Today, the Kickoff for 4G phase IX.2, 200 sites was announced by BSNL Team in meeting held today at The Taj New Delhi, under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Secretary (Telecom) in the presence of CMD BSNL, DIR(CM), CGMT Punjab, CEO TCS, CEO TEJAS, CEO CDOT, CMD ITI, PGM/GM mobile of all Circles.
Secretary (T) appreciated all the Punjab team involved in PoC Testing for their day and night efforts. He specifically mentioned the name of the dynamic CGM Punjab Sh. Ajay Kumar Kararha ji “The LEGEND” while calling him on stage. Secretary (T) also mentioned a hard working employee for Mr. Gurdev Singh JTO (RF) Amritsar . Mr Gurdev Singh also happens to be Asst. District Secretary of AIGETOA. Secretary (T) also explained how the equipment has gone through rigorous testing day and night.
Further CGM Punjab took the chance to motivate his team and called PoC Members on stage and acknowledged their efforts.
A standing ovation was given by all the senior officers present in the hotel to the Punjab team headed by Worthy CGMT for their exemplary work for make in India 4G project.
On behalf of AIGETOA, we extend our heartful thanks to Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Minister of Communication, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications & Secretary(T) for supporting BSNL.
In addition to this we are also thankful to CGM Punjab Sh. Ajay Kumar Kararha ji and all PoC Testing team involved for this noble cause.
Congratulations to all the BSNL family. Hopefully we will regain our pristine glory soon.
It is a pride for AIGETOA also to announce that many of our office bearers including our Circle Secretary Shri Yogesh Chhabra, Circle President Shri Vikas Gupta, CHQ Office Bearer Shri Ajit Singh and other OBs like Mohit Garg, Ankur Bajaj, Anurag Prakash and Shri Pawan Kumar are part of the RAN/Core Testing Team handling this Project. This shows the leaders of AIGETOA are equally competent in handling the critical projects of BSNL. This blend of Performance, Leadership and Excellence makes AIGETOA, the strongest association in BSNL.