Update on Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble CMD BSNL and Director HR:

Update on Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble CMD BSNL and Director HR:

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand, AGS Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, FS Shri Badri Kumar Mehta and AGS Shri Sunil Gautam met Director HR Dr. N Kalyan Sagar Ji and thereafter CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar Ji on dated 19th Jan 2024. The team had an extensive discussion on the issue of Pending Promotions across various grades, Remedial actions pertaining to co-existence of the ALTTC and DoT, Protection of UG Cables from theft lying in duct in exchanges. We apprised CMD BSNL about our discussions with respect to issues of Pay, Promotions and Pension with Hon’ble MoC during the series of meetings done in one month by CHQ team and other representatives across India.

1] Promotions across various Cadres:

We apprised CMD BSNL of our recent discussions with Hon’ble MoC on the issue and the assurance of Hon’ble MoC to ensure the promotions across various grades and streams. The pending promotions across various cadres were discussed in detail with association suggesting various measures on how to ensure the promotions of all eligible executives.

We requested CMD BSNL to initiate the process of promotions from AGM to DGM grade across Telecom and other streams. Discussions on our submissions given earlier took place and CMD BSNL informed that he has already directed his team to ensure promotions wherever there is no stay from court of law. We emphasized that there is a way out and efforts can be undertaken to ensure the promotions from AGM to DGM in Telecom stream also. We once again explained and presented our suggestions on how the promotions can be achieved in Telecom Stream also. CMD BSNL was convinced by our submissions and told that he has no issues if any legal complexity doesn’t arise and there is no contempt before any court. CMD BSNL assured us that he will discuss with his team and if found feasible, he will direct the concerned section to initiate the promotions across AGM to DGM in Telecom Stream also.

We also informed that despite discussions many a time, the seniority list of AGMs promoted in 2018 has still not been issued and requested for his intervention in issuance of their regular seniority list. CMD BSNL assured that he will discuss the issue with concerned section.

We once again placed our request for deputing a Senior Supreme Court Lawyer at Chandigarh CAT for speedy disposal of the pending cases in DGM (Ad-hoc to Regular) case which was reciprocated in a positive manner by Hon’ble CMD.

We requested CMD BSNL for exploring the ways as suggested by AIGETOA earlier so that all the eligible executives can be covered for the promotion from SDE to AGM Telecom grade through SCF route, so that further delay in promotions can be avoided and justice can be extended to the candidates waiting for their long-awaited promotions since long. We also suggested the way out on how the promotions from AGM to DGM can take place and the consequential vacancies arising out of these promotions can be utilized for covering the promotions in SDE to AGM cadre. We also requested Hon’ble CMD BSNL for ensuring that DPC in SDE to AGM Cadre is done without any further delay.

CMD BSNL was very positive on the contentions raised by us in this regard and appreciated the fact that there is need to resolve the issue. He said that as per the earlier discussions with AIGETOA and his assurances, He got the mechanism of Promotions through Personal Upgradation in a fixed time bound manner approved from Board but the same was negated by DoT because of the objections raised by some corners. We requested for trying the same once again on which CMD BSNL though non-committal but was not negative. (AIGETOA doesn’t want to take any names but leave it open for the executives to decide who were those corners who derailed this mechanism and what action they have taken till date to ensure promotions through regular mode after derailing that mechanism).

We also requested to increase the sanctioned posts in promotional cadres across various streams which can very easily be accommodated within the existing total sanctioned strength of the organization. We also requested CMD BSNL for directing the section for placing a fresh prayer before Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT for pronouncing the judgment in AO to CAO case.

CMD BSNL has given his positive assurance on consideration of the consequential vacancies for promotions in the lower grade simultaneously, which will open the channel for promotions in all grades including AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM, JTO to SDE and similarly AO to CAO, JAO to AO. AIGETOA CHQ will continue its pursuance to ensure that all the pending promotions happen at the earliest and slowly and steadily, we are moving towards the goal.

Discussion on the promotional issues of CSS cadre, PA, PS and PPS cadre also took place and we requested for expediting the pending promotions also. We also highlighted that there is some issue in Roster preparation and calculation of posts also on which, no response has been received from the nodal section. We also requested CMD BSNL to consider the promotions from AGM to DGM in CSS cadre also which is pending since long despite availability of the vacancies. CMD BSNL assured for a positive action on the same. We also impressed upon the need for increasing posts in these streams also as there will be a huge stagnation in the respective cadres as per the existing strength.

2] Protection of UG Cables from theft and its disposal on “as is where is basis”:

We highlighted that there has been a continuous reporting of theft cases of UG Cables from the duct of exchanges. We expressed that the cables are very costly and suggested their disposal on as is where is basis at local level at least for those primary ug cables which are lying in the duct connected to exchanges. We said that at least these cables must be asked to be extracted immediately and may be auctioned immediately after extraction as per the prevailing rules. Just because, it is difficult to extract the cables lying outside the exchange should not be a reason to delay the cables within the ducts connected to exchange premises.

CMD BSNL appreciated our concern and assured for issuance of necessary instructions to field units.

3] Issue related to co-existence of ALTTC with DoT, Shifting to Jaipur:

We informed our discussions on this issue with Hon’ble MoC and his assurance with respect to the co-existence of ALTTC with DoT. CMD BSNL told that Hon’ble MoC has discussed the same with him also and has expressed his desire to finding out a solution where the existence of both the institutions can be ensured. CMD BSNL informed that accordingly a meeting of Member (Services), Director General and Director HR BSNL is scheduled to be held tentatively on 24th Jan 2024 in this regard to discuss the way forward and to explore if an amicable solution protecting the interests of both the organizations can be found out. We gave our suggestions so that shifting ALTTC to any other city can be avoided and by exploring ways with mutual understanding between BSNL and DOT for Co-existence.

