AIGETOA CHQ Team meets Hon’ble MoC Sh Jyotiraditya M Scindia on 08.08.2024 at Sanchar Bhawan :

AIGETOA CHQ Team meets Hon’ble MoC Sh Jyotiraditya M Scindia on 08.08.2024 at Sanchar Bhawan :

Meeting of Team AIGETOA and BTEU comprising (General Secretary Shri Ravi Shil Verma, President Shri Veerabhadhra Rao, National Conveyor Shri Aftab Ahamd Khan, Dy. General Secretary Shri Pavan Akhand, Asstt General Secretaries Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Shri Sunil Gautam & Shri Yogendra Kumar) with Hon’ble MoC Shri Jyotiraditya M Scindia Ji held today. Hon’ble MP from Telangana Shri Eatala Rajender Ji and BMS National Secretary & In-charge Telecom Sector Shri Ramnath Ganeshe Ji were also present.

Discussions held on long pending HR issues including issue of standard pay scales of E2-E3, 3rd PRC, Pending Promotions across all cadres, 30 Percent SAB, Revision of TA/DA/Allowances etc. As directed, issue wise details were submitted to Hon’ble MoC. Hon’ble MoC assured for his intervention in settling out the long pending HR issues. GS AIGETOA conveyed that all employees are standing firmly for the growth and development of BSNL including the expeditious roll out of 4G. At the same time, we highlighted that employees of BSNL despite their commitment and dedication to the cause of the nation have been deprived of their basic issues of Pay, Pension and Promotions and requested for his blessings on setting the pending issues. Team AIGETOA/BTEU also presented Hon’ble MoC with Shawl, Bouquet and Memento.

Click here for Letter on 30% SAB

Click here for Letter on Standard Pay Scales

Click here for Letter on Promotions for all

Click here for Letter on Implementation of 3rd PRC

Click here for Letter on revision of TA/DA

Updates of Team AIGETOA Meeting with Director HR on 5th Aug 2024 :

Team AIGETOA comprising of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Shri G Veerabhadra Rao, National Conveyor Shri Aftab Ahmed and Deputy General Secretary Shri Pavan Akhand had a meeting with Shri Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, Director HR to discuss various pending issues concerning BSNL Executives.

The key issues that were addressed during the meeting are as follows:

Promotions for PWD:

The team raised the concern regarding the pending promotions for PWD employees and sought an update on the matter. Director (HR) assured that the promotions for PWD would be issued soon, and the process is final stage. We requested enough delay has already been made and hence BSNL must immediately issue the orders as DPC has been completed way back. It was assured that within next few days, orders shall be issued.

On the calculation and coverage of vacancies, it was informed that as far as possible within the boundaries of extant rules and regulations, maximum numbers have been covered. Association however shall keep on striving for covering all the eligible PWDs.

SDE Reversal:

Team once again urged Director HR that now management must consider extending expeditious justice to the SDEs affected by reversal issue. The AIGETOA team has firmly pleaded that there is no scope for any further delay on this issue. Director (HR) informed that the matter is under discussion and he shall be having another round of discussions with Hon’ble CMD to look for resolving the issue within BSNL instead of lingering in court. AIGETOA has already apprised CMD BSNL on the issue. Let’s hope for a positive response by BSNL Management on the issue.

Promotions in various cadres:

Discussion with respect to SDE to AGM promotions, AGM to DGM Promotions, AO to CAO Promotions and JAO to AO Promotions was discussed in length and we shared once again the complete road map to achieve the objective. We highlighted that it’s indeed an irony of the system that those who have cleared the LICE exam twice are waiting for their Promotions while others have already been promoted. The lists have been reversed in BSNL after publishing to deprive meritorious candidates their chances for promotions due to one sided and dominating attitude of management earlier. We requested that BSNL must extend justice now by promoting all the eligible SDEs as per the roadmap suggested by AIGETOA. We also requested for ensuring the promotion orders in AGM to DGM grade as the court has not barred in giving Ad-hoc Promotions. We also requested for utilising the consequential vacancies together so that maximum promotions across various grades viz AGM to DGM, SDE to AGM and JTO to SDE can be given.

LICE Court Case (SDE/AGM):

The team discussed the ongoing court case related to the LICE for SDE/AGM promotions. Director (HR) assured that BSNL is actively pursuing it for a favorable outcome.

No Lateral Recruitment:

Association registered it’s complete opposition to lateral Recruitment in any cadre above JTO/JAO level and informed that it will result in huge unrest within BSNL.

