Inter-Circle Transfer & Direct Relieving

Meeting of Team AIGETOA with PGM Pers and Sr GM SR on 14.09.2020

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta VP, Shri Yogendra Kumar AGS, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS, Shri Vivek Singh OS met the PGM Pers and discussed the issues of JTO to SDE Promotion, SDE Reversal Issue and subsequent vacancy years seniority list of SDE. The meeting happened in detail and various aspects were discussed in length. It was further decided that the detailed will be further updated in the scheduled agenda meet on 15-09-2020. Later on the Team met with Sr GM SR and discussed the issue of various aspects related with SR Cell. The discussion also took place regarding the upcoming agenda meeting and various pending issues of the Executives.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Sr GM (Admin), GM(Restructuring), GM(S&M) and SR Cell Team on 31-08-2020:

CHQ Team of AIGETOA met different authorities in BSNL Corporate Office to discuss various issues.

A detailed meeting was held with GM(Restructuring) about proposed restructuring and strength in various grades. It is understood that management is contemplating to reduce the post drastically in various grades on the recommendations of the Deloitte Committee and apparently in concurrence of earlier representative association as only they have attended restructuring meeting. But we have registered our protest and conveyed that any reduction in Promotional Posts which hamper the career progression of the Executives will not be accepted. We are looking forward to have a detailed discussion with CMD BSNL on this aspects. However seeing the issuance of three policy related letters in two days is giving us the impression that management is in a tearing hurry to execute their agenda which appears to completely biased against the interest of BSNL executives and hence we request all to be ready for any consequent action program by our association to protect the interests of the executives. We can not remain mute to such one-sided approach of management.

Team also met GM(S&M) and took up the issue of leakage of revenue through PRBT/Bundled VAS services to vendors which is earned by BSNL specially through prime vouchers.

The Team shall be meeting PGM Pers and Director HR tomorrow on Promotion,Seniority List and Reversal Matter. It is understood that meeting of the committee looking into the matter of SDE reversal cases has met yesterday. The detailed outcome shall be uploaded after discussions with authorities.

Latest BSNL CO Circulars & Orders :

  • Appreciation letter by CMD BSNL to all General Secretaries of participating Associations in 2nd MVP. Letter
  • Revision of flat rate of licence fee for BSNL Residential Accommodation. Order
  • Review of policy on pay-by-date, dunning schedule and dunning threshold for Landline, BB and FTTH. Circular
  • Review of Scheme of reimbursement, facilities, awards, incentives for sales teams under project Sikhar. Order

AIGETOA extend our heartfelt thanks to all the Executives in participating the 2nd MV today

Good Evening,

We, on behalf of AIGETOA extend our heartfelt thanks to all the Executives in participating the 2nd Membership Verification today and exercise their right to vote. We sincerely hope that the most deserving one will win.

We also extend our deep gratitude to our Respected CMD BSNL, ‘Respected Director HR, Hon’ble CRO, Sr. GM SR, SR Cell Corporate Office, all CGMs and Circle Administrations for smoothly conducting the voting process of the Membership Verification Process.

We FURTHER Extend OUR thanks to all our AIGETOA office bearers of CHQ, Circles, Districts and Members for extensively working for the AIGETOA.

WE ALSO EXTEND OUR THANKS to the General Secretary, President, Chief Advisor, CHQ, Circle and District Office Bearers of SEWA BSNL for supporting AIGETOA in its endeavour. We further EXTEND OUR gratitude to GS, PRESIDENT AND office bearers of ABLE for their support.

We extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to one and all.


VOTE POSITIVELY – An Appeal to all Executives of BSNL

This membership verification is the path maker & destiny maker of all Executives in BSNL. The elected team will be guiding the destiny of the BSNL for next coming years.

By casting your vote today on 18th Aug 2020, you are sowing the seeds for the creation of a prosperous BSNL, A Happy BSNL, A Safe BSNL, and above all A Secure BSNL.

The right to vote is a sacred right and an onerous responsibility that you owe to the BSNL.

We Solemnly pledges in Safeguarding the “Four P’s” – PAY, PENSION, PROMOTION & PROFITABILITY of BSNL.

Dear Executives, the dawn of beautiful BSNL is in your mind and then in your deeds. The deed for the day of the election for you is to cast your vote and be aproud contributor to the success the spirit of democracy.

We appeal earnestly to Vote for Serial Number 3 to Envisage a Glorious BSNL 2.0 and to Ensure better Career Prospect to entire Executive Fraternity.

Dear All, we appeal to all of you to go ahead and exercise your fundamental right to vote.

Vote for 3, Vote for Change, Vote for 3

GS AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL to STOP leakage of revenue through bundled VAS services from mobile services :

GS AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL regarding eating away of our hard earned revenue by the vendors by offering bundled VAS Services even after our serious objections as well as various Circles representation against the default service. He raised the matter that when BSNL don’t have money to pay salary to their regular employees on time, medical bills of employees are pending, medical limit has been reduced, sufficient fund is not being given to Circles for maintenance, the bills of works carried out by various petty workers/agencies are pending since many months and they are begging for the amount and disturbing our services at many locations on this account. Then, how we can afford to shed away even a single rupee, which could have been saved?

Click here for GS Letter to CMD BSNL

Hence, AIGETOA demanded following in the larger interest of BSNL:

  1. A white paper may be published every quarter having the details of the % increase in BSNL revenue in a particular voucher and % increase in VAS vendors billing before and after implementation of these services.
  2. The circles should be empowered to decide the Bundle VAS services as per their demographic situation and requirement of the circle with greater say in decision making process.
  3. The revenue earning must be analyzed properly before start of bundled VAS with any STV and it should be reviewed quarterly vis-à-vis revenue collected and once the STV becomes Popular, the bundles VAS services should be withdrawn immediately.
  4. Odisha model must be implemented on a pan India basis thereby saving more than Rs 150 Cr every year, sufficient to maintain good infrastructure for BTS maintenance.
  5. Default bundled services of LOKDHUN, EROS-NOW etc may be withdrawn immediately on pan India basis and allowed only through on demand subscription basis as existing earlier.
  6. A committee should be formed comprising of management side and representative associations side to review all existing bundled VAS services associated with various STVs. We can’t be a mute spectator when crores of rupees are being paid to the VAS vendors for no benefits to BSNL and employees are waiting for their basic due of salary and medical bills in this pandemic situation.