4] Discussion on SDE Reversal issue:

We highlighted the status of the court case before hon’ble CMD and apprised him of AIGETOA Team’s discussions with the committee members and the assurances made by management on the issue. We requested that now that applicants have won in court, BSNL should now issue the promotion orders as per earlier assurances made to this association instead of trying to make the issue more complex under the influence of some other groups and disgruntled elements within the system who doesn’t want this issue to be resolved.

5] Targeting the Whistle blowers by local management, request for intervention by CMD BSNL :

We also highlighted the recent incidences wherein the whistle blowers are being targeted by the local management and requested for his intervention in directing circles to ensure that such whistle blowers are not targeted just because they dared to raise the issue of wrong doings. We also requested CMD BSNL to ensure parity in actions while dealing with cases of corruption and financial misappropriation. We highlighted the instances of recently highlighted cases where management has failed to take any action while the cases of much lesser gravity has been dealt very harshly. CMD BSNL assured us that he is determined to ensure zero tolerance with regard to corruption and action shall be ensured in all such cases which has come to his notice. CMD BSNL also assured that whistle blowers shall be given due protection.

6] Discussion on clearing Rule 8 cases:

We also raised the issue with respect to non-clearance of Rule 8 by many circles. We highlighted another issue faced wherein if any rule 8 applicant changes the option for circle, his application is being counted at the bottom while ideally his waiting list should remain the same. We requested for ensuring a mechanism wherein JTOs can get transferred to their circles. Especially the problem in hard tenure circles and bigger circles like MH is quite grave where there is huge waiting list and accommodation is not being extended to the cleared cases also. We requested for issuance of suitable directions to the concerned circles.

The meeting lasted for almost an hour and various aspects were discussed in detail and we extended our thanks to Hon’ble CMD BSNL for sparing his valuable time and appreciating the concern of the employees associated with the issues.

Earlier the team met Dr. N Kalyan Sagar, Director (HR) and discussed all the above issues and the proposed way forward. We also apprised him of our discussion with Hon’ble MoC. Discussion on Long Stay Transfers, clarification in immunity guidelines also took place with the team.

The issues of Pay and Pension shall be taken up in the next meeting. We have informed management about our discussions with Hon’ble MoC on these issues and we expect a firm positive outcome on the residual issues of 2nd PRC very soon.


Team AIGETOA believes in consistent persuasion and rigorous follow ups. We don’t believe in creating propaganda as we know that issue will be resolved with persuasion, suitable presentation and pointed discussion and not through flattery, personality cult or event management. Accordingly, we have involved ourselves for point-to-point discussions at various levels including that of BSNL Management, DoT, Hon’ble MoSC and Hon’ble MoC. We discuss the issue on merit and we don’t hesitate in raising the issues even if it is unpleasant to management. The results of these efforts will be visible to all very soon. While post MV, others have gone into hibernation and have stopped even updating about the issues, Team AIGETOA remains at forefront in pursuance of issues and is working with same sincerity and seriousness.

We leave it on to the executives to decide by themselves. We request your firm and unparalleled support from for the resolution of the issues.

Meeting Update with Honorable Minister of Communications Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji by BMS Delegation of BSNL (BTEU & AIGETOA) on January 15, 2024 :

A delegation from the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), representing BSNL employees, met with Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji, the Honorable Minister of Communications (MoC), on the evening of January 15, 2024. The meeting, which lasted for approximately one hour was led by Shri Ram Nath Ganeshe Ji, All India Secretary and Prabhari Telecom of the BMS.

Key Representatives in the delegation included:

From AIGETOA: All India President Shri Veerabhadhra Rao, General Secretary Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Deputy General Secretary Shri Pavan Akhand and Assistant General Secretary Shri Vivek Kumar Singh.

From BTEU: President Shri V V S Satyanarayana and General Secretary Shri R C Pandey.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting

The following issues were discussed in detailed:

Implementation of Standard Pay Scales of E2 and E3 for the initial two levels of executive grade to BSNL Recruited Executives:

Hon’ble MoC was very receptive to the issue and told that he is aware of the issue and will definitely resolve the same. We informed that this is a very old issue pending since 01.01.2007 for implementation and doesn’t holds any relationship with the current financial status of BSNL. We also informed that BSNL may be the only PSU which is having three initial basics as on date and all the executives’ recruited/promoted post 01.01.2007 are facing huge pay losses due to such disparities. While all PSUs resolved this issue by upgrading the scales, BSNL instead lowered the scale.

Hon’ble MoC listened the issue with patience and assured that he will direct DoT and BSNL to discuss the issue of Pay Scale, Pay loss and Pay Parity with AIGETOA/BTEU BSNL and resolve the same.

Extending the Promotional avenues for BSNL Executives:

The issue of promotions in various cadres was informed to Hon’ble MoC. We explained the number of pending promotions across various cadres, how many executives are affected out of it. We informed that instead of creating avenues for regular promotions, the management is forcing executives to appear in LICE despite all being eligible for promotions through regular channel. We also told that it is highly unjustified for the executives who have been performing and giving their day and nights to BSNL for maintaining the network will not be able to study while those manning the relatively easier positions will get more opportunity for study. Hence this creates a complete imbalance in the system, especially for those working in field units. The issue of seniority was also explained in detail and all the relevant documents, various judgements and legal opinion taken from the retired Justice of Hon’ble Supreme Court was also submitted to him. We told that there is an immediate need for directing BSNL to ensure the promotions of all eligible executives across various grades.

