Data for Review of Organizational Restructuring in BSNL :

Online Transfer Portal (0TP) Permission to withdraw the pending applications of pervious OTP window and resubmit fresh application :

With active pursuance of AIGETOA, finally It has been decided that, henceforth, the executives whose applications, submitted in previous OTP window, for transfer on request basis and are still pending for decision, shall be permitted to withdraw their previous OTP applications and apply afresh during the subsequent OTP windows. As a result, the executives, whose applications submitted till OTP January 2023 for transfer on request basis and are still pending for decision shall be permitted to withdraw their previous OTP applications and apply afresh in new OTP.

Click here for letter

Updates on Team AIGETOA Meeting with President BMS Sh Hiranmay Pandya Ji, GS BMS Sh Ravindra Himte Ji, Dy GS BMS Sh Surendra Kumar Pandey Ji :

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand, AGS Shri Sunil Gautam, National Co-ordination Committee Member Shri Sanjay Tyagi met president BMS Shri Hiranmay Pandya Ji, GS BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji, Dy GS BMS Shri Surendra Kumar Pandey Ji on 25th July 2023 and had elaborate discussion over the issues raised by AIGETOA with respect to implementation of standard pay scales of E2 for JTO/JAO, Pay Loss Issues being faced by Executives Recruited/Promoted Post 01.01.2007, JE Period pay loss, 30 Percent SAB in BSNL, E1 plus 5 increments to all executives who have been Recruited/Promoted in E1 scales, Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL by relaxing the affordability clause, Revision in Perks and Allowances at current market rates, One time Pension Option to be extended to BSNL Executives whose recruitment was started by DOT in Pre BSNL Era, Settlement of Promotional issues and increase in Posts. We explained them the issues and possible solutions which can be undertaken. We also highlighted almost all the issues are in the ambit of DOT except promotions and Revision in Perks and Allowances. We also told that despite fulfilling the criteria for government pension, BSNL Recruited Executives whose Recruitment process was stared by DOT are not being allowed to exercise the one time option for getting the pension under CCS rules.

BMS leadership assured us of their full support and informed us that they have already taken up the issues raised with the Ministry and said that they will try to ensure the resolution of all the genuine issues raised by AIGETOA. OPS issue of Pension under CCS rules shall also be taken up with Hon’ble Labour Minister for resolution.

BMS leadership also wished good luck for the Membership Verification and told us that AIGETOA must ensure its victory which will go a long way in the resolution of all the Long Pending Issues. They assured us that BMS Leadership will stand with AIGETOA for resolution of all their issues. They also advised us to work wholeheartedly for the company and use the Revival Packages for the best interest of the company and its employees

Friends, with the concrete and firm assurance from the apex leadership of BMS, we hope for the early resolution of all the long pending issues including the pending financial issues. We seek the support of all BSNL Executives in ensuring the resolutions.

Happy BMS Foundation Day

विश्व के सबसे बड़े संगठन ‘भारतीय मजदूर संघ’ के स्थापना दिवस सभी को हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं।

Our Journey, Our Destination……

Dear Colleagues,

We are deeply grateful to everyone who is associated with AIGETOA, including General Members, CHQ Members, Members of the National Co-ordination Committee, Circle Secretaries, District Secretaries, CEC and DEC Members, nominated CHQ members, advisers, and well-wishers. Your dedication and attention to detail is beyond the mention by words.

We appreciate your hard work and efforts during this critical membership changeover window. Your commitment has persuaded many influential members to join our cause and united the masses under our common vision.

We also want to address the claims made by other associations, bragging about their numbers and undermining the importance of experienced leaders joining our ranks. AIGETOA firmly believes that our value is not determined by numbers alone. We respect the experience, ethics, virtues, and knowledge of every individual who chooses to join us, as they add to our strength and capacity to resolve the issues.

AIGETOA’s relevance goes beyond membership count. Even with a modest membership of 1000-1200, our association had held great significance in the past. Let us remind you that AIGETOA will remain equally meaningful if the membership reaches complete 30,000 Executives also.

Let us distinguish ourselves from others who achieve so little despite claiming to represent executives, and despite claiming to have an 11,000-membership base are not willing to pursue and fight for the rights.

It is also our responsibility to acknowledge the efforts and dedication, as shown by your prompt response to our call, which are the main driving forces behind the current momentum of AIGETOA, as well as our overall movement. We urge you to keep up this enthusiasm and excitement until we reach our next milestone, the MV (Membership Verification) which will be the key to the future of Executives and resolution of issues. This momentum must be continued and all the OBs at various levels need to conduct daily campaigns, both door-to-door and desk-to-desk, emphasizing the importance of our presence at the forefront. Please motivate ordinary members to engage in positive interactions with executives from different batches, cadres, and recruitment modes. Also help them understand the depth of our commitment and collaboration with BMS, which enables us to delve into the essence of our mission.

Lastly, we want to emphasize the importance of ensuring that every executive within our organization is actively engaged and influenced by our progressive approach towards PPP (Pay, Pension & Promotion). It is crucial that none of our executives remain unaffected or disconnected from the significant strides we are making in this area. We must strive to create a unified front where all executives fully comprehend and actively participate in AIGETOA’s endeavours related to PPP.

Let us also emphasize that numbers are not paramount; rather, commitment, experience, knowledge of issues, and willingness to advocate and raise our collective voice are crucial. The departure of experienced leaders from other associations demonstrates which organization is better equipped to resolve longstanding issues.

We extend our gratitude to our existing members, leaders, and also those who joined us during this membership window. We reaffirm our commitment to meet your expectations and go the extra mile to achieve our goals.

While actual figures of membership after this changeover window will be disclosed by management, it is evident that our association has grown stronger during this window. We won’t blow our trumpet like others till we get the official figures However, the inclusion of new members and prominent leaders from other associations has definitely strengthened AIGETOA’s ability to address and resolve the long-standing HR issues.

The conduct of the other association, disregarding their own legacy and disrespecting their own senior leaders who joined AIGETOA to contribute to the cadre, speaks volumes about the capabilities and divisive intent of the other association. Their divisive campaign, based on caste, cadre, religion, method of recruitment, anti-government sentiments, and provocative tactics, is disheartening and in fact quite dangerous. AIGETOA firmly disapproves of such methods and will never engage in such things and advises all it’s members also to not to indulge into any such activities

Let us all continue our collective effort with optimism, aiming for victory in the MV and resolution of all the long pending HR issues.

Together, we have the power to achieve great things..

Together We Have.. Together only We Can

Best regards,