AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with request for Implementation of PwBD Reservation in Promotions, Urgent Release of SDE to AGM Promotion Orders :

AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with request for Implementation of PwBD Reservation in Promotions, Urgent Release of SDE to AGM Promotion Orders :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with a request to implement Reservation in promotion to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) and issue the promotion orders in respect of SDE to AGM immediately. The DPCs for all the eligible candidates have already been completed and there is no point in keeping the promotions orders on hold any more in view of the recent DOP&T orders and decision from Hon’ble Supreme Court. GS extends an earnest request for issuance of promotion orders with copy to Hon’ble Secretary DoT and Director HR. Earlier CHQ team has discussed the matters at DOT with concerned officers and Member Services and extended the request for endorsement of the DoP&T orders by Department of Communications so as to direct all the administrative ministries and department under DoT to implement the DOP&T OM dated 28.12.2023 w.r.t PWD reservation guidelines.

Click here for the letter

Happy New Year 2024, BSNL Executives !!

As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new, let’s take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each one of you for your unwavering trust and faith in AIGETOA.

Throughout the past year, your support has been the guiding light that fuelled our commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing BSNL. Your trust has been the driving force behind our relentless efforts to bring about positive changes in the realms of Pay, Promotion, and Pension.

Together, as a united front, we have faced challenges head-on and worked towards creating a brighter future for BSNL. Let the dawn of 2024 be a testament to our collective resilience and determination.

Success is not just about the destination, but the journey we take together.” With your unwavering support, we are confident that this new year will bring forth even greater achievements and advancements for BSNL.

May the coming year be filled with prosperity, joy, and triumphs for each and every one of you. Let’s continue to stand strong together, turning challenges into opportunities and aspirations into accomplishments.

Wishing you a year ahead filled with success, happiness, and boundless possibilities !!

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Urgent Appeal for Immediate Promotion of AGM to Regular DGM Grade in CSS Cadre and Waiver of Delayed Period for Eligibility Consideration

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with request for immediate Promotion of AGM to Regular DGM Grade in CSS cadre and waiver of delayed period while considering the eligibility of promotion in next higher grade for all the affected employees belonging to the different grades and streams.

Click here for the letter to CMD BSNL

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Urgent Request to Re-evaluate Mobile Reimbursement Policy and App Based Attendance Implementation:

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with urgent request to put the implementation of the latest orders with regard to marking the attendance through mobile APP on hold and to revisit the mobile reimbursement policy to increase the reimbursement allowance for mobile handsets to at least Rs. 20000/- per officer to empower BSNL Executives in effectively addressing operational requirements.

Click here for the letter to CMD BSNL

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Appeal to revisit the Online attendance system according to operational needs understanding the field difficulties of BSNL Executives:

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with appeal to revisit the Online Attendance by understanding the field difficulties of BSNL Executives and requirements according to their operational needs.

AIGETOA expressed the following concerns raised by field executives w.r.t current online attendance system:

1] Infrastructure and CMRL Works Disruptions

2] MTTR vs. Duty Hours Discrepancy

3] Lack of Record for Subsequent COFFs

4] Inflexibility in Attendance System

5] Inability to Capture Diverse Work Scenarios

6] Shift Duty Challenges

7] Real Time Challenges

8] Inappropriate Tower Location

9] Natural Climates

Click here for the letter to CMD BSNL

Meeting of AIGETOA Team with PGM (SR) for issuance of clarification wrt immunity guidelines, restructuring review and submission of agenda points for the proposed meeting with Management.

General Secretary AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma and Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand Met PGM (SR) and discussed the following issues:

Clarification on Immunity Guidelines with respect to the Office Bearers of the Recognized Associations:

We told PGM SR that already a lot of time has passed and many people are eagerly waiting for the clarification since long. We requested for an immediate expeditious action in this regard. PGM (SR) immediately directed the section to process the clarification.

Discussion on Restructuring Review:

The Team also had an elaborate discussion on the restructuring review wherein we once again presented our inputs on how the sanctioned strength needs to be augmented and enhanced further. We gave our inputs with respect to the calculation of strength to man the affairs of the Bharatnet Vertical, 4G Saturation, Enterprise Business, Sales & Marketing and the fact that OAs should be headed by a minimum DGM Level officer which will increase the posts of AGMs and SDEs down the line. We also highlighted that almost all executives today are handling multiple responsibilities. If BSNL really wants to extract output and efficiency in work, than roles and responsibilities shall have to be given in a rationalized manner which will not only increase the output, efficiency but will also end the unnecessary unrest and demotivation prevailing in the minds of the executives because of lack of sufficient career progression opportunities. PGM (SR) noted our inputs and assured to analyze the same in the best interest of the organization as well as executives.

Submission of Agenda Points for meeting with management:

Thereafter, AIGETOA Team also submitted the agenda points with a request for an agenda based meeting under the chairmanship of Director (HR)/CMD BSNL. The agenda meeting is likely to be held in the second/third week of January 2024.

Click here for the letter for Agenda Meeting and the Agenda Points

BSNL CO issued revised Scheme and Syllabus of LICE for promotion in various grades :

BSNL CO writes to all heads of telecom circles & administrative units regarding revision of scheme and syllabus of LICE for promotion to the following grade :

Telecom Stream – SDE (Telecom). Click here for details

Finance Stream – AO. Click here for details

Electrical Stream – SDE (Electrical). Click here for details

Civil Stream – SDE(Civil). Click here for details

Architecture Stream – SDE (Arch). Click here for details

CSSS Stream – Private Secretary (PS). Click here for details

Rajbhasha Adhikari. Click here for details

CSS Stream – DM. Click here for details

Filed Units – Private Secretary (PS). Click here for details