Hon’ble MoC was appreciative of the presentation of AIGETOA and told that he is in concurrence with our submissions that the sufficient opportunities must be provided to each executive so that they can reach to the position of AGMs with sufficient age on their side. He said that he will discuss with CMD BSNL on the issue and will ensure that the BSNL executives get the much awaited promotions without any further delay.

He also assured that he will ensure a promotion mechanism which will be non-discriminatory and that executives must be promoted to AGM/ Equivalent grade with sufficient age profile on their side through regular channel of promotions so that they can aspire to reach to higher positions.

Implementation of 30% Superannuation benefit to the Direct Recruits of BSNL as per the recommendation of 2nd PRC (Pending to be implemented since 01.01.2007 (In fact Pension scheme was to be incorporated after formation of BSNL from 01.10.2000)):

Hon’ble minister understood the issue in detail, sought many clarifications and was ultimately satisfied on the merit of the issue and assured for positive action on the same. We explained the terms of Gazette Notification of 2000, 2014, BSNL orders wrt 2nd PRC, DPE orders etc. Hon’ble MoC appreciated the concern and sought information on how many employees are affected out of it and reasons for BSNL not extending the same for so long. We informed Hon’ble MoC that almost 38000 thousand employees are affected out of it and hence the issue needs the priority consideration by BSNL and DoT. We also informed the financial implication associated with the issue and reasons given by management for negating the full 30% SAB for so long.

Hon’ble MoC was very sympathetic and considerate on the issue and assured that he shall be directing BSNL/DoT to consider the issue on merit.

Revision in TA/DA, mobile reimbursement policy, other allowances at par with current market conditions, restoration of LTC facility :

The issue was explained in detail to Hon’ble MoC and it was highlighted that the executives below DGM grade are still working on 2002 TA/DA rates and are subject to loss while performing outstation Jobs for BSNL. We told employees are being paid a very meagre amount as TA/DA which discourages all to go for outstation Jobs. We also told that with a mobile of Rs 1500/- BSNL is expecting executives to perform IT oriented Jobs through various Apps and software packages. Without increasing the Mobile Reimbursement Limit, it will be difficult to perform the duties associated with mobile Apps and packages. Hence it is utmost necessary to revise the reimbursement limit to current market conditions.

Hon’ble MoC assured to discuss the same with BSNL management for a reasonable policy for various TA/DA, mobile reimbursement allowances and Restoration of LTC facility.

Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL by waiving off the affordability clause for BSNL and finalising the wage negotiation for non-executives:

Hon’ble MoC told us to remain patient and focussed on the growth and development of BSNL and for 4G rollout.

Hon’ble MoC assured that 3rd PRC will definitely become a reality for the BSNL executives, if the current trends continue and BSNL employees who have already proved their worth continue to do so. He further assured BTEU delegates that BSNL shall be asked to complete the wage negotiation at the earliest.

Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners, at par with Central Government Pensioners:

Hon’ble MoC assured categorically that the issue is under active consideration and the same shall be resolved expeditiously.

Discussion on issue of takeover of ALTTC by DoT:

We informed Hon’ble MoC that DoT has taken over the administrative control of ALTTC, but now BSNL’s trainings are suffering and some talks are going on in the direction of shifting the campus to some other place. We requested Hon’ble MoC that BSNL and NTI PRIT should continue to co-exist in line with his earlier assurances.

Hon’ble MoC told that focus of government is to make ALTTC a world class Telecom Centre and research centre of repute. He said that BSNL employees should not worry and their interests shall be protected.

Revision in Non-Executive Promotion Policy:

The issues pertaining to the promotions of non-executives were also discussed in detail. We pressed upon revisiting the policy which was last revised in 2010.

Hon’ble MoC assured that he will direct BSNL and DoT to discuss the matter with BMS BSNL Team and to consider the genuine suggestions given by BTEU with regard to the Non-Executive Promotion Policy.

Lifting the ban on appointments on compassionate grounds:

The issue shall be discussed with the management and DoT.

Increase in medical reimbursement from the current 15 days’ salary to at least 25 days’ salary for outdoor treatment:

Hon’ble MoC assured to discuss the issue with BSNL Management for a positive consideration.

Extending the facilities for person with disabilities (PwBDs) which is defined under RPwD act 2016 and implementation of recent Hon’ble Supreme Court Directions wrt promotions for PwBD candidates from 30.06.2016:

We requested for directing BSNL and DoT to issue directions for the strict following of the recent DoP&T orders wrt promotions. We also informed that the directions wrt other facilities available to PwBD has also not been implemented by BSNL in totality.

Hon’ble MoC assured to look into the matter.

Issue of Presidential orders to the employees whose recruitment process was initiated during DoT period but appointment was given after 01.10.2000:

We once again raised the matter before Hon’ble MoC and requested for his intervention on the matter.

Hon’ble MoC sought some more details in this regard which will be submitted by us in due course.

Dear friends,

The discussion with Hon’ble MOC was very detailed, exhaustive and touched all the burning HR issues of BSNL employees. We are extremely thankful to the BMS Central Leadership who are remaining in constant touch with Hon’ble MoC directly and are personally involved in the discussion over the issues of BSNL. The issues as on date are appearing to be on a distant note but we firmly assure you that a lot of distance has been covered and the outcome shall be visible soon.

