Flash News on E1 plus Five Increments

Flash News on E1 plus Five Increments

As assured in the Agenda meeting, Estt. branch of BSNL CO has referred the matter to GM Restg. of BSNL CO to expedite the matter of E1 plus Five Increments Pending before BSNL Board by convening the meeting of HR committee of BSNL Board. It is expected that by next week Restg branch will issue letter to committee members in DOT to for necessary action for expediting the decisions.

AIGETOA serves revised notice for organizational program

Since, a good and positive environment was created from the management side by considering and acting timely on some agenda points which included one of the major issue of JTO to SDE DPC, the association also reciprocated and did not press organizational programs of the served notice dated 18.06.2021. But the recent unreasonable speaking order issued by BSNL to change its own decision of August 2020 to even deny the quota in a vacancy year (inflicting serious damage to the meritorious candidates) despite of the ongoing discussion is nothing but breach of trust by the management and it has created serious resentments in fields. Further, management’s efforts to curtail down number of posts through restructuring process has made the executives restless as it will be further depleting the very limited promotional avenues available to the executives resulting in huge stagnation in every grades and many other HR issues are also pending for resolution. This forced the association to rethink its earlier stand and as decided in the All India CHQ, CS & CP Meet, AIGETOA has served revised notice for organizational programs with amended schedule to lodge our strong protest and seek the kind attention of the management against the injustice and severe stagnation in the career prospects and settlement of the long pending Hr Issues, Revival & Sustainability of BSNL and Timely Payment of Salary.

Click here for the Notice


  • Timely disbursement of salary on last working day of the respective months.
  • BSNL’s Revival in its true spirit with full focus on maintenance/coverage related issues.
  • Supplementary DPC for left out candidates by re-verification of vacancies and immediate notifications of LDCE for all vacancy years for the SDET Grade.
  • Extending Immediate Promotions in SDET to AGM (T) grade, as SDETs are stagnating in the grade for 8 to 17 yrs. Similarly extending promotion in JAO to AO, AO to CAO, DGM equivalent and parity in promotions in other streams i.e. Elect, Civil, Arch, CSS, CSSS and Telecom Factory.
  • Provision of enough posts in promotional grades as proposed by the association in the ongoing Man Power Planning of Executives (Restructuring Plan) to ensure smooth career progression. Introduction of Internal Fast Track Promotion Mechanism and Scraping of MT RRs.
  • Reviewing the unreasonable speaking order and continuing of SDE Seniority List-9 and circulation of subsequent lists (based on VY basis, in line with Quota specified for LDCE & SCF).
  • Extension of E2 scales for JAO/JTO equivalent grade and E3 scales for AO/SDE equivalent grade and settlement of Pay Loss Issue (E1+5 and 22820/- and Pay fixation of DR JE to JTO).
  • Enhancement of total SAB to 30% (shortage of 8.2%) and formation of PRMB Trust with defined contribution. Deposit of pending SAB amount (due since April-2020) with interest.
  • Onetime settlement of LDCE-2007 SDE Reversion issue as assured in 1st Agenda Meeting and Streamlining of Bond Related issues of newly recruited JAO/JTOs as per agenda meeting item.
  • Compassionate Ground Appointment to nearest dependent of the employees, who met untimely death during the current Covid Pandemic Period by treating it as Death on Duty.


22nd to 26th July 2021 : Mass representation by all employees to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Hon’ble Home Minister of India cum Chairman of GoM, Hon’ble Minister of Communications and filing of grievance on PGRMS portal to request for fixing of the accountability for failure of BSNL Revival Program and wastage of around Rs 69000 Cr of public money of Govt Exchequer.

22th July 2021 Quitting of all official WhatsApp Groups on protest.

28th July onwards Start of Non-Cooperation Movement.

4th and 5th August 2021 – Two Days Dharna by CHQ, CS and CP OBs at Delhi CO HQs.

4th and 5th August 2021Applying of Two Days Leave as a Protest.

