Forum of Associations of BSNL writes to CMD BSNL citing it’s strong objection to the unilateral notification of MSRR 2023 and requests for promoting all the eligible executives and filling vacant posts as per the existing BSNL MSRRs 2009 and comply with the existing Judgements delivered by Hon. Supreme Court of India in court cases against BSNL and the subsequent guideline/s issued by DOP&T as the basic essentiality for the MSRRs-2023. The methodology recently used for promoting additional candidates than available vacancies in CSS cadre shall strictly be followed in all other streams also to enable maximum promotions in these streams, Forum stated in its letter.
AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding deployment of DGM grade officers in BSNL on deputation despite availability of sufficient incumbents’ – another move of management which has demotivated executives working in BSNL beyond limits. Our strong objection thereof and request to ensure that instead of deputation from outside, the long-awaited promotions of all internal executives who have completed their residency period and are stagnating in various grades across various streams may be executed without any further delay.
The 6th Circle Conference of BSNL Executive’s Recognised Majority Association – All India Graduate Engineers and Telecom Officers Association, Kerala Circle Unit was inaugurated by Kerala Circle Chief General Manager Sh B Sunil Kumar at P G S Vedanta Ernakulam. The program commenced with the Official Flag Hoisting by AIGETOA Circle President Sh Muhammadali. The function was presided over by Sh Muhammad Ali M C, Circle President , The theme of Open session was – ” Role of Management and Employees in BSNL 2.0″. Sh S Saheer Circle Secretary AIGETOA Kerala delivered the Insights on the Open Session Topic . Elaborate Speeches/ Deliberations was made highlighting the Opportunities and Challenges that are to be handled by employees in the new phase of BSNL which is on a Revival spree. Distinguished Guests Sh B Sunilkumar ITS (Chief General Manager, BSNL Kerala), Shri K. Francis Jacob ITS (Principal General Manager, Ernakulam), Sh Surendran V ITS (Principal General Manager, CM -NWO Kerala), Sh AK Mishra ITS (Principal General Manager, CM-NWP, Kerala), Sh R Satesh (General Manager – HR Kerala), Sh NK Sukumaran (Senior General Manager – CNTx-South, Kerala), Sh G N Howal ITS (General Manager Kottayam), Sh Rajeev SK (General Manager, Kannur), Sh Colin Lawrence (General Manager, Malappuram), Sh Veerabhadra Rao (All India President AIGETOA CHQ), Sh Ravisheel Verma, (All India Chairman AIGETOA CHQ), Sh P N Sharma (All India Convener AIGETOA CHQ), Sh S Suresh, (Joint Secretary South, AIGETOA CHQ) , Shri Senthil Kumar, Chairman AIGETOA Tamil Nadu, Sh S Rajaneesh, Circle Secretary, SEWA Kerala Unit. The meeting was attended by Collegium Members, Office bearers, and other delegates of AIGETOA Kerala.
During the Circle Conference Event, AIGETOA Kerala Diary and Calendar 2023 was formally published by Sh B Sunilkumar ITS (Chief General Manager, BSNL Kerala).
In Afternoon session Sh S Saheer Circle Secretary AIGETOA Kerala presented the Working Report and Shri Maxmillan K Circle Finance Secretary AIGETOA Kerala presented the Financial Report and the house unanimously accepted the reports . Subsequently the existing Circle body was dissolved by Circle president Sh Muhammadali and the house was handed over to Returning Officer Shri Jose Paul and Asst Returning Officer Sh Bijeesh KP , CHQ Observer was Sh S Suresh, (Joint Secretary South, AIGETOA CHQ).
The house unanimously selected the following as Circle Office bearers of AIGETOA Kerala for the term 2022-2025. Circle President – Sh Muhammadali M C
Circle Secretary – Sh Maxmilan K
Circle Finance Secretary – Sh Pramodh K J
Circle Vice President 1 – Sh Anil Kani
Circle Vice President 2 – Sh Prajeesh P
Asst Circle Secretary 1 – Sh Abdul Basith P K
Asst Circle Secretary 2 – Sh Dipu Chandran
Asst Circle Secretary 3 – Sh Vipal Prem
Asst Circle Secretary 4 – Sh Cijo P Joseph
Asst Circle Secretary 5 – Sh Anoop Das
Asst Circle Secretary 6 – Sh Sambhu Chandran
The new body took oath from Returning Officer Shri Jose Paul. The vote of thanks of the event was delivered by New CFS Sri. Pramodh K J , And the Circle conference was concluded by around 6.30 pm.
AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL Sh P K Puwar Ji regarding slow progress in renting out high commercial value buildings and loss of huge revenue thereof.