We don’t believe in creating propaganda but believe in working continuously with perseverance. The Team of AIGETOA, BTEU under the patronage of BMS is totally determined to resolve the issues and we seek your unparalleled support.

Updates of deliberations and decisions taken by Bhartiya Doorsanchar Manch (BDM) in its meeting dated 17.12.2023 at New Delhi:

On December 17, 2023, the Bharatiya Doorsanchar Manch (BDM), a collective platform comprising unions and associations from BSNL/DoT/MTNL, successfully concluded a meeting in New Delhi. Significant resolutions were adopted addressing the viability of BSNL, the immediate launch of 4G services, as well as matters pertaining to Pay, Promotion, and Pension. Established on December 6, 2023, by the General Secretaries of eight BSNL unions and associations, the BDM was formed with the primary goal of addressing issues related to the viability of BSNL and the well-being of its employees including those superannuating from BSNL.

Click here for the Glimpses of BDM Meeting on 17th Dec 2023

Click here for the agenda submitted by BDM to BSNL Management and to DoT

Thereafter, the BDM has corresponded with the Hon’ble Secretary DoT and Hon’ble CMD BSNL, expressing concerns on various employee-related issues and seeking a meeting for resolution. BDM has also sought a hearing from Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji for an agenda based discussion on the prominent issues of BSNL employees requiring intervention from the highest office like Issues pertaining to Pan India rollout of 4G services by BSNL, Implementation of 3rd PRC, Implementation of standard pay scales of E2 for JTO/JAO Equivalent and E3 for SDE/AO/Equivalent, Resolution of Pay loss issues pertaining to various groups and the promotion related issues. Additionally, the BDM has also emphasized for the restoration of the old pension scheme for eligible BSNL employees recruited as per DoT notification, aligning with a recent judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and OM dated 03.03.2023. The long pending issue pension revision of employees superannuated from BSNL/MTNL at par with Central Government Pensioners and implementation of Hon’ble PBCAT judgement Dated 20/09/2023 is also a prime agenda undertaken by BDM.

The next course of action to be taken by the platform was discussed and it was decided that since the conventional methods of seeking attention has lost its significance in the present-day scenario, the BDM must adopt the alternate methods available to highlight the long pending HR issues of employees and the significance of BSNL to nation and the contribution of employees in service of our mother nation. It was resolved that while each employee of BSNL remains fully dedicated to the cause and wellbeing of nation and BSNL, at the same time, it must be ensured that each employee is extended its due rights pertaining to Pay, Pension and Promotion and all necessary actions must be undertaken to achieve the same.

The key decisions taken by “BHARTIYA DOORSANCHAR MANCH” in its meeting held on 17th Dec 2023 at New Delhi are as stated below:

1] BDM will try to convince all the unions and associations to join together and work together and accordingly an invitation shall be sent to the General Secretaries of all the unions and association by the convener and chairman.

2] Formation of Circle-Level Coordination Bodies: The Circle-level coordination bodies to be established by January 15, 2024.

3] Circle-Level Conventions shall be held at following cities between 1st January 2024 to 28th Feb 2024):

  • Ahmedabad
  • Pune
  • Lucknow
  • Hyderabad
  • Vijayawada
  • Bengaluru
  • Chennai
  • Bhubaneshwar
  • Trivandrum
  • Jaipur
  • Bhopal
  • New Delhi

4] A Memorandum highlighting the need for resolving the issues of BSNL viability and the prominent issues related to BSNL shall be submitted to all the MPs by 31st January 2024.

5] The National Safety Day Falls on 4th March. It is decided to appeal to all employees to work for extra one hour for one-week wef 4th March 2024 to for safety of BSNL. During this one hour, employees will highlight the contribution of BSNL towards national interest and its importance as strategic PSU in nation building, various services offered by BSNL etc across various media available including social media.

6] A Padyatra in support of the demands raised by BDM and to create awareness amongst the employees and the general public with respect to the contributions of BSNL employees in nation building, role played by BSNL employees during natural calamities, during tough times of national need (Example- Role of BSNL in recent Uttarakhand Tunnel Collapse), the role played by the employees as the unsung Telecom Warriors of Covid-19 whose contributions and sacrifice went unnoticed without any acknowledgement from any corner including BSNL management and Department of Telecom. The Padyatra will aim towards making public aware about the role of BSNL employees in the service of nation. Awareness campaign shall also aim to inform one and all on how management has been depriving the employees of BSNL in terms of their genuine issues related to Pay, Pension and Promotions. The Padyatra will showcase the firm resolve of BDM towards resolution of the long pending HR issues without any further delay. The Padyatra will also pay homage to the unsung telecom warriors who lost their lives while doing the duty of nation during covid-19 pandemic and shall demand the compassionate ground appointment for their dependents and extension of all other facilities which has been given by government to other Covid Warriors. The Padyatra Shall be held in the month of March 2024.

7] It is also proposed to hold a bike rally from various parts of the country to BSNL CO, New Delhi. The modalities of the same shall be in similar lines to that of Pad Yatra and shall be discussed and decided by the above-mentioned committee.

8] Shri Hari Sowani ji, GS BDPS is unanimously nominated as Vice Chairman of the Manch.

9] Detailed program of the above activities shall be informed in due course of time.

