Meeting between Team AIGETOA and Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary of the All India Railway Men’s Federation and Secretary of the Staff Side, National Council (JCM) on dated 23.08.2024 :

Meeting between Team AIGETOA and Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary of the All India Railway Men’s Federation and Secretary of the Staff Side, National Council (JCM) on dated 23.08.2024 :

Today on dated 23rd August 2024, Meeting of Team AIGETOA comprising (All India President Shri Veerabhadhra Rao, Finance Secretary Sh Badri Mehta, Astt General Secretary Sh. Vivek Kumar Singh, Circle Secretary Delhi Sh. Rajeev Meena, Organizing Secretary Sh. Harjinder Singh, CHQ Advisor Sh. Sanjay Tyagi, ACS Delhi Circle Sh. Mukesh Kumar) held with All India Railway Men’s Federation GS Sh. Shiva Gopal Mishra Ji, who is Secretary Staff Side, National Council (JCM). Several All India Office bearers of National Council (JCM) were also present in the meeting.

As tomorrow on dated 24th Aug, there is a meeting of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India with members of staff side of National Council (JCM), Standing Committee.

Click here for the letter for Meeting with Hon’ble PM

So team AIGETOA met with General Secretary, National Council JCM in relation to this. We requested secretary staff side to help, intervene and put forward the genuine issues of All employees of BSNL to the highest level, i.e. with Hon’ble Prime Minister during their meeting, so that the long pending issues can see a light of resolution.

The meeting began with a warm welcome to Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra and the AIRF representatives by Team AIGETOA. Team AIGETOA presented flower bouquet to GS Sh. Shiva Gopal Mishra Ji. A brief introduction was provided regarding the current challenges and long-pending HR issues faced by BSNL employees.

Healthy discussions were held on long pending HR issues including issue of standard pay scales of E2-E3, 3rd PRC, Pending Promotions across all cadres, 30 Percent SAB, Revision of TA/DA/Allowances etc.

Sh. Veerabhadhra Rao, President AIGETOA, reaffirmed the commitment of all BSNL employees to the growth and development of the organization, including the expeditious rollout of 4G services. However, he emphasized that despite their dedication, employees have been deprived of their basic rights concerning Pay, Pension, and Promotions. We requested to Shri Mishra’s support in resolving these issues.

Shri Mishra acknowledged the concerns raised by Team AIGETOA and expressed his support for the BSNL employees. He assured that he would try to bring these issues to the attention of the Secretaries of Department concerned during the upcoming meetings. Shri Mishra requested a detailed submission of the issues, which was promptly provided by Team AIGETOA in the form of memorandum. He assured his intervention in resolving these long-pending HR issues at the highest level.

The meeting concluded with a positive note, with Shri Mishra assuring his full support. The assurance from Shri Mishra Ji, Secretary Staff Side, National Council (JCM) for his intervention is a positive step towards addressing our concerns.

Team AIGETOA will follow up with Shri Mishra’s Ji, post the meeting with the Hon’ble Prime Minister to track the progress on the discussed issues.

Flash News : Amendment with respect to recognition period & validity of bodies upto OA level of the concerned Association in REA issued by SR Section

The long awaited clarification with respect to the immunity guidelines have been issued. AIGETOA has been pressing this issue for long. After our preview meeting with Director HR yesterday dated 22.08.2024 on agenda items, today SR cell issued the amendments.

Click here for Amendment regarding OA Body

Click here for Amendment regarding Immunity Period

Amendment of Clause 10 (5) & Clause 10 (A) (4) for both Recognized Associations –

The concession of immunity from transfer from the CHQ/Circle/SSA of recognized Association is applicable to the GS, AGS and FS/Treasurer upto the recognition period of the concerned Association or upto the validity of the Association body (subject to the association remaining being recognized) whichever is later, irrespective of the post held or the cadre to which he/she belongs. The facility enjoyed once at any level, viz. CHQ, Circle or SSA will not be available for the second time at the same level either in the same Association or in any other Association, in case the incumbent so joins another Association.

Amendment of Rule 3, 4 & 6 for both Recognized Associations –

1] As per Rule 3(1), Recognized Representative Association is given the status of the “Majority Recognized Association” at Corporate level, all Circles, BA and OA level.

