As per discussions held in Agenda Meeting dated 9th February 2024 and in the tripartite meeting held subsequently on 16th February 2024, GS AIGETOA submits the inputs of AIGETOA on Extending the standard pay scales of E2 to JTO/JAO/equivalent grades and E3 to SDE/AO/Equivalent grades. The objection raised by DoT on the five time bound up-gradations can be easily overcome by ending the discrimination in grant of JAG Selection Grade Pay Scale as E7 to absorbed Group ‘B’ Executives in accordance with DOT letter dated 26.08.2008 and DPE OM dated 24.12.2012 and inclusion of the same in EPP – It will impart great motivation to the Young Executives necessary in view of recent revival package and vast business by the Govt to resurrect the BSNL. In the Tripartite meeting held on 16th February 2024, GS AIGETOA was asked to submit the reasoned representation against the contentions raised by DoT for negating the replacement of E1A and E2 A pay Scales by E2 and E3. In the representation, AIGETOA has submitted the counter reply to the contentions raised by DoT and how the Scales can be replaced without cascading and not disturbing the five Time bound upgradations as per EPP.