Team AIGETOA Shimoga TD, Karnataka met Shri Manish Sinha Ji Member (Finance) on 1st Nov 2022 at Shimoga during his field visit to Sagar Block Saturation

A detailed discussion on the matter of E2-E3 was held with the Hon’ble Member (Finance). Team AIGETOA at Karnataka Circle has submitted various inputs and justifications with respect to the proposal of E2 scales for JTO/JAO/Equivalent and E3 scales for SDE/AO/Equivalent to Member (Finance) and seeks his help to settle the long matter, which is to be approved by the DOT.

Member (Finance) has listened to the AIGETOA viewpoint very carefully & assured the AIGETOA team to help in the resolution of the matter.

The Team AIGETOA was led by Shri Kunal Kumar, ACS Karnataka who is also a member of the AIGETOA Pay Scale committee.

Click here for Memorandum Submitted

Click here for Glimpses of Meeting