Release of the Speaking Order for SDE Seniority List – AIGETOA denounce it, Lodged Strong Protest

BSNL released the speaking order suppressing all genuine rights of the qualified LDCE Executives who have been even denied the quota in the vacancy year wise. This is a completely wrong and biased interpretation of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Order and suppression of Merit in BSNL. It is also a breach of trust with the association that without consulting it, the Pers Cell has gone ahead to release the speaking order in contrary terms by subverting the rights of the LDCE Executives. This thought process is detrimental for the organization where the merit is always pushed to the last bench. The association will not accept this decision and oppose through all means.

Click here for the speaking order

Meeting with Sr GM (Estt), GM (Recruitment) GM(Restg) and CLO

Team AIGETOA with GS, VP, AGS met the above authorities in BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi on various issues as discussed in the agenda meeting. The issuance of E2-E3 letter, Rule-9 Policy for the temporary transfer of JTO/JAO were discussed with Sr GM(Estt) on which he apprised that some calculation are going on after it finishes the E2 letter will be approved and issues and Rule-9 policy is already in movement and he is waiting for its approval.  

The team met with GM(Recruitment) and enquired about the status of holding the LDCE Exam and apprised about our discussion with the Director(HR) on holding the LDCE. The GM(Rect) appraised that major of the activities related with the process has been completed and the matter will be taken up with the competent authority. The Team also met with the CLO and requested for revisit the roaster register for true calculation of vacancies as well requested for preparing and finalization of the roaster register for next year at the earliest.  

Meeting of AUAB with management for BSNL revival measures in the chairmanship of CMD BSNL

A meeting of All Unions and Associations is scheduled today at 12:00 Hrs with the BSNL Management on the services and revival measure under the chairmanship of the CMD BSNL. The General Secretaries of the associations/unions will participate in the meeting and discuss the various arms of the BSNL services and financial status and its improvement. Some common issues of employees will also be discussed in the meeting including Superannuation Benefit Fund of BSNL Recruited Employees and recently circulated Restructuring Proposal of the Management.

Postponement of EPP Exam schedule from 1st June on the request of AIGETOA

AIGETOA extend profound thanks to the Director HR and GM Training for considering the request of AIGETOA for postponement of EPP Exam scheduled from 1st June, 2021 and safeguarding the interest of executives by giving relaxation for the next increment for those who have completed Two Year in the current Pay Scale but couldn’t appear in the exam due to prevailing Pandemic of Covid19. Team AIGETOA received representation from various executives across the BSNL and was consistently pursuing for postponement of online EPP Exam since 3-4 days in view of then extensive travel involved by the executives from their place of posting to the respective RTTC. Finally the efforts yielded positive result. We also want to apprise that AIGETOA is pursuing with the management to end this online exam process and instead of it introduced one or two weeks refresher course at different RTTC for some meaningful betterment of administrative and technical skill after the up-gradation of scale else close the whole process.

Click here for letter of postponement

Click here for the letter of AIGETOA

AIGETOA became party in the IDA Freezing Case at Hon’ble High Court, Guwahati:

The Hon’ble High Court, Guwahati has accepted the application of AIGETOA to be a party in the ongoing IDA Freezing Case at Guwahati. Earlier AIGETOA appeared in the Hon’ble Court on 12th March through its council and pleaded to become intervener in the ongoing case. After listening the arguments of all parties, the Hon’ble Court accepted AIGETOA plea to be a party in the case. Now the association will be submitting its detailed arguments in the Court for lifting of the IDA Freezing order from BSNL Employees citing the various grounds. We will not only demand its restoration but the payment of arrear also for the lost periods.

GS AIGETOA writes to the Hon’ble MoC for inclusion of BSNL fraternity as prioritized vaccine beneficiaries in initial phase:

GS AIGETOA writes to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication Govt of India, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Ji for inclusion of BSNL fraternity in prioritized vaccine beneficiaries in initial phase, like other health or defense warriors, considering the contribution made by the BSNL warriors in the fight against Covid-19 and their sacrifice during course of their standing with the Nation and its People in one of the most difficult time.

He recalled that in the course of discharging responsibilities of a Telecom Warrior, high percentage of BSNL staffs and officers got infected with Covid-19 and many of them succumbed to the disease and attained supreme sacrifice. Now it is being reported that that the Covid-19 vaccine is getting ready and the government is in the process of prioritizing targeted vaccine beneficiaries. It has come to our knowledge from various media reports that recently NEGVAC (National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration) panel has recommended to the government that population groups comprising of healthcare providers & workers, personnel from state & central police, armed forces, home guards, civil defense & disaster management volunteers, municipal workers and persons above 50 yrs etc be identified as prioritized vaccine beneficiaries in initial phase. However, there is no clarity that BSNL workforce will also be identified as front line workers and made priority target population for the upcoming vaccination in first phase. It is being felt that the risks and sacrifices made by BSNL fraternity during the testing times of Covid-19 are getting unnoticed by the panel suggesting for prioritized target as initial vaccine beneficiaries. So, the General Secretary taken up the matter with the Hon’ble Minister and Department of telecom as well as Health & Family Welfare for inclusion of the BSNL Officials also in the first phase for the vaccination.

Click here for letter