Merry Christmas

Congratulations to all the BSNL Executive’s

The Twitter campaign on 16.12.2021 becomes a big success with more than 1.2 lakhsTweet/Retweet. By this, we have conveyed our clear message to the Management and the Govt in unambiguous terms.

It again proved that we can do Miracles, if we are UNITED. Let us remain United till all our demands are settled to our satisfaction.

Let us gear up for the MASS DHARNA on 22.12.2021 with huge participation

Twitter campaign on 16th Dec 2021

Dear Friends, 

Forum of BSNL executives comprising AIGETOA, SNEA and AIBSNEA decided to launch Twitter Campaign today, 16.12.2021 between 12.00 Hrs to 15.00 Hrs with the following Hashtag. All BSNL Executives and Employees of BSNL are requested to mobilize each and every one to come out in large numbers and Tweet/Retweet the message in support of career progression, standard pay scales and other demands in the Notice with proper language with the following Hashtag to raise our voice for Justice. 


Twitter accounts to be tagged:















Details of the AUAB meeting held with management on 27-10-2021.

A meeting of AUAB was held with management in presence of all the Directors of BSNL Board under the chairmanship of CMD BSNL, on 27-10-2021. The Brief Details are as stated below.

Launching of 4G :

It was informed that M/s TCS had made a good progress on developing the indigenous 4G equipment’s and supply to BSNL. The 4G core is being developed by C-DOT, while the RAN is being given by Tejas and the complete system shall be given by TCS. The POC phase is going on and encouraging results are there. Few hiccups are there which will be overcome in due course of time.

Payment of Salary on the due date :

October, 2021 salary will be paid before Deepawali. While November, 2021 salary will be paid on the due date, i.e., 30.11.2021, a slight delay will be there for December salary owing to load repayment and thereafter, from January onwards, salary will be regularized and shall be given at the end of the current month without any delay.

Wage Revision :

For the Non-Executives, Management has already taken action to reconstitute the Wage Negotiation Committee. The first meeting of this Committee will be held after Deepawali. For the Pay Revision of the Executives, CMD BSNL advised to take up the issue with the DoT. He assured to arrange a meeting between the AUAB and the Secretary, Telecom. It is understood that DA merger is in active consideration.

Restructuring :

The CMD BSNL informed that, Restructuring of BSNL’s Manpower is approved by the Board, with 12% increase in the existing strength. The new strength will be 36,000 Executives and 35,000 Non-Executives with total strength of 71000. On the notification of Time Bound promotion policy for the Executives, reluctance was shown on account of divergent views between executives groups. It was decided to have separate deliberations on the promotion issues pertaining to various cadres once the minutes of Board meeting are notified.

Withdrawal of show cause notices under FR17A :

The show cause notice for Shri S. Sivakumar, GS, AIBSNLEA, Shri Kabir Das, GS, BSNL OA and Shri Goud, President, BSNL MS is being withdrawn . The pending cases of four serving General Secretaries / Presidents i.e Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Shri B Laxman, Shri K Sebastin, Shri A A Khan is still pending and shall be settled before New Year.

Holding of various LICEs and LDCEs 8n various grades :

Notifications will be issued before 30.11.2021 by Establishment section.

Temporary Transfers under Rule 9 policy :

A Committee will be formed with four Representatives from Unions/Associations and four Management Representatives. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, the restrictions will be relaxed.

Threatening letters against agitations :

Threatening/harsh wordings will be avoided in future and entries made in the service books and ERP will be reviewed.

SAB contributions pending from April, 2020 :

CMD BSNL assured to clear all the pending payment by March, 2022.

Regular interaction between the AUAB and the Management :

The CMD BSNL assured that bi-monthly meetings will be held between the CMD BSNL and the AUAB for briefing on developmental activities.

After meeting the Management, the AUAB met and decided to defer the agitational program considering the positive developments.

BSNL Corporate Office issues letter for the reconstitution of the Sports and Cultural Board:

The tenure of the BSNL Staff Welfare Board, as well as the BSNL Sports and Cultural Board, expired in March, 2020 itself. However, these two Boards were not reconstituted by the Corporate Office. Accordingly, Corporate Office has issued letter to reconstitute the BSNL Sports and Cultural Board where one member from the Recognized Association and One Member from the Recognized Unions will represent the employee side.

Click here for the letter

Record of Discussion issued by SR Cell

The SR Cell issued record of discussion of the meeting of CMD and all Functional Board of Directors with the General Secretaries/Leaders of All Unions and Association of BSNL (AUAB) held on 27.10.2021 at Corporate Office, New Delhi.

Click here for the Record of Discussion

The Record of Discussion doesn’t carry some points as discussed in the meeting and accordingly a letter was issued by the AUAB to include those points by issuing a corrigendum. AUAB also informed about deferment of the proposed program through the letter.

Click here for the letter of AUAB