Congratulations to all the Executives, who are promoted to the AGM !!!
As informed earlier, promotion orders from SDE(T) to AGM issued issued today. Total 1891 executives have been promoted.
Click here for Promotion Order & List
We are thankful to the CMD, Dir(HR), GM Pers, GM Recruitment, Members of DPC Team, Pers DPC Team, DGMs of Pers Team and his Team for the release of the order. We are also thankful to all others who are involved in this mammoth exercise.
This is the result of firm perseverance, determination and grit shown by our AIGETOA team that we have been able to achieve the impossible task of arranging the VCs in just one day. Without collective efforts and support of all, it was not possible. We once again congratulate all those who have been promoted to the AGM grade.
Further AIGETOA is taking all necessary efforts to ensure promotions of the other left out SDEs also and we will not leave any stone unturned to achieve the goal. We have already intiated the actions
Further, Team AIGETOA already initiated all necessary efforts to ensure the promotions for other left out SDEs and we are very sure that with same grit, same determination and same perseverance, we will be able to accomplish this task well in time. We are very much aware of our next responsibility to ensure the promotion of all eligible SDEs to AGM grade and promotions of all eligible AOs to CAO grade. Also clearance of left out JTOs for SDE promotions.
Friends, this success is incomplete without achieving the other left out SDEs promotions and we Firmly affirm we will not leave group, executive or grade in lurch. We stand firmly for progress and we mean it.
Together We CAN, Together We Have and Together We Will Definitely Achieve Success.
Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Veerbhadra Rao, President, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS, and Shri Rakesh Meena CS NTR held detailed meeting with Member Services, Director Estt and Deputy Director (PSU-1) regarding the approval of SDE RR and implementation of standard scale in BSNL which is long pending HR matter in BSNL for the settlement of intermediary pay scale by replacing the E1A scale to E2 and E2A scale by E3 for the JTOs and SDEs equivalents. We again lodged our strong protest in front of Member Services on the letter issued by DoT on dated 29/04/2022 and its disagreement on account of cascading, which is in complete contravention of the proposal of BSNL. The statement of Dot that the earlier PO of Dot dated 28.03.2017 for standard Scale has endorsement of DPE does not hold merits.
We apprised about our multiple meetings in recent times which were held in the DoT with the other seniors officers of DoT on the above matter and the concerns raised by the association. We informed Member Services that the order issued by DoT has created a serious ruckus among the Executives fraternity of BSNL and it may disturb the peace of the organization if not rolled back immediately as DPE has never given concurrence on the intermediate scale proposal of DoT. We demanded from the DoT officials that, Is there any letter had been issued by DPE regarding the intermediate scale approval, it need to shared with the majority recognized association of the BSNL i.e AIGETOA and if it is not issued, DoT must role back its order issued on 29/04/2022. After the detailed deliberation for the half an hour, Members Services finally marked the letter to the concerned cell for putting up the case again with the fresh inputs provided by the AIGETOA.
Later association held discussion with Director (Estt) and DS (PSU-1) regarding the approval of SDE RR which is pending for the approval from DoT. Association informed to the DoT officers that the query placed by their office on the SDE RR has again reverted back by the BSNL and the same need to be processed for the early approval from the DoT finance wing after receiving the inputs from the BSNL. And association is hopeful that the inputs provided by the AIGETOA have been incorporated for the final approval of the SDE RR at the earliest. And we finally requested DoT to kindly approve the SDE RR at the earliest as this doesn`t have any financial implication.
On 6th Aug 2022, AIGETOA MP team Shri Devendra Saini CS, Shri Vinit Sinha CFS, Shri Anil Khosle ACS and Shri K G Garhpandey DFS met Dr. Mahesh Shukla, Member Services to GOI on his visit to Bhopal and had a very healthy discussion on various issues pertaining to BSNL and telecom as a whole. He elaborated about the vision of government and the revival package provided. He stated that planning for 4G should start now only w.r.t. space, transmission etc. He also apprised that BSNL is doing good in FTTH segment.

Further, the team highlighted the issue of E2-E3 Standard Pay Scale, which is pending at the level of the DOT. He shown positive gesture regarding this and had assured that he will do the best possible and invited the leaders once again with all documents after a week time as he has joined the position of Member (Services) very recently and needs some time to settle.
AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw Ji extending its heartfelt gratitude to Government of India for imparting the much needed support to our beloved organization – BSNL on extension of 2nd revival package.
Day_6 (30th July 2022) : Indefinite Dharna – Operation Lakshya
Click here for Glimpses of Indefinite Dharna : Day_6 (30.07.2022) “Operation Lakshya”
Morning Prayer