2] As per Rule 3(2), Recognized Association is given the status of the “Support Association” at Corporate level, all Circles, BA and OA level.

3] The facilities of Special Casual Leave shall be extended at all levels i.e., Corporate, Circle, BA and OA level.

Request for Granting an agenda based meeting to AIGETOA for discussion on crucial issues being faced by the BSNL Executives under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL/Director (HR) :

GS AIGETOA submitted the agenda to CGM (SR) BSNL CO Smt. Anita Johri with request for granting an agenda based meeting to AIGETOA for discussion on crucial issues being faced by the BSNL Executives under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL/Director (HR).

Click here for letter submitted

MoSC direction to BSNL/DOT – Examination and Consideration of AIGETOA Memorandum:

As decided in our meeting (AIGETOA & BTEU with MoSc) held on 26th July 2024, Hon’ble Minister of Communications for State (MoSC) Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani Ji has directed BSNL/DoT for examining and considering the memorandum submitted by AIGETOA.

As assured to us during the meeting, it is understood that BSNL/DoT has been asked to consider and examine the issue in an holistic manner rather than giving a copy book reply to the issues raised. Hopefully we will succeed in clinching the issue of residual issues of 2nd PRC as well as those of 3rd PRC.

Click here for Letter

Let’s work together to achieve. Together We Will.

Happy Independence Day – 15th August

Dear BSNL Executives,

On this momentous occasion of India’s 78th Independence Day, AIGETOA extends warm greetings and best wishes to all BSNL Executives across the country. As we celebrate our freedom and sovereignty, let us take pride in our rich cultural heritage and diversity, which makes our nation unique and strong.

BSNL has been a pillar of India’s telecommunications sector, connecting people and empowering them with access to information and opportunities. As BSNL Executives, we have played a crucial role in building and strengthening the telecom infrastructure of our country. Despite the challenges we have faced, our dedication and commitment to BSNL and the nation remain unwavering.

This Independence Day holds special significance as BSNL is poised to roll out its 4G and 5G services nationwide using entirely swadeshi technology. This effort, driven by the Atmanirbhar Bharat initiative, marks a significant milestone in India’s journey towards self-reliance in telecommunications. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Swadeshi is the soul of self-respect and a true badge of patriotism” By deploying homegrown 4G and 5G network technologies, BSNL is not just enhancing connectivity but also contributing to national security, economic growth, and technological innovation.

The development and deployment of these swadeshi technologies, led by a consortium including TCS, C-DOT, and other Indian firms, demonstrate our capability to innovate and lead in a sector traditionally dominated by foreign companies. This move will help BSNL regain its competitive edge in the telecom market, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of India’s digital transformation. Yes, we know it’s a difficult task but BSNL employees have always turned impossible to possible. Hence our commitment and our resolve to the cause of nation as well as BSNL will definitely be successful.

On this Independence Day, let us renew our pledge to work tirelessly for the growth and prosperity of BSNL. Let us strive to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger, united in our efforts to take BSNL to new heights. Our hard work and dedication will not only contribute to the success of BSNL but also play a vital role in the digital transformation and economic development of our beloved nation.

As we hoist the tricolour high and sing the national anthem with pride, let us remember the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and honour their legacy by continuing to build a strong and prosperous India. Let the spirit of patriotism and unity guide us in our endeavours.

Jai Hind!

Happy Independence Day!


All Union Association meeting decides to take vigorous action to settle Pay Revision/Wage Revision Issue :

A meeting of the All Unions and Associations was held in AIGETOA’s office at New Delhi on 13.08.2024, to discuss about the ways and means to settle Pay Revision/Wage Revision, which is the most burning issue of the employees. This meeting was attended by BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIGETOA, SEWA BSNL, BTEU, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BSNLMS, AITEEA, ATM BSNL, TEPU and DEWAB. The discussion took place on the need for taking united efforts by all unions and associations to settle the issues of Employees of BSNL same. All the representatives participated in the discussion. AIGETOA firmly emphasized that if a broader forum is being formed then none of the crucial issues pertaining to the employees must be ignored. We expressed that the forum must take care of residual issues of 2nd PRC and the way to settlement of these issues must also be deliberated on the platform. AIGETOA also expressed that issues can be taken individually or together based on feasibility but the commitment to resolve all the pending issues must be there from all the participating unions and associations. It was decided to take up the Pay Revision / Wage Revision issue vigorously with the CMD BSNL and the Government as an initial step as per the wish of all the participating unions and associations. It was decided to write letter to the CMD BSNL on the following two points.

