Inter-Circle Transfers Retention on 12th Class Basis :

Inter Circle Transfer of long stay regular AGMs(T)/DEs(T) stay more than 22 years and age less than 56 years as on 31.03.2024

Pers Section BSNL CO issued the Inter Circle Transfers list of (354 AGMs) and (336 SDEs) having stay more than 22 years Circle and age less than 56 years as on 31st March 2024.

All the executives (SDEs/AGMs) in long stay will have to give three options under special Long stay Inter Circle OTP window which is opened w.e.f. 02.03.2024 to 07.03.2024.

Click here for long stay list of SDEs(T)

Click here for long stay list of AGMs(T)/DEs(T)

The circles are categorized broadly in 3 categories as detailed below for the purpose of transfer/posting.

For SDEs(T) :

For AGMs(T)/DEs(T) :

Pending Transfer Cases from hard tenure stations for the executives completing the tenure issued:

The pending transfers orders from hard tenure stations finally issued. Team AIGETOA CHQ has followed the matter right from the officers of Pers Section to the highest authority to get the orders issued.

Click here for order

Surprisingly, no other association except AIGETOA was following these cases irrespective of their individual association Affiliations. It was only AIGETOA which raised the applicability of existing tenure guidelines as per the old orders who were already posted in hard tenure and also for those whose orders were issued before issuance of modified guidelines for tenure stations. We have already taken up the matter for keeping the tenure in line with the GOI Guidelines and same is under discussion. AIGETOA has strictly opposed increasing the tenure.

AIGETOA : Advocating Fairness and Transparency in Transfers

Dear Esteemed BSNL Executives,

Standing Against Misinformation

In recent times, certain associations have chosen to spread misinformation about AIGETOA and the longest stay transfer policy being implemented by BSNL. However, let’s set the record straight. AIGETOA firmly believes in transparency and fairness, unlike some associations that seem to be running “Transfer Shops.”

Recognizing the Positive Impact

These associations have even praised the transfer policy to the management, recognizing its positive impact. Unfortunately, their intentions appear to be driven by personal interests, as they have been offering alluring promises of retention, cancellations, and modifications to entice executives.

AIGETOA’s Proactive Approach

AIGETOA stands against such false assurances. We want to emphasize that the management’s motive behind these transfers was to address the shortage in certain circles only. Instead of taking a comprehensive approach, specific association leaders sought uniformity in transfers for all circles, even extending their influence to the courts.

Legal Compulsions leads to Mass transfers

As a result, BSNL had to commit in court to implementing the transfer policy diligently, leading to transfers from shortage circles like Karnataka, J&K, and Gujarat, including for our lady officers.

AIGETOA’s Innovative Solutions

Contrary to this, AIGETOA took a proactive stance. We provided executives under transfer with an OTP window, allowing them to choose their preferred circle. Additionally, we are working on easing the challenges faced by our lady employees, aiming to provide them with relaxation similar to Child Care Leaves and for those above 50 years.

Transparency in Action

Our commitment to transparency shines through in the transparent OTP policy, a result of AIGETOA’s dedicated efforts. We have ensured that the request transfers applied through OTP are published by BSNL and Circle offices.

AIGETOA’s Vision for the Future

What truly sets us apart is our policy-driven approach. While some association leaders may have resolved specific cases only for few, AIGETOA’s leaders have focused on demanding policy changes that benefit all. We’re advocating for displaced executives to return to their parent places within 2-3 years, along with the retention of quarters and families.

Vote for AIGETOA @3: Your Voice for Fairness

In the end, let’s remember that Transfer Posting isn’t a mere shop for profit. AIGETOA is committed to ensuring the best for all executives, safeguarding their interests, and upholding the principles of transparency and fairness. Join us in our pursuit of a brighter future for BSNL executives. Your vote for AIGETOA @3 is a vote for fairness and transparency in transfers. Together, we can make a positive impact and stand up for what’s right.

OTP Cases of Karnataka Circle Issued with Herculean Efforts of AIGETOA :

Dear Friends from Karnataka,

We know the delay in consideration of your OTP applications has demoralised you all like anything as your family life was getting disturbed out of this.

We sincerely apologise for the delay but we kept on pursuing and finally we managed to clear almost all cases which were received by us.

AIGETOA always believes in impartial approach and accordingly we pressed for taking a policy approach and we hope that members of other associations will also appreciate our approach.

Remember, one of the torch bearers of other association was misguiding all that no transfers will take place. Their so called 2.0 version needs many such upgrades so that Perseverance, Courage and Conviction is developed to resolve the issues instead of telling that issue is impossible.

We request all their office bearers to join under the umbrellas of AIGETOA to learn Perseverance, Commitment and Conviction to resolve the issues.

We extend our sincere gratitude to Director HR and PGM Pers for concluding the things in right perspective.

Best of luck to you all for your assignments at new places.

Click here for the orders

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding amendments in transfer and posting policy and retention of staff quarters on transfer :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding amendments in transfer and posting policy and retention of staff quarters on transfer.

Click here for letter to Director HR

AIGETOA has submitted the following points for consideration to ensure that executives comes willingly to opt for the transfers:

  • The period of stay spent within SSA/Circle transfers may be deducted while carrying out longest stay transfer on All India basis to avoid multiple transfers of the executives.
  • After completion of three years in a particular station in inter-circle transfer, the executive must be immediately transferred and relieved from Circle to the new choice of place in the interest of service.
  • There should be a cooling period of at least three years duration between intra-circle and inter-circle transfers to avoid multiple transfer of the individual.
  • Retention of Staff Quarter at a place of existing location (prior to transfer) may please be allowed consequent to change of place of posting due to transfer/promotion.