
Submission of Membership Deduction Form through E-Mail or Fax :

SR Cell issued instructions for option to change authorization for deduction of membership subscription of Union/Association from Salary.

Click here for letter

Due to COVID-19, it is difficult to submit the subscription forms physically from one station to the station where DDOs are posted in time. All the DS may submit the form for membership subscription deduction to the respective DDOs through E-mail or Fax latest by 15.07.2020 with a copy to the Unit Head of DDO.


Fact status on JTO to SDE DPC Promotions:

The senior advocate is still to submit the legal opinion as approval of his fees has
not been conveyed yet by BSNL. It is reported that the file for approval of Fees is under submission and

once the approval is conveyed, legal opinion will be received.

Thereafter the DPC process will be initiated.
While this being the fact, a sudden update on proclaimed SENA website is testing the patience of entire BSNL recruits who eagerly awaiting their turn for Promotions. But we request all such people not to panic as such lies of the negative people will be exposed very soon. Their consistent updates on their website tells the true story that how much afraid they are of getting their lies exposed.
It is ridiculous that they are asking for confirmation on message but they are not asking for status of DPC which also tells the true story of their concern towards the issue.

AIGETOA Team is consistently following the issue and the issue has been in discussions at all levels including Director HR and PGM Pers.

Even on Friday (10.07.2020), our team met PGM Pers on the issue. It was informed to us that file for Sanction of the fees has been returned to Personnel Cell with some queries. The queries are being replied and file is being sent for approval without any delay. From the discussions, it was also clear that the half baked CPSU Hierarchy Policy can not be implemented unless until it is revisited and reframed. Now we leave it for the people to decide, who is telling
lie and who is telling the truth.

People are matured enough to understand things except Few by name

“Uncommon Man”

who are either working as B team of the Proclaimed SENA or unable to understand the facts because of their immaturity. Anybody can file an RTI and know the truth by themselves…

AIGETOA reports correctly based on the discussions not on whims and fancies ofindividuals who remains in day dreaming mode always.


GS AIGETOA Writes to the CMD BSNL for granting of five (5) advance increments in their basic from the date of joining in the grade on the minimum of the IDA Pay Scale of E1 i.e. Rs.16400-40500 to all post 2010 JTOs/JAOs including SRD batch JTOs, Directly recruited JTOs, Promoted LICE JTOs, Directly recruited JAOs, Promoted JAOs and GATE JTOs as interim measure till finalization of the E2 Pay scale i.e. 20600-46500 to all the JTOs and JAOs in BSNL.

Click here for the letter


Instructions issued to include the name of executives at place of posting for
Rule-9 cases:

GSAIGETOA taken up the matter of the ease in exercising the democratic rights of the executives posted in various Circles/SSAs/Units on deputation, temporary
transfer under Rule-9 to include their name in local Electoral List instead of Parent Circle as instructed earlier. The matter was taken up with the Director (HR) and Sr GM(SR) BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi.

We are thankful to the management for the taking conscious decision on our concern which will basically give great relief to hundreds of executives posted across the BSNL to exercise their democratic right to cast the votes with ease at their place of posting instead of mingling in the postal ballot system issued from their Parent Circle. We appeal all executives to exercise their right wisely and peacefully for right associations in the larger interest of the executives fraternity as well as BSNL.
Click here for the letter issued by GS-AIGETOA

Click here for the clarification issued by SR Cell, BSNL
CO, New Delhi


GS AIGETOA writes to Dir HR, Chief Returning Officer and Sr GM SR on 08.07.2020 to include the name of all executives (joined under Rule-9) in the Electoral List at the place of posting instead of Parent Circle as well cast the vote in person instead of ballot box. We pressed to issue clarification in this regard immediately.

Click here for letter


GS AIGETOA writes once again to CMD BSNL Protesting against the proposed move to shift HQs of QA and Inspection circle on arbitrary basis just on whims and fancies of individuals. This will unnecessary involve expenditures as well as put our executives at distressed. Our strong objection thereof.

Click here for letter


Congratulations !!

Finally Govt of India has cleared raising of bonds for BSNL. It is learnt that The sovereign guarantee has been extended to BSNL for raising bonds to the tune of Rs 8500 crores. The bond is expected to be issued within a period of 3 months. This will be a major boost to the operations and financial viability of BSNL.

Click here for Order

AIGETOA efforts in bringing this revival process is well known to every one and
we have stood firmly with government in their efforts for the betterment of BSNL.
The other associations have in fact taken contrary stand for the revival measures. The foresightedness of AIGETOA stands vindicated today.

We will continue to fight for the prosperity and growth of BSNL for clearing the
pending issues of government.

Another reason for executives to support and elect AIGETOA.


Selection for the post of Director (Finance), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) through Search-cum-Selection process held on 07.07.2020 in PESB Board Room. Committee recommended the name of Ms. Yojana Das, PGM (Finance) & Internal Financial Advisor (IFA) for Kerala Telecom Circle, BSNL for appointment to the post of Director (Finance), BSNL Board.

AIGETOA congratulates Ms. Yojana Das, PGM (Finance) & Internal Financial Advisor (IFA) for Kerala Telecom Circle, BSNL for appointment to the post of Director (Finance), BSNL Board.

Click here for Minutes of Meeting