Update of Team AIGETOA Meeting with Dir HR on 19.12.2023

GS AIGETOA Ravi Shil Verma and All India Convener Shri A A Khan met Shri N. Kalyan Sagar Ji and discussed the following issues:

SDE 2007 Reversal Issue:

The Team apprised Hon’ble Director HR about the recent outcome at Hon’ble CAT Chennai with respect to the OA filed by the applicants in the case of SDE reversal. We informed Director HR that Hon’ble CAT has given the verdict in favour of the applicants and now it’s high time that BSNL extends the much needed relief to these candidates in the form of restoration of their original seniority position. Team also apprised Director HR about the earlier discussions and assurances from management and requested for an early resolution in line with the earlier discussions and assurances. Hon’ble Director (HR) assured to look into the matter and said he will discuss the issue with his team. We requested Director HR to take a holistic consideration of the whole issue.

DPC from SDE to AGM and Finalizing the seniority of the AGMs promoted in 2018:

We informed Director (HR) about the unnecessary delay in conducting the DPCs and LICEs in various cadre. We emphasized that despite issuance of CPC and LICE calendar well in advance, concerned sections dealing with the issue have failed to take action well in time and this must be viewed seriously and the responsibility for this lapse must be fixed. We also told that DPCs must be completed before 31st December 2023 in line with the formula discussed with management earlier and that is the only way out to extend equitable justice for all the eligible SDEs by promoting all of them to AGM grade. We further requested that seniority of the AGMs promoted in 2018 must be finalized now so that they can occupy the DGM posts on permanent basis instead of look after arrangements. This will also ensure the creation of more promotional seats in the AGM cadre which subsequently will create further opportunities in SDE cadre. Director (HR) sought further details in this regard along with all the documents submitted earlier.

Long Stay Transfers :

Issue of Long Stay Transfers were also discussed wherein Team requested Director (HR) to go for need based long stay transfers instead of routine long stay transfers. We also requested director HR to consider the genuine cases of retention and cancellation. Director (HR), though non committal on the long stay routine transfers, assured to consider the genuine cases on case to case basis. We shall be taking up the matter of need based transfers with Hon’ble CMD BSNL also.

Details of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble MoC Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji on 8th December 2023 at the office of the Hon’ble MoC, New Parliament Building:

GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma and Dy GS AIGETOA Shri Pavan Akhand, along with Shri Pawan Kumar Ji Organizing Secretary (Northern Zone), BMS met Hon’ble MoC Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji in the presence of Hon’ble MP and State President Haryana BJP Shri Nayab Singh Saini ji on 8th December 2023. The meeting was held in the new parliament building in the office of Hon’ble MoC who was gracious enough to spare his time despite the session going on. Hon’ble MoC also acknowledged the telephonic discussions held with GS BMS Shri Ravindra Himte Ji and Organizing Secretary BMS Shri B Surendran Ji. He also acknowledged that he is aware of the earlier discussions held with AIGETOA and he has directed DoT to examine the submissions of the association. He told that due to busy schedule, the meeting with our team could not be held earlier. However, he assured that more meetings shall be held with the association herein onwards with a view to resolve various concerns raised by AIGETOA, BTEU and BDPS. We submitted the memorandum on behalf of AIGETOA and issue by issue discussion was held.

Click here for the Glimpses of Meeting

The issue wise details of the meeting is as stated below:

Residual issues of 2nd PRC related to implementation of Standard Pay Scales of E2 and E3 for the initial two levels of executive grade, implementation of 30% Superannuation Benefit to BSNL Recruited Executives and Issue of Pay Loss pertaining to executives recruited/promoted post 1.1.2007 including that of extending the initial basic of 22820 and JE Period Pay Loss:

General Secretary explained the details of the issues and the continued discrimination which has been meted out to the BSNL Recruited Employees with regard to the implementation of Pay Scales and 30 Percent SAB. The issues pertaining to Pay Losses of various executives recruited/promoted after 1.1.2007 was also explained. General Secretary informed MoC that all recommendations of 2nd PRC was implemented by BSNL including complete 30 percent fitment but when it came to implementing the benefits pertaining to the BSNL Recruits, things were mercilessly dragged till the issue was completely killed by BSNL as well as DoT. Hon’ble MoC told that he has enquired about the issue of Pay Scales from concerned officials in DOT and he has been informed that DoT has taken action as per the prevalent guidelines and has the concurrence of DPE. General Secretary AIGETOA explained to Hon’ble Minister that DPE has given its opinion only on the scales defined by them and not on the process of implementation by DoT/BSNL. General Secretary also told that the contention of DoT that pre-Revised E1A and E2A scales were only for DOT absorbed executives was a wrong notion taken by DoT as the Presidential orders issued by DoT for notification of E1 and E2A scales doesn’t has any such demarcation.

General Secretary further told that there was no affordability issue at the time of implementation of 2nd PRC and BSNL was in profit and now taking the shelter of non-affordability by virtue of BSNL being in loss making PSU should not be a reason to stop the implementation of residual issues of 2nd PRC pertaining to the BSNL Recruited Employees. General Secretary also informed Hon’ble MoC that same holds true for the implementation of full 30 percent SAB which is being denied by BSNL on the ground of being in loss. Full 30% SAB contribution must be extended to BSNL Recruits, as all other benefits of 2nd PRC was fully implemented without any botheration of financial losses. Hence, the current loss of BSNL should not be a reason for denial of benefits pertaining to the past.