We also informed that the existing recruitment process must also revisited in view of the comments from Hon’ble PCAT in May 2024 hearing.

Promotional Issues due to Court Cases:

The Association sought possibilities to address other promotional issues, especially AO to CAO promotions, which are pending due to court cases. We also requested to explore the options for JAO to AO Promotions as done in Telecom Cadre. Director (HR) agreed to explore options and find a suitable solution.

Resolution of 147 Reversal Issue:

We highlighted that BSNL was earlier in fascination for reverting the promotions as well as seniority list and surprisingly everytime the merit was a casuality in BSNL. We emphasized that at least now this practice must stop. We apprised Director HR about the details of the issue and the recent Judgement from Hon’ble Supreme Court which has dismissed the SLP of BSNL. We requested Director HR to extend justice to these candidates. Director HR agreed to explore the resolution and shall revert after discussion with his team.

ERP Relieving for OTP and Hard Tenure:

The Association discussed the issue of ERP relieving for OTP and hard tenure cases. Director HR assured that it will be done.

Pending OTP Cases:

The team raised concerns about the pending OTP cases and requested their expeditious resolution. Director HR assured that these cases will be addressed promptly.

Standard Pay Scales of E2 and 22820:

It was informed by Director HR that whatever HR issues which are possible to be resolved within the ambit of BSNL are being explored and necessary instructions has been given to sections to explore the solutions.

3rd PRC:

We apprised Director HR about Team AIGETOA discussions with Hon’ble MoSC, Hon’ble Minister of state for Home Affairs, Other MPs and told that a ray of hope has emerged as all the persons to whom we have reached have taken up the matter with MoSC and management should also push for 3rd PRC as it is the appropriate time in view of the positive image which BSNL is carrying across nation. We requested for intervention of BSNL Management in taking up the issue of 3rd PRC with Hon’ble MOC and Hon’ble Secretary DoT.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Member of Parliament Lok Sabha Shri Eltela Rajender Ji on 2nd Aug 2024 :

Today on 2nd Aug 2024, Team AIGETOA had the privilege of meeting with Hon’ble Member of Parliament Lok Sabha, Shri Etela Rajender Ji, representing the Malkajgiri constituency, Telangana, BJP. The meeting focused on critical issues related to BSNL and long pending HR issues.

We apprised the Hon’ble Member of Parliament about current developments within BSNL and emphasized the need for his intervention to resolve long-pending HR issues. Despite minimal financial implications, promotional issues have been ignored, with employees receiving only one promotion over a service span of 22-23 years. Since 2007, there has been no pay revision (3rd PRC) for BSNL employees, which was due in 2017. We also discussed the need for the implementation of standard pay scales (E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO) and the pay loss for executives recruited on E1A. We strongly urged Shri Etela Rajender Ji to take up these HR issues with the honorable Minister Of Communication at the earliest possible.

During the meeting, we presented the Hon’ble MP with a Bouquet, a BMS Diary, and a Memorandum for forwarding to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication.

Shri Etela Rajender Ji graciously agreed to take up the matter with the Ministry of Communication (MoC) and requested a detailed meeting for AIGETOA and BTEU (BMS-affiliated association and union of BSNL). He also assured us that he would strive to arrange a tri-party meeting with the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), BSNL, and AIGETOA & BTEU.

The Hon’ble Member of Parliament expressed his continued support for AIGETOA and BTEU and promised to advocate for our issues with the Hon’ble Minister of Communication. He praised the efforts of BMS in safeguarding employees’ interests across various sectors.

On behalf of AIGETOA – BMS, we extend our heartful thanks for honorable MP sir for sparing his valuable time and for patient listening and also positive assurances in the above issues.

Team AIGETOA & BTEU Meeting with Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani Ji on 25.07.2024 :

Today Team AIGETOA and BTEU met Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications Dr. Chandra Sekhar Pemmasani Ji and had detailed discussion on the issues pertaining to employees especially those of 3rd PRC, Wage Revision for Non Executives, Standard Pay Scales, 30% SAB, PRMB, TA/DA at par with current rates, Promotions in various cadres and Pay Fixation for non executives, Rule 8 Transfers, NEPP etc. We explained each issue in detail and the Hon’ble Minister also responded positively. Details Follow.

Time and again we have been emphasizing on the role of BMS in settling the issues and we once again firmly state that we will resolve all issues in due course. However, employees also need to come forward and extend full support to the AIGETOA and BTEU.

