BSNL CO issued letter regarding Integration of HR Functions in respect of Finance stream. All the roles of OTP (online Transfer portal) requests of Finance vertical shall be assigned to PGM(EF) in BSNL CO and PGM(F))GM(F)/IFA of Circle concerned.
BSNL CO issued reminder w.r.t letter dated 17.02.2023 to all Circles for compliance report on man power leveling across all Business Areas/Units and execute necessary Intra-Circle rotational transfer & posting on the long stay basis as per prescribed in tenure in BSNL Transfer Policy and compliance report is to be submitted latest by 30.06.2023.
BSNL CO issued the CPC Calendar for undertaking post based promotion during the year 2023 in different executive Grades / Cadres for all available vacancies.

BSNL CO circulated the Final All India Eligibility List No 5 of JTO (Telecom) for the Recruitment Year 2016 and Vacancy Year 2013-2014.
Screening Committee Report and Vigilance Clearance for JTO(T) for promotion to SDE(T) under 67% SQ :
Pers Cell, BSNL CO writes to all Circle heads for furnishing of Screening Committee Report & Vigilance Clearance for JTO (T) for Promotion to SDE (T) under 67% SQ.
The following information has been furnish with respect to JTO (T) :
A] The SCR consisting of APAR grading for the period (2015-16 to 2019-20) in the prescribed format as per enclosed Annexure-1. The details of JTOs in respect of whom the SCR is to be furnished are as under :

B] Vigilance Clearance for all the JTOs (T) as above.
C] If any name is left in the final eligibility lists circulated, their SCR & VC status may also be furnished.
BSNL CO issued reminder to all field units for updation/correction of record in respect to SDE (T) cadre executives in SAP-ERP system for preparation of e-Roaster.