Meeting with Sr GM (Estt), GM (Recruitment) GM(Restg) and CLO

Team AIGETOA with GS, VP, AGS met the above authorities in BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi on various issues as discussed in the agenda meeting. The issuance of E2-E3 letter, Rule-9 Policy for the temporary transfer of JTO/JAO were discussed with Sr GM(Estt) on which he apprised that some calculation are going on after it finishes the E2 letter will be approved and issues and Rule-9 policy is already in movement and he is waiting for its approval.  

The team met with GM(Recruitment) and enquired about the status of holding the LDCE Exam and apprised about our discussion with the Director(HR) on holding the LDCE. The GM(Rect) appraised that major of the activities related with the process has been completed and the matter will be taken up with the competent authority. The Team also met with the CLO and requested for revisit the roaster register for true calculation of vacancies as well requested for preparing and finalization of the roaster register for next year at the earliest.  

“A popular saying tells that Patience Pays but it seems not in BSNL…” Loosing all the hopes for an amicable solution to the HR issues and revival of BSNL, AIGETOA serves notice for organisational actions :

AIGETOA serves notice for organisational seeking attention of the management as well as Government of for fixing up of the responsibility towards failure to revive BSNL, Pay Salaries and medical benefits in time and the complete failure to resolve the long pending HR issues either.

Click here for the Notice

In the recent agenda meeting held on 11th June 2021 under the chairmanship of Director (HR) wherein certain specific assurances were given with respect to settlement of issues and it was categorically assured that a committee will be formed immediately after the meeting, a new proposal for replacement of E1A-E2A pay scales by E2 and E3 Pay Scales shall be sent on 14th June Itself, the committee for FTTH service connection will submit its report immediately, the meeting for restructuring shall be convened within one week with Majority Association etc. It was also informed that management will finalise a fixed date for salary disbursement in line with other statutory payments. However, till today, no appreciable action has taken place despite categorical assurances on many issues. Further, with regard to seniority list issue, the legal opinion which was read out in the meeting clearly stated that Quota should be incorporated while drawing the seniority list but it is understood that management is trying to obtain modified legal opinion just to oppose the genuine vacancy year based seniority concept which was installed in BSNL after so much discussions and legal scrutiny and with the same hierarchy except one person being changed and management is trying to go back from its own decision out of some frivolous reasons.

On the promotion front, no appreciable efforts are being seen from management except for buck passing on the legal complexities. In the meeting held on 9th December CMD BSNL directed Personnel section to process the JTO to SDE (DPC) and it was explained by HR team that reservation issue will not be a show stopper on JTO to SDE promotions and now management is reluctant on publishing the notice for even LDCE exams also. It was informed to us in the recent agenda meeting that Jabalpur CAT judgement is expected shortly and that even if it doesn’t come, management will move ahead now as more than six month has lapsed and we don’t consider the JABALPUR CAT JUDGEMENT as show stopper any more. Now as reported in the website of some other association, they are linking up the matter with reservation issue. Hence there is no point in hoping for any positive outcome now from management.

Similarly, the SDE to DE promotions and AO to CAO promotions have been put on rest in BSNL citing reservation issue. Despite our request to not to tag the matter with SLP pending at Hon’ble Supreme Court and instead try for an in house settlement with mutual consensus amongst all the contending groups, management chose the easy way of filing an SLP which is making this situation more complex. Now management is citing the same SLP as the show stopper in issuing both the promotions. It will be pertinent to mention that executives in grade of SDE ( List -8) and in the grade of AO are stagnating for almost 10 to 17 years now.

Still after agenda meeting dated 11.06.2021, AIGETOA preferred to wait till one week to gauge the seriousness of management on its commitments, but its regretful that subsequent developments and continued inaction along with messages by management to other groups gives a clear indication that management is not sincere in honouring its own commitments made to the recognised representatives association on record.