1] BSNL Management should write letter to the DoT, demanding expeditious action to settle the Pay Revision of the Executives.

2] As regards the Wage Revision of the Non-Executives, the Management should immediately sign agreement with the Recognised Unions, based on the pay scales already finalised through mutual agreement in the Wage Negotiating Committee meeting held on 27.07.2018.

It was decided that a letter is to be written to the CMD BSNL under the signature of the General Secretaries of all the unions and associations.

Click here for the Glimpses of Meeting

Click here for the Memorandum submitted to CMD BSNL

AIGETOA CHQ Team meets Hon’ble MoC Sh Jyotiraditya M Scindia on 08.08.2024 at Sanchar Bhawan :

Meeting of Team AIGETOA and BTEU comprising (General Secretary Shri Ravi Shil Verma, President Shri Veerabhadhra Rao, National Conveyor Shri Aftab Ahamd Khan, Dy. General Secretary Shri Pavan Akhand, Asstt General Secretaries Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Shri Sunil Gautam & Shri Yogendra Kumar) with Hon’ble MoC Shri Jyotiraditya M Scindia Ji held today. Hon’ble MP from Telangana Shri Eatala Rajender Ji and BMS National Secretary & In-charge Telecom Sector Shri Ramnath Ganeshe Ji were also present.

Discussions held on long pending HR issues including issue of standard pay scales of E2-E3, 3rd PRC, Pending Promotions across all cadres, 30 Percent SAB, Revision of TA/DA/Allowances etc. As directed, issue wise details were submitted to Hon’ble MoC. Hon’ble MoC assured for his intervention in settling out the long pending HR issues. GS AIGETOA conveyed that all employees are standing firmly for the growth and development of BSNL including the expeditious roll out of 4G. At the same time, we highlighted that employees of BSNL despite their commitment and dedication to the cause of the nation have been deprived of their basic issues of Pay, Pension and Promotions and requested for his blessings on setting the pending issues. Team AIGETOA/BTEU also presented Hon’ble MoC with Shawl, Bouquet and Memento.

Click here for Letter on 30% SAB

Click here for Letter on Standard Pay Scales

Click here for Letter on Promotions for all

Click here for Letter on Implementation of 3rd PRC

Click here for Letter on revision of TA/DA

Flash News – AGM promotions Orders for PWD Quota issued:

AIGETOA CHQ extends warm congratulations to all the candidates who have been promoted to PWD AGM positions. Your promotion is a reflection of tireless efforts and commitment to excellence. We wish you continued success in your new roles and look forward to your future contributions.

Those who are not covered in order should not loose heart. Our endeavour is to get all covered in due course of time.

Click here for Order

Updates of Team AIGETOA Meeting with Director HR on 5th Aug 2024 :

Team AIGETOA comprising of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Shri G Veerabhadra Rao, National Conveyor Shri Aftab Ahmed and Deputy General Secretary Shri Pavan Akhand had a meeting with Shri Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, Director HR to discuss various pending issues concerning BSNL Executives.

The key issues that were addressed during the meeting are as follows:

Promotions for PWD:

The team raised the concern regarding the pending promotions for PWD employees and sought an update on the matter. Director (HR) assured that the promotions for PWD would be issued soon, and the process is final stage. We requested enough delay has already been made and hence BSNL must immediately issue the orders as DPC has been completed way back. It was assured that within next few days, orders shall be issued.

On the calculation and coverage of vacancies, it was informed that as far as possible within the boundaries of extant rules and regulations, maximum numbers have been covered. Association however shall keep on striving for covering all the eligible PWDs.

