Sports Board meeting was held on 19th April 2023 by BSNL. The meeting was attended by the Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh, CS Uttarakhand on behalf of AIGETOA. General Secretary of AIGETOA Shri Pavan Akhand is the board member of the sports board as GS of the only Recognized Representative Association of BSNL. The meeting started with the Welcome of Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar, the vice chairman of BSNL Sports and Cultural Board. Thereafter, the welcome speech was given by GM Admin Shri S P Singh who welcomed all the participants of the meeting.

The meeting started with a brief introduction of all the participants of Association/Union and the members of different Circle boards across the country.
The meeting started with review of the minutes of last sports board meeting and their implementation along with presentation of the audited accounts from last board meeting till date.
All the points which were taken by the AIGETOA was appreciated by the management side and most of them were agreed and resolved in the meeting itself. The agenda points were submitted well in advance by AIGETOA and accordingly, a detailed and informed deliberation took place on all the points. Such serious discussion on issues related to sports and sports person has not taken place for years and after raising the issue by AIGETOA in the last agenda meeting on February, this meeting has finally been convened.
The point wise discussion of agenda is as below :
1] The Team participating in the national/national level tournament must be accompanied by the manager and coach :
The panel of coach for the year 2023-25 is already called by the BSNL CO and another person will mandatory accompany the team as manager. This was categorically agreed by management.
2] Issue of letter for participation in National/National level tournament well in time :
Agreed by the management side. They will issue the order for participation well in time.
3] For Recruitment of sports person in backlog vacancies :
Director HR said that the recruitment is not possible as of now but will resume when financial condition of BSNL Improves.
4] Many times services of Sports person/ Technical delegate/Coach/Manager are called by various sports federation for rendering their service in various National/International Tournaments, in all such cases permission must be given well in advance as per the existing DOPT guidelines :
Management assures to look after all these cases and will issue the order well in time.
5] It is seen some times that the specific sports guideline is not available with us, so in all such cases DOPT on sports must be followed in true spirit :
Management side told that if any guidelines or a particular case is there, the same may be brought to the notice of management and they will try to implement all such DoPT orders in BSNL.
6] In the Composition of Circle Sports and cultural Board the inclusion of member from recognized representative association is missing. Kindly make changes and inclusion in the composition of Circle Sports and cultural Board :
Management agreed to include the name and necessary instructions shall be passed down the line.
7] The Norms for sanction of sports Grants for AIBSNL Tournaments must be revised. The revision in rates of items is required :
Agreed by the management and revised rates as decided in the meeting will reflect in MoM.
The detailed discussion also took place on the new sports compendium, TA/DA, KIT money, of the sports person, rules, regulations and team nomenclature as per the updated federation guidelines, changes in the instrument categories in Cultural activities. Suggestion was given by the association to keep the new compendium in abeyance till modification takes place after having the detailed discussion and feed back from the recognized association. Director HR however stated that since the new compendium is approved by the competent authority, it will not be prudent to keep it in abeyance but it was agreed for review of the sports compendium, TA DA rates KIT money after taking members in review committee and feedback from association.
Director HR also agreed for the promotion of sports recruited person to the level of executive after getting medals at international level.
It was also assured by the Director HR that this year sports meet will be conducted well in time.
Vote of thanks was given by Jt. GM Shri Mayank Mishra. A momento was also presented to all the participants of the sports board meeting by Director HR. The meeting ended with a group photograph.
The revised rates as per point 7 is as below:
- Light refreshment = Rs 24 to Rs 50.
- Mementos = Rs 240 to Rs 300.
- Trophies = Rs 24000 to Rs 30000.
- Break fast = Rs 75 to Rs 100.
- Lunch = Rs 150.
- Miscellaneous = Rs 30000 to Rs 40000.