Added to all the above issues, management has failed completely to revive BSNL despite extending of a 64000 crore revival package by Government of India in October 2019. It’s a complete failure of BSNL management that despite such a big revival package and the exodus of around 80,000 employees of BSNL through VRS which reduced the salary burden to almost 60%, today situation of the company is at a position that even the salary and medical facilities are not being extended to the employees during this extreme Pandemic Situation also. No doubt, lack of 4G service is major constraint but it cannot be the only reason for BSNL failure to revive itself as the opportunities extended by Government of India in Fixed Line Services by making BSNL a priority choice could not be capitalised at all. The revenues are not improving, the backbone network and infrastructure like OFC routes, battery, Power plants are at pathetic conditions, no improvement in mobile coverage, failure of Cluster based outsourcing of CFA and CM works are clear examples of failure of decision making authority in BSNL and the executives are being asked to maintain the services by paying from their own pockets.

The continued failure in addressing the issues be it HR, be it maintenance/development issues, be it extending timely salary or extending timely medical benefits to the employees. The subsequent non-visibility of any appreciable effort on any front ( be it HR, be it EB, Be it CM or Be it CFA) to revive the company gives a clear indication that running the company has now become just a formality. As a majority recognised association of BSNL, we cannot remain mute to such things and accordingly we have decided to move ahead with organisational action programs to seek the attention of management as well as government in addressing the major cause of concerns for BSNL and its employees.

While we have noticed long writeups on the website of one association, instead of countering their writeup, we prefer to reply with action rather than words. Instead of the words and proving who is right, who is wrong, we request that association as well as all other association to come together and fight unitedly to Save BSNL and its employees. For all others, who may be having some apprehension in their minds that why notice has been served at this point of time, we would like to inform one and all that we were waiting for the agenda meeting and after that one week time was given to gauge the seriousness of the commitments. It is very much clear now that despite categorical assurances in the meeting, management could not come up with any resolution which was committed in the first week and instead is acting contrary to the interests of the executives specially BSNL Recruits. Hence, all hopes for amicable resolution is closed now and we are left with no option but to act on organisational programs to settle our long pending HR issues. Accordingly, we request one and all to come together by shredding the association boundaries and fight for the survival of our beloved company as well as its employees.

Its either now or never. We have shown in Past our might. Its time to resurrect that Mighty Past for shaping up a glorious future ahead not only for employees but also for our beloved company BSNL.

Just Remember – Together We Can and Together Only We Can.

Requesting all to support the call given by the employees for the employees.

AIGETOA CHQ-CS-CP Meeting held on 06.06.2021

A meeting of the CHQ OBs, Circle Secretaries and Circle Presidents held on 6th June, 2021 in the back drop of the proposed agenda meeting to be held in this week with the management under the chairmanship of the Director (HR). The meeting started with all Circles appreciated the efforts of the association for providing helping hand to all executives in the Pandemic in form of welfare measure like Group Health Insurance Coverage through New India Assurance Co Ltd (A Govt of India Undertaking).

The meeting deliberated all outstanding issues both HR as well organisation survival in length and the association journey of last nine months in persuasion of these issues at various levels of BSNL management as well as DoT, Govt of India. The participants felt that the management has completely failed to rise to the occasion and seize the opportunity provided through BSNL Revival Package to turn fortune of the company. Even after passage of more than one half year of the approval of the revival package in Oct, 2019 and more than 16 months of VRS, where more than 78000 employees parted way from BSNL on 31.01.2020, the situation remains grim both for the organisation as well as employees. Even the fundamental rights of employees like Salary, Medical etc. are not being paid in time putting all employees in extreme distress. One Side Company’s finance is in tottering position other side the issues of the executives have been completely left to the back bench and responsibility lies on the management for this condition.

The association has given enough time to persuasion and the proposed agenda meeting will be our last efforts for resolution of outstanding issues through amicable dialogue. The executives have been pushed to the wall and now they do not have any choice but to revolt in absence of complete solution. But we do hope that management would not allow this situation to reach and resolve all legitimate issues to ensure industrial peace.

