The Central Executive Committee Meeting of Central Governing Body Members of AIGETOA CHQ will be held on 12th October-2020 through online mode. A notice to this affect has been issued on 3rd October, 2020 and sent to the various authorities and participants. It will be the first CEC Meeting of the AIGETOA CHQ after the Membership Verification where issues will be deliberated in detailed and important decisions will be taken with regard to future action plan of the association for accomplishment of the goal.
The CMD BSNL greeted all employee of the organisation on the occasion of the BSNL Formation Day, 1st October and completion of 20 years journey. In his address, he emphasised on the need of innovation towards service to the customers and revenue growth of the company.
CMD letter to CGMs regarding activities to be carried on by BSNL Tower corporation Ltd(BTCL).
Today, BSNL Corporate office issued posting order of the present PGM(EB) NTR, Shri R K Goyal as PGM(Pers) BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi. AIGETOA welcomes posting of Shri R K Goyal as PGM(Pers) and hope that his vast experience will be handful in resolution of long pending issues of the executives specially related with the Promotion.
The formal agenda meeting held between the Majority Recognised Representative Association AIGETOA and BSNL management held on 15th Sep, 2020 under the chairmanship of respected Director(HR), Shri Arvind Vadnerker ji released yesterday. Although the points discussed have been captured in the minutes but the time line discussed has not been elaborated. We are quite hopeful that under the esteem leadership of Shri Arvind Vadnerker ji, Director (HR) we will succeed to remove all bottlenecks in a phased manner as assured by him in the meeting and the new belief will be created.
In order to enhance comprehensive Service Assurance for Enterprise customers, an integrated service Assurance tool for O&M of leased circuits, the Prabal Plus software, which is developed by MPLS NOC IT Team of young Engineers, launched by the CMD BSNL in a august gathering today on the occasion of BSNL Formation Day. The software is hosted on URL and PoC conducted in three Circles have been successful. The MPLS NOC Bangalore IT Team behind creation of the tool are Shri Umasankaran K SDE, Shri Anu George JTO, Smt Saranya Suresh JTO, Smt InduSree JTO and Kumari Keerthana JTO.
AIGETOA congratulates all our active members from NOC Bangalore, who were in the forefront of developing new innovations including Shri Chandran T SDE MPLS NOC and field officers such as Shri Vivek Kumar Singh JTO-CNO Corporate Office, Shri Hari Shankar Tiwari SDE(LA) Lease Lines HP Circle, Shri Prashant Gaurav JTO NIB Bihar Circle and many others who were part of it.
Click here for Prabal Plus guide
Similarly, CFA initiatives were also launched by CMD BSNL for customer’s acquisition and business growth in the august gathering today on the occasion of BSNL Formation Day.
GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding infusion of positivity in the employees by regularizing their remuneration, rollout of 4G service, availability of OPEX fund to commemorate the completion of 20 Years of BSNL Formation.
AIGETOA raise following important and specific points
- Roll out of the 4G Services.
- Infusion of the sufficient OPEX fund in the network.
- Customer Delight Year.
- Ensure regularization of remuneration to the employees.
- Respectful Career Progression in the company.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Happy BSNL Day wishes to you all!

BSNL turns 20 years today. For a government department that was corporatized when telecom market in India was booming with the entry of private players, it has been a roller coaster ride. When we look back, BSNL had its own share of ups and downs, its own defining moments and déjà vu incidents etc. It has been a long wait of 20 years for us to see the real corporate work culture to emerge in BSNL. While we joined this organisation with high dreams of joining a corporate organisation working in cutting edge technologies, we were destined to see it deteriorate to an unprofessional and oversized entity that finds it tough to adapt to circumstances. Long queues for BSNL connection when BSNL first launched its mobile services because we BSNL was the first operator to make incoming calls free, first launching of 3G in India by BSNL, the vast and wide reach of our network, BSNL’s ability to reach even the remotest part of country and also raise to occasion to cater the telecommunication need of the public in the face of natural calamities, its fully owned by GoI tag etc. are some features or incidents that make us proud of being part of this gigantic organization with chronicled history.
But during the last one decade we are also witness to a gradual but sustained loss of focus by BSNL in its endeavour to carve a niche for itself due to a plethora of challenges both within and outside the organization. The employees remain in an eternal anticipation of a performance oriented meritorious working culture in BSNL where experience, expertise and hard work is recognised and rewarded for a mutually beneficial relationship of both individual as well as organization. The predicament has now manifested with another challenge where we experience inordinate delay in launch of 4G services and lack of coherent strategy in capitalising on the huge FTTH market that exists in India.
AIGETOA is well aware about its responsibility as a recognised representative association with an unenviable task of leveraging the aspirations of BSNL Executives at a critical juncture to turn around BSNL into pristine past glory. As the saying goes,“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going“, we pledge to leave no stone unturned in our endeavour and we remain determined to pave our own path to excellence. We also sincerely hope that all other stakeholders of BSNL including the management, other Associations & Unions, Government and Administrative Ministry and last but never the least, the BSNL fraternity and public at large recognise the writing on the wall and the need to keep the narrow and sectarian agendas aside while working for BSNL. AIGETOA remain committed and extends its unflinching support for any idea that that we believe can bring a positive impact on BSNL and at the same time fight with tooth and nail on any idea that is disastrous for BSNL. We make an earnest appeal to all stakeholders in BSNL to reciprocate the same.
We, rededicate ourselves to a more vibrant and Inclusive BSNL 2.0 on this, BSNL day!
With Best Wishes and Regards,
GS AIGETOA writes to GM (Pers) regarding non-posting of OBs of the Associations in HR/Admin & Vigilance Wings and practice of the transparency in the inter-Circle and intra-Circle transfer carried on longest stay basis.
Extension of last date of reporting and reviewing of e-APAR for year 2019-20. Last date of reporting e-APAR: 15th Oct 2020 and Last reviewing of e-APAR 31st Oct 2020.