We also submitted that BSNL is only PSU which is having three set of Basic Pay for entry level executives i.e. E1, E1 plus 5 Increments and 22820. This situation has resulted into almost all the youngsters of BSNL with heavy losses in their pay compared to their pay in case BSNL would not have implemented the 2nd PRC. We informed that while other PSUs resolved this anomaly by upgrading their entry level pay scales, BSNL acted to the contrary by trying to degrade the scales. We explained that the basic purpose of any Pay Revision for the period for which the Pay Revision is implemented i.e. minimum period of 10 years and that any executive either recruited post implementation or before the implementation of the PRC Benefits should not become subject of pay loss at any period of time when the PRC implementation is in force. Hence, BSNL must be directed to resolve various pay loss issues pertaining to the young executives recruited/promoted after 1.1.2007. Hon’ble Minister assured that he will definitely look into the matter and will direct the concerned authorities to re-examine the whole issue with a holistic consideration in light of the facts and documents submitted by AIGETOA. With our consistent persuasion and with continued support of all executives, we can definitely expect a positive breakthrough in regard to the residual issues of 2nd PRC.

Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL:

We highlighted that BSNL as national telecom carrier has been involved in fulfilling the social responsibilities towards the nation and its people by extending the services even in non-viable and non-profitable areas where no other private operator lends its service. BSNL and its employees have been doing their job dedicatedly which has been one of the major contributors in bridging the technology gap between rural and urban India. We also told that while BSNL has made a substantial progress in developing the Swadeshi 4G but still the same has not reached finality. Due to such factors, BSNL has been not able to increase its revenue beyond a point and employees do not have any role in this aspect as the level playing field is not available for BSNL to compete with private operators. Due to continuous denial of 3rd PRC benefits to the employees of BSNL, now the employees are also loosing their patience and are feeling demotivated. Even the Junior employees who didn’t opted for BSNL and remained in DoT are getting higher pay than their BSNL Counterparts who are basically being denied the benefits just because they accepted the proposal of the absorption. We told that just because an employee obeyed the orders of government, he or she should not be penalized. We further said that BSNL employees have been whole heartedly supporting the initiatives of government and will firmly stand for implementation of these objectives but at the same time, they must be extended minimum motivation in terms of implementation of 3rd PRC, so that they can contribute further also with whole hearted zeal and enthusiasm. Hon’ble Minister assured us that he is aware of the situation and assured that he will take all efforts to ensure that 3rd PRC in BSNL is implemented soon in BSNL. He advised us to continue working for the implementation of the revival measures and leave the rest to government. Hopefully the happy day can be expected in coming months with respect to 3rd PRC, if things go in line with the thought about scenario for BSNL.

Extending the promotional avenues for BSNL Executives:

General Secretary AIGETOA firmly and precisely explained the ongoing scenario of career progression in BSNL especially the ordeal being faced by the BSNL Recruits in terms of the snail-paced career progression extended to the professionally and technically qualified executives of BSNL. We informed Hon’ble MoC that situation is so critical that all these executives have been extended only one promotion in their entire career ranging from 10 to 22 years. We also expressed that we do understand that all executives cannot occupy the higher level posts but at least they should be given opportunity to aspire for the higher level posts by taking them to the foundation stone of the management services i.e. AGM grade with sufficient age profile on their side. Hon’ble Minister was surprised on knowing that even sufficient AGM level posts are not available for such talented work force of BSNL. He said that he has directed BSNL to implement a policy where each and every executive must be given opportunity to aspire for higher level posts. General Secretary told Hon’ble MoC that without taking each and every executive to the basic post in management hierarchy i.e. AGM/CAO grade, any type of policy will be of no use as professionalism and competence can be identified only if all are eligible to compete and aspire for the higher posts with sufficient age profile on their side.

General Secretary also apprised Hon’ble Minister that in BSNL competitive qualified candidates have been made junior and have been denied promotional opportunities by one-sided interpretation of Hon’ble Supreme Court orders which could have been done either way and perhaps BSNL may be the only organization which has not defended its own RRs and Seniority Lists. We also expressed that such is the state of the affairs in BSNL that they revert the competitive qualified candidates in the organization after serving in the grade for 10 to 16 years. We also told that those who topped the competitive exam have been placed in the Junior most list. Hon’ble Minister understood the depth of the issue and asked that what is the demand of the association in this regard. We explained that since things done in the past can not be undone now, extending the justice at least now is the only solution. We highlighted that justice can be extended only by considering all at par and extending the next promotions to all the eligible executives in the grade to the next grade. Hon’ble MoC enquired about the number of eligible candidates. General Secretary submitted the information of the eligible JTOs/SDEs/AGMs/JAOs/AOs/CAOs in the grade who have completed their residency period and are eligible to be promoted to the next grade of SDEs/AGMs/DGMs/AOs/CAOs/DGMs and also explained how BSNL can achieve the same. It will be pertinent to mention that we made our submissions with complete set of supporting documents including the opinion of the Retired Justice of Hon’ble Supreme Court.

Hon’ble MoC told us to not to worry and also told that promotion is definitely a key motivating factor which doesn’t involve any expenditure either and hence the minimum career aspirations must be fulfilled by BSNL for each and every executive. Hon’ble Minister firmly assured that he will direct BSNL Management to take necessary action to ensure the much-awaited promotion for the eligible candidates and will also ask management to discuss the proposed methodology suggested by AIGETOA. He also firmly told that he is determined to create a path for executives of BSNL to reach to the highest level including that of CGMs and above. We expressed our thankfulness to the kind and positive gesture shown by the Hon’ble Minister to ensure the much-awaited promotions for the executives of BSNL.

Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL Pensioners, at par with Central Government Pensioners:

We requested for an expeditious action on the issue which has been pending for long. We also requested for directing the DoT for implementation of Hon’ble PBCAT judgement Dated 20/09/2023 for pension revision.

