Meeting update on E1+5, Rule-8, Rule-9 & GTI Disbursement

Meeting update on E1+5, Rule-8, Rule-9 & GTI Disbursement

Team AIGETOA including AIP and VP met Sr GM Establishment today and sought the progress on various pending matters.

It is informed that Establishment section shall be sending for processing the committee formation for E1+5 Increment to restructuring cell with directions to process the case of nominating new committee members.

It is also informed that the revised policy for Rule 9 and consolidated instructions on Rule 8 is finalised and will be issued shortly.

With regard to GTI payment there was some technical obstacles with respect to the disbursement. As per final resolution it is decided that LIC will pay the consolidated amount to BSNL and BSNL CO will transfer the amount directly to nominee of the concerned executive. A separate account will be opened by BSNL for the purpose.

All the above cases are under active persuasion by the CHQ team.

Clearance of GTI Disbursement

AIGETOA CHQ Team met Sr GM establishment with regard to the clearance of payment of GTI cases. This was under constant persuasion by association as there was some technical obstacles with respect to the disbursement of the amount. Now the discussions have been concluded and the obstacle has been cleared .It is decided that LIC will pay the consolidated amount to BSNL and BSNL CO will transfer the amount directly to nominee of the concerned executive. A separate account will be opened by BSNL for the purpose. All the pending payments on account of GTI shall be cleared thereafter.

Submission by AIGETOA on the Pay Loss Issue faced by the executives recruited in pre-revised E1A Scale after 01.01.2007 through extending initial basic as 22820/-

AIGETOA has submitted the detailed representation on the Pay Loss issue of executives recruited in pre-revised E1A Scale after 01.01.2007 by resolution on extending initial basic as 22820/-. The committee was formed for review of the same by the persuasion from AIGETOA which was under back burner before. AIGETOA was also called on for a detailed discussion with the committee and similarly the inputs from other associations also taken by the committee. The rules , legal directions, at par principles and natural justice need to be done on the matter. We have met concerned officials and we are expecting and requested for a positive recommendation by the committee to provide justice to one of the most deprived matter of pay loss , which will definitely uphold the morale of the hardworking executives.

Click here for Submission

AIGETOA team Meeting with MOC at Bhubaneswar (Odisha) on 23rd Aug 2021

AIGETOA team comprising of Shri D K Sahoo (AGS CHQ), Shri Ashok Acharya (Jt Secy East) and Shri Dhiren Parida (CS Odisha) met Hon’ble MOC Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw ji at Bhubaneswar today. The team requested him for Immediate Permission to Launch 4G services and directing BSNL Board to accord approval for launching 4G services through upgradation route, removing various obstacles for the land monetization through cabinet decision, allowing BSNL for 5G testing, release of pending amount from DoT, extending 3rd PRC benefits to BSNL and settlement of pending HR issues at DoT part. We also told that while implementing the concept of Atmanirbhar Bharat, business interests of BSNL should be taken care of. Honble Minister went through the submissions and had a brief discussion on the issues. He advised us to focus on Customer Care.

Hon’ble MoC agreed to meet AIGETOA Team to discuss all the issues related to Revival of BSNL in details at New Delhi.

Click here for copy of memorandum submitted to MoC

Click here for the Glimpses of the Meeting

Circle Conference of AIGETOA UP East held on 21th Aug 2021

The Circle Conference cum Annual General Body Meeting of AIGETOA UP East was conducted successfully as per the schedule on 21th August 2021 through Online Mode.

The election of the new governing body of UP East carried out as per the provisions in presence of CHQ Observer AGS Shri Fazal Ahmad and JS Central Shri Himanshu Ojha. The following Circle Body was elected for the next three years tenure of AIGETOA UP East Shri Sharda Prasad, Shri S S Choudhary and Shri Rajeev Kumar was elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Finance Secretary respectively.

Click here for newly elected body of AIGETOA UP East

AIGETOA CHQ congratulates the newly elected UP East Circle Governing body.

EPFO likely to credit 8.5% interest rate to accounts soon: here’s how to check PF balance

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) is likely to credit 8.5% Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) interest for its six crore subscribers by the end of July for the financial year 2020-21. Earlier, in March this year, the EPFO kept the interest rate unchanged at 8.5% for the current financial year as there were more withdrawals than deposits during this period.

Click here for News