Click here for the Photos of the meeting

Team AIGETOA meeting with Hon’ble Minister of State for Home Affairs:

Today Team AIGETOA and BTEU met Hon’ble Minister of State for Home Affairs Shri Bandi Sanjay Kumar ji, and had detailed discussion with respect to issues related to BSNL and HR. We apprised the Hon’ble Minister about the developments taking place at BSNL and requested for his intervention in extending resolution on the crucial HR issues of BSNL employees which are in a neglected state for almost years. We also highlighted that even promotional issues which are having a zero financial burden are being ignored like anything and they have been extended a single promotion in the entire service length of 22-23 years. We urged for his intervention in settling the HR issues of BSNL.

We also presented the Hon’ble Minister with a bouquet, Shawl and a BMS diary. The Hon’ble Minister was kind enough to immediately take up with the MoC and requested for a detailed meeting for the AIGETOA and BTEU ( BMS affiliated association and union of BSNL). He assured of his continued support to AIGETOA and BTEU and assured that he will take up all the issues with Hon’ble MoC. He also praised the efforts of BMS in protecting the interests of employees spread across various sectors.

Click here for the Photos of the meeting

Update on Meeting of Recognized Associations and Unions with CMD BSNL to Discuss Organizational Transformation with BCG Consultancy Services:

The recognized Associations and Unions, including AIGETOA, BTEU, SNEA, BSNLEU, and NFTE, along with the Welfare Association SEWA, were invited to a meeting with the CMD BSNL today. The primary purpose of this engagement was to discuss the appointment of BCG Consultancy services for strategic organizational transformation within BSNL, with the aim of establishing the company as a leading brand in the telecom sector.

AIGETOA was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS & Shri Pavan Akhand, Dy GS and BTEU was represented by Shri R C Pandey, GS & Shri Ajay Singh, Dy GS.

Key Discussion Points:

Quality of Service (QoS): BCG’s role in enhancing BSNL’s QoS, ensuring reliable and consistent services for customers.

⁠Customer Centricity: Strategies to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, making BSNL the provider of choice.

Sales and Distribution: Optimizing sales strategies and distribution channels for better market reach and revenue growth.

Cost Reduction: Identifying areas to reduce operational costs without compromising service quality.

Performance Management: Implementing effective performance evaluation and improvement systems for employees.

Brand Strengthening & Growth: Developing BSNL’s brand identity and market presence to attract new customers and retain existing ones.

During the meeting, we raised concerns about the rumors of BSNL planning another Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) with the appointment of BCG. The CMD BSNL categorically denied these rumors, confirming that there is no proposal for a VRS and the consultant has also been directed to suggest the measures of utilising the full existing strength.

We also brought attention to the issue of low motivation among field staff, emphasizing the need to address HR issues promptly. GS AIGETOA categorically raised the issue of promotions, Pay Scales and 3rd PRC and sought support of management in addressing these concerns at priority. We also raised the concern on conducting this exercise when multiple rounds of such consultancies have already been done in BSNL with not much appreciable results. CMD BSNL explained that Project Shikhar has helped the organisation in bringing some major structural changes like creation of vertical wise operations, creation of a new vertical of EB, many structural reforms which helped in sustaining this organisation. He said though few consultants couldn’t give desired results but all efforts shall be made to convert BSNL into a profitable organisation through this consultancy exercise. We said unless the internal customers of the organisation i.e. employees of BSNL are motivated and unless their HR issues are addressed, any such exercise will not give the desired results and requested to address the HR issues on priority.

GS BTEU requested that mobile reimbursement be extended to non-executives, recognizing their similar use of BSNL applications in the field. GS BTEU also raised the concerns of non executives like stagnation and lack of promotions and requested to solve them on priority. GS BTEU also requested for implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL. He also emphasized upon the need for utilisation of JEs in a proper way in organisation and provide them more opportunities of promotion through provisioning of more posts.

In conclusion, we highlighted the importance of addressing HR concerns and transforming BSNL in parallel, ensuring that employee welfare and organizational growth go hand in hand. The meeting concluded with a positive outlook, and we look forward to further constructive dialogue and action towards making BSNL a leading telecom brand.

Update on the Proposal for Organizational Transformation :

There shall be a meeting with CMD BSNL on Friday 4.30pm wherein a one to one discussion shall be held on the Purpose, Way Forward, Queries and Suggestions from the association on the proposal for organization transformation.

