Request to Grant Formal Agenda Meeting to AIGETOA

Updates on Meeting with PGM (Pers)

AIGETOA CHQ team yesterday met PGM Pers and had discussions on the issues of JTO To SDE DPC, SDE reversion case, Preparation of further seniority list in SDE cadres and consideration of request transfers which were put on hold before MV. It was apprised that things are in pipeline and management is working on the issues. With regard to SDE reversion cases, final meeting of the committee is scheduled to happen next week.

There is a strong objection from other associations on method of seniority fixation in list 9 which shows their biased attitude towards competitive quota people. However AIGETOA is firm in its opinion that Vacancy Year seniority should prevail and the list has been correctly prepared to some extent and in fact provision of Rota should also be inserted in the list. The work in JTO to SDE DPC will also be initiated soon. The request transfers shall be processed immediately.

Details of Meeting of Team AIGETOA with CMD BSNL and other Functional Directors of Board:

Team AIGETOA met CMD BSNL and extended its gratitude for conduction of MV process in free and fair manner. The team highlighted the pending issues in brief and sought speedy resolution of issues. We also informed CMD BSNL about the sad demise of JTO STR Shri Vengadeswaran R due to covid. We requested CMD BSNL that its high time that BSNL should immediately arrange for the cashless indoor treatment facility as the BSNL employees and its family are totally at risk. We also requested CMD BSNL to explore coverage of medical insurance scheme to all employees now. CMD BSNL was positive to the issue and he said management shall be exploring the options to provide medicalim coverage for all employees. He sought our cooperation on the matter. CMD BSNL emphasised that management is aware about the pending issues and said that all steps shall be taken to resolve them. He also emphised that he expects AIGETOA also to move ahead with a pragmatic approach. We assured that AIGETOA believes in a constructive approach and we will lend support to all steps taken by management for betterment of BSNL and its executives but at the same time we also expect a similar treatment from management on the issues of executives and let us all work together to make BSNL a better place for its executives. We also discussed the issues related to 4G implementation and issuance of Bonds.

The Team also met Director (HR) Shri Arvind Vadnerkar and extended its thanks and gratitude for conducting the MV process in fair and time bound manner as demanded by AIGETOA. We als requested Director HR for directing his team for immediate settlement of issues which have been pending for so long specially those related to Pay Loss and Promotions. We also requested for immediate directions to HR unit for JTO to SDE DPC,  reinstating the reverted SDEs back as SDEs and issuance of seniority list Vacancy Years 2007-8, 2008-9, 2009-10. Director HR extended his good wishes and assured for a positive action on the issues without any delay. We shall be shortly asking for a detailed agenda meetig with respect to the pending issues.

The team then Met Director (Finance ) Shri S.K. Gupta and Director Enterprise Shri V Ramesh. Both the Directors extended their good wishes for AIGETOA and hoped that association will move ahead with a constructive approach. They assured their support on genuine issues of BSNL Executives.

Thereafter team Met Director (CFA) Shri Vivek Banzal and Director (CM) Shri S. K. Mishra and both the dignitaries extended his good wishes to Team AIGETOA.

The team then met DGM (SR) and PGM (Pers) and apprised them about the result of the 2nd Membership Verification and also discussed the issue of JTO to SDE DPC, SDE Reversal issue and Issuance of seniority list of VY 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10.

It is further surprising to learn that SNEA has submitted its objection on publication of list-9 for Vacancy Year basis and has in fact are trying to stop the publication of list of subsequent vacancy years. From their update on website, it is felt that they are still into MV mode and instead of trying to settle the issues; they are again into blame games and misleading campaigns. While AIGETOA has whole heartedly welcomed them with open arms for lending support on issues, they are still trying to prove their supremacy. We once again request them to come to ground, realise the truth and lend their construtive support to AIGETOA for resolution of all issues. They should understand that executives are a learned lot and it is very difficult to befool them always.

With regard to the verdict on the review petition filed by BSNL and SNEA & AIBSNLEA activists, it is learnt that Court has dismissed the Review Petition and has stated that the judgement is clear in its words and nothing needs to be changed. Hon’ble Court has stated that they have only given verdict on Inter-Se- Seniority and not on Intra Seniority which was never in challenge. Hence there was no ambiguity and confusion on the part of Training Centre Marks Seniority and SNEA is simply trying to create confusion in HR units just to derail the JTO to SDE DPC which is well in sight now after the win of AIGETOA in MV process.   It will be pertinent to mention that Hon’ble Court has directed for prepartion of list as per the existing rules and rules of rota quota and there is no ambiguity as such on training marks seniority. We will upload more details once the order copy is received.

AIGETOA has categorically made it clear again and again that seniority should be fixed in vacancy year basis by following the rules of ROTA-QUOTA in both JTO and SDE grades. It is the SNEA and AIBSNLEA, who demand opposite and keep varrying stands which is nothing but double speak on issues.

We once again request SNEA and their leaders to come the terms of reality and work commonly for the cause of executives instead of indulging into blame games and confusion tactics. The executives of BSNL have suffered a lot in all these years as well as MV has completed, so now let’s concentrate towards welfare of the executives instead of accusation. We only hope that better sense will prevail on them.