SDE Reversal:

Team once again urged Director HR that now management must consider extending expeditious justice to the SDEs affected by reversal issue. The AIGETOA team has firmly pleaded that there is no scope for any further delay on this issue. Director (HR) informed that the matter is under discussion and he shall be having another round of discussions with Hon’ble CMD to look for resolving the issue within BSNL instead of lingering in court. AIGETOA has already apprised CMD BSNL on the issue. Let’s hope for a positive response by BSNL Management on the issue.

Promotions in various cadres:

Discussion with respect to SDE to AGM promotions, AGM to DGM Promotions, AO to CAO Promotions and JAO to AO Promotions was discussed in length and we shared once again the complete road map to achieve the objective. We highlighted that it’s indeed an irony of the system that those who have cleared the LICE exam twice are waiting for their Promotions while others have already been promoted. The lists have been reversed in BSNL after publishing to deprive meritorious candidates their chances for promotions due to one sided and dominating attitude of management earlier. We requested that BSNL must extend justice now by promoting all the eligible SDEs as per the roadmap suggested by AIGETOA. We also requested for ensuring the promotion orders in AGM to DGM grade as the court has not barred in giving Ad-hoc Promotions. We also requested for utilising the consequential vacancies together so that maximum promotions across various grades viz AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM and JTO to SDE can be given.

LICE Court Case (SDE/AGM):

The team discussed the ongoing court case related to the LICE for SDE/AGM promotions. Director (HR) assured that BSNL is actively pursuing it for a favorable outcome.

No Lateral Recruitment:

Association registered it’s complete opposition to lateral Recruitment in any cadre above JTO/JAO level and informed that it will result in huge unrest within BSNL.

We also informed that the existing recruitment process must also revisited in view of the comments from Hon’ble PCAT in May 2024 hearing.

Promotional Issues due to Court Cases:

The Association sought possibilities to address other promotional issues, especially AO to CAO promotions, which are pending due to court cases. We also requested to explore the options for JAO to AO Promotions as done in Telecom Cadre. Director (HR) agreed to explore options and find a suitable solution.

Resolution of 147 Reversal Issue:

We highlighted that BSNL was earlier in fascination for reverting the promotions as well as seniority list and surprisingly everytime the merit was a casuality in BSNL. We emphasized that at least now this practice must stop. We apprised Director HR about the details of the issue and the recent Judgement from Hon’ble Supreme Court which has dismissed the SLP of BSNL. We requested Director HR to extend justice to these candidates. Director HR agreed to explore the resolution and shall revert after discussion with his team.

ERP Relieving for OTP and Hard Tenure:

The Association discussed the issue of ERP relieving for OTP and hard tenure cases. Director HR assured that it will be done.

Pending OTP Cases:

The team raised concerns about the pending OTP cases and requested their expeditious resolution. Director HR assured that these cases will be addressed promptly.

Standard Pay Scales of E2 and 22820:

It was informed by Director HR that whatever HR issues which are possible to be resolved within the ambit of BSNL are being explored and necessary instructions has been given to sections to explore the solutions.

3rd PRC:

We apprised Director HR about Team AIGETOA discussions with Hon’ble MoSC, Hon’ble Minister of state for Home Affairs, Other MPs and told that a ray of hope has emerged as all the persons to whom we have reached have taken up the matter with MoSC and management should also push for 3rd PRC as it is the appropriate time in view of the positive image which BSNL is carrying across nation. We requested for intervention of BSNL Management in taking up the issue of 3rd PRC with Hon’ble MOC and Hon’ble Secretary DoT.

Hon’ble MP Shri Etala Rajender Supports BSNL Executives’ Cause : Forwards AIGETOA’s Representation to Hon’ble MoC for Addressing HR Issues

Hon’ble MP from Malkagiri, Telangana Shri Etala Rajender Ji forwards the representation of AIGETOA to Hon’ble MoC and also requests him to grant the appointment for a detailed discussion over the HR issues of BSNL pertaining to 3rd PRC, Standard Pay Scales of E2, Promotions and 30 percent SAB.

Team AIGETOA had met Hon’ble MP last week and submitted its representation. Today, Hon’ble MP again met our Team at his residence and had an elaborate discussion on the issues to understand the same so that he can personally take up those issues with Hon’ble MoC.

Click here for letter