Click here for letter

All CS/CPs are requested to discuss the provisions within their circles and send the queries/Suggestions to Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand.

Yesterday, We requested for an informed and interactive session to understand the view points of each other.

AIGETOA extends its thanks to Hon’ble CMD BSNL for accepting the request and PGM SR for arranging the session with Recognized Associations and Unions.

BSNL Work Order (WO) for supply of Consultancy services for Organizational Transformation in Strategic areas of BSNL to become a Leading Brand in Telecom Sector.

Click here for letter

Updates of Meeting of Team AIGETOA CHQ with CMD BSNL on dated 6th May 2024 :

Team AIGETOA consisting of GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, Dy. GS AIGETOA Shri Pavan Akhand, AGSs Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Gautam and All India Convener Shri A A Khan met CMD BSNL on dated 06.05.2024. The meeting was held in the backdrop of proposed meeting between Senior officers of BSNL and DoT for way forward on the Standard Pay Scales issue. The details of the discussion are as stated below:

1] Standard Pay Scales of E2 and E3 as replacement scales of pre-revised E1A and E2A:

We appraised about the progress on the issue of standard pay scales and requested for the need to push the same from BSNL side. We informed that after much persuasion, DoT has finally reopened the issue and has sought inputs from BSNL. We appraised CMD BSNL that BSNL is likely to submit their inputs in an upcoming meeting which is scheduled to be held on 09.05.2024 at the JS Admin Office in DoT at 3:00 pm. We requested CMD BSNL to give the positive inputs in the upcoming meeting regarding the long pending issue of standard pay scales of E2-E3. It is understood that HR team is working diligently on the issue and is likely to give an impartial input which will help in resolution of the issue. Thereafter association shall be having another meeting at DoT for further discussion on the issue after the BSNL meeting on 09/05/2024.

2] Promotions issue in various Grades and Streams – SDE to AGM through DPC/LICE, AO to CAO, JAO to AOs, AGM to DGM and introduction of Stagnation Clause:

We requested for intervention of Hon’ble CMD BSNL on the struck career progressions of BSNL Executives across all cadres and streams. Somewhere issue is litigation/stay from court of law and somewhere issue is lack of sufficient vacancies. We once again explained CMD BSNL that the only solution to this mess is to introduce the mechanism of promotion through personal upgradation of the post by introduction of an upper cap on the residency period across a grade. We said its high time that citing the road blocks, BSNL must restart working on this proposal take up this matter once again to BSNL Board for approval. CMD BSNL stated that normally it’s very difficult to reopen a closed chapter but still he will try to push it again. CMD BSNL was positive on the suggestion but was non-committal as of now and advised us to wait for some time.

Discussion also took place on the ongoing DPC and LICE process for SDE to AGM Promotions.

We expressed our disappointment for unnecessary hold on the promotions and requested for expediting the same. We also requested CMD BSNL for inclusion of 1000+ vacancies in AGM cadre by executing promotions in SDE to AGM as well as AGM to DGM grade. We also requested for diversion of 300 SET quota vacancies to Promotions Quota as a lot many of the SDEs appearing in the LICE Exams have proved their merit by securing good percentage of marks (Written as well as Apar grades) and it becomes duty of BSNL to give maximum promotional avenues to the executives who have completed their residency in the grade. Similarly, we highlighted same mechanism can be used in Finance Stream to take care of the pending litigations. We also requested for ensuring DPC in JTO to SDE grade and JAO to AO grade by filling up the consequential vacancies arising out of the promotions in higher grade. CMD BSNL appreciated the concern and assured to talk to HR team for exploring what best can be done.

We also requested the intervention of Hon’ble CMD BSNL in completing the review process of PWD executives expeditiously. We emphasised that Personnel cell must be directed to issue the Promotions of all the eligible executives whose DPC was completed in November 2022. We also highlighted the attention of CMD BSNL on the precarious condition of SDE 2007 reversal affected candidates. We requested for an early implementation of the orders from CAT Lucknow Bench.

It was assured to look into the issue expeditiously.

3] Laptop reimbursement, Mobile reimbursements & TA/DA Issue:

We thanked CMD BSNL for directing to Director (HR) for writing to circles with respect to the reimbursement of laptop issue and also requested for issuance of the orders for revised mobile reimbursement limits which has been approved by Management Committee of the BSNL Board.

