  9. Under Section Circle, Select your respective Circle Name.
  10. In Text of Grievance, Paste the Memorandum content and attach the memorandum and Click Next & Submit.

Procedure & Instruction for filing grievance in BSNL PG portal :

Click here for step-wise screenshot of the procedure

The same representation must be filed as grievance to BSNL PG portal. Click here for BSNL PG portal (

  1. Click on the link of BSNL PG Portal. (
  2. Click on Register Complaint on right side
  3. A new Page will open Public Grievance Redressal Management System, under this fill the complete details.
  4. In “Grievance in Brief” paste the memorandum content and upload the memorandum and submit.

Memorandum to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India highlighting the pathetic conditions existing in BSNL – Humble Request for intervention

Memorandum to hon’ble prime minister of India shri Narendra Modi Ji highlighting the pathetic conditions existing in BSNL.

Click here for memorandum to PoM

Click here for the annexure

Click here for the address of MoC, DOT Sy, CMD BSNL

All ensure the submission of above memorandum to hon’ble prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi Ji with humble appeal for intervention at the highest level in the affairs of BSNL in view the severe challenges within the organization and complete neglect of Human Resource of the organisation, who have successfully managed the services after VRS-2020 in BSNL.

Hearty Welcome to “TEAM AIGETOA” Together We Will…

Dear Colleagues,

Hearty Wishes to all who continued their support to AIGETOA and a Warm welcome to all those who have shown faith in AIGETOA & have decided to join us in this Membership change over window. A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination & hard work and we pledge that we shall leave no stone unturned in our quest for resolution of our concerns and issues.

Being the Recognised Representative Association, we foster the bonhomie and camaraderie among Executives to work in unison towards our shared goals

Thank you all for faith and affection in AIGETOA Platform.

First Day – Activity of Memorandum Submission as per call of AIGETOA Notice and Meeting with Director HR today:

Management invited the delegation of AIGETOA for discussion on the notice points. Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIC, Shri Veerabhadra Rao AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Mehta FS, Shri Pavan Akhand Dy GS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS and Shri P N Sharma attended the meeting with Dir HR and PGM SR on 14.07.2022.

Meeting started with firm demands and strong argument of the association with DIR HR on MT and other HR issues, where team AIGETOA explained each issue and expectation of Executive fraternity from BSNL Management on HR issues which were circulated through agitation notice. Meeting continued for nearly two hours.

Click here for glimpses of meeting with Dir HR in morning

Issue wise update is as follows.

Std pay scale issue:

DIR HR appreciated the concern and assured to take up the issue immediately with DoT. Association representatives requested management to inform DOT in clear terms that there is no cascading effect and only initial two scales of JTO/JAO and SDE/AO and equivalent grades are to be replaced. Director HR assured for the same and informed that they shall be taking the matter with DoT immediately. Director HR also scheduled an exclusive meeting on pay scales and pay loss related issues on 15th July 2022 wherein PGM Establishment and other related officials will remain present to finalize the way forward and next course of action to resolve this long pending issue.

Pay loss Issue:

AIGETOA requested DIR HR to instruct the committee formed for pay loss issue to revisit 22820 issue and find out way to resolve the same and submit the recommendations.

Further, the association also requested DIR HR for the formation of Committee for E1+5 and DR JE to JTO pay loss issue.

Director HR assured to look into the issue as suggested by the association. These issues shall also be discussed in the exclusive meeting on 15th July 2022.

Immediate termination of MT internal recruitment process:

Association categorically informed that any discussion on amicable resolution of issues shall take place only if the current MT Recruitment process is immediately put on hold and MTRRs are scrapped. After lots of discussion and deliberation on the issue, Dir HR finally agreed to address the concerns raised by the association and assured to take necessary action in this regard. We made our point very clear that only assurance will not work and an immediate necessary action should be taken to restore the confidence of Executives.

AGM Promotion:

After detailed discussion and facts presented by AIGETOA team to ensure the utilisation of complete strength of AGM plus DGM strength combined together. We stated that there is precedence in past and all the AGMs who are working as DGM Adhoc and LA may be considered as occupying regular posts and hence these vacancies can also be used for promotions. DIR HR convinced to consider our inputs and ensure promotions from SDE to AGM very shortly. We also requested for initiating the discussion on new MS RRs containing stagnation criteria and fast track promotion mechanism and provisions to be made for the fast track promotions till GM grade. Director HR assured that formal discussions with AIGETOA in this regard shall be initiated soon.

Promotion of AO to CAO and AGM to DGM Regular:

On CAO promotion, DIR HR informed team AIGETOA to wait till the next date of hearing i.e. 23rd Aug 2022 of Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT. Decision will be taken thereafter. We emphasized upon relaxation of 15-16 days in the cut off and ensure the filling up of all vacancies of CAO cadre. Discussion on AGM to DGM grade promotions shall also be held shortly wherein we emphasised that all adhoc DGMs may be made regular DGMs and also AGMs who have completed their residency period of 4 years may be extended regular promotions by considering relaxation of six months in cut off date as all working AGMs have completed their 4 years residency in the grade and there are sufficient vacancies in DGM cadre.

DPC of leftout JTO of 2008 batch

As agreed earlier, DIR HR again re confirmed that, DPC process of left out JTOs of 2008 batch will be initiated immediately after the notifications of SDE RR or SDE to AGM Promotions which ever is earlier. He also assured to pursue with DOT for their reply on pensionary implications of the new SDE RR. It will be pertinent to inform all that after rigorous pursuasion by AIGETOA, board has authorised CMD and Management Committee of the Board to consider relaxation in the Stagnation period of 12 years.

Enhancement of SAB to 30%

As presented by Association, DIR HR agreed to discuss with CMD for the Enhancement of SAB contribution.

Deposit of pending SAB contribution.

Dir HR assured to deposit pending contribution at the earliest and also assured that matter will be taken up with Finance wing to ensure regular deposit of monthly SAB subscription so that arrears may not increase cumulatively.

SDE reversal issue

As agreed earlier, DIR HR assured that the final settlement of SDE reversal issue shall be done immediately. In the meeting, association demanded to issue the minutes on the points agreement reached and also start working on the assurances immediately. However till late night, minutes were not released and concrete action on the assurances is yet to be seen.

Click here for glimpses of Gate Meeting at CO, BSNL

The memorandum submission was observed in the afternoon. Director HR personally came to the ground floor of BSNL corporate office and addressed the assembled gathering and received memorandum. He assured all present in the gathering that long discussion and deliberations have been done with AIGETOA representatives and assured that commitments shall be honoured and results will also be visible soon.

Click here for Glimpses of Memorandum Submission to Dir HR

Later CHQ, CEC met in the evening and it was decided that program will be kept continued till management shows its intent in black and white along with concrete progress on the issues.

Click here for Glimpses of CEC Meeting

All rank and file is requested to follow the website daily updates on the progress shall be updated, we also request not to pay heed to confusion mongers and only follow and act on the directions on the website and association official WhatsApp groups.