Filing & Entry of Nomination Form in Service Book & ERP

Filing & Entry of Nomination Form in Service Book & ERP

It is observed that nomination forms of many employees & Officers are not entered in their Service Book & ERP. During any mishappening with the employee, families get unnecessary trouble for the payment.

It is requested to all who has not submitted their nomination form till now to submit it immediately in two copies to their concerned admin Section and get entry both in Service book & ERP.

Details of Nomination Form are given below

1) Form-3 : Details of Family (All Employees). Click here

2) Form-1 : Nomination of Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity (All Employees). Click here

3) Form-5 : GSLI (all Employees). Click here

4) Form of Nomination – GPF (Only Absorbed/Un-absorbed Employees). Click here

5) SAB Nomination – BSNL Employees Superannuation Pension Scheme (BSNL Recruited). Click here

6) Submit Online Nomination on EPEO website & submit Print (For BSNL Recruited). Click here

20 Years of Misrule and Misguidance AIGETOA will end this once for all.

20 Yearsof Misrule and Misguidance AIGETOA will end this once for all Your support will make All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association as Majority Association Lie No. 1 of Proclaimed SENA Exposed Go through the below fact File to check who is Pro ITS

One Association who somedays before were accusing AIGETOA for Pro ITS approach are the ones who actually defended them when Secretary DoT repatriated them back to DoT. All the executives are requested to go through the attached letter and decide who is anti and who is pro. The letter is self-explanatory to expose their Lie no. 1 Click here for Letter –

When Government was ready to repatriate ITS, then the so called proclaimed corners agreed to stop this and helped them to be here. This letter is one of the foremost causes that all the BSNL Recruited issues were ignored and the proclaimed SENA continued to find favours.

Till date, by doing such type of compromises and backstabbing, these legacy associations have been derailing the issues of BSNL Recruits and extracting maximum for themselves. It was AIGETOA which created and raised voice of BSNL Recruits against this discrimination. The proclaimed SENA is trying to divide BSNL recruits just for their benefits. Proclaimed SENA’s only Mantra is to Do Everything for their peers and do nothing for BSNL Recruits and finally blame it on AIGETOA.

If they are accepting that AIGETOA is so strong and they are very weak for issues of BSNL Recruits, then also they should simply accept their defeat and leave the issues for AIGETOA. We will resolve all our issues.

All BSNL Recruits are going to teach the proclaimed SENA a lesson for their misdeeds of 20 years by choosing All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association as their representative by voting at Number 3.