AIGETOA continuing its efforts for the Compassionate Ground Appointment against the deceased employees of BSNL in Covid Pandemic by treating it as Death on Duty

AIGETOA is continuously working for the justice to the families of the employees, who met unfortunate demises in the Covid Pandemic period. The association is demanding to give Compassionate Ground Appointment to the valid dependent of the deceased employees considering it as “Death on Duty” along with other suitable compensations for the deceased families. In this regard, AIGETOA Team is reaching out to different law makers including Ministers and Members of Parliaments for recommending its Memorandum to the Hon’ble MoC, Govt of India, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad Ji.

In this regard, Shri Shushil Kumar Modi ji, Hon’ble MP of BJP (Rajya Sabha) & Ex Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and Shri Ram Kripal Yadav ji, Hon’ble MP of BJP (Lok Sabha)and Ex Minister Govt of India have recommended our Memorandum to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad ji for favourable decision.

Click here for our Memorandum to the Hon’ble MoC, Govt of India

Click here for recommendation of Shri Shushil Kumar Modi ji, Hon’ble MP

Click here for recommendation of Shri Ram Kripal Yadav ji, Hon’ble MP

Restructuring of Training centers-Migration into zonal training centers: Working Modalities

The six training center (ALTTC, Jabalpur, Pune, Mysore, Kalyani & Guwahati) to work Zonal Centers w.e.f 1st July 2021 with reporting directly to CGM ALTTC Ghaziabad as per the following.

S.NoZonal Training CenterZoneBSNL Circle attached for BSNL trainings
1ALTTC  GhaziabadNorthJ&K, HP, UK, HR, PB, UP(E), UP(W)
2JabalpurWestMP, CG, RJ, GJ
3GuwahatiNE All NE states
4PuneCentralMH, AP, TL
5KalyaniEastOR, WB, BR, JH
6MysoreSouthKTK, KR, TN

Closure of eight RTTC (Rajpura, Jaipur, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, and ARTTC Ranchi) immediately & closer of its training operations by 30.06.2021.

Click here for BSNL CO Order

AIGETOA released Death Relief Fund to the nominees of the deceased members:

The association has a Policy of Social Responsibility with the name of AIGETOA Death Relief fund (DRF) for the family of deceased members. In this policy, AIGETOA extend immediate support of Rs 1.25 Lakh to the nominee of the deceased members on the receipt of the cases from AIGETOA Circle Branches for all death cases of its members. This is purely done on the association platform from internal resource of the part of membership fees received by the association.

Accordingly, three cases of sad demises received by AIGETOA CHQ, which includes, two from Rajasthan and one from Bihar. Today all three cases were disbursed the DRF amount of Rs 1.25 Lakh to the account of official nominees of our deceased members as detailed below.

1] Shri Sanjeev Kumar, SDE Jhunjhunu SSA, Rajasthan Circle

2] Shri Girish Agarwal, SDE NTR Kota, Rajasthan Circle

3] Shri Jay Shankar Kokil, JTO Munger SSA, Bihar Circle

We pray for the departed soul and stand with the families of our deceased members in this testing time. We request the Circles to forward the cases if any pending at your end for disbursal of DRF to the families of our deceased members. It is also requested to our Circle and District Branches to ensure other settlement as available through BCF and other Terminal Benefits to be given immediately to the families of not only our members but all the employees of BSNL, who met with a sad and untimely demises.

Twitter Campaign for Salary Planned on Tuesday at 12:00 Noon:

It has been decided by General Secretaries of Associations and Unions of BSNL to raise our voice against repetitive delay in disbursement of Salary every month, April Salary not paid till 17.05.2021, and so we should reach out to all the government functionaries by tagging them in the campaign.

So, a Twitter Campaign will be launched on Tuesday (18.05.2021) @ 12:00 Hrs by BSNL Employees for immediate payment of Salary of April-2021 and it’s regularisation. With following hashtag.


A common message will be shared by the respective General Secretaries to their members and employees of BSNL. All employees are requested to join hand together for the cause and make your presence and anguish felt by the government and the management.

उसूलों पे जहाँ आँच आये टकराना ज़रूरी है जो ज़िन्दा हों तो फिर ज़िन्दा नज़र आना ज़रूरी है l

Team BSNL Employees