Discussion on issue of takeover of ALTTC by DoT:

We explained the prevailing unrest amongst the minds of BSNL employees due to unilateral taking over of assets of BSNL by DoT. We said that this is resulting into huge negativity and demotivation as each and every employee is fearful that DoT is taking over the assets of BSNL on their own wish and fancies. We said that such type of actions is in contravention to the efforts of government to revive BSNL and is basically creating a bad image despite the best efforts of government to support BSNL. Hon’ble MoC was quite categorical in his statement that the motive of government is only to create a world class Telecom Training Facility at ALTTC Centre and there is no such intention to take over the assets of BSNL. We said that improving the infrastructure to develop ALTTC into a world class Training Centre facility is definitely a good thought but the same should not be done by taking over the assets and harming the interests of BSNL. Hon’ble Minister assured us that BSNL interests will not be harmed and the assets shall remain within BSNL control only. We suggested that ALTTC and NTIPRIT has been co-existing for years and hence the mechanism to convert it into world class facility is possible through a MoU also. We requested and firmly submitted to Hon’ble Minister that this whole process needs a revisit and discussion should be held with all stake holders to ensure that this asset as well as any other asset is not taken away from BSNL.

Revision in TA/DA and other allowances at par with current market conditions:

We also submitted the inputs with respect to revision of TA/DA/Allowances at par with current market rates and informed that AGM/CAO and below level executives and non-executives are being made to work at 2002 rates which is resulting into extreme difficulties for the executing their responsibilities. We requested Hon’ble Minister to ask BSNL to take this matter seriously which basically is making employees reluctant to perform outstation duties as they have to spend huge sum of money from their own pockets while performing the duties assigned to them. We also highlighted that employees are being asked to mark attendance through Apps, take Directions through Whatsapp, uploading of the reports through mobile etc. such that the job profile of the employee is requiring the involvement of a Smart Phone with optimum features. However, management is paying a minuscule amount in the name of mobile reimbursement by which even a basic feature phone cannot be purchased. We requested for directing management to take care of such genuine requirements of the employees. It was assured to look into the same.

Exercising option for Old Pension Scheme and most humble request to grant one time option to be covered under the CCS (Pension) rules 1972 for the employees whose recruitment process was initiated by DoT before formation of BSNL:

We requested for the kind intervention of Hon’ble MoC in ensuring the extension of the one-time option to be covered under CCS Pension rules. We submitted to Hon’ble MoC that there are many employees in BSNL whose recruitment process was initiated/notified during DoT period and all such employees should have been absorbed in BSNL through a presidential notification instead of making them a BSNL recruit. We have highlighted that all such employees are entitled to be covered under CCS (Pension) rules and hence DoT must be asked to take the matter into cognizance to ensure that these employees are extended the option of pension under CCS rules. Matter shall be further examined by DoT with respect to our submissions in this regard.

Extending the facilities for person with disabilities (PwBDs) which is defined under RPwD act 2016 or instructions given by DOPT time to time by BSNL in its true spirit:

We submitted that directions with regard to the facilities extended to PWD employees are not being implemented in BSNL in a proper manner. We requested for his kind intervention in directing BSNL to examine the whole matter holistically and implement the provisions in totality. The matter shall be examined in light of the submissions made by association.

Submission of agenda points shortlisted by the Bhartiya Doorsanchar Manch (BDM):

GS AIGETOA also submitted the agenda points on behalf of Bhartiya Doorsanchar Manch and requested for his kind blessings on the points pertaining to welfare of various employees. We said that these points are not demands but are basically the rights of each and every employee and expressed the firm resolve of BDM to resolve the issues mentioned in the agenda and requested for kind intervention of Hon’ble MoC for its resolution.

Click Here for the agenda Submitted by BDM

Hon’ble Minister heard our submissions patiently and understood the points raised by us. The meeting lasted for almost one hour wherein the discussion on issues pertaining to BSNL viability, Pay Promotions and Pension issues of BSNL employees including the issue of 3rd PRC as submitted in the memorandum was held in detail. Discussion on issue of takeover of ALTTC was also held. The most pleasant thing and highlight of the meeting was that Hon’ble MoC was aware of the stand taken by DoT, BSNL and association on each issue which is clearly indicative of his concern & commitment towards uplifting BSNL and resolving the issues pertaining to its employees. Hon’ble Minister has immediately marked our submissions to DoT and directed his secretariat to arrange regular agenda-based meetings as a follow up to ensure that all the issues takes its logical conclusion through detailed discussions and interactions. We are expecting another detailed meeting on the agenda submitted very soon.

Friends, AIGETOA, BTEU and its alliance partners have been sincerely working on all the issues of importance for the executives, non-executives and retired employees. We request all the employees of BSNL to firmly strengthen our hands so that all issues of paramount importance can be firmly addressed and resolved. Our Umbrella Organization BMS has taken up the issues of BSNL employees with utmost sincerity and we are very sure that with their continued support and blessings, we will be able to resolve all the issues.

Team AIGETOA Welcomes Sh Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, Director HR (Designate) :

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS Sh Ravi Shil Verma, AIP Sh G Veerabhadra Rao, National Conveyor Sh Aftab Ahmed, Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, AGS Sh Yogendra Kumar & AGS Sh Sunil Gautam welcomes Sh Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, Director HR (Designate) BSNL Board who has recently joined BSNL Corporate Office and taken over charge as OSD to CMD BSNL.

We on behalf of our association welcomed him on board and conveyed that his role as Director HR holds immense importance in shaping the direction and success of our organization. With his extensive experience and knowledge, we are confident that he will guide us towards achieving our organizational goals and fostering a positive work culture in BSNL.