We also objected on the approved amount being very low and requested for reconsidering our proposal for enhancing the limits to minimum Rs 20,000/- across the executives irrespective of their grade or posts. CMD BSNL told that sometimes slow start gives rise to many things and didn’t rule out the enhancement further more in future. We also highlighted the attention of CMD BSNL on the slow progress with regard to revision of TA/DA/Transport Allowance and requested for his intervention in this regard.

4] Reviewing of Comprehensive Renting Out Policy (Crop – 2020):

It was intimated to CMD BSNL that various query from the officers has been received regarding Crop-2020 policy in which the BSNL serving employee who took the quarter under CROP policy has to face lots of hardship in the renewal of the quarter after two years on the routine manner. As per clause no-1.8 of the CROP 2020, the CROP Policy shall be reviewed every two years. Association requested CMD BSNL that almost 4 (four) years has passed and same has not been reviewed yet. CMD agreed to review the policy based on the Association inputs after discussing with the team.

Updates on SDE Reversal Issue :

GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma and Convener Bharatiya Doorsanchar Manch Shri R C Pandey met Director HR and discussed about the immediate resolution of the SDE 2007 reversal issue. In view of the positive order pronounced on 12.03.2024, by Hon’ble CAT Lucknow bench in favour of the suffering executives regarding SDE reversal issue, We requested Dir(HR) to issue necessary directions down the line for immediate implementation and issuance of promotion orders.

We informed Dir(HR) that as per the judgment dated 12th March 2024, Hon’ble CAT Lucknow quashed an order issued by BSNL that reversed an employee’s seniority & promotion and directed the respondents to restore the name of applicants in the seniority list of SDEs within a period of two months.

We requested Dir(HR) that seeing the historical perspective of the case & assurances made in the past in various meetings/occasions to AIGETOA by the management to kindly give positive consideration to the issue and settle this on immediate basis.

Dir(HR) responded positively on the same and told that management is waiting for the written orders from Chennai CAT to take a decision after going through the judgement. We informed that due to some administrative reasons, the written orders from Hon’ble Chennai CAT is a bit delayed. However now that orders from Hon’ble Lucknow CAT has been issued, management can act upon immediately.

Director HR assured that after going through the written orders, the necessary decision shall be taken.

AIGETOA Team is consistently following up on the issue and will try to ensure the resolution expeditiously.

Invitation to Tripartite Meeting from DoT – “A Meeting of DoT, BSNL & Association side AIGETOA & BTEU on 16th Feb 2024 for addressing the HR concerns in BSNL” :

Dear Esteemed Executives,

We are pleased to inform you of the forthcoming tripartite meeting aimed at addressing longstanding HR concerns. Through a series of constructive discussions with Hon’ble MoC Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji, Team AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL, operating under the aegis of Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh, have made significant strides towards resolution of the long pending HR issues.

In our latest engagement, Hon’ble MoC underscored the necessity of convening a tripartite dialogue comprising representatives from the Department of Telecommunications, BSNL Management, and the BMS-affiliated Associations and Unions of BSNL. This pivotal meeting aims to meticulously deliberate on the issues raised by AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL, with an earnest commitment towards resolution.

In accordance with the assurance provided by Hon’ble MoC, the tripartite meeting has been scheduled for February 16, 2024. During this session, the concerns delineated in the memorandum submitted by AIGETOA and BTEU BSNL will be thoroughly examined to chart a well-informed course of action. Subsequently, the outcomes of our deliberations will be communicated to Hon’ble MoC and Hon’ble Secretary DoT, facilitating prompt action on pending matters and conclusive resolutions.

We are heartened by the empathetic stance adopted by Hon’ble MoC towards the issues confronting the BMS-affiliated Associations and Unions of BSNL. With a positive outlook, we anticipate constructive discussions, particularly regarding resolution of Standard Pay Scales, Pay Loss issues, 30 Percent SAB, Government Pension for BSNL recruited whose recruitment process was initiated by DoT before the formation of BSNL, Promotions for all eligible executives, NEPP Review, 3rd PRC relaxing the affordability clause, Perks and Allowances Revision, Pension Revision, among others. The meeting will also focus on the issues pertaining to Pan India Roll out of 4G/5G services and other viability related issues of BSNL. Rest assured, our collective efforts thus far are poised to culminate in success, buoyed by the unwavering support and well wishes of the entire BSNL family.

Tripartite Meeting (DoT, BSNL & AIGETOA-BTEU) on 16th Feb 2024. Click here for Notice