We told that AIGETOA looks forward to working closely with him, leveraging his guidance and insights to enhance the growth and development of HR of BSNL and also the resolution of the long pending HR issues of BSNL.

Director HR (Designate) Shri Kalyan Sagar Ji extended his well wishes to our association and assured his positive support on the resolution of the long pending issues.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji on 3rd Oct 2023 :

A delegation from AIGETOA, consisting of Sh. R Moorthy (District Secretary, Coimbatore), Sh. G Prasath (District President, Coimbatore), Sh. T Senthil (District Financial Secretary, Coimbatore), and Sh. V Subramanian (Circle Financial Secretary), had the privilege of meeting with the Hon’ble Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji, Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs at the Codissia Trade Fair Complex, Coimbatore. The purpose of our meeting was to present a memorandum addressing the longstanding issues faced by BSNL Executives.

During our interaction, Honorable MoF received our memorandum graciously and promptly directed the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance to take the necessary actions to address the concerns raised. The Minister’s responsiveness to our cause was greatly appreciated.

We were highly focused on conveying our message effectively, although due to the importance of the discussion and the limited time available, we regretfully could not capture clear photographs of the meeting.

We are optimistic that our interaction with Honorable Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji will pave the way for positive developments in resolving the challenges encountered by BSNL Executives, and we remain committed to working towards the betterment of our beloved organisation BSNL.

Click here for the Memorandum Submitted

Updates on meeting with Director HR on 29.09.2023 :

Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, AGSs Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh met Director HR Shri Arvind Vadenrkar Ji and presented a flower bouquet to him. As today was the last working day of the month, we extended him our good wishes for a healthy and prosperous life post superannuation. A brief meeting over the pending issues of promotions and Reversal was also held.

It was a nice gesture on the part of Hon’ble Director HR that even today he discussed the issues on merit and was receptive to our suggestions. We once again extend him our good wishes.

Click here for the Glimpses

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji at his Sanchar Bhavan office on 21.09.2023:

Team AIGETOA consisting of Shri Veerabhadra Rao, President AIGETOA, Shri V V S Satyanaranaya, President BTEU, Shri Pavan Akhand Dy GS AIGETOA, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS AIGETOA, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS AIGETOA met Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji at his office at Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi on dated 21st September 2023 and submitted our Memorandum containing the long pending HR issues of BSNL. Despite his utmost busy schedule as the Parliament Session was midway, the Hon’ble Minister was kind enough to meet us and we extended our gratitude for the same. The team had detailed but precise discussion on the issues mentioned in the memorandum viz settlement of residual issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Loss (22820 and JE Period Pay Loss), E1 plus 5 increments as an interim measure, Extension of 3rd PRC, issues pertaining to Promotions of all eligible executives in various cadres, Allowing the one time option for CCS Pension to those BSNL Executives whose Recruitment Process was notified during DoT Period, Revision of Perks and Allowances and implementing the guidelines w.r.t PWD Executives in BSNL. The team explained the issues in detail and requested the Intervention of Hon’ble Minister in settling out the issues. We also apprised the Hon’ble Minister about the 3rd MV result. We told him that though we respect the mandate of People but at the same time, the role played by the HR group through a series of retrograde orders for creating negativity against AIGETOA is definitely questionable and unfortunate.

On the issues of residual issues of 2nd PRC including Pay Scales, 30 percent SAB and Pay Loss Hon’ble Minister directed his team to seek feedback and direct the concerned departments for action. On issue of 3rd PRC, Hon’ble MoSC assured to look into it. On the Promotions aspects, he was very positive and assured of his intervention. On the issue of OPS, we have been directed to approach DOP&T also and concerned Minister, for which we shall be seeking the appointment in due course. On the issue of PWD Executives, he directed to get the feedback.

A follow up meeting will be held within the next 10- 15 days. We are also trying to Meet Hon’ble MoC in follow up of AIGETOA earlier meeting at Bhopal.

Friends, AIGETOA remains committed for resolution of all issues irrespective and undeterred by the temporary setback. The commitments which we have made are to be fulfilled in totality and we sincerely own that responsibility. We are very sure that with a consistent and perseverant approach, all our issues will see the light of the day. The glimpses of today’s meeting are not available due to protocol issues.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (T) DoT Sh Neeraj Mittal Ji on 21st Sept 2023 :

Team AIGETOA comprising Sh. Amit Roy JS (North), Sh Vikas Gupta CP, Sh Yogesh Chhabra CS, Sh Narinder Kumar ACS, Sh Vivek Asthana ACS, Sh Jaspreet Singh ACS and Sh Ajit Singh DS Nodal Center met with Hon’ble Secretary (T) DoT Sh. Neeraj Mittal ji on his maiden visit to Chandigarh to review the progress of the 4G roll out project and Bharat Udhyami Scheme. We greeted and welcomed him with a bouquet of flowers in the chamber of CGMT Sir. We also submitted the memorandum for kind consideration. It includes Residual issues of 2nd PRC related to implementation of Standard Pay scales for the initial two levels of executive grade, Implementation of 30% Superannuation benefits to the BSNL Recruited Executives, 3rd PRC, Promotion avenues of BSNL executives, Exercising option for the Old Pension scheme to the executives whose recruitment process initiated by DoT before formation of BSNL. Secretary (T) listened patiently and assured to discuss the matter with concerned. He also asked to work hard to take up BSNL to the new heights and make it profitable for consideration of financial issues.

We are thankful to Sh Ajay Kumar Kararha CGMT Punjab for arranging a meeting on a short notice.

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting